Chap.1: Just the Beginning

There are 2 men perched up on a cliff overlooking a bay, they are covered in a grass green cloth and one of them is armed with a high caliber sniper rifle.

"Range to target…" says one of the men

"Copy, target is….6-5-5 meters. Adjust 3 clicks." The other individual responds. Upon saying this you can hear 3 clicks of the man adjusting his sniper scope.

"Target identified. Windage…" the guy with the sniper rifle requests.

The other man looks through his spotter and portable weather reader. "Windage is north by northeast 14 knots. Hang on I'm also spotting 4 armed tangos. 2 behind the crate to your 11 o'clock and 2 on the crane."

"I see them. Wait a second where is Mirai?" asks the shooter, then looking at his spotter who appears to be Gohan. As Gohan looks through his spotter he sees Mirai stabbing one of the 4 tangos and approaching the second. "Ah shit, he's gonna get detected. Take the shot, TAKE THE SHOT!" Gohan yells.

"Copy…" says the other man and with a squeeze of a trigger the target is shot through the upper chest and killed, "GO Gohan! I will support!"

With that Gohan turn super and fly's off to knock off the other 2 guards who are now shooting at Trunks. With a blink of an eye Mirai blasts their positions with a ki blast. As Gohan lands next to Mirai, he quickly glares at him "What the hell? You were supposed to make sure there weren't any guards!" Gohan yells

"Sam got the target didn't he?" Mirai asks in response. Gohan just looks at the dead man and nods in agreement. "Well then, mission accomplished." After saying that Sam flies on over to the 2 friends and looks at the man, pulls out a camera and takes a picture, then with the flip of a button he sends it.

"That should be enough evidence, let's go back home fellas." Sam says putting their weapons in a capsule and popping it into his hand. With that the 3 friends take off towards West City. After about 30 minutes of flying they finally arrive at the Capsule Corps. Headquarters.

"Man is it good to be home?" Mirai

"BOYS!" The 3 boys freeze in spot and slowly turn around, unbeknownst standing behind them are their mothers.

"H-hey mom" Gohan says, "What are you doing here?" Chi-chi just glares at him. The 2 other mothers glare at their sons the same way.

"We've decided that you 3 are going to school…." Bulma says. The boys looks at each other with the most confused faces and realize that this is just the beginning…