Ok so this is it. I like to think the writing got better each chapter. Anyway thank you to all who read, added or reviewed I appreciate it a lot.

Still dont own characters

Chapter 3

Usagi sighed, it was a day off of school and she decided to walk around the shopping district. Thankfully Chibi Chibi was at home taking a nap giving her much needed time alone. Usagi thought over the events over the last couple of days, things with Seiya and things with Mamo-chan. She hasn't seen Seiya since the rooftop, their conversation and almost kiss were on her mind constantly. Randomly throughout the couple days his declaration of love would play through her mind causing her to blush and smile all over again. Now that her and Mamo-chan's relationship was officially over, she could return his love, guilt free. She felt better about the situation with Mamo-chan, she felt peace rather than guilt about it. She was still almost hurt about it being the end, but it was a good hurt, the kind that would quickly dissipate and become a good memory. For the first time in months she felt truly content, stolen moments thinking or being with Seiya notwithstanding. Usagi began heading to the Arisugawa Park, the chatter of people and the sound of the leaves dancing in the wind relaxing. She felt so much relief after sorting through her emotions.

"Usagi-chan!" Usagi glanced up to see Minako and Makoto walking towards her.

"Minako-chan and Makoto-chan! Hi, what are you two doing?" Usagi was genuinely happy to see them; she hadn't been spending much time with her friends lately on account of her own problems and not wanting to burden them.

"We were out shopping at this new clothing store. And you?"

"Just out walking around"

"Usagi-chan…Luna told us about what happened. And well, we just want you to know that were here to talk if you need it." Minako reached for Usagi's hand clutching it tightly in sympathy.

Usagi put her hand over Minako's and looked between the two. "Thanks, but I'm actually ok, we were growing apart, letting our pasts and futures affect the present to the point that we weren't living for now rather thing that would or already happened."

"Usagi-chan…" Makoto started

"My biggest worry was Chibi-Usa, but according to Setsuna-san that will work itself out. Mamo-chan and I need to be happy, not stuck in something and wishing for something else. I can and will still achieve my destiny, with the help of my wonderful friends who I know will be with me every step of the way. I won't sacrifice anyone's happiness to get there."

At this point the group had tears in their eyes.

"Wow, Usagi-chan that was surprisingly deep" Makoto said to break the emotional atmosphere "Just kidding we all love you too, and your right, we will stand by you."

Usagi wrapped an arm around each of her friends and squeezed them tight.


Minako pulled back smiling and elbowed Makoto. "Well we have to go, lots of shopping and such to do. Bye." Minako dragged Makoto away whispering, "Well she's alone in the park, and from when we ran in to Seiya earlier, he said his next stop should be the park too!" Makoto laughed

"Yes, very true. Oh, Goddess of Love."

Usagi watched the leave confused; she shrugged to herself and sat on a nearby bench. She looked up at the sky and saw how late it had gotten to be, it was almost sunset already. Arg she couldn't stop thinking about a certain raven haired pop Idol. His words still echoing in her ears, playing over in her mind, she was so glad, she wanted to confess to him too, but she had to wait for the right moment. It seemed wrong somehow for her one relationship to end then run into another's arms. Seiya deserved more than that. But she still wanted to see him so much.

"Oi! Odango!" Usagi started, well that was instant gratification at its best.

"Seiya" Usagi jumped up and ran to him.

"Oomph…your excited to see me." Seiya smiled down at her, caressing her face as she grinned up at him.

"What's all that your carrying?" Usagi peaked in the basket. A bento?

"Well there is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight so guess what were going to do?" Seiya grinned

Usagi had a slight internal debate. She figured she had already broken a few rules what's one or five more. Besides it would stay innocent, she wasn't ready for anything too intense and she knew he would respect that.

"But my curfew…hold on" Usagi pulled up her communicator. After some slight pleading on her part Minako agreed that she was staying the night and called Usagi's parents on her behalf even.

"Ok, my nights free then." Usagi's shy smile was almost Seiya's undoing. God he practically salivated to kiss her again. Seiya mentally shook himself, now was not the time. Come on, man. You need to be smooth, suave, and woo the woman of your dreams. Seiya gave Usagi his panted look. The one that said 'You Love me, you Want me' He glorified at Usagi's blush.

"Come on, the sun is setting, we gotta get to a good spot." Seiya grabbed her hand subtly maneuvering it so their fingers intertwined. He swore he felt a tingle go through his arm from the contact.

Usagi took a deep breath, he was holding her hand. They were going on a midnight picnic! With lies to her parents and everything. Usagi smiled so big her face hurt, it felt like her heart would jump out of her chest. When Usagi asked where they were going she just received a smug smile in return.

Seiya grinned squeezing her hand. This was it. They were going to the roof of his apartment building, it was tall enough that that there were no buildings that would obstruct their view of the sky. And he made sure Yaten and Taiki had other places to be until very late. He was actually nervous about all of this. It was almost dark, Seiya picked up his pace a little more. Usagi trailed along almost jogging behind him, only his tight grip on her hand kept her upright.

Usagi gulped as they reached a tall building, when he said that he lived there her heart thumped again.

"But don't tell anyone, I'm so popular that they would break down the door to see my house" He wagged his eyebrows at her again to make her laugh.

They reached the roof just as the sun lost the battle for dominance of the sky, giving way for the moon's chance to rein. Usagi gulped could this be any more perfect? They were alone, going to watch the stars and there was even a full moon.

The shower wouldn't be for some time yet, so they talked to fill the time. Usagi learned things about Seiya that she would never had guessed at. He was ticklish behind his knees and inside of his arms. She listened in amazement as he told her tales of his homeland. He listened intently while she told him of her past and the future that was supposed be. He winced in pain for her when she spoke of Chibi-Usa.


"It will be ok, Sailor Pluto told me that my future doesn't have to be that way, and that Chibi-Usa although it won't be exactly her, it will be. In a sense, a different version of her, her soul will be the same."

"Don't worry you will have your daughter some day. I promise. I'm sorry about how I acted towards you, always pushing you." Seiya felt like crap, a daughter? Really? That was just mean. He had no idea it was that complicated.

Usagi smiled softly. Seiya blinked, confused he had never seen her with that particular expression, soft and warm. He smiled wider when she took his hand in between hers.

"Seiya, it's ok really. I'm happy here. With you. I trust that things will work out in the end. Because….well…" Usagi felt her face flush Damn it! Come on, take your heart in one hand and your courage in the other!

Above them the heavens began their show, bursts of light shot across the sky for a few seconds before disappearing.

"I Love You!" Usagi finally mumbled.

"Eh?" Seiya cocked his head at her; sure that he heard her wrong.

"I love you, Seiya. As in, for the rest of ever, I am yours."

Seiya leaned forward, closing the space between them. Ever so gently he tilted her head and smiled down at her he breathed the precious words back against her lips. And finally he kissed her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, and holding tightly as his entire world just exploded in joy, every molecule in him bursting with the knowledge that she loved him!

Usagi sighed breathing in his wildly sweet scent. Her fingers griped his beautiful long hair marveling at the softness. She felt whole, complete, like life could not ever top this moment.

Seiya pulled back giving her little pecks as he did so.

"So you love me huh?"

"Yes. With every part of me."

"Me too, I'll love you forever." He smiled gently caressing her cheek. This night was perfect; he saw a flash out of the corner of his eye, "Look."

They ate Seiya's packed lunch as they watched the stars dance and fall, still talking in hushed tones about everything, their hopes and dreams. Stories about battles, their lives, spending hours learning each other. When the show was over they packed up and headed to his apartment. Taiki and Yaten were still out like they were supposed to be, luckily for them. Seiya sat on the couch and she next to him. He pulled her against him still marveling at her softness, and at the fact that he could reach out and touch her. His heart pounded erratically when she leaned more into him.

Usagi sighed "This feels wonderful, thank you Seiya. Today was…amazing."

She snuggled deeper into his warmth wanting to be as close to him as physically possible, and then some. Her nervousness hadn't completely gone away, but in face of her want and the newness of their relationship it was significantly dimmed. Thus giving her the boldness to push Seiya down on the couch and lay with her head on his chest. She smiled when the sound of his heart reached her ears, listening to it speed up when she shifted then eventually slow down. She smiled wider when he began to play with her hair. Surrounded by him and lulled by the now steady rhythm of his heart, she began to drift to sleep completely worry free for the first time in months.

Seiya smiled down at Usagi as her breathing deepened, signaling that she had in fact fell asleep. He closed his eyes, still playing with the silken stands of her hair. He didn't know how it was possible to be this happy and not completely burst. He was holding her! He was still wrapping his mind around the fact that she was his. The painful longing was over. Because now that he had her, he would never ever let go. He would do whatever needed to ensure it. After a bit he too slowly began to drift off and soon his breathing matched hers.

Even Taiki and Yaten returning didn't disturb them. Although the two boys would never admit it, they stood for a second captured by the picture they made curled up together; it was definitely an aww moment. Usagi smiled and cuddled closer as she dreamt of the happy future they would have together.

Usagi stood smiling happily at the small child with raven hair and bright pink eyes, her hair in familiar cone-shaped odango's. She hugged her daughter close and finished the story, leaning forward to kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight my little love, dream sweet and I'll see you in the morning." It took Usagi a moment to stand straight, being heavily pregnant was taking its toll. She absently caressed her stomach.

"Goodnight Mama, love you, Goodnight little sister"

Usagi grinned as she closed the door. She might not yet know what the future holds, but she knew she couldn't be happier. She chuckled when he came up behind her wrapping her securely in his arms, his hands resting on her tummy.

"Any day now, huh?" She could hear the smile in his voice

"Yep. I'm ready for bed, you coming?"

Seiya raised his eyebrow at her. She laughed and slapped his arm, then led him to their bedroom, leaving the door cracked just a bit, in case of bad dreams.

"Good night Seiya, I love you."

"And I you, always, Odango."