I walked down the alley to meet with my friends. I saw Grimmjow, Nnoitra, and Renji and smirked. "You are late idiot" Grimmjow grumbled.

"Sorry" I said sarcastically.

Renji walked over to me and held up the winged heart necklace Ichigo gave me. "What the hell is this?" he asked, mockingly.

"Nothing" I snapped, snatching it away from him.

I tucked it under my black jacket and glared at Renji. "Hichi…you are always late for our meetings" Grimmjow snarled.

"I have things to do and" I started.

"HELLO" a voice called. I froze, knowing perfectly well who it was. Nnoitra smiled and started to stalk out of the alley. Grimmjow and Renji followed with me chasing after them. Ichigo stood there, looking confused. I could see his tears. "…Hello...? Where did you go?" Ichigo asked, his tears raced down his face.

"Isn't that Ichigo Kurosaki, the newest thing in music…why would he be here?" Grimmjow whispered.

"Are you mad at me for something" Ichigo asked, looking around.

"We should give him a nice welcome to our territory" Renji purred.

Renji and Grimmjow stepped into the light and Ichigo looked at them. His eyes wide and he backed up. I pushed past Nnoitra and walk into the light. "Leave him alone guys" I growled.

Ichigo saw me and raced over to me. He nuzzled his head into my arm. "Hichigo" he cried, his eyes spilling a load of tears. I placed my hand on his head and comforted him.

"Ichigo, why did you follow me" I asked.

"I was worried…you are always leaving and I thought you were in danger or something" Ichigo sniffed.

I suppressed a chuckle and glanced at the others. They stared at me, mouths wide open. "Ichigo, I am taking you home" I commanded. I guided Ichigo through the alleys. Ichigo just kept his head burrowed in my arm.

When we arrived at Ichigo's house, I saw his father rush towards us. "What happened?" He demanded.

"Ichigo followed me when I went into town" I explained.

"Ichigo…you know that is dangerous…thanks for bringing him home Hichigo" he thanked me.

"Welcome" I said with a nod, turning to go.

Ichigo grabbed the back of my shirt and refuses to let go. "Hichi" he cried. I smirked and turned back around.

"Don't cry King" I murmured, hugging him. He snuggled his head into my neck, continuing to cry.

I led him upstairs to his room. I helped him lay down. I sat on the edge of his bed. Ichigo's hand was entwined with mine. I gently ran my thumb across the back of his hand. "Hichigo…will you come over tomorrow" Ichigo asked.

"Of course, if you wish it I will" I replied with a soft smile.

"Will you come to my concert with me" Ichigo asked.

"I can if you want me to" I responded. Ichigo nodded sleepily. "Get some rest" I commanded.

Ichigo sat up and kissed me softly. "Hichi…I really like you" he purred before laying back down.

"Me too Ichi…me too" I replied.

Ichigo closed his eyes and a few minutes later was fast asleep. Ichigo's father came in a few minutes later. "Why do you continue coming here" he growled.

"Ichigo keeps asking me to come" I replied.

"You are just street trash" he snapped.

"I know…but when I try to tell Ichigo he refuses to believe me" I sighed.

He snorted and snatched my hand from Ichigo. "Hichigo…don't leave me" Ichigo panted.

I put my hand back next to Ichigo which he gladly took. "I will leave once Ichigo calms down a bit" I stated, running my other hand over Ichigo's forehead. Ichigo's father stood there watching for a few minutes before leaving.

I walked into the small apartment I shared with the others. "Finally you are back" Renji hissed.

"Who is that boy? And why did he hug you and shit" Grimmjow added.

"Ichigo Kurosaki…and he is a friend of mine" I replied.

"Friend? You are kidding, he seems to be your uke" Nnoitra laughed.

"And you were acting out of character towards him" Grimmjow added.

"He tends to need something not as rough" I murmured.

"You like him" Renji stated.

"No" I growled.

"You must if you are bothering with all this" Renji growled.

"Shut up" I snapped, stomping to my bed.

"The necklace…he gave it to you" Grimmjow asked.

"Yeah" I murmured. I climbed into my bed and hid my head. I closed my eyes and blocked off all noise. I drifted to sleep quickly after that.

I woke up and looked around. I was in my own bed. Hichigo was gone. "Hichigo" I called.

I got up and went downstairs. "Ichigo, I need you to stop inviting Hichigo over and around" my father demanded.

"…But I love him" I replied.

My dad looked surprised and then narrowed his eyes. "He is street trash…what do you really know about him" my dad growled.

"It isn't what I know but what I want to know" I whispered.

"What son?" my dad asked.

"It isn't what I know but what I want to know" I said louder.

My dad stared and then there was a knock at the door. I raced to it and opened it. Hichigo stood, grinning at me. He was dressed in black jeans and a red t-shirt. I leaped on him and wrapped my arms around him. "Hey Ichi-berry" he chirped, ruffling my hair.

I grinned and snuggled my head into his chest. Hichigo gave a small laugh. "You seem eager today" he chuckled. I nodded and led him upstairs. We entered my room and he sat on my bed. I climbed on his lap and rubbed my head against his chest. "What are you? A kitty cat?" he teased.

"Meow" I purred.

Hichigo chuckled. "Don't you need to get ready for that concert" he asked. I blushed and nodded. Hichigo stood up and went to my closet. He tossed me a pair of black jeans, a white button up shirt and a red tie. Then he helped me into my button up shirt and tied the tie. I changed into my jeans. "Sit" Hichigo commanded. I sat down on my bed. Hichigo carefully and masterfully eye lined my eyes to make my eyes pop. Then he put some conceal on my blemishes. Then added something all of my face. "It will hide your blushes" he teased. He smirked at me and picked up the eyeliner pen. He traced my heart shaped scar.

"HEY" I squeaked.

"It's cute" he pouted.

I blushed and looked away. "Fine" I murmured.

Then Hichigo lead me downstairs. Rukia sat at the table, smirking. "Anything you can't do Hichigo" she asked.

"Off the top of my head…can't sew or fix TVs" Hichigo teased.

Rukia giggled and patted his head. "Good Hichi" she chirped. Rukia was dressed in a red dress, black leggings, and black flipflops. "We are leaving" my dad called.

"Coming dad" I called back.

I wrote this a long time ago...don't remember exactly the storyline...all the more fun I guess xD

All I did was minor minor editing on this...it's at least 6 months old too...so be niceish ^^;

I found it and decided to post it...I will probably rewrite my summary later...and the whole story too ^^;

Review plz

Edit: This is the video/song that inspired this story- .com/watch?v=kJ4uDHUfcp4&feature=g-vrec&context=G272efe1RVAAAAAAAABg