AN: so, the story finally ends, I apologize if it seems rushed, especially because it has been so long since I've uploaded, i was just really unsure as to where to go with it, also i appreciate all of your wonderful feedback, and hope to receive the same for the two new stories i have in the works, so anyways, Enjoy!

Rainbow took no time getting to Fluttershy's cottage, not wanting to spend another moment worrying about any possible predicament her friend may be in. When she arrived she took a deep breath and knocked on the door. No answer. She looked about, from the outside she could see that there was a light on inside. This made her very nervous, if Fluttershy was home why wouldn't she answer? She knocked again; trying to shove her panic deep down, this was no time to be frantic. She tried the knob, and to her relief it opened, she stepped inside and was greeted by an unnerving silence.

"Flutters?" the blue mare called timidly "Are you here?"

Rainbow was almost embarrassed by the fear she heard in her own voice.

"Fluttershy please," by this she was on the brink of tears, she didn't feel good about any of it, the silence especially. "Answer me Flutters, please."

Rainbow made her way to Fluttershy's bedroom and found a large mound of blankets piled on the bed, a formless lump, she approached it and saw that it was moving, breathing. Rainbow gently lifted the cover to find a very ill yellow mare, surrounded by a tangled halo of pink. She had found Fluttershy. All of her emotions shifted in a dizzying rush. She's okay! Thank Celestia! She doesn't look well though, maybe I should see if she needs anything.

As if in answer to this the yellow pony opened her eyes and turned her sea green eyes to find the blue mare who she had known for so long. "Dashie," she croaked " what are you doing here? You'll miss the race!"

"You're more important than any race Flutters" dash said, smoothing her pink mane "Much more."

"But…" she tried to protest.

"No buts." Rainbow spoke much like a doting mother "You look terrible! Have you eaten anything?"

Fluttershy once again tried to protest, but Dash would not have any of it.

"Fluttershy, how many times have you taken care of me when I was sick, when I was hurting, when I was sad? This is, if nothing else, a token of thanks for all you've done. Don't take it as charity, take it as payment, okay?"

At this she smiled and timidly said "Okay" and then "thank you, Rainbow Dash"

"So, as I was saying, have you eaten?" Rainbow inquired.

"No," was Fluttershy's embarrassed reply "And, I haven't fed any of my animals either, I tried believe me, but I've just got such a headache, and I'm so dizzy."

"Don't worry Flutters, I'll take care of it now, you rest." And with that Rainbow left to tend to responsibility. First things first she thought take care of Fluttershy. Rainbow made her way to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets, pulling out some medicine, a can of soup, and a saucepan; she the crossed to the fridge and took out some juice and a carrot (Fluttershy had always had a strange taste for carrots in her soup). Rainbow put the soup on and poured her friend some juice, as well as setting out a bowl for her meal. While the soup warmed she went to the backyard and fed Fluttershy's numerous animals, she had never been much of an animal person, but she felt rater peaceful as she watched them move about vying for their daily meal, and laughed a bit at their uneasy glances, no doubt they wondered where their true caretaker had gone. When all of the creatures had been tended she made her way inside. Only to find that, to her dismay, the pot of soup was very nearly boiling over, she rushed and turned the burner off just as the bubbling had come dangerously close to the edge, however in doing this the blue mare knocked the saucepan to the ground, splattering thick, hot soup everywhere. She cursed to herself as she shook the sticky liquid from her mane and tail, an then sighed as she went to grab a rag to clean the rest from the floor. After doing so she took the juice and medicine to her friend, and admitted what had happened with the soup. To her further embarrassment, Fluttershy laughed at her story.

"What's so funny, I nearly burned my hooves off over that!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"It's just cute that you tried, again Rainbow, Thank you." The yellow pony croaked.

Dash softened at this, that old familiar feeling taking over again she leaned over and nuzzled her friend, who sighed gently. In a comfortable stupor Fluttershy whispered, "I love you Dashie."

And as naturally as if it she had been saying it her whole life Rainbow replied " I love you too, Fluttershy."

Neither Rainbow, nor Fluttershy ever pondered what kind of love it was,and neither had to say it, for they both knew, in that moment that what they felt was mutual, and true, and the only regret they had, was not realizing that sooner.