Chapter 1

Pan's beginning


(Note: There are NO 1/2 saiyans of 1/4 saiyans. If anybody is a offspring of a sayian then they are 100% saiyan. Pan is a young woman she has a figure of Bulla/Bra. Trunks is pan's age like 17 years old, so is Goten)

It's a nice day, the birds are singing it isn't cold and it isn't hot. It's just right. A girl sits outside by a lake. She is wearing her grandfather's traditional fighting outfit. She is upset though. She gives off a angry ki that warns her fellow friends to keep away. She leans over and looks at her reflection. She pauses and looks at her self but in rage she slaps the water and pulls away from the lake and pulls her knees towards her chest. Seconds later a strong figured man cautiously walks towards her. It was Gohan. He is wearing the traditional orange and blue fighting outfit his father always wears.

"Pan... are you alright?" Gohan quietly talks to pan with a sincere tone.

Pan abruptly stands to her feet and creates fists at her sides. She faces Gohan.

"Dad! Just leave me alone!"

"You know I can't do that. Your mother is worried sick and wants to know if your alright."

Pan scolds her father and gives him the cold shoulder.

"Hmph!" Pan says.

Gohan sighs and walks closer to Pan and gives Pan a hug from behind.

Pan tries to maintain her tough attitude but breaks under her emotions and starts to burst into tears. She uncrosses her arms, turns around, wraps her arms around her father and buries her face in Gohan's chest. Gohan embraces her hug.

"Daddy! Why couldn't I go? I wanted to join Trunks and Goten and grand pa!" Pan cries out but her voice is muffled by Gohan's chest. Gohan brushes Pan's a bit longer than shoulder length black hair. "There there don't cry" Gohan assures Pan. "It's just that... your not ready to go off into space in your current state" Gohan continues. Pan lifts her red face from crying so much and looks up at her father.

"What do you mean?" Pan asks sobbing in between her words.

"What I mean is your not strong enough to go out into space"

Pan stops crying but frowns.

"No more crying ok?"

Pan sighs and sniffs and pulls away and turns her head away from Gohan. "Ok dad." Pan says discouraged.

"Hey let's get inside and have Grandma Chi Chi whip us up a nice dinner! Come on what do you say?" Gohan smiles and signals towards Chi Chi's home with his thumb. Pan grins and nodds her head and leaps into the air and takes off flying. "I bet I can beat you there!" Pan yells out to Gohan as she zooms away.

Gohan puts his game face on and leaps into the air and zooms to catch up with her. Pan chuckles and looks back and sees Gohan catching up quickly. Gohan has a evil smirk on his face. Pan gets a little scared but shakes it off, and looks determined to win and increases her speed.

Gohan does the same. "Man how is he so fast?" Pan thinks to herself. Pan then sees the house in view, and smiles. "HA! I won!" Pan then swiftly lands on her feet and walks into the house. Pan throws her hands into the air. "Yes! I won, I am first!"

But all of Pan's victory was short lived because she then notices her father was sitting at the table with his lovely wife Videl.

Pan's face says it all she is totally baffled. Her hands drop to her sides. Chi Chi walks by with a rag cleaning the dinning table. "What is it Pan? What did you win?" Chi Chi askes Pan. Gohan chuckles and grins. "Sorry Pan but your going to have to fly faster than that if you want to beat me." Gohan laughs. Pan scolds her father and stomps towards him and sits next to her mother instead of Gohan. Videl chuckles.

"Did you guys race?" Videl askes.

"Hai" Gohan replies.

Chi Chi then brings bowls of soup and rice and places it on to the table.

"Here you go guys eat up."

Pan shakes off her anger and starts eating like crazy. So does Gohan.

Videl and Chi Chi close their eyes and eat like young mannered ladies.

"This is normal." Chi Chi says

"Yes in this family it is" Videl replies and takes a bite out of her rice.

The family eat as usually and afternoon turns into evening. Every one is in bed. Gohan and Videl in their bed nestled up to each other soundly asleep, Chi Chi in her room alone soundly asleep and in her bed and Pan is wide awake. Pan lays in her bed face up. She stares at the ceiling thinking about the times she would had have with grand pa, Goten, and Trunks in space . She sighs and sits up. She starts whispering to her self.

"I can't take this anymore. They have been gone for almost 2 weeks and I can't yet alone stand a whole year!" Pan looks around her dark room and looks towards the window. She gets up and looks out her window to see beautiful stars in the night sky. "Your some where out there." Pan quietly tells her self. "I just know it" she continues.

Pan pauses for a while, then opens the window. The gentle night air blows past hair and gentle moves her orange and blue outfit around, and gently blows her hair. You can hear the crickets chirp. Pan embraces the night's atmosphere and walks away from the window to grab a piece of paper and a pen to write her note. She writes and it reads

"Hey mom, dad, and grandma,

I am sorry I ran away but I am going to be fine where I am going. I will be safe. I promise. Please don't come after me because you'd be just wasting your time. I am a grown woman and I can take care of myself. I will return safe and sound. Besides I am a saiyan. I can take care of myself.



Pan puts the paper on her pillow and quickly jumps out of her window and into the night.

End of Chapter one