YESSS! Finally it worked! Stupid site wouldn't let me upload it any earlier. I had a mental break through last night and couldn't wait to write this today. A pat on the back to me if you would. You have no idea how much I struggled to break through my writers block. Any who, hope you enjoy. Please Please, REVIEW.

Warning: There is more angst to this chapter. I apologize, but I felt it was needed.

Note: This song has nothing to do with this chapter really. But it was the song that I kept replaying over and over while writing. :D

Song: Time-Timberland ft. She Wants Revenge (Awesome Song by the way)

I had Viola pinned against the wall outside of Stiles bedroom. She growled and bared her teeth at me before snarling; "Now that's just rude Autumn."

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked trying to focus my attention on her face as the floor beneath my feet continued to tilt off its axis.

"I came to check on you." I heard the skip in her heart beat and knew she was lying.

"Bull! Now what are you doing here?" I demanded baring my own growing canines. She didn't take kindly to it either before grasping my arms and trying to throw me down the steps. I kept my hands firmly latched onto her suit, dragging her down the steps with me as we tumbled head over heels. My already sore body hitting with a powerful thump once we hit the bottom. I grunted as it knocked the wind out of me. I lolled my head to the left to see Viola cracking her shoulder back in place before getting up and pinning me to the ground.

"I can't Autumn…you should never have went against me. I can't let it happen again!" She roared from above me. I felt her claws digging into my shoulder as she lost control of her wolf and started shifting above me. I let out a yowl before shoving her backwards off of me. The sound of her bones cracking echoed in my ears. No fucking way was I strong enough as human to take her on. I summoned my wolf to surface and whimpered as the painful transformation took hold of me. The pain that seeped through my body intensified with each snap before settling as I stood on wobbly fours to face my grandmother. I stared at the starry silver colored wolf that had become Viola. I could see the true age of her wolf that she hid so well in her eyes. Grey highlighted her snout and around her eyes. Her teeth were razor sharp in the front, but the back seemed dull. She was bigger than my own wolf and there was no denying her expertise on wolf fights. It was in the way she held herself, ready for anything. I may be younger and more agile, but she had a shit load more years experience than me. She circled around me in a dance, sizing my wolf, as she judged her best move. No way was I stupid enough to make the first move. 'You're just like your mother. Ignorant, selfish. You never think about the good of the many. You've forced me to this Autumn.' Her voice echoed through my head. 'Why Viola? Why do you want more blood on your hands? More of your own family's blood? When will it stop?' I asked as she circled back around to face me. 'You don't get it. I killed your mother for the good of the pack. She lied and deceived us Autumn. Just like you. I apologize for what I did to your mother but you should learn from her mistakes.' 'It's over Viola. You ruined it for Derek and I. You were going to get what you wanted anyway. And you knew it.' 'No! It would never happen! You would never let it happen. Your to stubborn to give in. Just like your mother!' She howled the last part making it ring through my head. I jumped back and shook my head trying to stop the powerful ringing.

I felt the hit to my side as I went tumbling into the wall, knocking several pictures down. Viola was on me in an instant; her teeth sinking into my neck as she tossed me across the room again and into the TV. 'Damn you you stupid bitch! You're a fucking Cheater! Is this how you killed my mother? Ambushing her!' I made sure I yelled it and watched in pleasure as she stopped mid attack and backed away. 'But your right about one thing. I am just like my mother. I'm proud to be too. At least she felt and loved! More than you will ever know you cold hearted BITCH!' I shoved the TV off of me as I stood. My anger took hold; pushing the pain deeper and out of mind. I charged at her and sunk my teeth deep into her neck and used all my force to shove her backwards; slamming into the coffee table as it shattered in pieces. She yowled before clamping down on my shoulder to drag me down. 'A deal is a deal Autumn. I wonder if Peter's took care of Derek yet.' My eyes widened but I kept my hold, 'That pup wasn't part of the plan; but he was no threat.' She continued. Scott! I yelped forgetting my hold on her; she took the chance to clamp down harder on my shoulder, crunching the bone before flinging me backwards. 'What the fuck did you do to Scott!' I questioned after I crashed into the dinning room table.

'I didn't do anything…Peter though…' She trailed off as she caught her breath advancing towards me. 'Peter takes care of his own; I take care of mine.' She hissed before lunging at me. I rolled out of the way and caught her in the side; clamping down on her hip and using all my power and dislocating it. She howled in pain before the crack of gunfire sounded through the room. I felt it hit in the left side of my chest but refused to let go of Viola as she tried to pry herself from my grip. She let out another yowl when I caught a glimpse of what she was really doing. 'Help! Help!' She pleaded to the man with the gun. I clamped down harder and drug her hip to the floor with me.

"DAD! NO!" Stiles screamed running down the stairs.

"Stiles! Get out of the way!" Sheriff Stilinski ordered.

"No! Stop! You're going to hurt her!" Stiles defended. I listened to the shuffling going on behind me.

"Stiles get off! Release my gun!" His dad shouted back but continued to struggle with him. I sunk to the floor as my grip on Viola released. She whimpered before dragging herself away. 'I'm sorry Autumn.' She whispered in my head before disappearing. My chest heaved as the pain spread; making it difficult to breath. Great! How many times can I be shot in one day? I entertained the thought as the pain spread through my entire body. The crack of bone and shedding of hair falling away to reveal my true form. "Stiles No. Get away…"

"Let go Dad!" Stiles ordered when I felt a hand on my shoulder and gently rolling me over. Stiles slid my hair from my face so that I could see his face. His shoulder lolled and he winced when he tried to move it.

"Oh shit Sti. I'm sorry." I whispered trying to draw in breaths.

"Oh My God!" The Sheriff huffed, dropping his gun to stare at me. I meet his wide brown eyes and gave a small smile. He was frozen in place as he continued to gape at me.

"Sheriff…don't." I managed. 'Don't worry…you didn't know. Just…'

"Holy shit…are you…" He stumbled back before balancing himself. 'In your head? Yea. You might as well know. Yes, what you just seen is real. Werewolves are real.' I clarified trying to help put his mind at ease.

"Autumn…hey, it's going to be ok." Stiles reassured as he grasped my hand and stared at the bullet wound. 'Well hell, I guess you finally get to see me naked.' I teased trying to put his mind at ease as well. I seen him smile and blush before adding, 'Scott and Derek? You have to check on them. She said Peter was going to hurt them.' I informed. He looked at me confused when worry set in his eyes.

"What the….AUTUMN!" I heard Derek's gruff voice sound from somewhere in the room.

"Hale! Get back." The Sheriff warned holding his arm out.

"Fuck you." Derek replied and shoved past him before kneeling next to me. Stiles had long since moved out of the way. "Autumn? Wha.." He trailed off as he looked at the bullet wound in my chest. 'Derek! Your ok?' I asked as relief washed through me. "Oh god Au." He stated still looking at the wound and ignoring my question. I rolled my eyes; seriously, it's just a bullet. I'll heal. I thought, but my growing discomfort and strained efforts to breathe where hinting other wise. "I need to remove the bullet. Do you keep liquor in the house?"

"Yea." Stiles replied and I listened to him rush around the kitchen.

"We need to take her to the hospital." The Sheriff chimed in.

"NO! No hospital."

"You said so yourself. The bullet needs to come out."

"I know what I said. Just…do you have table or something off the ground?" Derek asked while holding his hand against to the hole.

"My desk…"

"That'll work." Derek cut him off. I felt his strong arms wrap around me and I tried to huddle closer to his warmth. I hadn't realized how cold I was till I felt Derek's inviting warmth. I listened to the sound of shuffling papers before the sound of everything breakable crashed to the floor as a hard surface pressed to my back.

"Whiskey!" Stiles shouted and handed it to Derek. I stared at Stiles as he clutched his arm. 'Derek. Stiles shoulder. It's dislocated.' I informed.

"It'll have to wait." 'No. Help him. He's human.' "Autumn, I'm not going to argue about this. I'm fixing you first then I'll worry about him." 'I'm wont die. I'll heal. Now help him or I swear if you don't I'll kick your ass as soon as I get off this table.' I threatened. He rolled his eyes before turning his back to me.

"Derek? Derek what are you…Ahhhhhhh ahh OH God!" Stiles shrieked.

"Get your hands off my son!" The Sheriff ordered. 'He's helping him.' He stopped and pulled Stiles aside before nodding his head and backing into a corner of the office. Derek turned back to me; he wore a stone mask, but there was no hiding the concern that glimmered in those greens. 'Derek, I'm sorry.'

He stopped what he was doing and met my eyes before connecting our lips together. The kiss was slow and deliberate as his lips glided against mine when I felt the prod of something sharp digging around through my chest. "Ahhhh! Oh fuck!" I shouted against his lips. 'You did that on purpose asshole!' I shouted at him as he continued to fish his claw around in my wound; then a funny tingly sensation started to burn low in my belly. It was actually quite pleasurable; enough to help drown out the pain from Derek's vicious finger. I felt the heat creep between my legs and bit at my lip.

"That's right. Focus on the pleasure." Derek coaxed. My lady bits had begun to ache as pleasure danced through my body; outdoing the pain. I let out a moan of pleasure just as he removed the bullet from my chest. "Scott, get over here!" Derek ordered. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the weakening pleasure." 'Derek, the pain. It's coming back.' "I know. I'll end it in a minute." He whispered. His voice held no bitter edge with me. 'Do you forgive me?' I asked unable to contain it any longer. I didn't want him to be mad at me after all this. I didn't want him to leave. I hissed when I felt the burn of the whiskey as it was poured over the hole. "Sheriff, is there somewhere I can take her to rest?" Derek asked completely blowing me off. 'You're not getting out of this.' I warned but felt the ping of hurt when he didn't answer.

"Uh…yea…upstairs; spare bedroom." The Sheriff replied, clearly strained and having a hard time accepting that A. Werewolves exist and B. Derek Hale the accused murderer was in his house. I felt for him and wished that things could just go back to being normal. Where he was completely oblivious to my existence. Derek picked me up and slid by the Sheriff. 'Thank you Sheriff Stilinski.' I offered. His eyes widened before he stepped back; dragging Stiles and Scott with him. I huddled against Derek's chest as he carried me up the steps; thank god it wasn't anything like Stiles attempt, before he kicked open a door and stepped into the bedroom. The room was painted yellow, an old white dresser sat on the wall next to the door with an oval shaped mirror hanging above it. Derek laid me down on the queen size bed that was dressed in white sheets with an old white quilt that topped it. I glanced around the dark room, taking in my surroundings, before turning back to Derek who was tucking me in.

"I don't want to get his sheets dirty." I stated. The room was beautiful and I felt as though I was invading its beauty with my bloody body.

"Don't worry about it." Derek said simply.

"Derek? Will you stay with me?" I asked hopefully. He sighed before turning away from me and hollering out the bedroom door.

"Sheriff?" He yelled down the hall. I listened to the footsteps creep up the steps slowly.

"Yea?" he answered back as he reached the top.

"Will I be ambushed or shot if I stay the night here with her?" He questioned.

"Uhh…I…no. No, you won't be ambushed or shot." The Sheriff caved. 'I promise he'll be good.' I offered.

"Stiles! Scott! Fill the Sheriff in!" Derek ordered.

"SURE!" They both answered hollering up the steps followed by Stiles, "Hey dad, I think we need to talk." That was an understatement. Derek shut the door before removing his shoes and climbing into the bed with me. I hadn't noticed he was shirtless until I snuggled into his side; my head resting on his chest. Ah dammit! I ruined his shirt and most likely his jacket that he seemed to favor. Dammit! We sat there in silence for a while; I pressing impossibly closer, his arm hugging my shoulder while the other held my hand that was draped over his abdomen. I winced as I felt the healing begin in my chest and clinched his hand tightly as the aches returned.

"I'm not upset anymore Autumn." His voice low and serious as he broke the silence. "I was wrong….I just…I'm not very good at this." He huffed in agitation as he searched for the right words.

"You had every right to be upset with me. I should have told you…but honestly…I was scared." I confessed trying to make him feel more comfortable. He hugged me tighter into him before rolling on his side cradling me against his chest as he wrapped both arms around me; kissing the top of my head gently. I buried my nose into his neck, breathing in his calming scent, and nibbled at the bite mark that still marked my claim on him.

"You were right about my Uncle. He's not the same. He's…sick." I heard the pain in his voice as he admitted to his Uncles disgrace. I felt so low for being the reason to his discovery.

"At least your Uncle didn't kill his own daughter or try to attempt to kill his granddaughter." I offered. It made me sad that Viola was still willing to spill more blood; more of her owns blood. I didn't realize how desperate she truly was to keep the Harvelle name and power until tonight. "My grandmother tried to kill me tonight. She killed my mom Derek. Her own daughter. Just so she could keep the Harvelle name and power. She was going to kill Scott and you too." I tried to hide the tears that threatened to spill over. "She won't stop until she's made the Harvelle name secure again. And I think that she's even willing to work with Peter." I heard him sigh as he mulled over what I just said. Then it dawned on me. "Derek, we have to warn Scott and Stiles not to leave here tonight. They need to stay; the Sheriff too."

"They've already decided that everyone is staying here tonight." He stated.


"Their not exactly quite Autumn." He filled in. "Let's get some sleep. Tomorrows another day." He urged, tucking one of my legs between his and pulling me impossibly closer.

"Will you stay with me? Be here when I wake up?" I knew it sounded clingy; but I couldn't bare the thought of being away from him when I had expected him to be dead.

"Yes. Sleep Autumn." He ordered again and kissed my cheek before resting his head against mine. It wasn't long before I felt the weight of fatigue tug at my body and mind. The aches and pains faded into dull sensations as blackness took hold. Tomorrow was another day.

How was that? Was it good? I apologize again for the angst and I promise more humor to the next chapter. Origanlly, I never planned on the Sheriff finding out about werewolves, but hey, this works too. As always: REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW. I can't you guys enough for the lovely reviews. I only had the last chapter up for a half hour and I got four reviews. Seriously; You guys are the reason I keep writing. Much LOVE! :D Oh and if you haven't; take a look at my other story to help fill in for any hiatuses that may occur while writing this one. It's called 'All Hale the College Life Under the Full Moon'. It's good. I promise.