Hey everyone, here is the new chapter for H.A.L.E. Hope ya'll like it. Thank you so much for all the reviews on Dark Secrets & Lies. Disclaimer: I own nothing related to MR.


Chapter 10: Telling
Max P.O.V.

I awoke with warm arms around my waist and sunlight streaming through the large bay windows. I smiled and turned to face the sleeping form of Fang. He shifted in his sleep and in turn his arms tightened around me pulling me closer to his body. Then he buried his head against my collar bone and sighed.

I raised a hand and gently stroked his face. Fang stirred and then he raised his head and glanced around sleepily. I smirked and said quietly, "Morning Fang."

His eyes connected to mine and I could see the gold flecks in them shining brightly. That's how close we really were. I leaned a few inches forward till our noses were pressed against one another. Fang smiled warmly at me before propping himself up on his elbow so that he was now leaning over me.

We gazed at each other silently and I barely noticed the movement we were making towards each other. However, in the next second Fang's warm luscious lips pressed against mine and he slowly began to kiss me. It wasn't a demanding or rudeness kiss. It was more of a simple sweet gesture. The kiss felt like a small touch of a butterfly wing. We kissed for a few seconds before Fang (much to my dismay) pulled away and turned so he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Then he glanced over his shoulder at me and the look in his eyes stole my breath away. This action did not escape his notice and soon enough I was brought across his lap. He smirked arrogantly down at me before placing me gently on my feet. Then he stole one last kiss before removing any touch from me.

He spoke then in a quiet yet serene whisper, "My dear Marixum. I have something urgent to tell thee. Listen carefully to my words for they must not be respoken to anyone besides ourselves. Do you understand?"

I couldn't place any emotion, but true seriousness in Fang's eyes so I nodded in understanding. With my eyes, I begged him to continue. With a deep breath he said, "I must tell you the news of which may trouble you to a point, but my love, let me speak first before your questions become known."

Again I nodded and cried, "Please speak of what troubles you! I can take the anxiety of not knowing any longer. My worries may soon pour out like a waterfall into a lake. Please speak of these troubles."

With this I motioned for him to continue, with a stuttering sigh, Fang said, "It is about what had partaken earlier in the last days –when we were at your grand birthday ball. Do you remember everything?"

I thought back to the ball and tried to remember all the details. However, I couldn't remember clearly for the images that swept through my mind held a hazy glaze over them. As if I was to be looking at them through a black veil. Though, not showing any frustration at this, I nodded towards Fang.

Fang looked away to the left of our encounter and spoke mildly, "My dear, Marixum, hear me for these words I speak are far from easy. They bring me great pain and great excitement all in one. Listen for I am about to tell you what has been told to me by an ancient one who goes by the name Arlindo Van Straysa. He had spoken of being from another world and time. He has told me to tell you that you are destined for greatness. The powers of which you possess you must use for the living and good. And to not be tempted by the evil that lurks around the edges of life. He also spoke of me as being your protector to keep you safe at all costs. The final thing he did before he vanished from my ill sight was he gave me a leather-bound book called 'Tata Lyn'."

When he had finished his explanation, I was astounded. I could not convey the thought of such trouble and secrecy Fang had withheld all this time. And now, I was to be trusted with a book filled with knowledge like no other and also was to somehow save something from the clutches of evil. How was this to happen?

Fang gazed into my eyes, gauging my reaction to the news of which he has just bestowed upon me. Then he moved away from my frozen figure and made his way over to the bed side table. There he pulled from the drawer a small wrapped package. It was covered with a silky crimson sloth embodied in swirls of gold and purple. Then he came back to me and gently laid the item in my dainty outstretched hands.

I unraveled the item from its enclosure and gazed in awe at the spectacle I held before me. In my hands, there laid a small leather-bound book that seemed worn from years of handle and treatment. In flowing cursive across the mid-section of the cover, it read 'Tata Lyn'. I smiled genuinely amazed that such a small thing could hold such importance and beauty.

Then I recovered the book with the silky covering and walked past Fang to place the object upon my bed. Once the task was completed, I turned to find Fang gazing at me with a hushed and placid expression upon his smooth olive-toned face. With a smile upon my lip, I glided over to him and whispered, "If I were to have chosen someone to hold this secret and be my partner in thy journey. I would have chosen you out of all possible companions."

Fang grinned down at me before leaning in and kissing me softly. I felt his strong, muscled arms envelope me in a warm embrace. They easily pulled me closer to his chest so that our bodies were entirely flushed against one another. No space could be measured between us as we held one another and kissed passionately. After moments of peace and greatness, I reluctantly pulled away in fear that someone would walk in upon our actions.

Then I gazed once again into Fang's dark obsidian eyes and sent him a small smile. Fang chuckled and said, "There was one more thing I must tell you my love. The man said for me to say this to you. That you would immediately understand the words –he said 'A thought that perishes with self-fish acts is one to fall, but one who knows how to stand strong and fight can win against what darkness brings.'"

I nodded knowing exactly what it meant and pulled away from Fang just as the bedroom doors flew open. Fang and I snapped our heads in the direction to see Princess Angelina and Princess Monika. They stepped forward and as Princess Monika pulled me over to the powder room, I heard Princess Angelina say, "Fang, our brother Iggy has sent for you to meet him in the east dining hall. He speaks of you bringing Gazzy along."

I could feel Fang's gaze linger upon my head before I heard his heavy footfalls disappear out the door and it shutting with a quiet thump. Then I was pushed into the bathroom where a large tub was being filled with warm water and soap. I glanced around me to see Princess Monika readying the bath while Princess Angelina made her way towards me.

Then she spoke, "I'm guessing you are confused about the situation upon which we have dragged you in here. However, before we get to that, I'm Princess Angelina as you would know and that girl is my sister, Princess Monika. Though, I prefer the name Angel and Monika goes by the name Nudge. You are the great Marixum Coven, I presume?"

I gaped at how well she spoke for being so young. Angel looked to only be eight or nine at the most, yet she spoke as if she were a young adult. I nodded and asked, "What are you and Nudge doing –if I may ask."

Angel let out a high pitched giggle before turning to Nudge and saying, "My dear sister, how shall we prepare Miss Coven for the day with her suitor?"

Nudge eyed me for a moment before turning back to the bath and said, "I think I can make the outfit planned work. First off, Angel, help her out of that disgusting rag they call a night gown while I fetch one of the maids."

Angel nodded and as Nudge rushed out of the room, she turned to me and said, "Go ahead and stand so that I can un-tie the back for you to slip out of that thing."

I did as told and in a matter of minutes I stood there stark naked. I quickly snatched one of the many dark blue towels to cover myself from Angel's view. She simply rolled her eyes and turned just as Nudge skipped inside the room and motioned for a young girl to follow her.

This girl had dark tanned skin that glowed in the sunlight streaming through the pale windows. Her long black hair was pulled into a neat bun and she had dark brown eyes. She wore a simple black dress and black flats with a white apron and had a white bonnet upon her head.

Angel greeted her sister and the maid with a tender hug and smile. The maid saw me at that moment and asked something of Angel quietly. She nodded and turned to me. "Marixum, this is-"

"It's Max…" Angel seemed taken aback at my interruption and asked with a tight smile, "I beg your pardon?" I raised my head a little higher and said sternly, "My name is Max. I do not fare well with being called by my birth name."

Angel grimaced for a moment before replacing the look with a fake smile. Though, I could see the irritation burning behind her light blue irises. Then she said again, "As I was saying, this is Ella Martinez. She is the daughter of Mr. Jebadiah and Mrs. Valencia Martinez. She is a good friend and a well-minded maid here in the castle. For now on, she will be your lady-in-waiting."

I nodded and turned my attention to Ella who looked down shyly. Then Nudge said, "Well, Angel and I must be on our way for our parents are expecting us in the throne room. If you have any issues or needs, take them up with Ella. We will see you at noon."

With that Nudge and Angel exited the bathroom and bedroom. Once we were alone, I looked over at Ella who was shifting from foot to foot awkwardly.

I decided to just get in the tub and said, "Ella, would you be as kind as to go to my bedroom and pick out a simple dress and shoes. But, not pink for I utterly feel disgusted with the retched color."

Ella seemed to let out a breath she had been holding for a while and with a curtsy hurried towards the main bedroom to complete the task. With her gone, I slid into the luke-warm water. I sighed in contentment. This was the highlight of my stay because I was not being bombarded with different affairs.

After what felt like hours, I pulled away from the dream state I was in and finished bathing before stepping out of the tub. Then I reached out to grasp one of the towels hanging and made my way out to the bedroom while securing the towel around me. I came out to find Ella standing by the bay windows and seeming to gaze out longingly at something. Keeping quiet as to not alert her, I moved closer to gaze over her shoulder. And what I saw astounded me.

There playing in the large garden was the royal children. I could see Prince James running around with little Angel upon his shoulders laughing with glee. Fang was chasing Nudge around with the help of Prince Zephyrus. The queen and king were a little ways off watching their children with looks of amusement and joy. It made my heart throb at the sight of the happy family. I felt a sudden wave of homesickness come over me and I had to move away from the window to breathe again. Ella seemed to notice and rushed over to help.

She smiled at me and said, "How do you fare Miss Coven?"

I groaned at the name and said, "Please Ella, call me nothing else, but Max." Ella seemed unsure for a moment before nodding in compliance.

I smiled at her and said, "Have you picked the clothes I asked for" Ella grinned at this and pointed over towards the bed. My gaze followed and landed upon a beautiful gown that was a simple one. There was no corset involved (thank the lord!) and it was absolutely stunning.

With Ella's help, I put on the dress and slipped on the pale gold ballet flats that she had laid out with it. They were comfy and easy to move in as well as were the dress.

I moved to the mirror and gazed in awe at my reflection. The dress clung to my body and showed off all my curves and my slim body. It cascaded out in a gown-like shape. The shoulders were decorated with a simple lacy dark gold. The dress itself was a lovely beige/gold color. It complimented my tan skin perfectly. When I pulled my eyes away, I turned to look at Ella. I hugged her and said, "Thank you for what you've done."

Ella nodded and said, "Just pull your hair up into a curly bun and we're all set." When everything was all said and done, I looked stunning. I did not even recognize myself.

Ella smirked and said, "Fang will love you." This explanation made me blush and then we were off down the hall towards the garden where Ella said the family was waiting for me. I felt ashamed to have taken so long, but Ella assured me that the family was alright with it for they took way longer to get ready and that I had only taken 40 minutes. I smiled at this. Then we entered the garden.

Upon entering, all eyes turned to us and a few people gasped. The queen and king came over while the children stopped their play to join their parents.

Queen Odette was the first to speak, "My, my, you sure do are a very skeptical of beauty."

King George came to stand beside his wife and gazed at me for a moment before nodding in agreement. Then a high pitched voice spoke up from behind everyone, "Please! I don't see what you all are so surprised about. She just looks like a wannabe prostitute."

My gazed snapped to a girl making her way through everyone to stop in front of me. She was stood there and glared at me with pure hatred and disgust. Queen Odette turned and snapped at her, "Princess Lusatia, mind your manners or I will have the guards escort you to the main gate."

I gaped at the princess of Sunglass Kingdom. She had flowy red hair that went to about mid shoulder and pale skin with freckles that dotted her cheeks and nose. She had burning greenish-brown eyes that formed a muddy color. Her dress was a tight pink that hugged her body frame super closely and showed a large amount of cleavage.

I bowed to her and she rolled her eyes and then with a fake smile turned to face the Queen. She then said while curtsying, "My dearest apologies, your highness. I wish not to make a fool of my family nor myself. May I be forgiven by her majesty?"

Queen Odette let a smile cross her face and nodded in compliance saying, "Of course young Princess Lusatia."

With this the queen turned her attention to me and said, "Miss Coven, I assume you had no troubles before joining us? Did the maid cause any problems for you?"

I narrowed my eyes at how she scornfully spoke of Ella. I knew from that moment that the queen was in no favor towards my lady-in-waiting and said, "Very much so your highness. Ella was of no trouble nor caused no issues. In fact, she was quite helpful. Thank you for your concern though."

The queen seemed taken aback by my statement and the hardness in my tone, but otherwise did not speak on the subject again. Princess Lusatia stepped forward then and said, "So where are you from?"

She narrowed her eyes and waited for my explanation. "Well, I come from a middle-class family in the small town of Aston. It's located just outside of the kingdom grounds. A wonderful place I must say."

Lusatia rolled her eyes and looked at her nails as if I were a disinteresting topic. King George then spoke and said, "Well, Queen Odette and I shall leave you all for we must attend a gathering with the Lord Brackandroph and Lady Gillian. We will be leaving for a small time. I suspect we will be back in a time of three fortnights –till then farewell my children, Princess Lusatia, and Miss Coven."

With this explanation, the king and queen removed themselves from the scene and disappeared through the large doors. Everyone was quiet before Angel said, "Nudge and I are going to the tea room, Lusatia would you care to join us?"

The princess glared at them and said, "I wouldn't drink tea with any of you putrid things in a millennium."

Angel rolled her eyes and said, "Would anyone else care to join us?" Prince Zephyrus nodded and moved towards them saying, "Let us leave dear sisters." With that they all walked away into the castle leaving the princess, Prince James, Fang, Ella, and I alone.

My head snapped up when I saw Princess Lusatia walk over to Fang and smile flirtatiously. "Hey there baby. What do you say if you and I go up to the private quarters and have a little alone time?"

I cringed at this a turned away. That's when I saw Prince James gazing at something to my left. I followed the direction to see he was looking at Ella who was looking down blushing. I smiled t myself and spoke up so only Ella could hear.

"Dear Ella, why don't you go off and enjoy sometime alone? I won't need anything for awhile, but if I do I shall be able to find another maid for help."

Prince James seemed to notice this statement and said, "I'll take Ella for a walk if that is a fare idea for you Miss Coven."

I smiled at him and said, "What an excellent suggestion. Please do not waste anymore precious time. Enjoy your walk with each other."

Prince James nodded and motioned for Ella to follow as he made his way into the throng of flower bushes and trees. As they went, Ella glanced back at me with a grateful expression. I just smiled back and turned to see Princess Lusatia was now practically groping Fang.

I watched as Fang tried to push her off and she whined, "Please Nicky! We're going to be married soon. So why can we not have some time to get to know one another on a very personal level?"

When the princess spoke of their engagement and wedding I froze. I had forgotten all about that and here I was getting angry at his fiancé for being all over him. With a quiet sigh, I turned to leave just as Fang called to me.

However, I refused to listen for I was not going to endure the pain. When I was clear of the garden and gates I made my way aimlessly through the beautiful castle. After a while, I felt someone's eyes on me and turned to see a young man not much older than myself standing in one of the doorways.

He had short bronze-colored hair, light olive-toned skin, and icy whitish-silver eyes. He came forward and said, "Hello miss. Are you looking for something?"

I shook my head no and said, "No I'm fine at the moment. I fear though that I am lost in myself."

The boy chuckled and said, "Well that is not a good thing then? Is it?"

I smiled and shook my head no.

The boy, again, chuckled and stated, "My apologies Miss. My name is Captain Herald. Though, you may call me Terence if you wish. I'm one of the three head captains to the Kingdom's Guard. And who might you be?"

I giggled which surprised me a lot and said, "I am known as Marixum Coven, but I prefer to be called Max. It is a pleasure to meet one of such status as yourself."

Terence grinned and said, "It all depends on how you look at the one person, Miss Max. May I interest you in a ride through the plum and strawberry fields on a prized horse?"

I laughed at this and nodded excitedly, "Lead the way fare Captain." With this, Terence took hold of my hand and pulled me through the corridors. Little did I know that during our whole exchange, Fang had been watching.

Uhoh! Wonder what's going to happen? Will a romance blossom between the captain and Max or will her love for Fang prevail? Read and Review to find out in the next chapter!