Chapter 6

Thanks so much for the reviews. Enjoy.

The days passed by with no incidents, of course the shinigami still handed the hollows, but with no troubles.

Kagome noticed strange things around. She saw a lot more ghost here than she did in Tokyo or sometimes she would feel something evil close by, but then all of a sudden it would disappear. At night she would here a chilling scream that sent shivers down her spine, yet she never went to investigate. She really didn't want to get into trouble and get her friends hurt. Last time she tried to help someone, she shattered a powerful jewel all over Feudal Japan and that got many people killed.

Yet on this day she felt like something was going to happen.

The morning started out normal, Uryuu walking with her to school, Tatsuki catching up to them, meeting up with Orihime, trying to hide from her fan club; that only took a day to form and loved to chase her every morning; Ichigo saving her from them, and getting frustrated that classes lasted so long.

One more minute, she thought. Kagome was looking desperately at the clock, waiting for it to ring the lunch bell.

"Miss Higurashi, would you please answer the question on the board." Kagome looked towards the board, she thought, and thought, and thought, yet the answer never came to her. She was never good at math. The class was quiet, waiting for her to say something. She was sweating bullets, but then the bell rang, safe.

"Saved by the bell Miss Higurashi. You may all leave now."

Kagome sighed in relief; at least she didn't have to embarrass herself. She packed her things and left as quickly as she could, hoping her fan boys wouldn't bother her this time.

Suddenly she heard people call her name, "Kagome-sama!" Dammit, she thought. She made many twists and turns trying to lose them. When she did, she went straight towards the roof; at least they wouldn't bother her there.

Once she got there, she looked around, almost everyone was there. She instantly went to sit beside Tatsuki and Orihime, and began to eat her lunch calmly.

Halfway through lunch she felt something in the air, an evil presence. She also noticed that everyone tensed up at this. She knew something big was coming, but what. She's never really seen the evil things, but she knew they meant no good. Then she heard almost everyone's phone go off. What the? She thought.

Suddenly everyone stood announcing that they had something to do, the only ones that stayed were Kagome, Tatsuki, Chizuru, Michiru, Keigo, and Mizuiro. Kagome was curious on where they went, but didn't say anything.

It was quiet, with only small conversation going on between them. When out of nothing, something landed on the roof, hard, making debris fly all over. Dust covered the place, making it hard for Kagome to see what happened, but as it started to clear up, she was shocked. She didn't know what it was; it looked like a demon but she knew it wasn't one. It looked more like a lizard but had a lot more arms, stood on two legs, had a creepy white mask and a hole through its chest. It was looking at her like a lion would look at its prey. She snapped out of it when she saw what happened to her friends, they were all unconscious on the ground.

"You smell delicious" It spoke with a chilling voice, leaning closer to her.

It can talk, was all that went through her mind.

"Now why don't you be a good little human and let me eat your soul."

Great, why is it that every single demon I meet wants to either eat or kidnap me. I mean, is it really so hard to act nice and just have a conversation, but no. They always have to act so rude. She thought, not really paying attention to the situation.

She was jerked out of her thoughts when the demon thing picked her up, jumped off the school building and started to walk away with her, talking about stupid shinigami getting closer and trying to take away his meal.

It took her time to react but when she did, she said things that would make a sailor blush.

Everyone was eating their lunch comfortably when suddenly they felt the presence of many hollows; their phones went off after a couple of seconds. They excused themselves saying they have to meet someone or had to use the bathroom.

All the shinigamis met up at the field and spoke. It seemed that there are many hollows on the loose right now and they didn't have an explanation as to why. So, they all split up into a group of two and each went their separate way.

Ichigo followed Rukia trying to figure out where the hollow was. He still couldn't pin point its location but had an idea on where it was. A couple of minutes passed and they found it in a park, near the school grounds. It seemed to be sniffing the air, but stopped and spoke, "I found it."

What did it find? Went through Rukia's and Ichigo's mind. Ichigo decided to stop it, but Rukia stopped him. "Don't underestimate him, Ichigo"

"Yeah, yeah." He said casually.

"Hey Ugly!" He yelled out, putting his zanpakuto up in the air. The hollow turned around to look at him; it had a huge grin on its face but went away when he saw what he was.

"Shinigami." It spoke with disgust. Suddenly it spat some type of acid towards them, making them jump away and making it hard to see.

When it became clear they saw that the hollow was gone. "Where did it go?" Ichigo said.

"I told you not to underestimate it, but no, you never listen to my advice." Rukia said angrily. "Hey, don't blame it on me, it just suddenly attack without warning." Ichigo said, trying to defend himself. "Whatever." Rukia said under her breath.

"So, which way did it go?" Ichigo asked. Rukia sighed, he really needs some training.

"It's heading towards the school grounds. We should probably hurry." Rukia informed him. "Right." He answered back. They both ran trying to catch the hollow before it did any damage.

Once they got to school they looked around, Rukia said she felt it there, but where was it.

"Ichigo look." Rukia pointed out.

Ichigo looked to where Rukia was pointing; the hollow was on the roof. Isn't that where… Dammit. He thought. He was about to jump up there, but stopped when he saw the hollow jump off the roof and started walking away. Yet, something caught his attention. The hollow was holding something or more like someone. He looked closely, he recognized the person. His eyes widened, Kagome, was all that went through his mind.

He ran after it, not even waiting for Rukia. As he got closer to the hollow, he noticed that Kagome wasn't really panicking; she was shouting a rather colorful language towards the hollow. Well, that's different, he thought with a sweat drop.

Kagome was stilling yelling at the hollow, when she noticed someone was running towards her. As the person got closer, she noticed who it was. Ichigo, and for some reason he's wearing a totally different outfit then he had a couple of minutes ago. She also noticed that he was carrying a sword that looked like a kitchen knife.

"Kagome!" He called out. Kagome just smiled at him, acting like nothing's wrong. "Hey Ichigo, so… Any reason why you're chasing this thing." She said casually.

Ichigo almost tripped on her reply, how can she act so calm when she's being carried by that thing, he thought. He didn't even reply to her comment.

Kagome just sighed, if only I could do something, she thought. Seconds passed by, it dawned on her. I'm such an idiot. She hit herself on the forehead. I'm a miko, so of course I can hurt this thing, it is evil after all, she told herself.

She started to concentrate her purification powers on her hand, trying not to use too much; she wasn't sure it would work so she didn't want to waste energy. Slowly it started to form on her hands and it had enough energy, she touched the hollows arm. Suddenly the arm turned to ash, bad thing because it meant she was going to fall. The hollow yelled out in pain, it felt its whole body being consumed by the purification. It disintegrated in an instant.

As Kagome descended, she closed her eyes. She really didn't want to see one of her bones break. She was prepared to feel the pain, but it never came. Instead it was all warmth. She opened her eyes to see Ichigo's concerned face. He seemed to be checking if she had any visible wounds. When he was done, he looked at her in the eyes.

"Are you alright, Kagome?" He asked, holding her closer.

"Yea, I'm fine." Kagome said, trying not to blush from their closeness. Yet she never looked away.

Seconds passed, yet they still held each other's gaze, to them it felt like minutes. The first one to break it off was Kagome. She snapped out of it when she realized that they're noses were mere inches from each other, she didn't even know when they got so close. She blushed furiously and looked away, trying to hide her blush. Ichigo blinked at this, but then it dawned on him, I was about to…, with this thought he just blushed and turned the other way. Of course, it was more awkward because he was still holding her.

By now Rukia had caught up to them and saw everything that happened. She was really curious on what Kagome really did, but right now she really wanted to embarrass Ichigo to death. She just found out that he has a crush on Kagome; she smirked like a cheshire cat. She was going to have fun torturing him. Of course she noticed Kagome's feelings; poor Uryuu was going to have some competition. She became serious when she remembered what just happened; Kagome killed a hollow with just a touch.

When she was right behind them she spoke. "Ichigo." Ichigo turned around to see who called him; Rukia. When Rukia saw she had his attention she said, "How is she?"

Ichigo looked down at Kagome, who was still in his arms. "She's alright." He answered.

Rukia nodded in understanding, and then she looked at Kagome. "What did you do with the hollow?" The air became tense. Ichigo was confused at first, but remembered what happened. He looked at Kagome curiously.

Kagome hesitated to answer but still did. "I purified it."

Rukia looked confused at this, so she asked her again. "How?"

"I am a miko." Kagome answered honestly, looking at Rukia in the eyes.

Rukia was shocked, she was speechless. No one spoke for seconds, but Ichigo spoke up. "What's a miko?"

Rukia's eye twitched at his question. "How can you not know what a miko is you idiot." She would have kicked him, but he still was carrying Kagome; she didn't want to hurt her.

"I'm not an idiot, and just answer the damn question!" He said.

Rukia was about to explain, but Kagome spoke up first. "A miko is a holy being that is able to purify anything evil. We are able to kill, heal, or protect, but we cannot hurt humans. Many mikos have to have an object to put their spiritual powers in, the stronger ones are able to use them whenever they wish, with or without an object. Like this." She explained, demonstrating the last part to them. A pink orb appeared on her hand, surprising them both. "So any more questions?"

"How can you be miko? I thought they were extinct." Rukia asked. She did believe her, but in Soul Society it was said that they disappeared after the demons did, mikos and priest no longer had a use for their powers.

Kagome blinked, "So, I'm the last one alive."

Rukia nodded, "Yes, they don't even exist in Soul Society."

"Soul Society?" Kagome asked. "What is that?"

Rukia sighed. "It is a place where souls that have passed on go and where soul reapers live and work."

"So does that mean that both you and Ichigo are soul reapers?" Kagome asked, looking at both at them.

Rukia nodded, Ichigo answered differently. "Actually, I'm a substitute soul reaper. I'm not dead, but Rukia is."

This confused Kagome, a lot.

Rukia noticed this, "We should probably go to Urahara's and try to explain everything, and then you can explain your story Kagome-chan."

Kagome nodded and sighed, she really didn't want to tell them about the story that'll make her look crazy, but they were going to tell her theirs. She really should learn to stay out of trouble.

"So basically you gave Ichigo your powers, but lost them, and then got sentenced to death for that, but Ichigo saved you. Then a captain named Aizen betrayed Soul Society and now you guys are looking for him?" Kagome said.

"That's basically everything."

After the hollow attack, the three of them went to Urahara's to get some answers. Of course, Kagome was worried about her friends, but Rukia assured her that they'll be fine; she already sent help for the cleanup. When they arrived there, they saw that no one had arrived yet and so it was only the three of them, Urahara, and Tessai. Kagome liked Urahara, especially his goofiness and when he taunted Ichigo. Ichigo would get riled up and would try to attack Urahara, but would stop when Urahara kept telling him that she was there; this just amused Urahara even more.

Kagome listened attentively to their story, she would ask questions when they got to a part that she didn't understand, but at the end she understood everything.

She sighed, "I guess it's my turn." This time it was Ichigo and Rukia getting ready to listen. Urahara was in the background, having an idea of who she is; he recognized her power when she got to his shop. Tessai was preparing some tea and lunch.

Kagome cleared her throat, "It all started on my fifteenth birthday…"

"…there were he once stood was only ashes and the almost complete Shikon no Tama. I was surprised at first, but I remembered the jewel and went to go get it. I picked it up and merged it with the last pieces. When I did this Midoriko appeared before me and asked for my wish. I bid my friends goodbye and made my wish." Kagome finally finished her story. An hour barely passing by.

"Wow, so you're THE Shikon Miko. I never thought I would meet the legend in person. I should probably tell brother, he was the one who always spoke stories of you…" Rukia just spoke on and on with stars in her eyes. Kagome didn't know how to handle this; she never really thought she was that important. Ichigo was speechless by the end of the story. Urahara was hiding a smirk behind his fan, but he closed it to gain her attention. "So what was your wish Kagome-chan?"

At his question Rukia became silent and looked towards Kagome. Kagome looked down at her hands and gave a sad smile. "My wish…My wish was for it to disappear."

"But there was a price wasn't there." Urahara looked serious this time. Rukia and Ichigo were confused at this. "I thought a selfless wish was supposed to make it disappear without consequences." Ichigo asked this time.

"Ah, but you see, there is no such thing as a selfless wish. That is why it is called a wish because it is something you want." Urahara explained looking at them. He looked back towards Kagome, "So what did you have to pay."

Kagome had her hands clasped together, "To make it disappear, it needs a vessel." She put her hand over where her heart is supposed to be. "I have to take care of it until it disappears, but when it does disappear I will no longer be able to live." This surprised Rukia and Ichigo, even more. "What do you mean?" Ichigo asked.

"The jewel is my life source. Once it is gone, I can no longer live." Kagome said sadly; she did not want to look at him in the eyes, it would just sadden her even more.

"Why?" Rukia asked.

"The jewel needs a source a power to destroy it. As time passes the jewel absorbs the power and gets weaker, but the power's source does as well, isn't that right Kagome." Urahara answered this time. Kagome just nodded.

"It's almost like you and the jewel are connected, needing each other to live. How much time do you think you have Kagome-chan?" Rukia asked.

"I'm not sure myself, the only option for me is to wait and see." Kagome answered. The room became quiet; no one had the courage to speak up this time. The silence was broken when the door was suddenly thrown open.

It was Renji "Hey Urahara…" Renji looked at the scene in front of him, everyone seemed depressed, but what confused him was that Kagome was there. He walked towards Rukia and squatted down next to her. "So can she see us?" He whispered to her. Rukia just nodded at him. He really is an idiot. Kagome was looking straight at him, how can he not notice that, she thought.

"So any reason why you brought her?" He asked.

Rukia nodded, "She purified a hollow with a single touch. She's a miko."

Renji stared at Kagome strangely. "Are you sure? I mean her reiatsu feels normal to me."

"That's because she's hiding her true powers." She answered. Renji nodded in understanding. "Does she know about us?"

"Yeah, we already explained it to her. She just finished telling us her story." Rukia said. "We should probably go and inform Soul Society of this." She announced to everyone, standing up.

"Are you sure Rukia?" Ichigo asked this time.

"It'll be fine. I promise I won't allow them to do anything to her, alright." Rukia said. Ichigo hesitated but nodded.

"Well, see you guys later." She said, and then she stabbed her sword in the air and turned it. Suddenly, shoji doors appeared and started to open up.

"See you Rukia-chan, Renji-kun." Kagome said while waving. Before, the doors closed, she saw them waving back at her.

"Well, I have to go and greet my guest." Urahara said standing up. Kagome was going to protest, but Urahara stopped her, "I know you and Ichigo want some alone time, isn't that right Ichigo."

Ichigo blushed and was going to retort, but couldn't because by then Urahara had already closed the door and left. It was quiet; neither of them knew what to say. Kagome was fidgeting in her spot; she hasn't been alone with Ichigo since she saw him. Ichigo was nervous for the same reason as well.

Ichigo decided to throw his cowardness out the window and become brave. "Kagome." He put his hand over hers; her hands where still on her lap. Kagome looked at him; they both stared at each other. "Can I be the one to protect you?" Kagome's eyes widened at his question. "I-Ichigo."

"I'm not saying you're weak or anything, it's just that I want to be with you no matter what." He answered honestly. His hands tightened hers; his other hand went towards her cheek. He was doing everything by pure instinct; he couldn't control it any longer. He wanted something but he didn't know what it was, so he let his own body take control.

Kagome blushed, but let him do what he wanted. Slowly he started to close the space between them. Kagome closed her eyes when they were inches apart. Their lips were just centimeters apart when they heard the door being opened. They snapped their eyes open and pulled apart from each other, both as red as a tomato.

Standing at the entrance was Uryuu, luckily for them his head was turned back; he was speaking to someone behind him. He turned and looked at the scene before him. Both Ichigo and Kagome were looking at the ground, fidgeting. He ignored that and spoke up. "Urahara said that lunch is ready. And Kagome." He said. When Kagome heard her name being called she answered, "Yes?" She still didn't look up. "You have some explaining to do." Uryuu said sternly.

"Urahara explained to me what happened, but he told me to ask you for your story." He said.

"Alright." Kagome said nervously. Uryuu waited, and waited, and waited, "Aren't you going to eat lunch." He said, not really having the patience.

"Yeah, I'll go in a minute." Kagome said. "Fine." With that said Uryuu left; he didn't even pay attention to Ichigo.

A couple of minutes of silence and her trying to calm her heart down she spoke up, "W-we should probably go and eat now." Kagome said shyly.

"Y-yeah." Ichigo stuttered out.

They both stood up and left, but not without giving each other a glance on the way.

They're starting to get lovey dovey :). Please Review