Chapter 6: Explaination
The little fox demon hugged Kagome tightly.
"Mama why do you smell like lord Sesshoumaru's blood?" he asked.
"Because" she explained "I was protecting you and my new friends."
Shippo looked up immediately at Naruto. Jumping out of Kagome's embrace, he jumped on his sholders.
"Hey! Youre a fox Yokai like me!" he said excitedly.
Laughing Naruto confirmed the pup's observations by shifting into fox form for him.
Naruto was a huge frox demon which probably explained the powerful aura that surrounded him. He had long, black-tipped, pointy ears which laid relaxed on his head. His tail was of beautiful sculpture, with a white tip at the end. All four of his feet had white "socks" of for which stood out against his slightly-orange-tinted yellow fur. Shippo, wanting to play shifted, with him. His fur was a dark red-orange. His tail was white tipped but his feet and ears were black. His eyes were an emerald green and, like Narutos Caribean-Ocean-Blue ones, were in stark contrast to his fur. The two began playing with a fox-fire ball and left the rest of the group to stare at Kagome.
"You have a kid?" Kiba finally spoke.
"adopted really... his mom and dad were killed by Sesshoumaru" she explained, "I took him in and have since become attached."
"but can an Inu-Yokui, like yourself actually give birth to a Kistune like Naruto or Shippo?" Sukura asked.
"Yes, but it's very rare for an Inu and a Kitsune to mate. Naruto is pure fox, and very powerful at that."
Kagome replied. Akumaru nuzzled Kagomes hand from his spot between her and kiba, looking down kiba was at a loss for action as his best buddy had developed a connection with the wolf demon. Finally giving up on his sputtering he crossed his arms and huffed as his dog and his new found friend laughed. Soon the others did too, even Neji and Gaara. Sensing his meloncholy mood, Kagome swiftly leaned over and kissed his cheek, too fast for the others to notice,except Kiba of corse. A deep read flush began to overtake his face and hew began laughing too. When they all settled down Naruto and Shippo had returned. Shippo hopped on Kagomes sholders and Naruto asked the question the hokage believed would help the village is she accepted
"Hey Kags" he said. Hearing the familiar nickname she looked up.
"What do you say to learning to be come a ninja?"
She thought for a moment, looking from Shippo to Kiba and answered
"only if Shippo can too."
"Sure!" he said and they headed back to the leaf village.
To be continued.
A/N: so thats the end of book 1! howd you like it? was it awesome? Excited for the next one? REVIEW! I must know these things. Book 2 should be posted soon, along with its first chapter. im kinda at a block now so i dont know how fast itll be up. in the mean time you can read my new fanfic "You Found Me" ^_^