Get Ready, Here I Come
Title: Get Ready, Here I Come
Pairing: Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or the film One Fine Day, I am just borrowing and having some writing fun.
Summary: AU. Rachel is a single mother and working actress on Broadway about to branch into producing her first show. Quinn writes a column for a newspaper and works too much. One day see's their worlds collide and they find something they hadn't really been looking for.
A/N 1: I am really really really sorry it took ages for an update, work got busy and then my laptop died so I had to wait for it to be functional again. I shall try to keep the updates more regular. My apologies also for the chapter being shorter than the others, but I wanted to get something up.
A/N 2: This came about after coming across and old VHS (yes VHS) tape of the film One Fine Day, it suckered me into watching it and then my mind wandered and I thought hmm wonder how this would be with a Faberry twist…and so I started writing stuff down…I have not written anything in what feels like a lifetime and it is probably in dire need of that being said if anyone wants to be a beta for the story that would be cool.
Chapter 5
The signature fro of Jacob Ben Israel came to a stop in the midday crowd and looked around, his face paling when he saw Quinn.
"I'm s-sorry…I c-can't speak with you right now Quinn I am late for a meeting" Jacob stuttered and backtracked swiftly turning in the crowd and walking briskly away, breaking into a jog.
"Hey! Get back here you little weasel!"
Quinn chased after him weaving her way through the throng of people, keeping an eye on Jacobs fro so she didn't lose him. Jacob takes a left and runs across the street, Quinn mumbling apologies as she chases after him, darts out onto the street after him a cab breaking hard and honking their horn at her, she waves an apology but keeps chasing after him.
Jacob enters a building runs through a packed lobby and manages to squeeze himself into a packed lift, Quinn makes it to the lift as the doors close.
"Argh!" Quinn shouts and smacks the elevator doors, she looks up to the lift numbers noting it heads straight up to the roof, are you seriously that predictable fro-boy? Quinn thinks toherself as she strides into the second elevator and hits the button for the roof.
"Jacob?..." Quinn shouts as she pushes through the door to the roof and looks around. The wind causes her jacket to billow out behind her, as it blows her hair across her eyes. She runs her hands through her hair in frustration as she approaches the edge and looks out on the city below the dark clouds in the distance threatening rain
"Son of a bitch!"
The fluttering of papers behind her make her turn around, she sees Jacob trying to creep behind her to the door.
"Jacob…Ben…Israel…" Quinn breathes out her icy glare making the man freeze on the spot.
"P-please don't hit me" Jacob pleads
"I'm not gonna hit you fro-boy" Quinn approaches him circling around him putting her body between him and the door, Jacob grasps the papers in his arms tighter to his body as he backs up, one errant paper slipping out and fluttering away in the wind and out over the city.
"What's going on Jacob?"
"I've...I've been having some thoughts"
"We already did the thought thing Jacob"
"Pl-please don't yell at me…you're getting all emotional"
"Do not tell me I am getting emotional Jacob! You were the one that came to me and said this garbage thing with the mayor smells, we waited until you were ready to print the story and now we have printed the story you decide to have thoughts? It's my ass on the line here Jacob"
"I got a little ahead of myself, I think I over medicated, I've been a little light headed lately" he adjusted his glasses and shrunk away from Quinn some more "I mean we were talking about taking down the Mayor and the mob that's just crazy"
"No its not!"
"I am pretty sure they will definitely kill me" more papers fluttered away from Jacobs grasp.
"Hey…you can do this Jacob" hesitating at first, Quinn puts her hands on his shoulders to hold him place oh this is so gross she thinks to herself not really wanting to actually touch Jacob but her livelihood is at stake here she can take one for the team so to speak just this once. "You're my man on this"
"I really can't d-do this…I'm young there are so many things I am yet to do…my blogs for one…I have a ferret, who would feed it?'re hurting my shoulders…" he shrunk down and tried to get away from Quinn's vice like grip
"Oh sorry..." Quinn retracted her hands, hearing Jacob wince " give me a name, an account give me something here Jacob"
"Umm…Nate Gibney maybe…"
"Maybe?" Quinn lets out a frustrated sigh and extended her hands wanting to reach back and throttle the weedy man in front of her before she stopped herself and instead ran them through her hair
"Actually you know what Jacob I will figure this out myself" she turned and started to walk away "Oh and Jacob those "blogs" you run" she turned and did air quotes as she said blogs because really they were not blogs, they were creepy ass shrines is what they were "I happen to know Ms Berry and if you feel it necessary to "speculate" about her underwear again there will be consequences ok" with an icy smile that brokered no argument she turned and headed back to the roof.
"Wait…you know R-Rachel Berry?" Jacob shouted after her as she let the door slam.
Rachel is sitting in a cab heading towards Artie's, silently curses the music folder in front of her that was a complete mess. The ringing of her phone distracts her from her reorganisation.
"Hello Rachel Berry speaking"
"Matty? What happened?"
"I don't want to be here anymore mom and Lily doesn't either"
"Oh little man you are going to have to stay there just..."
"No!" Matty interrupts her
"What happened honey?"
"That Spiderman boy kicked me and Iron man took Lily's Pez dispenser"
"Let me talk to the teacher"
"She's outside talking to She-Ra about how she is not allowed to use the F-word"
"Little man you just need to be strong and hang in..."
"Spiderman asked Lily if she wanted to try some ice he said he took it from his brother, it didn't look like ice though mom" Rachel sat forward in her seat eyes widening, her grip on the phone tightening.
"Stay right where you are, do not move the both of you, someone will be there to get you immediately!" Rachel shut off her phone pinched the bridge of her nose, stupid drop in centre, I knew that Spiderman was bad news when I laid eyes on him…
"Jacob's out" Quinn got out of the cab that was stuck in traffic and wove between the cars as she spoke to Figgins
"Did you get anything?"
"Nate Gibney…he could have set up the account"
"He just managed the campaign, he wouldn't get involved"
"The city controller then?"
"Nah he's a no go"
"The sanitation commissioner?"
"Hold on a moment" Quinn waited on the sidewalk as she heard Figgins shout out to someone else in the office asking about Goldberg "Goldberg is in the Maldives" she heard shouted back to Figgins
"The sanitation commissioner is in the Maldives? In the middle of a scandal? Maybe the mayor wanted him out of town"
"Hold on" Quinn waited again while she heard Figgins shout out questions to someone else asking why Goldberg was in the Maldives "Apparently he is there with his new lady-friend"
"Which leaves his very disgruntled wife…I'm heading in, be there soon"
Quinn headed into the papers building, cramming herself into one of the elevators "Can you press fifteen please, thank you" the elevator started its ascent and her phone rang
"Quinn, its Rachel Berry"
"We have a major problem with the kids, I do not want to alarm you they are in perfect health but they cannot stay at godforsaken drop in centre a moment longer they have to be collected right now"
"Ok sure"
"Can you do it?"
"Hmm What now? Me? Now?"
"I would be jeopardising my very career and reputation if I collected them now"
"Well I would be jeopardising my career and pretty much my entire life if I pick them up now"
"Right but you aren't needed at that press conference until five yes? My presentation is at two"
"Yeah but I have to see this woman Sue Sylvester about some info I need"
"And this cannot be done via the phone?"
"Well great, why is this a problem?"
"Isn't there anyone else you could call?"
"Quinn I would not be asking you if I had someone else to call" Rachel stressed
Quinn held the phone away from her and groaned before bringing it back to her ear.
"How about I propose this option" Rachel's voice rang through the phone "I can watch them from three until the press conference ends, if you can watch them from now until three"
"Just so we are clear, you are actually asking me for help" Quinn asked
"It would seem so"
"Ok but you need to ask nicely, if you say Quinn please be my saviour and…"
"Quinn" Rachel interrupted "please stop being an ass and go rescue the kids."
"This is actually hard for you isn't it, I can feel your tension over the phone. I bet you are pinching the bridge of your nose too am I right?"
Rachel's hand quickly dropped away from her nose and she pulled the phone away and looked at, nope not on face time by accident
"Do we have an agreement Quinn?" why does she have to be so exhausting? Rachel asked herself
"We have an agreement Rachel but just so you know you are not the only person with things on today"
"I understand and I'm sorry, my meeting is taking place at Rockefeller Centre I will meet you in the lobby there at three, ok"
"Excellent!" Rachel almost squealed in her exuberance as she hung up the phone.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened signalling Quinn had arrived at her floor, she looked up at the receptionist and called out to her "Brittney can you please ask Santana to get Sue Sylvester's number for me and text it to my phone? Thanks" she pressed the button for the ground floor as the doors shut not waiting for Brittney's response. Her phone rang again.
"I forgot to tell you that Matty is allergic to shellfish and tree nuts, he is not allowed to watch too much commercial television no matter what he tells you and he has to hold your hand when he crosses the street"
"How long can you speak without taking a breath?" Quinn asked
"Don't worry I got it, I got it, no shellfish or tree nuts, no TV and hold hands to cross the street, anything else?"
Rachel sat in quiet awe at Quinn's memory "No that was everything"
"Excellent" Quinn hung up her phone, which started ringing immediately "What now Rachel?"
"I also forgot if you take the kids to the park, I always like to check the sandpit you just never know what nasty thing may be hiding in there and also…"
"Rachel, Rachel hey I got this, ok. Just trust me ok, please?"
"Ok...ok sorry yes you are right, you have this, if Sam and Mercedes are confident in your abilities to watch Lily for them then Matty will surely be fine, it's only for a few hours…"
"Matty will be fine Rachel, I promise you"
"Right yes, fine, ok bye then"
"Bye Rachel"
Quinn looked at her phone and sighed, "Fine…everything will be fine" Quinn said to herself
Across town Rachel sat in the cab muttering the same thing trying to calm her nerves as she relaxed back into the seat and looked out the window, a small smile coming to her face as she thought of her little man, her mind wandered to the blonde who would soon be rescuing him from that stupid drop in centre, an odd sense of calm came over her with the thought that Quinn would be there for Matty.