Noah Puckerman's mom raised no fool. Sure, her son wasn't exactly the brightest of teenagers, and some would say he was just a simple delinquent. And yes, it was true that he hadn't attended a math class in three years, but still, he was no idiot. He had brains; he just didn't like using them all the time.

Yes, Noah Puckerman wasn't stupid. Far from it. Which explains how he had everything perfectly planned out when he advised the school's resident queer to go spy on the Garblers (or whatever their name was) that day in November 2010. Seriously, he had planned it out perfectly: At first he had no idea who Blaine Anderson was. If you mentioned that name, no bell would be ringing whatsoever.

However, he had heard of Dalton Academy, even before Mr. Schue announced that those were the ones they were supposed to be competing against at Sectionals. Seriously, you didn't even need to have the smarts to know that. Words went around fast in both Lima and Westerville, and his mother knew someone, who knew someone, who had a cousin who once sold a toothbrush to someone who was best friends with someone who attended Dalton Academy two years ago. And that was apparently enough for Puck to hear everything that was necessary to hear: It was an all-boys private school with a zero-tolerance policy. And that alone, screamed Kurt Hummel.

So Puck tried to figure out a way to inform Kurt about this valid opportunity. Puck wasn't living underneath a rock either; he knew how Karofsky had been treating Kurt lately, and he didn't like it. He would deny it if you questioned him about it, but he didn't like seeing Kurt change so slowly, but still so rapidly. He didn't like seeing him flinch so often, he didn't like the lifeless look his eyes had got, and he hated himself for the next thing that he hated, but he hated how his oh-so-sexy tight pants had become slightly too big for him due to weight loss.

In general, he missed the old Kurt Hummel. He wanted him back, and that reason alone was enough for Puck to take action. But how? He couldn't just walk up to Hummel one beautiful day and say: "Hey dude, I know about this school you could go to!"

That would be all kinds of wrong. No, he had to, for once in his lifetime, play his games smoothly and wisely. But mostly, he needed luck.

And luck came from clear sky the Saturday after Noah Puckerman had been let out of Juvie, when he was heading for the gym. He had his fight club on Wednesday, and he needed to practice.

That day Noah Puckerman found his source to Kurt Hummel's happiness, in the least expected of circumstances: Right before him, in front of a large punching bag, stood a really short, but muscular boy, who looked like he was about his own age. Normally, Puck wouldn't have noticed the guy. He probably wouldn't today either, if the boy wasn't so freakishly tiny. Seriously, he was even shorter than Hummel. Another thing about the boy that caught his attention was that the boy was actually doing the term "beating the living shit out of a punching bag" justice. He seemed like he actually knew what he was doing, seen as the punching bag actually moved remarkably at his punches.

"Nice punch you have there," Puck said in a joking manner as he approached the boy.

The boy looked up, and a small grin appeared on his lips. "Thanks." He reached out his hand. "Blaine Anderson."

"Fancy name for a kick-boxer," Puck joked, making the boy, Blaine, grin a little wider. "Call me Puck," he continued, as he shook the hand before him.

"Not really a kick-boxer," Blaine said a little out of nowhere, - "This is just a way for me to deal with everything."

Puck frowned slightly at the somewhat blunt remark. "Deal with what?" he prompted.

Blaine's turn to frown. "Don't really think you would want to know."

"Try me."

What was up with him today? Puck wasn't really one to listen to other people's problems, especially guys he met at the gym's problems. But today was for whatever reason different.

"It's nothing really," Blaine said, looking down before meeting his gaze again, - "Just been taking a lot of crap from people in the past."

"For what?"

"For being gay."

The answer came immediately, not allowing Puck to try to figure stuff out on his own.

"Wanna judge me a little?" Blaine asked.

Puck shrugged. "Nah, it's cool," he said, causing the shorter boy to wonder what planet he had ended up on, - "A friend of mine… or, a guy that I'm in Glee club with, is gay, so…" He shrugged again.

"Hold on," Blaine said, pulling off some kind of business-man-voice all of a sudden, - "You're in Glee club?"

"Dude, now you're the one judging me," Puck said, mock-offended.

"Sorry," Blaine chuckled.

"Look," Puck said, trying to keep a conversation going. He didn't really feel like boxing after all. There was something appealing about this guy. He felt like he needed to know more about him, - "I don't think I've seen you around here before. You don't live in Lima, do you?"

Blaine shook his head. "No, I live in Westerville. My parents live here, but I go to Dalton Academy now. It's better there than at home to be honest."

Puck's jaw fell a little. This was perfect. This was exactly what he had been looking for, without even knowing. Not that he was Mr. Matchmaker or anything, but even Helen Keller would've been able to see that this guy was Kurt Hummel's soulmate. No more, no less.

So therefore, when he, the next Monday returned to school, and figured New Directions were competing against The Garblers (or whatever), he took his shot at informing Kurt in the most discrete way he could think of, of his recently made discovery.

They had been set up boys vs. girls (Mr. Schue's oh-so-creative pedagogic method) for a competition, but for Kurt's sake the boys were supposed to sing songs that were more "girly", while the girls should sing more macho songs. Puck was totally not cool with that, but that wasn't the point. Still, he could also tell that Kurt was uncomfortable with the situation.

"Dude, why don't you go spy on the Garblers…"

"The Warblers," Kurt interrupted him, rolling his eyes. He had really nice eyes, by the way. For God's sake Puck, focus!

"Whatever," he blunted, before becoming serious again, - "You'd blend right in."

Kurt let out a somewhat defeated sigh. "Fine."

Puck didn't know why, but a couple of weeks after, right after Mr. Hummel and Mrs. Hudson's wedding to be exact, Kurt transferred to Dalton Academy, and Puck knew it was for the best, even though he for whatever reason desperately wanted to keep Kurt in school. Because of the team, of course. Not because he himself wanted to personally. No, that was not the reason.

And even though he had wanted Kurt to leave for his own safety, he offered to be like a Secret Service for him. Hell, the Glee club wouldn't be the same without him, even Puck could admit that out loud.

Later it would turn out Dalton Academy was the best place for Kurt after all, and Puck had done a good deed.

But if you asked him, Noah Puckerman would say that he didn't have a clue why he did this for Kurt. He didn't want anyone to question his badassness, after all, and giving people the knowledge that he was, purposely, helping Kurt Hummel out of his devastating circumstances, would definitely make people question not only his badassness, but his sexuality as well. And he was totally not gay.

So Noah Puckerman would say he didn't know why he did it, but in his heart he did know all too well. He was helping out, because he just wanted to make Kurt Hummel happy. Even if that meant throwing him into the arms of a preppy, out-of-the-closet, rich boy with every chance that he himself didn't have to get Kurt Hummel to love him.

And Puck totally didn't miss Kurt in the slightest. No way. That couldn't be proven.

A/N: So what do you think? This is my first Glee Fanfiction ever, and I would love some constructive critique. Should I continue this? That is my question. Tell me if I should.