A/N: Hey guys! So this is my first Twilight story! I use a lot of quotes from the book, so I just want you to know that none of the quotes are mine, and they belong to Stephenie Meyer. Anything you don't recognize, including my main character, is my own creation. I went through and edited this a little bit, but not too much.
Chapter One:
"Come on!" I set down my worn out copy of Breaking Dawn, and hopped out of the seat that I had been sitting in for the past two hours. I spared a glance at the book I had just put down, and sighed. No matter how many times I had read the book, no matter how many of the lines I had memorized, I was always disappointed in the ending. How could Stephanie just leave us hanging like that? I mean, sure! It was a good ending, but she could have given us more than just: And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever.
I mean, come on! I wanted more! I groaned and smacked my head against my hand; I sounded like a five year old who wanted more candy than she was allowed. I guess that I would just have to deal with what I was given, and I would make the best of it. I spared one more look at the book that was still sitting on my nightstand, and then made my way out of my messy room.
Pulling out my phone, I sent a text to my best friend.
Hey, Nikki. Just got done reading BD again.
It took only a few minutes before Nicole responded to me, and my phone lit up with a notification. I looked down at the screen.
Really, Sara? Again?
I laughed. I had already read the book seven times, and this would make it my eighth. I was just a teensie bit obsessed over the series, I must admit. You don't know how many times I had wished that I was Bella, and that I had a family of vampires who cared so much for me.
I shook my head. I needed to get rid of these thoughts of foolish things. I got bored of sitting in the living room, so I made a decision to go back into my room and get another book to read. I loved reading; it was a part of my life that I could never get rid of. My parents always told me to put down the book and go outside to play like a normal kid, as I was nowhere near close to being one.
Yep. You know me, haha :)
I grabbed Twilight off of my shelf, and opened it up to the first page. I'd never given much thought into how I would die – though I'd had reason enough in the last few—
My phone lit up again. I sighed, and ignored the sudden beeping noise. I rolled my eyes, and started reading over again.
Reason enough in the last few months – but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this.
My phone went off once again, and I turned the volume down, as to not interrupt my reading. I was just about to start reading again when my phone started vibrating, and belting out my ringtone as loud as its little speakers could handle. Groaning, I answered it.
"Hello?" My voice sounded bored as I spoke, and the other line crackled in silence as a response. I was tempted to speak again, just to break the dead silence.
"Why didn't you answer me?" Nicole's voice was hurt, and guilt somehow managed to crawl up into my heart at the sound of it. I paused for a moment, thinking of the right thing to say to her.
"I was reading. And you only texted me twice! There's no need to freak out, Nikki…" There was another round of silence as I waited for someone to speak. After another moment, Nicole started laughing. It was a deep, belly laugh too, and not the "ha-ha-it's-not-that-funny" kind of laugh. I sighed, and rolled my eyes again. Nicole would forever be Nicole.
"You had me going there for a few minutes, Nikki. Nice job," I turned my attention back to the book, and began reading the Preface over again. I heard Nicole say something, but I didn't quite care enough to ask what it was. I was nearly done with the Preface now, and I didn't want to have to be stopped in the middle of it once again.
"Are you even listening to me, Sara?"
"It doesn't sound like it,"
"Sure, sure,"
"I got a tattoo and pierced my lip,"
"I ran off and got married to a thirty year old,"
"Tell me about it…"
"Nicole! I'm going to come over there and rip that book out of your hands!"
"Try it." And with that, I hung up. I knew that she'd come over; she was good on her word, but at least I got to read a little bit more, right? I had just finished the Preface, and turned the page when I heard a noise. Confused, I set down the book and stood up from my spot of the bed. I looked around my room, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I sighed, and sat back down on my bed.
My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down.
I heard the noise again, and looked up. This time, however, I could see nothing but blackness. I screamed, and tried to flail my arms about, only to find that I couldn't move anything. There was a thud, and then everything tuned out into nothingness.
"Lilianna? Lilianna! Wake up!" I moaned, and put a hand to a spot on my head that hurt like hell. Opening my jade green eyes, I came face to face with a girl who looked to be around my age, with brown hair and matching brown eyes. I winced at the throbbing pain the sudden movement had caused, and rubbed at the bump that was already forming.
I looked around me, and saw that I was sitting in a puddle of water outside, and my jeans were soaked through. I looked to my left to see a house of some kind, and a police cruiser next to a large truck parked in the driveway to my right. Huh? How'd I end up here? Last thing I remember I was reading Twilight and talking to Nicole.
"Where am I?" I glanced up at the girl, who was on her knees next to me with concern written all over her pretty young face.
"Lilianna? You tripped in the water and fell back onto your head! Are you sure that you're okay?" She held out her hand for me to grab, and I did, hoisting myself off of the wet floor. I narrowed my eyes, and tilted my head at the girl.
"Why'd you call me Lilianna?" Now it was her turn to narrow her brown eyes at me. She let go of my hand and stared at me. I noticed that we were almost exactly the same height.
"Lily? You're starting to scare me!" Her face reflected her fear, but I could care less.
"Stop calling me that! My name is Sara Manston, and I have no idea who you are! Now tell me where I am!" I screamed the last part, but only because I was getting seriously freaked out about everything. Who was this chick, and why was she calling me Lilianna?
The girl turned to the house, and bolted inside. I sighed, and wondered where I was going to go now. How far away from home was I?
"Charlie! Ch-Dad!" I could hear the girl scream from inside of the house. After that I could hear rustling, and a man shouting.
"Bella, Bella! What's wrong, Bella?" I listened in closer, now that they weren't shouting anymore.
"Ch-Dad, it's Lilianna, sh-she slipped in the rain and h-hit her head on the ground, and now she says she doesn't know who I-I am or who s-she is!" The girl named Bella ran back outside, and pointed a shaky finger at me. A second later, a man wearing police gear rushed out beside her. Somehow, this all seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Charlie walked to my side, and grabbed me by the shoulders.
I gasped, and brushed out of his grasp.
"Leave me alone!" His eyes widened at me, and for a second he just stared.
"Lilianna? Are you alright?" I rolled my eyes at him. Why couldn't they just get the message already?
"I am NOT Lilianna! My name is Sara Lee Manston, and I have no idea who the hell you two people are!" Charlie and Bella's faces both reflected the emotions they felt, and I rubbed at my head again; it hurt like hell.
"Lily, I'm your father, and this is your sister, Bella," He spoke slowly, like I was a five year old, and I suppressed the urge to smack him for it. I wasn't a little girl! Then the words that he spoke settled in. My eyes widened, and I felt like laughing. Who did these creeps think they are?
"Look, I don't know who you are, but I'm calling my parents!" I pulled out my cell phone, and was about to dial their number, when suddenly, I couldn't remember what it was. I looked it my contacts, and found the one that said Dad, and called it.
After a few seconds, there was a ringing sound, and Charlie picked up his cell phone from his pocket. He showed me the screen, which clearly said:
What? This couldn't be! I dropped the phone, and tried to take a step back, but ended up tripping, and landing on my head once again.
And then I could see only black.
"Miss Swan?" A sweet voice, almost like honey, called me out of my peaceful slumber. I groaned, and stretched out my tired limbs. I opened my eyes, and was once again shocked by my surroundings. I was in a white room, on a white bed. I was in a hospital? Then I remembered what had happened, and I nearly fainted. I looked over to my left, where the voice had came from, and saw the most beautiful man I had ever seen standing above me.
"Miss Swan?" His voice showed concern for me, and I blinked a few times. He was obviously a doctor, but was unlike any doctor I had ever seen before. He had perfectly groomed blonde hair and a face that shined like the sun.
"I'm Doctor Cullen, Miss Swan. It's good to see you up," I almost burst out laughing right then and there. That's where everything was familiar from? Bella and Charlie Swan? Carlisle Cullen? Twilight? This was the best prank ever! But why did he call me Miss Swan?
And then I remembered. Charlie had said that Bella was my sister, so that must be what Carlisle had meant.
"I'll go get your family for you," Carlisle spoke his words of honey, and I almost laughed out loud. He went outside of the room, and ushered two people in. It was Charlie and Bella. I tried to keep a straight face as they walked in, but I couldn't help but smile like a fool.
"The medicine must be working, then," Charlie remarked. I smiled up at them, and stared a little longer at Bella, trying to get a good look at her. Maybe this was a dream, as it was a little too far out to be a prank. Some dream. Ha! I decided to play along with it, for how often do you get to have this awesome of a dream?
"They said that you have amnesia, and that you don't remember anything about us," Bella whispered, her voice cracking and her eyes tearing up. I felt sorry for her, but still couldn't shake the high I felt.
"Well, I do know who you are," Bella's face lit up with hope.
"I just don't know how you're related to me," Her face fell once again, and she let a tear fall before brushing it away.
"But they tell me that you're my sister: Bella Swan," Bella smiled, before shaking her head. Charlie remained silent.
"I'm your twin, Lily. Your twin." I looked up at her shocked. I grabbed a mirror that was by my side and looked into it. I was relieved to see that it was my usual self. My pale green eyes stared back at me, and my deep red hair seemed to send off an unearthly glow. I smiled back up at Bella.
"We don't look too much alike, do we?" She shook her head at me, and let out a little laugh. Charlie stood up and patted my shoulder awkwardly.
"I'll just leave you two girls alone now," And with that, he left, leaving only Bella and I alone together. I wanted to know, no scratch that, needed to know what book we were in. There was no wedding ring on her finger, so I knew we weren't yet in the third book. So I asked her.
"How long have we been in Forks?" It was an innocent enough question, so I don't think that it arose many other questions for Bella. Bella smiled, and scratched at her head.
"Only two days. Only two days in and you manage to lose your memory," She shook her head, and cracked a small smile. So that would mean that we were in the beginning of book one. Great. That meant that school was postponed for another day for Bella. I was already changing the course of the book, even if this was only a dream.
"Great. So when do I get out of here?" I asked her, since I didn't really want to be stuck in here for very long. Bella sighed.
"They said that they wanted to keep you longer, but technically Charlie could get you out as early as today. If you wanted him to, that is,"
I nodded at her. I couldn't stand being in hospitals for too long; it nauseated me.
"Could you tell him to go ahead and get me out today, then?" I asked quietly, and she nodded her head at me, headed out of the room.
And then I was alone.
This was some dream! But was it really a dream? I've never had any dreams like this before, not this clear, this vivid. And why was my head still hurting? I've never felt pain in any of my dreams before! And did I ever fall asleep before? I thought everything just blacked out? I started to panic, and felt the familiar sensation of hyperventilating overcome my body. I usually did this when I was really freaked out, and this would definitely be one of those situations.
Just that moment, Dr. Cullen walked in, taking in the situation. He rushed to my side, and held my wrist, presumably checking my pulse. His hand was ice cold, so cold that it shocked me even more, and I breathed faster.
"I need you to calm down, Lilianna. Take several deep breaths. Can you do that for me?" His voice was the thing that calmed me; it was pure music to listen to. I nodded up at him, and soon my breathing became normal again. He smiled at my now slower pulse, and then looked down at me.
"Are you sure about wanting to leave today? Usually with patients that have amnesia, we keep them longer, to see if we can restore some of their memory loss. We'll give you some medication if you decide to leave, but I want you to think about this, Lilianna,"
"Dr. Cullen? If I lost my memory, then I don't want to be stuck up in the hospital for the rest of my life. I want to go out and live my life to the fullest, if you know what I mean,"
He smiled.
"I do," His golden eyes seemed to shine. "I'll just get the release papers and then you'll be good to go!"
He left the room, leaving me to my thoughts once again. Well, I had been wishing that I could be like Bella, right? So maybe it was my own fault! I still couldn't believe that this was real. I would have to have more proof, so once I got out of the hospital, I would test this out, and see if it truly was real.
"Good day, Miss Swan," Dr. Cullen bid me good bye as Charlie, Bella, and I left the building, piling into his police cruiser. Bella and I fought over who got the front, since neither of us wanted to ride in the back. We eventually decided on playing rock, paper, and scissors for it, which Bella won. I was forced to sit in the back.
The ride back to the Swan's house was short, but painful. My head was still pounding, even with the medicine the doctors gave me. When we got to the house, Charlie opened the door for me, and I was surprised at the insides of the house. It was not like I had imagined it.
Bella showed me to my room, and I cringed slightly at the horribly painted yellow walls. Yellow. At least Bella got light blue, but no! I had to be stuck with yellow! The room itself was alright, but I much preferred to close my eyes and wish this all away. This awesome dream was turning into a nightmare. I saw that my clothes had already been unpacked into the drawers and closet, and just to make sure, I checked all of the tags. They were all my size.
It was starting to get dark, and I was beginning to get tired, so I said goodnight to everybody and headed to bed.
The nightmares I had were way worse than my yellow walls.
I was running. I was running and running, but I couldn't seem to get away. I tripped over something, and whatever was chasing me caught up quickly. It grabbed me, and ripped into my neck, drinking and drinking, until finally they tossed my lifeless body aside. My jade green eyes were staring into blank space, and blood dripped down the side of my neck, onto the floor beneath me.
The vampire turned, and grinned before running off into the night.
I woke up gasping for air. My eyes were still closed from the shock, and I slowly opened them. I came face to face with bright yellow walls. Shaking my head in disbelief, I clenched my fists into a ball. My breaths started coming in small pants, and I tried to remember what Dr. Cullen had told me. Take deep breaths, take deep breaths.
So this was real, but how? It was just a book that Stephenie Meyer wrote! How could this be real?
You wanted it to be real, a voice whispered to me from somewhere within me. Yeah, I did want it to be real, but what now? What was going to happen now that I was actually in the Twilight series? I sighed, and unclenched my fists.
First you'll go to school.
I got up and threw on some of my nicer clothes, skinny jeans and a cute top. I brushed through my hair, not bothering to do anything special to it. After I was finished brushing my teeth and doing my makeup, I went downstairs to meet the family. It was early, so Charlie was still here, eating breakfast. Bella was still up in her room, doing God knows what.
I grabbed a plate of food, and sat down across from Charlie, shoving food into my mouth in the process. Charlie chuckled, and I looked up to see him grinning at me.
"You hungry?"
I smiled sheepishly back at him, and nodded. I finished before Charlie did, and swept up the stairs to Bella's room. I didn't bother knocking; somehow I felt that going in without asking would be natural for Bella's twin. I walked in to find Bella sniffling, wiping tears from her eyes. I forgot; Bella had a hard time the first couple of days. It also felt natural to wrap my arms around her in a comforting manner. Bella held onto me for dear life, and sobbed into my shoulder. I just stood there, hoping that I was somehow helping her.
Once she was done bawling, she pulled away, her eyes still red and puffy from crying. I felt sorry for her. Although, I should have been the one crying, after all, I was the one who fell into a book! I went back downstairs, waiting for Bella to finish getting ready and come down. Charlie had already left. Without saying goodbye, I might add.
Silently, Bella came downstairs with her backpack on, ready to go to school. I looked at the time on my watch that I had thrown on; it was time to get going. I packed my stuff into my own backpack, and opened the door for Bella. She was still so quiet, so quiet that I felt the urge to say something, but held myself back, not sure that I'd help anyone.
Bella didn't seem to be in the mood for driving, so I took over. I hopped into the huge truck of hers, and started driving.
"Lily?" At first I didn't know that she was talking to me, because of the use of her nickname. I would have to get used to that name. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, and saw that she was twirling a lock of her brown hair around her finger silently.
"Yeah Bells?" I chose to use the nickname that everyone gave her in the books. She looked over at me, smiling slightly.
"If you don't remember me, why are you so nice to me?" I knew that she was referring to the hugging thing that had happened earlier that morning. I shrugged, not quite knowing the answer myself.
"I guess it just sort of felt like the right thing to do, I suppose,"
She nodded at my response.
When we had arrived at the school, I circled around a bit before finding the front office. A little bit reluctant, Bella and I stepped out of the truck and into the building, trying to get out of the rain as quickly as we possibly could.
The office was brightly lit, and warm. I shrugged out of my jacket and walked up to the front. Bella stood behind me, obviously nervous. The woman who manned the desk was a large red head, who wore thick glasses. I cleared my throat, hoping that it would get her attention. It worked, and she looked up from her crosswords puzzle. She was confused at why two students would be here so early, but I quickly spoke.
"Hi, I'm Sa-Lilianna Swan, and this is my sister, Bella," Her eyes lit up with immediate awareness, and I knew that we were the topic of recent gossip around here.
"Of course," she said. She dug around a stack of papers for a while, before emerging with several thin sheets.
"I have your schedules right here, and two maps of the school." She highlighted the important information, and I thanked her. Bella and I had every class together, thank God. They probably knew that we were twins, and wanted to "make us as comfortable as we could be". I'm sure.
"I hope that you'll like it here in Forks, my dear." Bella and I nodded back at her, before escaping back to our truck. We noticed that some of the other students were beginning to arrive, so I started up the truck again and followed the line of traffic to the student parking lot. The other cars were older, like ours, so we didn't stand out too much. The nicest car here was a shiny Volvo, and it stood out. As soon as I was in a parking spot, I cut the loud and obnoxious engine, as to not draw any attention to us. Bella would probably have a heart attack if people starting staring at us.
We both sucked a deep breath in through our teeth, and let it out slowly. I was the first one to open my door, and Bella followed suit. We both hid in our jacket hoods, trying not to stand out from the crowd as we made our way to building three, our first class of the day. My breathing neared hyperventilation once again, but Bella's hand in mine helped to calm me down. There was something about Bella that made me calmer, but it was beyond strange.
We followed the coats in front of us inside the classroom, and hung our jackets up like the rest of the class. I noticed that the other kid's skin were also as pale as mine and Bella's, and secretly rejoiced that there was at least something that wouldn't make us stand out. I took my slip and went up to the tall, balding teacher, who identified himself as Mr. Masen. He stared long and hard at our names on the paper before looking up at us, shocked. Yep, definitely a topic of gossip around here. Luckily, he sent us to a table at the back of the room, without having us introduce ourselves to the class.
Bella and I looked over the reading list that he had given us. I sighed; I had already read half of them, so this should be easy for me. Bella also looked relieved, and I smiled reassuringly at her.
When the bell rang, a nerdy looking boy leaned across the aisle, and spoke to us.
"You're Lilianna and Isabella Swan, aren't you?" He seemed to be the overly helpful type. This must be Eric, I thought to myself. Bella spoke first.
"Bella," she corrected. I smiled at the boy.
"Just call me Lily," I spoke, using my supposed nickname. People calling me Lilianna would be too confusing for me, so I went for something quirkier, something that I would be able to remember. The boy seemed pleased enough with our answers as he kept on grinning.
Everyone turned to stare at us as we spoke to the boy, something that made Bella tense up. I put a hand on her knee; we would be alright.
"Where's your next class?" he asked. Bella had to check in her bag before answering him.
"Um, Government, with Jefferson, in building six." I looked around at our surroundings; everyone was staring at us now.
"I'm headed toward building four, I could show you the way…." Definitely over-helpful. I could never decide if I liked Eric or not. I just shrugged it off. "I'm Eric," he added. We both smiled at him, getting up to get our jackets off of the wall. We headed out into the rain, and several people had gathered close to us, probably wanting to eavesdrop on our conversation. I sighed; people these days.
"So, this is a lot different than Phoenix, huh?" he asked.
"Very." I answered.
"It doesn't rain much there, does it?"
"Three or four times a year." Bella answered.
"Wow, what must that be like?" he wondered.
"Sunny." I told him. He looked us both over, noticing our pale skin.
"You both don't look very tan."
"Our mother is part albino." I joked. Bella giggled slightly at my side, causing me to smile in turn. Eric just looked at us, probably thinking we were crazy or something like that. Obviously people here didn't have a sense of humor. We went around the cafeteria, to the south buildings by the gym. Eric walked us right to the door, even though it was clearly marked, #6.
"Well, good luck," he said as I touched the handle. "Maybe we'll have some classes together." He sounded hopeful, and I realized right then and there that we were the shiny new toy in a class full of children. It would get better, though. Or at least it did in the books, so it had to here, right? Bella smiled at him, but I didn't even bother to. Nope, I decided that I didn't like Eric. Too geeky for me.
The rest of the morning passed basically the same way as the first class, with people gawking at us like we were some science experiment. Soon, after a couple of classes, some of the faces around us were starting to get familiar, and several people were brave enough to ask us questions about our past, about Phoenix, and how we were liking Forks. It was easy to keep up with the lies, as I had visited Phoenix before, since I lived in Tucson, Arizona, only two hours away from Phoenix.
There was one girl, Jessica; I believe was her name, and she seemed to always be talking. She walked us to the cafeteria for lunch, and just wouldn't shut up. Bella was nodding along with her, but I could tell from her facial expressions that she wasn't listening to Jessica's rambling. We sat down at the end of a table that was already full, next to some of her friends. Eric waved to us from across the room. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I totally forgot that this was the part where the Cullens come in. I looked over at Bella, and saw that she was already staring at something behind me. I knew who she was staring at, but I just had to see for myself.
They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away as they could possibly be from where Bella and I were sitting, and they weren't staring at us, which I knew that they wouldn't be. It was easy to tell which ones were which, but I still couldn't help but to marvel over their beauty. Especially Rosalie. Man, your self esteem goes right out of the window when you look at her. I quickly looked away from her, and my eyes settled on the one that had to be Edward. So this was the boy that would fall in love with my sister, I mean, Bella. Interesting, very interesting. After I was done marveling in their beauty, I then noticed their pale skin. I mean, was it even possible to be that pale? It was sort of scary. And the dark circles underneath their eyes made it even worse.
They were all looking away from the students, away from everything as far as I could tell. As I was staring at them, Alice rose from her seat, just like I knew she would, and dumped her tray in the garbage. It was inhumanly beautiful, the way that she moved. It was as if she was dancing, and I was mesmerized by it as she glided through the back door. The others sat unmoving by their uneaten trays.
"Who are they?" Bella's voice suddenly broke through my trance, and I looked over at Jessica, who knew just by the tone of Bella's voice who she was talking about. I looked back over at the Cullens, still mesmerized by them. It was then that Edward looked over at our table. His eyes glanced over at Jessica, and then switched to Bella. Her breath caught in her throat as he stared. I wondered what the big deal was, and then he stared at me. And oh boy, were those dark eyes captivating!
He looked away quickly, faster than I could have, and I looked away, embarrassed. I glanced up at Bella, and saw that her face was red with embarrassment as well. Jessica giggled at the thought of us being caught, and looked down at the table like Bella and I had. I thought back to Edwards stare, and decided that he looked bored. I wonder if he could smell us by now. And did I smell like Bella did to him? Could he read my thoughts? No, I had decided. I'm sure he would have reacted to them by now, the fact that I knew about them and everything. I was safe.
"That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who left was Alice Cullen; they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife." she spoke under her breath, and I had to stifle a laugh. Like that'd stop them from hearing us! I spared another glance at Edward, whose lips were moving faster than a human's could, and I knew that he was speaking to the rest of the Cullens.
"They are very … nice-looking." Bella struggled with the right words. I let out a loud laugh at that comment. That was an understatement. They looked like they could be Gods or Goddesses', they were that beautiful.
"Yes!" Jessica giggled again. Man were her laughs getting annoying; I felt the strange urge to punch her, and I didn't know why.
"They're all together, though – Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice, I mean. And they live together." She sounded shocked, but I had to suppress another laugh.
"Which ones are the Cullens?" Bella asked. "They don't look related …."
"Oh, they're not. Dr. Cullen is really young, in his twenties or early thirties. They're all adopted. The Hales are brother and sister, twins – the blondes, like you guys – and they're foster children."
"They look a little old for foster children." I thought that it would look suspicious if I didn't say anything, so I stole Bella's line. I soon got bored with the conversation, and wanted to move on to bigger and better things. I zoned out for a little while, busy staring at Edward and the rest of the Cullens. Suddenly, he looked up at Bella and me, his gaze switching back and forth between us. There was evident curiosity in his eyes, and I quickly looked away, not wanting to appear rude for staring at him.
"Which one is the boy with the reddish brown hair?" Bella asked, obviously intrigued by the mysterious boy. If only she knew…I thought to myself. I looked up at Edward again, to find that he was still staring at Bella and I. It was sort of creepy, in a way.
"That's Edward. He's gorgeous, of course, but don't waste your time. He doesn't date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him." She sniffled, and this time I couldn't help but let out a laugh. Jessica turned to glare at me, and I tried to act innocent. But come on, that was pretty funny stuff right there, wasn't it?
Edward was smiling, and I knew that he had heard us talking. After a couple of minutes, the rest of the Cullens left together, all extremely graceful, even Emmett, who's muscles bulged out of his shirt. We sat at the table with Jessica's friends longer than I wanted to, but Bella stayed, so I stayed. Finally, we got up to leave for our next class. Angela had the class with us, so she walked us to the classroom. She didn't speak much, and I knew from experience that she was incredibly shy.
As we walked up to the front table to introduce ourselves to the teacher, Bella glanced at Edward, who was sitting alone. I knew that on his face was an unfriendly glare and I felt sorry for Bella. She stumbled over a book in the walkway, and I had to catch her before she fell flat on her face. She whispered her thanks to me, and we walked to the front. Mr. Banner handed us our books and didn't make us introduce ourselves. I had a feeling that I would like this new teacher. Mr. Banner sent Bella to the open seat by Edward, and sent me to the open seat by a boy who suddenly perked up when he saw that I would be sitting next to him.
I squeezed Bella's hand tightly in my own, before going to my table. I knew that she would go through hell sitting next to Edward. I made my way to my table, and quickly sat down next to the boy. He turned his body to me, and gave a blindingly bright smile.
"Aren't you Lilianna Swan?"
"Call me Lily, please," I smiled at him. He nodded back at me, happy and content with anything he could call me.
"I'm Mike." So that's who this was! No wonder he was so eager to speak to me. I smiled again at him; I had always felt sorry for him. No matter how often he was there for Bella, she always turned her back on him.
"Hi Mike." After that he kept talking. And talking, and talking. I tried to keep up with the conversation, but I was caught up in staring at Bella and Edward. He alternated between glaring at me, and glaring at Bella.
After a while, Mike's chattering slowed down a bit, and he in turn stared at me, then at Edward. He opened his mouth to speak, and then shut it. Finally he spoke.
"So, did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what? I've never seen him act like this." I turned to face Mike, a confused look on my face. I shrugged.
"I don't know. But I'm pretty worried about Bella."
He nodded at me, completely understanding of where I was coming from. I could see looks of pity from everyone in the classroom, directed at both me and Bella. I growled slightly under my breath. I hated when people pitied me. Hated it.
Just then, the bell rang, and I looked up at the door to see Edward already walking out of it. I quickly jumped up and rushed over to Bella. Mike followed me, and introduced himself to Bella. He then walked us to our next class, which just so happened to be Gym. Oh, God. I hated Gym. I was definitely better at sports than Bella was, but I still hated Gym, no matter what.
Luckily, the Gym teacher was kind enough to let us sit out on our first day, and I sat alongside Bella, watching the volleyball games with her. Finally, the last bell rang, and Bella and I went to the office to return our paperwork. I knew what was coming, but I still wasn't prepared for it at all.
Edward was in there, trying to get out of Biology, into any other class that he could. Bella stiffened beside me, and she grasped at my hand, holding on tightly. The door behind us opened, and a girl walked in to drop off a paper in the basket. The wind ruffled both of our hair, and it flapped around it the breeze. Edward immediately tensed, and clenched his hands to his side. He slowly turned to glare at us with a look that could literally kill. The look only lasted a second, but it very well could have lasted a lifetime.
"Never mind, then," he said hastily. "I can see that it's impossible. Thank you so much for your help." Sarcastic bastard. Without so much as another look at the two of us, he marched out of the room, leaving just Bella and I alone. We slowly walked to the front to return our paperwork, still upset over what had just happened.
"How did your first day go, dear?" Bella looked like she was about to cry, so I took over the talking aspect.
"It was fine, ma'am. Thank you for asking." I gave her a fake smile, before grabbing Bella by the elbow and dragging her out of the office. We quickly jumped in the car, which had already become like a sort of safe haven for us. Bella stared blankly at the windshield, and soon enough it got too cold, and I was forced to turn on the car for the heater. I drove to Charlie's house, wishing that I could just be back home where I belonged.