Link, now in his young form, jump off the Pedestal of Time and smiled at his fairy guardian and his best friend, Navi, "Time to go home." he said cheerfully than heading toward the door so the Master Sword can return to its slumber.

He doesn't know...

Navi stayed there above the Master Sword, trying to hold it in as long as she could... but she knew in her mind, in her heart, in her soul that she had to do it. She had to do it.

"Are you ok Navi? You're too quiet." Link said softly when he turned around, chuckling at his statement.

"How can I do this to him? He's only a kid now..." Navi thought to herself, wondering how she'll find the courage to do what she needed to do next.

"Navi, is something wrong?" Link ask when he walk up to her, now worried about her since she was never this quiet. Something was wrong.

"Darn it! Why did he give me that order! Darn it!" she whispered to herself as her tears were now making their way down her cheeks. "Why? Why did he tell me to do this? Why?" she ask herself in her head.

Link noticed that his guardian fairy wasn't acting like herself. "I-is she... crying?" he thought to himself as he was wondering why she was crying. He thought about the reasons she might be like this... but the only things that came into his mind was him calling her annoying... many times.

"That couldn't be it... could it?" he wondered as he had tears in his eyes. He remembered that his friend, Saria, telling him that fairies had more sensitive feelings than people. Meaning that she could be crying because Link called her 'annoying' as a joke, but it would make her cry.

"Why are you crying Navi?" the young child ask finally.

The fairy look up into his eyes and remembered the memories they had together:

The moment she woke him up,

when they left the forest,

when he found the Master Sword for the first time.

She had to do it.

"Link..." she whispered quietly.

"What is it?" he ask slowly, wondering what was wrong. "Remember when we first met?" she ask, smiling... but still crying. "How can I do this to him?" she thought soon after. "Yeah, of course, I remember it like it was yesterday." he replied slowly. "What about it?" he ask.

"Do you think... we became... friends?" she whispered, struggling to get the words out. "Yes Navi, we're the greatest of friends. Forever and ever." he replied, concern in his voice. "And we will always be the greatest of friends." he added soon after... making Navi feel even worse.

"Let's go home. Saria 's waiting for us." he said, more cheerfully.

She had to do it...

She was forced to do it...

"Link, you can't go back to the forest!" she said quickly than letting the tears fall freely. "What are you talking about?" Link ask quickly, alarmed that Navi was crying. "You can't return home Link..." she told him.

"How come?" he ask quietly, now started to cry himself.

This was torture for her...

But she had to do it.

"You're not a Kokiri..." she whispered, her heart breaking into a million pieces.

"Yes I am, Navi!" he cried out, now crying.

"I've been in the forest for my whole life! How could I not be a Kokiri?" he ask quickly.

"Because the Deku Tree used its magic so you could live in the forest." she explain. "What's going on Navi?" Link cried out, wiping away his tears. "You're a Hylian... not a Kokiri." she told him, hurting him and herself.

"What does that matter?" he yelled out. "Only Kokiri can have fairy guardians." she whispered, hoping... praying that he'll figure it out. "I don't understand!" he replied out loud.

"I'm not your guardian!" Navi cried out, regretting what she just said. "What...?" Link whispered quietly, shock by what she just said. "I'm sorry Link... but I'm not actually your guardian." she whispered when she was not in front of him.

"So... all this time... you've been pretending?" Link shouted, now angry and hurt. "Yes..." she whispered, knowing how this would happen.

If she didn't receive that order... than all of this wouldn't happen.

"I can't believe you! I thought we were best friends all this time! Or were you pretending that too?" he cried out, his heart breaking by his best friend lie.

"Link," she whispered, now sobbing.

"I trusted you Navi... and you lied to me..." he said slowly. "I know..." Navi said softly. "Tell me something Navi." Link said in a softer tone. "I've help many people throughout my quest... and when I save Hyrule finally... I'm just tossed to the side like that?" he said.

"I'm sorry Link..." Navi told him as she wiped her eyes.

Link drop to his hands and knees, "It's not fair!" he yelled out in anger as he hit his hand on the marble floor. "I've help so many people, Navi!" he said as he continued to pound on the floor in sheer anger. "I've saved so many people!" he continued. "And I've saved Hyrule... but for what?" he ask.

"To lose my best friend? To lose all the people I met on my quest?" he ask slowly, making Navi feel worse. "Is this my reward? To be abandon?" he added. "Well you know what Navi?" he ask, looking up at her. "It's not fair!" he shouted.

"I give and I give and I give..." he whispered, now looking back at the floor. "Never have I once ask something for myself..." he added slowly. "And this is what I get?" he said to himself.

"I guess I'm just a tool for people to use. To be used and used again." he said to himself as the tears were falling. "You're not a tool Link. You're a very kind, caring boy." Navi told him, trying to make him feel better. "Said the fairy that used me..." he reminded her, venom dripping in his voice.

"I'm done..." he said when he got up.

"Link wait!" she pleaded as she followed him to the front of the Temple of Time.

"I'm done being the hero." he told her.

"Link please listen!" she begged as Link took off his sword and shield.

"Why Navi?" he snapped.

"So people could use me? So I could lose my friends? So I could be tossed to the side when it's over?" he ask when he threw the items onto the ground.

"I'm done with it all..." he said in a softer tone.

"Can I say one thing?" Navi ask softly, as she wasn't crying as bad.

"If it means anything to you, I've never used you Link. I was really your friend, I could never pretend to do that Link." she told him.

"Thank you Navi. I'll walk with you to the forest so you can go home." he whispered.

"What about you?" Navi ask, now standing on his shoulder.

"I guess I'll go to the ranch and help Malon and her dad." Link said after a while.

When they were at the edge of the forest, thunder boomed in the skies, telling Link and Navi that it was about to rain soon. "Better go before you get wet Navi..." Link said, but with no emotion to it.

Navi flew into the forest than hesitated, she couldn't end the friendship like this. Turning around and saw Link walking toward the field... until she called his name.

"Link," she said, getting his attention. "Yeah?" he replied when he stop in his tracks to turn around. "I want to say thank you for being my friend." she told him. "You're welcome..." he replied than started walking again.

"And that good bye isn't always the end!" she cried out, making him to stop one more time.

"It... isn't?" he ask, now facing her.

Shaking her head, she replied,

"No it isn't Link, maybe... we'll see each other again... and be friends again."

A smile slowly formed on Link's face,

"Yeah, I would like that Navi."

"Good bye Link,"

"Good bye Navi."