Note: So...considering everything that's been going down with 13-2 and how this is no way in hell even close to what happens, just forget all of the 'real' stuff and focus on the fun I'm serving you. I own not a thing here.

Hope examined himself over and over again in the bathroom mirror. He thought he looked good, but, was it good enough? He'd known Lightning for years, she was the person that taught him to be tuff, a true man. He snorted a little at that thought. Most people would have thought it degrading, humiliating, for a woman to teach a man courage and the like. If only they knew Lightning, she'd knock them upside the head.

He examined his chin in the mirror. Yup, he'd gotten all the hair and no razor burns or nicks. He glanced down at his clothes, nice shirt, nice slacks, all new, but he'd never tell anybody that. The other members of their old team would never let him live it down. Most of all, Snowe. That big dummy would try and give him adives on women. As if! Woman or not, Lightning didn't act like one and treating her like Snowe treated Serah would get him punched in the face...again.

His eyes glanced at his watch, ten minutes till he had to meet up with Lightning. His hands suddenly felt clammy and his mouth grew dry. He could feel his nerves getting shot.

"No, no." He tried to calm himself. "Don't chicken out now. You can do this. She's just another person, like Fang or Vanille. Well, maybe not Vanille, but kinda close to Fang."

Hope took a deep breath before walking out of his apartment.

It was a miricle that Lightning had even agreed to this date. It had taken everything he had to ask her out, and he was sure she would have said 'no' in her 'straight to the point' Lightning way. No suger coating it, no beating around the bush, just flat out 'no'. But she said 'yes'. Well, it was actually 'sure' but that's still a 'yes'.

Her answer had floored him, he actually stood with his mouth hanging open like a fish. He must have looked like a moron, but Lightning stood silently staring at him. How like her. Even after she'd agreed to the date, Hope hadn't actually thought of what they would do on said date, he had excepted a 'no' after all.

It was Lightning that had suggested they go to the new market that was opening.

Hope stood before the door to Lightning's house, his knuckles were inches from knocking. Did he look good enough? Was his hair straight? His heart beat into his throat. This was more terrifying then any enemy he'd face.

Swollowing as best he could with a dry mouth, Hope wrapped on the door.