** This is not a chapter, this is an important update. Please read **

So if you guys haven't noticed by now I haven't updated this story in months... like five to be exact. And honestly, I really hate this story. (Is it weird that I hate my own story? Cause I really don't think it is.)

Anyway, I know some of you would stab me in the throat if I just straight up deleted this story, so I came up with an idea. I'm gonna try to keep writing this, to see if I can turn this around, but if I can't I'm probably going to rewrite this whole story.

I know some of you probably would kick me if I did that but if I did rewrite the story it wouldn't be much different. It would still have the same basic story line, the main thing is that I am trying to work with way too many pairings (Kogan, Carlos/ OC, James/ OC, Kett and Lomillie. ) I need to focus on less pairs. And I also Don't like how dragged out or quickly I've made things happen.

I just thought I let you guys know what I'm thinking about doing cause I want my readers to be informed.

Sorry for not updating and possibly making you want to hit me with a bat.
