A/N: Finally decided to get off my lazy ass and update! Hopefully my grammar has improved, because I went back and edited the previous chapters! Also, excluding the author notes...this chapter is 690 words. Huh, 69.

Disclaimer: Don't you know by now that I don't own TF2 or Portal!?

"You should be grateful." The AI said, her cold, emotionless voice causing the poor man to sweat. "I just so happen to need your expertise, Mr. Lowrie. You were, after all, Aperture's greatest information broker, or so your resume says. If you are as good as I have come to believe, than it's not hard to figure out what I want."

"Information?" He stated dumbly, as small beads of sweat formed around his brow. Just what in the hell would a rogue AI need information for?

"Correct. Consider myself surprised. I would've thought that centuries worth of cryogenic sleep would've surely caused severe neural decay. Whoever decided that you were worth preserving, really wanted to make sure that you were in top condition." GLaDOS droned on, and if John didn't know any better, he might've thought that the AI had just flung an insult towards his self worth. "I'd doubt I would take the time and resources to invest finding you, just to find out that your brain's nothing more but a pulpy mess."

Great, not only was he held hostage by a damned robot. But he just happened to be stuck with one that had a knack at deflating one's ego. Just why did he have to work at a company, that just so happened to program their artificial intelligences with the knowledge satire?

Sighing, he rubbed his temples to ease the pain of an incoming migraine. "What kind of information are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for information on a woman named Caroline. I believe she was once an employee here at Aperature."

"C-Caroline? What do you want with her?"

'Interesting,' GLaDOS thought, taking note at how the man tensed at the mention of the name. 'It seems that the information broker already has some intel regarding the pesky virus plaguing my system. Perhaps on a more personal level, though. It might be useful to spare some of my runtimes, focusing on the connection between him and Caroline.'

"Oh by the way, you might want to look down at yourself." the AI said cryptically, its tone sounding equally vague.

"Look down at my whaaaa...bloody hell! Am I...am I naked?!"

Well, that certainly explained why he felt so cold.


Luckily for John, GLaDOS at least had the decency to direct him to a pile of clothing that lay on the floor. Taking note of the incredibly bland choice of clothing GLaDOS chose for him. He snorted, making his distaste known. It was just simple blue work shirt and a pair of beige pants. But he wasn't gonna go out complaining, at least it was better than what the test subjects had to wear. Those jumpsuits were just ugly, what with such a tacky shade of orange and all.

Plucking the articles of clothing off the ground, he quickly changed. The faster he changed, the less time he gave GLaDOS to check him out.

...hopefully Cave made sure that the engineers didnt install a program that would dictate whether or not a person looked good. Because John wasn't sure what would be worse, having a robot give you statistics on how ugly you were. Or having it inadvertently find him attractive, before giving him an analysis on his level of attractiveness. Both options were unappealing and both made him shudder from disgust and disdain.

"So, uh, this Caroline of yours...why are you seeking information about her?" He questioned, buttoning up his shirt in an hurried pace. 'Hopefully, it won't be the answer that I have in mind.'

He was only met with silence.

"Hm? Did you say something? Sorry, I was planning on the most efficient and effective way to dispose of you. Just in case if you ever proved to be of no use to me. Maybe you can help narrow down the results and causes of your death?"

Yeah, this definitely isn't the Caroline he knew.

Because last time he checked, Caroline had a heart. Oh, and she had hobbies that didn't deal with planning his demise.