I whipped this up in Biology last year. I was bored.

Prowl always had something on his mind.

He wondered about things, pondered things, planned things, observed things, contemplated things, and sometimes, he might even daydream.

But now, Prowl wasn't doing any of those things.

He wasn't pondering the possibility that the lunch that particular solarcycle may be even partially edible or observing the lilleth perched on the wall outside the window or daydreaming about... well, anything.

He was wondering what was running through the Chemistry teacher's mind by allowing Jazz to work with him.

Prowl silently cursed Ember for scrambling across the room to Flareup, who had been banned from working with chemicals and therefore required a capable partner.

It wasn't like he minded being partners with Jazz any other time, sometimes Jazz was really fun and a worthwhile partner.

Just not when he was working with dangerous and potentially explosive chemicals.

"So what're we s'posed to be doin'?" Jazz asked.

Prowl palmed his forehead. "Look, Jazz, it's not like you're accident prone or anything, but... maybe you should just let me mix the chemicals."

"But if I do that, yer gonna git all the credit."

"At least we'd be... y'know... not blown up." Prowl pulled the chemical rack toward him and looked over the liquids, pointing to each one as he identified it. "Okay, this is the magnesium sulfate, that'll be the hydrochloric acid... there's the saline-mercury solution... over here is the cobaltine... that's nitrothallate, neoturbium, promethium sillicate, chlorium, fluorodine, and arsenic. Okay..."

Prowl began to mix the chemicals carefully. He added the cobaltine, chlorium, and magnesium sulfate to the saline-mercury solution, the nitrothallate and the neoturbium to the fluorodine, and the promethium sillicate and hydrochloric acid to the the arsenic.

He set the first and second solutions over burners to boil and moved the third as far away from the burners as possible. Once the solutions were successfully boiled to their basic forms, he mixed them and set the larger solution back onto the burner.

A small explosion occurred in the back of the room, and the teacher called Prowl and Longarm to escort Zenon and Nitrate to the Infirmary.

At the door, Prowl turned back, adjusting his grip on Zenon. "Jazz, do not touch our experiment. Just turn the heat down."

Prowl and Longarm were headed back when they heard a loud BOOM. They were in the courtyard, therefore had a view upward. A column of smoke and flame was visible from the Chemistry wing.

"... Jazz touched your guys' experiment," Longarm assessed.