

"Tag! You're it!" the blonde girl cries, running from the boy with the cherry-red face.

"Sh-shut up!" he pants, "I'm not it, you didn't even tap me!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

The boy stops to catch his breath, and, and he leans on his knees, the girl runs up and taps him.

"Tag! You're it!"

The boy frowns and begins to run.

"I'm gonna get you!"

"No you won't!"

"Oh, yes I will!"

The girl keeps running until she finds herself, to her dismay, in an alley with the gate to her garden one side and the boy the other side.

"I've got you now!" he runs up the alley and taps her on the shoulder.


The girl scowls and crosses her arms.

"Fine," she pouts, "but now you have to kiss me!"

"Ew, no!" the boy cries, "I don't want cooties!"

"Too bad!" the girl says, leaning forward.

"Aw, man!" the boy moans, before his lips are smushed into hers. When they break away after a second, the girl grins devilishly.

"Tag, you're it!" she taps him quickly, before dodging past him and running down the garden towards the swings.


Olive Doyle walks down the hallway, clutching her books close to her for fear of someone knocking them out of her grasp. She hasn't been an ant for four years, yet she still worries that she is not accepted.

"Hey Olive!" Fletcher Quimby calls to her. She turns, her blonde hair flicking her face.

"Oh, hey Fletcher," she grins, walking towards him.

"Hey, have you seen Chyna? I wanna ask her something," Olive's mood darkens. She knows what Fletcher is going to ask Chyna, and to tell you the truth, she's jealous.

"Erm, no. Actually, I think she's in rehearsals," Olive lies, knowing that Chyna is just finishing up her art project and told her to go ahead.

"Oh, I'll just go find her then," Fletcher smiles at the thought of seeing Chyna, whilst not spotting the death glare Olive is currently shooting at him, "Thanks, Ols. You're a great friend!" he pats her on the back before running off towards the auditorium, and Olive's heart breaks just a little more.

"Yeah, see you," she sighs, before continuing towards her locker. Cameron stands in front of it frowning.

"What's up, locker neighbour?" she asks, wondering what Cameron is doing here. He's nineteen now, and graduated over a year ago. He's supposed to be in university.

"The locker. It won't open," Cameron frowns at the locker again, twiddles the lock, and sighs when nothing happens. Olive smiles.

"Cameron, go home," she says, "You graduated (barely) a year ago."

She doesn't know what's wrong with Cameron. Nobody does.

"I'm sorry," Cameron apologises, "I really am."

"What are you doing here then?" Olive asks, twiddling a strand of hair between her thumb and index finger.

"I keep forgetting. But I'm here to see Becca."

"Oh. Well, good luck, but please remember next time that Tanya is now my locker neighbour."

"I can tell. Someone changed the combination," Cameron smiled his trademark wide smile, and headed off towards Becca's classroom. Becca's a teacher at the school and they've been seeing each other for a month now. Cameron kids himself he's happy, but really, Becca is taking over his life, and he hates it. She constantly needs to know where he is, she screams at him and threatens him is she so much as suspects he's cheating. Cameron wouldn't admit it, but he still loves Lexi.

"Bye old locker neighbour," Olive whispers before she's off: down the hallway towards the A.N.T room in which she used to sit. Sometimes, she likes to go there and just think. Since the A.N.T program was scrapped when all the ANTs grew up, it has been used a a quiet reading room. But today, as Olive would discover, it was being used for something else. . .

As she walked in the room, the first thing she noticed was that only three people, including her, were in there. The second thing, the other two were kissing. The third, they were Chyna and Fletcher.

"Buh. . . buh. . ." was all she could say. The couple quickly broke apart.

"Oh! Olive! Hey. . ." Chyna tried to cover up her flustered look and messy hair.

"Y- you-we-were..."

"Oh, that. . ." Fletcher blushed and looked down, feeling guilty, "We. . . kinda. . . got together-"

"What he means is," Chyna interrupted, "that we are now going out!" she clapped her hands in delight, but stopped when she was Olive's crestfallen expression.

"Hey, don't feel bad. There's always Angus. . ."
"I'm sorry. . ." Olive ran out of the room and outside of the school. Once she got to an empty bench around the back, the tears fell freely. Her sobs became louder, choking her up and making her hiccup. She liked him. She loved him. He was her first kiss. Her first love.