A/N: Alright gents, here is another update for outcast...a more important one at best. this is where things start to get good.
but I can't take all the credit; AaOWaSaCD4ever proved to be an able assist in this chapter...considering that most if not of it is his writing. so give some props to him.
and I'm trying my best to prevent more of these "updelays".
so... enjoy.
Humphrey saw Winstons expression of both worry and fear. So naturally humphrey walked over to see what was going on. Kate saw this and followed.
'Well I can see Garth, that damn redneck is a sore thumb out here' humphrey thought as he saw the red wolf on the ground. 'but who is-' his thoughts were interrupted when one of the groups of wolves took off after some loud yelling.
Winston immediately jumped down and sprinted into the field towards what looked like Tony.
Humphrey and Kate looked at each other before they jumped down and followed.
When they got to the field they saw that eve had her head in her paws and appeared to be muttering something to herself.
other wolves that were around them were paler than usual and were talking to eachother with a worried tone of voice.
Humphrey looked around at everyone else's expressions and fear.
"What the hell is going on?"
...Five minutes earlier...
Tony's P.O.V.
Winston said that he was busy, so I decided to go and talk to Jon myself. I'm not actually afraid of Jon, but I would never want Jon to get angry with me and go off. That could end badly for not just me, but for everybody. As I was leaving Winston and Eve's den, I could see Jon carrying what looked like a wolf...
As Jon approached me, I could clearly see he was carrying a wolf. That wasn't what mad me angry though, it was the fact that the wolf was Garth, and he was unconscious! I walked up to Jon with rage backing me up and said, "What happened here?" "Sorry about your son. One of my stupid Omega's decided it was a good idea to knock him out and hold him captive. I'm here to bring him back to you, but while I'm here... Did you fix our little problem?" He asked me.
"Which problem? The one with my son being captured or the one about the Alpha's and Omega's not being able to be mates?" I knew what he meant, but I was just so enraged, I wanted to do whatever I could to get on his bad side. He glared at me. "Don't play games with me Tony, I'm in no mood for them. Did you, or did you not, divorce those four?" "No we didn't. We are at the moment trying to figure out a way to-" He cut me off. "Why not? You month is nearly up." "Because my son and Winston's daughters are happy with who they've married and we want them to stay happy. As I tried saying before we are trying to figure out a way to-" He cut me off again, which made me even more angry. "You should have thought about that before you decided to let them marry those worthless Omega's!" "Worthless? Jon, you better be careful with what you say Jon, one of Winston's pups is an Omega... And what if you were in love with an Omega? Would she be worthless?" I growled lightly and he squinted his eyes at me.
"I told you Tony, I'm not in the mood for your little games... I would never, ever, ever love an Omega. They are useless, weak, and half of them can't even tell a good joke!" "Omega's are not worthless Jon. Have you ever had a good conversation with an Omega?" "No, and I don't wish to either. They are good for nothing. How could you even live knowing that your son is married to that... thing?" He was really getting on my nerves now. "Jon, as long as my son is happy, I don't care who he marries! You have Omega's in your pack too! How could you say those things about them?" He growled loudly at me. I could tell that he didn't enjoy me shouting at him. "Because that's what I believe... It's funny you were forcing him to marry a wolf he didn't even know not that long ago..." I growled. "And I was wrong for doing so... I'm not about to force Winston's daughters, let alone my son get a divorce because of some stupid law! I'm certain that Kate, Humphrey, Lilly, and Garth won't divorce!" I yelled. He started to yell back.
"Tony, this has been carried over for generation, and as I said before, there are wolves out there who would die to keep this law active! Do you know what that means? Obviously not, because if you did, you would have split up those four without a second thought!" I started to really let my anger out. "I know what it means Jon! It means war, and if that's what we have to do to get rid of that stupid law, so be it! But I'm not the one who's going to be responsible for it...! Winston was right... Omega's are important in a pack." "Winston too...? FINE! If you won't declare war on us, we'll declare war on you!" I was shocked, glad, and angered that he declared war on us. Though, that might have been my anger clouding my mind... As Jon stormed off, I turned around to see that Winston and Eve were staring at me with wide eyes. There was no doubt in my mind that Winston and Eve had heard every word of Jon and I's little... discussion.
"Tony... Did you just... start a war with the Northern pack?" Eve asked me. I nodded slowly. There was only one thing I was concerned with at the moment... And it wasn't Eve wanting to tear me to shreds... "How am I going to tell everyone that we're now at war with the Northern pack...?" "This is your doing Tony, so your telling everyone, not us." Eve growled at me. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I did play a big part of the war being declared on us... "AGH! Fine..." I looked at my unconscious son. "Winston, do me a favor and get an Alpha to bring Garth to his den... I have to think of a way to tell everyone in the pack that we're now at war with the Northern pack..." "I will, and Tony..." I looked back at Winston. "What?" I said back at him with a bit of annoyance in my voice. "I may not be happy about the whole war with the northern pack, but... Thanks for sticking up for our daughters and sons. That means something to me and Eve... She may not show much gratitude to you right now... But she thanks you just as much me." I felt a bit guilty for snapping at Winston before and said, "Humphrey, Lilly, and Kate may not have my blood in them like Garth, but they are still family... I'm sorry for snapping at you before... I'm just..." "I know Tony... If you need any help with telling everyone, don't hesitate to ask me. The pack may not know it, but I know you mean well..." I smiled at him. "Would you help me?" He chuckled. "Of course."
A/N: Alright, again MAJOR thanks to AaOWaSaCD4ever for the help with this chapter. R&R