Oh my god, what does everyone think about Season 5? The whole time I was watching the first episode I was just like "What? No! What? No! WHAT?"

At least it kind of inspired me to get this up. And I have some ideas for a couple more chapters now, so those should be coming sometime in the near-ish future.

(There's also a small shout-out to John Green in here if you're a Nerdfighter!)

Zane hated plane flights. He hated getting to the airport two hours before his departure time. He hated waiting in the never-ending security line. He hated the smell and the hideous gray speckled walls. He hated the overly salty peanuts and the ridiculously-priced food. He hated how his ears popped and his stomach dropped when they took off and landed. And the crying babies. Oh lord, the crying babies. He felt their pain, but they really didn't help alleviate his misery.

Yet here he was, on said demon machine. At least he had the aisle seat. Then if the seat next to him was filled by some smelly unhygienic guy like it usually was (just his luck), he could turn away and breathe in fresh air. Well, as fresh as the stale airplane air could be.

God, he hated planes.

But just as his stewing was about to reach a new level, something happened. Something amazing.

A gorgeous woman was standing next to his seat, and Zane watched as her eyes flitted from her ticked up to the row number above his head. Her shiny black hair was pulled into a side braid, leaving her warm, pretty face uncovered.

"Well, I think this is me" she said indicating to the window seat.

"Here, let me get out of your way." Zane practically jumped up to let her get through more easily. As he slid past her to get into the aisle, her floral perfume filled his nostrils and Zane smiled. He must have done something wonderful to please the airplane gods and be graced with this hygienic, beautiful woman. His stomach felt better already.

"Thanks" she said with a smile as he sat down again next to her. Wow, that smile was magical. It was definitely doing funny things to his heart rate.

He returned the smile happily. "No problem. I'm Zane, by the way."

She shook his outstretched hand and gave it a firm shake. Finally, a girl with confidence! He hated those wimpy, fragile hand shakes – if they could even be called that.

"Jo. It's nice to know I'm sitting next to a gentleman."

"I thought it was just common etiquette."

Jo grimaced. "You'd be surprised how many people make you climb over them. I've come across more than I'd like to admit."

"That sucks. Do you travel often?"

She shrugged. "I guess. When I have time off work I usually go to see my family if I have nothing better to do at home."

"Well then, I'm glad to know I'm sitting next to a veteran" he said with another smile.

She laughed, and that glorious sound forced him to gather up the courage to be honest with her. He leaned in and practically whispered:

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Sure." She too leaned in while responding, like the two of them were conspiring or something. It was awesome.

"I hate planes. I wouldn't say I'm scared of them… I just… what I'm trying to say is that I'm not exactly comfortable being in charge of the emergency exit" he said somewhat nervously while glancing at the door to her left with the big, red, slightly ominous letters on it. Way to be cool, Zane.

But she just nodded in understanding and placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Don't worry. If one of our engines catches fire or we run out of gas and have to land in the ocean, I've got it under control."

Damn, that take charge attitude was strangely hot.

She picked up the safety booklet and flipped through it. "And if the plane explodes or something, we won't have to worry about any responsibilities!"

Her head shot up right after the last word came out of her mouth, and she looked apologetically over at Zane. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. That turned out way more twisted and morbid than I thought it would."

But he just chuckled and looked into her eyes. "It's fine. And besides, if something catastrophic does happen, at least I got to spend my last few moments with a charming, beautiful woman."

She blushed and bit her lip before returning the booklet to her seat pocket. He tried to distract himself from how adorable she was by turning to his own seat pocket, and pulled out a magazine. Ah yes, good ol' SkyMall. The catalogue that defines weird. Seriously? What would anyone do with a 28-inch statue of Bigfoot or a garden zombie or a bionic golf glove? What would anyone do wi- wait.

"No way" he breathed.

Jo looked up from her book at him.


"They have a mini R2-D2 that responds to voice commands!"

Zane suddenly realized that Jo probably didn't give a flying fuck about Star Wars products in the SkyMall magazine, but her eyes lit up and she looked over his shoulder. She tapped the page excitedly after quickly reading the description.

"Ooh, look! It even dances to the cantina music!"

Zane gaped at her. "You like Star Wars? Could you be any more perfect?"

She grinned as she looked up at him, and Zane noticed how much closer she'd gotten since she started to read over his shoulder. Her right arm was resting lightly on his left arm, and her face was… right there. He couldn't stop his eyes from flicking down to her pink lips, and to his surprise, she couldn't restrain herself from looking down at his either.

It was then that the flight attendants came out to do the safety announcement. Perfect timing guys, really.

As the two of them snapped out of their daze, Zane realized that their departure was coming up. That meant taking off. Off the ground. Off the ground and shooting up into the sky at 500mph. Oh god.

He should have taken a train. Or a bus. Or rented a car. Or even walked, walking was good too. Anything was better than planes. His stomach was already anticipating the churning yet to come and he had to remember to actively breathe. In and out, Zane. In… out… in… out… in…

Suddenly he felt something touch his hand. He looked down and saw Jo lacing her fingers with his, and he immediately felt his entire body relax and his breathing regulate. He smiled at her appreciatively and she winked and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Maybe planes weren't as scary as he thought they were.

Maybe SkyMall wasn't as lame as he thought it was.

And then, stuffed in there with all the "maybes", was a "definitely".

Because this was definitely going to be the best plane flight he'd ever had.

I know Zane is like, the total opposite of a wimp, but everyone has fears right?

And if you don't know what SkyMall magazine is… that part probably didn't make much sense to you XD Just know they have some weird shit in there.