(Not) Romeo and Juliet
Sumary: Draco Malfoy, a cold pureblooded wizard, was the Slytherin Ice Prince. Harry Potter, a happy go lucky hero, was the Gryffindor Golden Boy. They came from two Houses with a long and heavy rivalry in Hogwarts history. When they found love in each other, could they fought all the differences and faced all the prejudices? When their Inheritance came, would their love enough to fight their own instincts? Their story was very much like Romeo and Juliet. But they were not Romeo and Juliet, were they?
Warning: Slash with Harry/Draco pairing. Mpreg. Creature fic. Situated in seventh year, ignore OoTP, HBP, and DH
Rating: T
Disclaimer: still not mine
A.N. Long awaited update is here! I hope you all still with me here. I was so busy, still am actually. So, sorry for long update. Thank you for the reviews and the favorites and alerts, love you all!
Without further ado, enjoy!
Chapter 15
A Day Before Christmas
It was a day before Christmas and Narcissa Malfoy and Severus Snape had not been awake yet. Madam Pomfrey said that they were okay and the comma was needed for them to be healed properly. The school matron also told them that Severus might be awake in a day or so. But Narcissa, the one with the more damaged body would need more time to recover. Draco thought he should be grateful that his two love ones were not worse than that. But still, what Madam Pomfrey said meant he could not spend Christmas with them.
To be honest, Draco was a bit disappointed because of that. Christmas was his favourite holiday. The one he always spent with his mother. He even had some kind of tradition he always did with Narcissa. A day before Christmas, they would stay in Narcissa's quarter in the manor (why his mother had sepparate quarter to his father was something Draco always wondered). Then, they would decorate a quite big tree there with all the decoration they wanted. Once, when he was still five or six, little Draco had insisted that they shoud hang all of his dragon toys there.
After the Ball his father always insisted them to attend, they would sit in front of the fireplace and listen to carols from a church in the nearest village. Narcissa would use a spell so they could listen to it while sipping their chocolate. Draco would never able to stay awake more than midnight when he was little. But as he grew older, he could accompany his mother until the Christmas bell chimed. Now, he could not even bring himself to sleep. Vampire and all. But then again, he could not spend the eve of the holiday with his mother.
Nor could he open the presents in the morning with her.
All because of Voldemort. Him and his crazy fools of minions. Including that blasted father of him.
Thinking of this, Draco felt his anger flared again. The fury that made him want to take revenge for his mother and his godfather. He wanted to shred them to pieces. Including his father who, he was sure, did nothing to save his mother. He wanted to break their neck. Crush their skullss into their brains. Snap their bones one by one. Empty their vein and pour their blood to the earth. Oh, how he wanted to do all that.
His train of thought was cut short, however, when a pair of strong arms encircled his shoulder from behind. He squirmed in those arms, trying to let himself go. But the arms were strong. Strong enough to hold an angry vampire like him.
"Draco, calm down..." the owner of the arms said into his silver blond hair. Draco kept struggling to free himself. Instead of letting him go, the grip was tightened. He clawed the arms, but they did not loosen even a bit. He screamed bloody murder, but he was ignored. He got a kiss on the top of his head instead. "Draco, please love. Calm down. I know you are angry, but please, calm down."
The kiss stilled his movement. He calmed down a little bit. After that, slowly, the scent of summer and wild forest finally broke through his wall of anger. The warmth of the body behind him seeped through his thin clothes and went to his cold heart. "Harry?"
"Yes, Draco, it's me," Harry turned Draco's body around so he could see his vampire's face. Harry kept one of his hand on Draco's waist but reached the blond's face with his other hand. Harry could see Draco's eyes, which were pure black, began to return to silver. The hard marble cold skin of Draco's body soften and warming a degree or two. And the sharp fangs returned to their previous shapes. Harry stroke Draco's smooth cheek and kissed his forehead. "Everything's going to be alright. Your mother and Professor Snape will be alright. Madam Pomfrey always does a good job, doesn't she?"
Draco hid his face in the crook of Harry's neck. He wrapped his own arms around Harry's waist. He inhaled that wild forest and warm summer scent again, which calmed him a little bit more. "I am so angry, Harry. So very angry. I am furious. At Voldemort. Death Eaters. My fucking father. Oh Merlin, Harry, I loathe them."
Harry felt Draco's body hardened and a notch colder. The raven haired teenager hold Draco even tighter to his body and rubbed his back. "Shh... Calm down, love. Calm down. I know you are angry, Draco. And I do hate Voldemort and his minions too. We will get back at them, ok? But not now. Now, we should focus on your mother and godfather recovery, right?"
"Promise me, Harry. Promise me we will get back at them. Promise me we will punish them."
"We will. So they won't make other people suffer like us again. We will stop them for good," Harry whispered to Draco's hair. Draco nodded. Harry let go of Draco and smiled. "Now, cheer up! Tomorrow's our first Christmas together after all. Besides, your friends are here."
"Friends?" Draco frowned.
"Yes. Hermione invited Theo and Zabini to spend Christmas here. And they have just arrived a moment ago."
Draco answered Harry's wide grin with his own smile. He might not be able to do his Christmas tradition with his mother, but he had Harry and his friends. He had Camilla who he had thought as his own sister. He even had Sirius Black. Maybe, just maybe, his Christmas would not be so bad.
Sirius sipped his tea slowly. His eyes was on the girl sat in front of him. A very beautiful girl who apparently was thousands years old. Yet, she looked like she was barely twenty. It was a bit confusing. Weird. A foreign idea for Sirius mind. He knew, of course, that vampires were immortal. Undead. It should not be so surprising that this beautiful and older (much much older) vampire girl did not look old at all.
Sirius had felt very awkward when the girl, Camilla, refused his offer of tea. Saying that although she could drink usual beverages, she prefered not to. It made her feel weird she had said. He then asked if she wanted something. A question that made her let out a soft laughter. "You won't, by a chance, have a pint of blood, will you?".
He should know. She was a vampire after all. He felt so silly. He, Sirius Black, Hogwarts' playboy extraordinary, felt silly and awkward. In front of a girl. Something that had never happened in his Hogwarts day. Twelve years in prison with Dementors all around might make his skill around girls dull, after all. That could not happen, of course. Not when he had a very beautiful girl in front of him. Vampire or not. So, Sirius called all his wit and put his cup on the table.
"You are technically Draco's sister, then?" he asked. This fact too baffled him. Such a weird concept, reincarnation was. He had read about it somewhere and it was mentioned in his Magical Theory class at Hogwarts. But still, no one could proof it real. And now, he saw one of the proof.
"Yes, I should think so. I mean, Draco is Elthan's reincarnate. So, it means Draco is Elthan, which makes him my brother, don't you think?" Sirius nodded. He understood the logic. "I don't know if Draco agrees with me, but I have already thought him as my brother. It's like having a second chance, you know. When I first felt the magic stirring around me a few weeks ago. When I felt the curse began to be lifted. When I met Draco for the first time. It was... You can't imagine how happy I was. And how sad."
Sirius smiled. A bitter one. No, he could not imagine how happy Camilla was. Or how sad. He could not because he did not have that second chance with his own little brother. Nor would he have. His little brother, whom he left alone in this crazy house, was dead. Dead partly because of him. His beloved little brother was dead because he could not help him, protect him when Regulus needed him most. Because he left Regulus at the mercy and the presure of their family, their parents. Oh, how he wanted to have that second chance...
Sirius got more and more depresed remembering Regulus. They had been very close until Sirius ran away from home. But his train of thought was cut short when Camilla, who seemed not aware of his sombre mood, continued to talk.
"Draco looks so much like Elthan, you know. Platinum blond hair, high cheek bones, sharp chin, even those silver eyes. Except Elthan had always wore his hair waist long. But they are so much alike I feel like crying everytime I see him. Yet, I can't. Being a vampire and all," she said with a sad voice.
"Ah, yes," Sirius knew that. It was a common knowledge that vampire could not shed a tear. One reason why they were called undead.
"It wasn't always like this, you know. Vampire was not always an undead," Camilla said, guessing correctly what was in Sirius mind. Sirius raised his eyebrow. "Once, Vampire was almost like human. Magical human, wizard. We needed food, water, and air to live, beside blood. I mean, we still needed blood then, for feeding our magic. But not as much as we need now. We could walk under the sun, although mostly we chose to do our activities at night since we were nocturnal creatures. Our senses were bad and magic was weak at day. We were not immortal. We had longer life span than human, than even wizards. But we did die because of old age. Everything changed after Elthan threw that curse."
Sirius was surprised. He had never heard about that. Not a single reference mentioned about mortal vampire. And Sirius had read a lot. He had been obsesed about vampire after he knew about Remus being a werewolf. Since vampire was the natural enemy of werewolf, Sirius had felt it necessary to know everything about them. In case he had to help Remus facing them. It reminded him...
"What about werewolf? I mean, from what I've learned about your race, werewolf and vampire are natural enemies. My friend is a werewolf and he can't be in the same room with vampire. He is always volatile around any vampire. Ah, any vampire but Draco, actually. He was surprised when Draco didn't affect him whatsoever the other day," Sirius said. Only remembered about his conversation with Remus after they met Draco after Harry's duel practice.
"Long before I was born, werewolves didn't exist. It was vampire that created them," Sirius threw a sceptic look at Camilla who laughed. "They were! Thousands years ago, vampire was the most hunted creature. Wizards and muggles, that what you called non wizard human, right? Anyway, wizards and muggles were so afraid of vampire because our needs for their blood. That time, muggles and wizards were lived side by side in peace and they cooperated to hunt and kill every vampire they could find. The number of vampire was declined so drastically, either being killed or dying because the lack of donors.
"One day, one of the vampire was found by a pack of wolf. Not just ordinary wolf, but the magical one. The one with higher intellegence, bigger posture, and of course magic. The vampire was weak, very weak. He had not had blood in days. The alpha of the pack knew about vampires and the hunting, he didn't want to be involved. He then asked the members of his pack to leave the vampire alone, no matter how he plead them to help.
"So, the pack left. The vampire was resigned. But at midnight, one young wolf came to him. The wolf bit one of his feet and let his blood dripping to the vampire mouth. As you know, vampire can't live with only animal blood. But this wolf had magic and that magic was transfered along with the blood. So the wolf's blood made him a bit stronger. The wolf came every single night, bringing some fruits and other food when he was strong enough. The vampire gradually became stronger and those few days they spent together made them know each other more. They became friends.
"One night, the vampire, who was very grateful to the young wolf, asked him what he wanted as the payment for saving his life. The wolf had fallen in love to the beautiful vampire had no wish but being able to spend his life with the vampire. But he knew it was impossible. So, as a payment, he asked to be changed into a vampire. To be one like him. No need to mention that the vampire was surprised with the young wolf request. But he had promised.
"But the vampire was too long without human blood and his magic was too weak. He told the wolf about that. He could not change the wolf into a vampire, but he could change him into human which had simpler DNA. And in his weak condition, in order to keep the form, the wolf had to be bound to the vampire, magic and soul. But it would make the wolf dependent to the vampire; if the vampire died, then the wolf would too. It would make the werewolf live longer though, as long as the vampire lived. The wolf agreed, whatever the consequences.
"They did the ritual under the full moon. Vampire was nocturnal creature, so their magic works best at night and was in tune with the moon. When the ritual was completed, the wolf was succesfully transformed into human. The wolf was so happy, he declared his love to the vampire and promised the vampire to protect him as long as their lives.
"As you can guess, the wolf had to leave his pack since he was no longer a wolf. It made him sad and the vampire didn't want that. But he didn't want to turn the now human into a wolf again. He too had fallen in love for the wolf and didn't want to be sepparated from him. So the vampire worked his magic again, which was stronger due to the now human blood. He made the wolf be able to shift to his wolf form whenever he wanted.
"That was the first werewolf ever been created. Unlike nowadays werewolf, they could shift to both form whenever they wanted, not only in the full moon. The ritual was practiced until my time. We changed them into werewolf, who was more stronger than the wolf, and the werewolf was sworn to be our protector. Some were falling for each other, like Elthan and Leonel."
Sirius was speechless after Camilla finished with her story. It was so different with what he knew about vampire and werewolf. There was no single book mentioned about this. It was just so amazing. "Wow... I have never known that..."
Camilla laughed, "I have imagined. All of our history books, the real ones, were hidden or burned by the Elder. The reasons, I have never known."
Sirius, then, interogated Camilla on the real vampire and werewolf history. How they lived, what other differences with nowadays vampire and werewolf, and everything. Camilla answered all the question happily enough. She was a tutor in the academy once and found Sirius' interest fascinating.
Their discussion was cut short, however, when the alarm of the floo rang. Sirius sighed. He was enjoying their time so much. He always loved history, any history. And this thing about vampire and werewolf, it was a never told history that he found very much interesting.
"It seems like we have visitor. We will continue this later, i hope? It has been so... Wow... I can't even describe how fascinating it is," Sirius said as he stood up.
"Of course," Camilla said with a smile.
"Very good. A moment?"
When Sirius reached the kitchen, he found Hermione had already welcomed their visitors. They were the two Slytherins Hermione had invited for Christmas. Sirius frowned in distrust. He had never trusted a Slytherin, never mind his godson dating one. For him, Slytherin always had hidden motive no matter how good they behaved. He rather thought the more they well behaved, the nastier their intention was.
"Sirius, this is Theodore Nott. My Head Boy partner and Draco's best friend. And this is Blaise Zabini, also Draco's friend," Hermione said. "Theo, Zabini, this is Sirius Black. Harry's godfather also the owner of this house and Draco's cousin."
The one with brown hair and deep brown eyes offered his hand to him. Sirius kept his narrowed eyes to the teenager's face and did not intend to shake that offered hand until Hermione stabbed him with her skinny elbow. "Theodore Nott. Pleasure to meet you, Sir," he said with amusement clearly heard in his voice. Sirius narrowed his eyes even more.
The other one exchanged place with Nott. This one, Sirius saw, was definitely a playboy. With a perfect Italian look, perfect smile, the way he brought himself... This Slytherin practically screamed 'I'm sexy and I know it' in his every confident move. Sirius saw his younger self in this sapphire eyed Slytherin.
"Blaise Zabini at your service, Sir," he said, smirking and raising one of his eyebrows. Sirius gave the young man a smirk worthy of a Slytherin himself. No matter how Gryffindor he was, he was still a Black. The Zabini boy chuckled. Cassanovas always could recognized each other.
"Sirius Black. Welcome to the House of Black, Grimmauld Place. I assume you both will stay the night?" both boys nodded in agreement. "Okay. I'm afraid you have to share a room. We haven't done cleaning this place yet, so not many rooms are available."
"It's okay with us, Mr. Black," Nott said. Sirius nodded.
"Sirius is alright, Mr. Black makes me sounds old," Sirius said. The Slytherins nodded. "Good. Hermione can show you the room then you can come back here for lunch. I believe Harry and Draco will meet you then."
Sirius watched their backs disappeared before walked back to the drawing room where a beautiful girl was waiting for him.
Hermione led the two Slytherins to the bedroom Harry used to share with Ronald. She was pleased the both of them could come to celebrate Christmas. The reasons? Well, Theo was her friend now. The shared duties as Head Students made them work together a lot. That time she spent with Theo showed her that the Slytherin Head Boy was not as arrogant as she used to think. In fact, behind his cold mask, Theo was quiet and a bit shy. He was also very smart and a bit of a book worm like her. She enjoyed having conversation with him. After Harry and Draco became a couple, their friendship was even more tight. Common interest of making their most best friends happy and all.
As for Blaise Zabini. Hermione was not that close to him. She knew that Blaise was Draco and Theo's friend, though. So she thought it was only proper to invite him too. The fact that she found him so charming and devilishly handsome was not her reasons at all. Oh, she knew that Zabini was a number one playboy. Always flirting with everyone, boys and girls. And if the gossip was right, he was also very... active in his night activities. With different partner each night, of course. But Hermione could not help to admire that olive skin, or those sapphire blue eyes, or that soft looking wavy hair...
"Well, this is your room," Hermione said to the boys when they reached the room. Theo smiled at Hermione when he walked passed her into the room. But Zabini did not only smile, he reached her hand and put a kiss on it. Hermione could not help the blush that spreaded on her cheeks.
"Thank you, Granger," he said with a very charming smile plastered on his very handsome face.
"Ehm... No need. I, er, I only took you to the room..." Hermione cursed her self for stammering. She had never been this way before. Not even when she thought she had a crush for Ronald in the fifth year. Zabini chukled.
"Well, I thank you for showing us our room. But I also thank you for inviting me here. We are not exactly friends, aren't we? You could just invite Theo and not me. Thank you for freeing me from a boring Christmas all alone at Hogwarts."
"You are welcome. Theo said in one of his letter that you two were the only Slytherins left in Hogwarts. I thought that if Theo came here, you would have been alone. That would not be right, spending Christmas alone," Hermione said with a smile. She thought Zabini's eyes flickered to her lips, but she might just imagine it. "Beside, now that Draco's here and with Mrs. Malfoy and Professor Snape's condition, I think your presence will be good for him. Both of you."
"Draco's here?" that was Theo's speaking. He stood by the door. "Why? When did he come? Why did he not tell me? And what was that about Mrs. Malfoy and Professor Snape?"
"They arrived this early morning. With Dumbledore and Camilla, she was Elthan's sister by the way, and Madam Pomfrey," Theo frowned.
"Madam Pomfrey?" he asked. Hermione nodded.
"Something happened to Mrs. Malfoy and Professor Snape. Something bad. They were unconsious and full of bandages when they came. We still dont know about what happened, though. Not until the both of them awake. Draco was so distraughed."
"He must be. I guess he is with them now?" Theo said, looking like he wanted to go to his best friend right away. Hermione grabbed his arm.
"He is. And Harry is with him. You will meet him soon enough. Now, get settled and come to the kitchen for lunch," Hermione gave Theo a meaningful look. She only hoped he understand that Draco could not be seen right now by anyone except Harry or Camilla. Too dangerous. She felt the ancient magic flared earlier and she was sure it came from Draco. Theo frowned at her but nodded eventually. "Good. Now, I will leave you."
She smiled to the two Slytherins and noticed Zabini gave Theo a weird look before smiled at her.
"Are you really gay? And there is nothing between you and Granger?" Blaise asked his friend. Theo's frown was disappeared and his eyebrows were raised.
"I am. Hermione is my Head partner and my friend. What's your problem? It's not your business anyway even if she is actually my girlfriend," Theo said while settling his shrunken trunk in the end of one of the bed and waved his wand to return it to the actual size. Blaise threw himself into the other bed and sighed loudly. "Ah, I see... Jealous, aren't you?"
"What? No! Of course not. She is not my type," the Italian boy said defensively. Theo only looked at him with amused eyes and a smirk. "She isn't! I like more sophisticated girl. Stylish and fashionable. Not the one with knowing bright eyes, or the simple and smart hairdo, or the classic natural beauty, or slim petite figure that wrapped in casual clothing, or..."
"Mmhmm, whatever you said, Blaise," Theo cut him with teasing tone. "Not your type indeed. Why did you flirt with her then?"
"I always flirt with everyone!"
"No, not always. You only flirt with the one catches your attention. We have lived in the same dorm since what? Six years ago? Come on, Blaise, don't be ashamed. Hermione is a special girl and has natural beauty, like you said before."
Blaise felt his cheeks heaten. He was sure he was blushing like an idiot. Not an experienced Sex God of Slytherin. Theo's chuckle confirmed it. "Okay, okay... I admit I have a little interest to Granger. Okay, A lot," he said after Theo gave him a look. "What should I do?"
"What do you mean?" Theo asked, sitting on his own bed facing Blaise. "You should know what to do. I mean everyone knows you are 'The Hogwarts' Playboy'. You have loads of experience with girls. And boys too."
Blaise sighed. He covered his eyes with his arm. "It's... I don't know, Theo. She is just so... different."
"Different how?"
"You know how. You are her friend," Blaise said with a bit jealousy in his voice. "She is smart, independent, and so pretty without even a touch make ups. She is so different with every twit that I have dated so far." Theo hummed in agreement. "I have never felt like this to any other girl. The more I intereact with her, the more I am attracted to her charms. I don't know, Theo, but i think I am starting to fall for her."
"Seriously? You fall for a girl?" Theo said disbelievingly. Blaise looked at his friend and nodded. "Well, wow. I have never expected that come out of your mouth."
"Hei! What did you mean by that?" he threw a pillow at Theo. But before it hit his face, Theo caught it and let out a laugh.
"I'm sorry. It's just, you were never serious with anyone," Blaise sighed. He knew his reputation. But really, all of it was just a mask he chose to wear. Nothing different with Draco's cool arrogant mask or Theo's serious and aloof one. Theo seemed to read his mind for a second after, he also let out a sigh. "Listen, Blaise. I don't care if you like Hermione for real and if you want to make a move. But I just want to warn you that Hermione might find it hard to believe you. That you are really like her."
"Think about it, Blaise. Your reputation is not the best. Biggest flirter in Hogwarts, Slytherin Sex God that has different partner every night..." Theo raised his hand to stop Blaise to talk. "I know it's not true. That you are as inexperienced as she is. But she doesn't know that, does she? And It will be hard to convince her about it."
Blaise groaned. "Then? What do you think i shoud do?" This was one of a few moments he regretted his choice to wear a playboy mask. Damn it!
"I am not sure, but maybe starting with making friend with her. Show her your real self," Theo said. "But you'd better be serious with her, Blaise. I will kill you if you hurt her. Not to mention Harry."
Blaise chuckled and nodded. Who knew, Theo really thought Granger as a friend that he needed to protect.
The current occupants of Grimmauld spent their afternoon peacefully. Harry got himself acquainted with Camilla. He spent the lunch and the tea after that interrogating her about Leonel and Elthan's lives. Camilla was happy to answer all the question Harry asked. She told Harry that she had been close with Leonel and talking with Harry was exactly the same as talking with Leonel. They had the same streak of stubbornness and recklessness. Harry grinned widely at that. Leonel should have been a Gryffindor. Not that it surprised him. He was Leonel, essentially.
Harry never let go of Draco's hand who sat beside him. Not that Draco complained. He loved feeling the warmth of Harry's hand. While his werewolf talking to his 'sister', Draco told his two Slytherin friends about his mother and godfather. And they told him about all the gossips circulated in Slytherin Common Room. He did not know if he should be pleased or annoyed at the gossip that said he was taken by his father from Hogwarts even before Christmas break to take the Dark Mark. Like that coward of a father dared to force him do anything he wanted now.
He was disturbed anyway when Theo told him that, from what he had heard, the Dark Lork did intend to Mark some of the students. It meant that when they came back after the break, there would be less sixth and seventh years. Or if the Dark Lord let them came back to Hogwarts, it meant Slytherin Dorm would be more dangerous than usual.
Well, that was that and Draco refused to be upset by it. Not today. Tomorrow was Christmas and though he didn't have his mother and Severus, he would enjoy it with Harry, his friends (including Hermione), his 'sister', and Sirius. Harry also told him that maybe some of Order members would also come tomorrow. Including the Weasleys. Draco was a bit apprehensive about that, being a Malfoy and his recent convrontation with the youngest male Weasley. Harry said it was going to be okay, but Draco would believe it when it happened.
In the late night, Draco was even more sure that this year Christmas might not be so bad. He was sitting on a window seat in the Grimmauld infirmary when he heard a low groan from the other side of the room. Draco walked across the room to his godfather's bed. He stood there watching Severus's eyelid fluttered and opened a bit before closing again.
"Uncle Sev?" he whispered, worried that too much noise would disturb his godfather. Severus opened up his eyes again. "Uncle Severus."
"Draco?" Severus said with raspy voice. Draco immediately grabbed a glass of water from the bedside table and helped his godfather took a sip.
"How are you feeling?" Draco asked after Severus laid down again on his pillow.
"A bit headache, but I feel fine," the Potion Master said. "Your mother..."
"She's fine. Madam Pomfrey fixed her and now she is in a healing comma. Pomfrey said she will be awake in a few days," Draco said with a smile. "What happened to you, Uncle?"
Severus could not answer that though. Madam Pomfrey, who stayed at Grimmauld and appparently put some monitoring charm on his patients, came into the room. She waved her wand along Severus body, performing some spell. "How are you feeling, Severus?" she asked while writing something on a parchment that floated beside her.
"I am fine, Poppy, thank you. Only a bit light headed," Severus told her dutifully, he was too weak to be snarky at the matron.
"Hmm, good. You look fine, and the test shows that you recover wonderfully. You still need a few days of rest and a few potions, though. Strengtening potion, Skelegro, muscle relaxant, and blood repleneshing potion. Draco be a dear and retrieve the potions in the cupboard, please?"
Draco took the potions and Madam Pomfrey told Severus to drink his potions and get back to sleep. Even the snarkiest professor at Hogwarts could not ignore Madam Pomfrey stern glare. Draco bid his godfather goodnight and smiled.
No, it won't be too bad...
A.N. I wanted to go through Christmas, actually, but it would be too long... Anyway, next update may be a bit long too. my real life is mess right now, so be patient with me?
Okay, so, I made some maybe-pairings, Blaise/Hermione and Sirius/Camilla. What do you think? And also, how about my version of the history of vampire and werewolf? Good? Bad?
Tell me what you think about this chappie, pals! And I will love you forever...