HI! So i submitted a story the other day but then after a review it helped me realise that i think i took the wrong approach. So i changed it.. hopefully for the Better:) hope you enjoy! review and tell me what you think if you like. Will be a Charah story because i love Chuck and Sarah:) But yeah. It will also have some adventure and friendships. Only second fic so please don't expect much!
Sorry for spelling and grammar will most likely be terrible. I checked myself.:)
I don't own Chuck or anything!
2005 Burbank, California.
Zanzi restaurant.
Two best friends, two spy partners sit together at the Zanzi restaurant. Backs against their seats, big grins on their faces and a whole lot of confidence that no man could take away. Morgan Grimes claps his hands together and rubs them fast.
"Chuck buddy this is..AWESOME" Morgan says extending the last word.
Chuck nods his head still not believing the debriefing with General Beckham that they had.
"New partners, new missions,bigger missions.. Oh, I know Morgan. I honestly cant believe the General suggested it"
"Oh I know the GB Chuck, Shes gotta a soft spot for the smooth talking agent Grimes here." Morgan says raising one eyebrow seductively.
"Ha, yeah she sure does Morgan" Chuck laughs knowing very well that the general DEFINITELY does not have a soft spot for 'smooth talking Grimes' although she does seem to love the fact that he is a computer genius and helps out the agency incredibly well. As well as Chuck himself. Not to brag but they are the best in the agency, at the computer stuff. That practically means the world doesn't it? Chuck thinks to himself.
Chuck and Morgan have been best buds since the time they could crawl. Their parents were great friends and play dates became a common occurrence especially since it gave Chucks and Morgans dads time to kick back and do some gaming. While their sons watched in awe. They had been through the tormenting years at primary school together where they were punched and pinched by boys..and girls, and they had been fighting together through the tough high school years where instead of going out to party on a Saturday night they instead had their eyes glued to the screen gaming all night. Their mothers blamed their fathers for this obsession but they didn't care they were proud as punch of their sons. Especially when they both went off to Standford university both hoping to complete a degree in Electrical engineering. It all seemed so long ago Chuck thinks. Now they are big bad..well good spys who fight and kill their way to create a better world. Well actually fight as in hacking computers and doing all the tech stuff the government needs them to do and kill.. well lets just erase that as neither have killed anyone and they are not planning on it.
"What time they arriving dude?" Morgan asks breaking Chuck out of his thoughts.
"Hmm, I think seven the general said, should be any minute now" Chuck reply s looking at his watch.
"OK lets go over this Agent Bryce Larkin and who was the other?" Morgan says shrugging his shoulders.
"Agent Sarah Walker, Ive heard of Bryce he seems like a pretty well rounded spy".
"Yeah a real looker too apparently, all the rumors Ive heard" Morgan reply's shaking his head.
"But this Agent Walker.. never heard of her other than shes the Best. Spy. Ever" Chuck says stopping on each word clearly impressed.
"Yeah. Ive never seen a photo and no ones told me what she looks like I think its all pretty secretive" Morgan says. "Shes proberly some emotionless robot".
"Yeah I haven't seen any photos either" Chuck grins. "She proberly looks pretty scary. If shes the best spy, proberly a bit creepy looking too. I mean she would have a lot of tough guys out there and they were all scared out of their brains when Ive read up on some mission reports of hers. She wont be able to look like a model!"
Morgan nods his head "You know what Chuck, maybe we don't need new partners, stuff the better missions and better pay we are doing alright with what we've got now!" he says slightly nervous.
Chuck almost tempted to grab his stuff and leave shakes his head "No, no come on think of how much stuff we can learn from them!"
"Yeah I guess you right" Morgan agrees "How old are they anyway" Morgan questions.
"Well Bryce is our age but it says Agent Walker has been a spy for seven years..so yeah I'm guessing shes pretty old" Chuck says.
"Yeah, we've only been spy's for two years so she must be old as!" Morgan says playing with his napkin.
"Yeah, least she will be wise aye" Chuck jokes "Seven now, they should be here any minute" Chuck says looking towards the reception area.
Agent Larkin and Agent Walker make their way out of Sarahs parked car outside the Zanzi restaurant.
"Looks nice" Bryce grins.
"Yeah. Which is good because I'm starving" Sarah reply's.
Bryce laughs "Well if you were ready when I picked you up we would have been here ages ago."
Sarah playfully gives him a shove "Well I had to make sure I look good! New partners and everything."
"You look stunning Sarah. Everyone on the street is drooling over you" Bryce truthfully tells her.
"And some are looking at you a little too creepy for my liking" he shakes his head evil eying a man on a date with a women who is staring at Sarah.
"Aren't you protective" Sarah laughs.
"Hey! Not my fault your dad lectured me for hours on keeping you safe. Not that you need it'" Bryce argues.
Bryce and Sarah had known each other for years now. They trained together for one year then Sarah was taken to do her own missions while Larkin continued to train. They got put together on a mission and have been working together ever since. All over the agency there have been rumors that they have dated. Its not true though they are completely professional while been good friends. They are comfortable around each other and that's the way Sarah likes it. She thinks hes great, kind, smart and good looking but her feelings for him always have and always will be the same. They are just friends. Bryce thinks the same. Sure when he first met her well of course who wouldn't be attracted. But he soon learned that he and her would always be friends and now he wouldn't have it any other way. Although he cant help feeling angry when he sees others staring at her like shes a piece of meat. Only if they new what she could do to them he always thinks.
"After you my lady" Bryce says opening the door for Sarah.
"Thank you" Sarah says and walks through. "Mmm it smells great!"
"I'm definitely hungry now" Bryce says as he leads Sarah up to reception.
"Hello and welcome to Zanzi. How can I help you?" The tired young receptionist says.
"Ah booking under Bartowski?" Bryce asks
"Yes right this wait" The waiter smiles "The two others are already here."
"Great" Sarah reply's excited to meet her new partners.
Chuck and Morgan are still chatting when the young receptionist arrives at their table. "Your dining partners are here Mr Bartowski and Mr Grimes."
"Oh great thanks" Chuck says standing up.
He looks over and sees a man in a suit with brown hair gosh does he look like a super spy Chuck thinks must be Agent larkin.
Bryce notices Agent Grimes and Agent Bartowski and gives them a nod and a dashing smile.
"Nice to meet you both he says shaking both their hands you can call me Bryce."
"This is Morgan and I'm Chuck" Chuck smiles.
"Hey dude, good to meet ya" Morgan says.
"Cool. Great nice to meet you both. Sarah is.." Bryce turns round with Sarah behind him.
"Woops sorry Sarah blocking you a bit" He laughs "This is Sarah- well the one and only Agent Walker" he whispers and steps aside.
Chuck and Morgans eyes go wide when they see her.
"Oh. My sweet heaven!" Morgan mumbles mouth dropping open.
Chuck stays in a world of his own not catching anything Morgan said.
Sarah is dressed in a strapless black cocktail dress with her long blond hair curled loosely with her fringe clipped back. Her long tan legs in her black heels and her sparkling blue eyes reflecting the light from the candles. She looks like an angel Chuck thinks. Wait maybe she is an angel? They are real right?
Bryce laughs knowingly. "Hi its really nice to meet you both" Sarah grins unaware of her new partners frozen state.
"H-hi I'm Morgan Grimes and what a pleasure it is to meet you too" Morgan says surprisingly well as he extends his hand to shake Sarahs. God bless you General he thinks to himself.
Sarahs hand extends to Chuck and she awkwardly holds it there waiting for him to shake it.
Morgan nudges chuck in the ribs. "Huh?" Chuck says dumfounded. He looks down at Sarahs hand.
"Oh! Hi hi sorry think I had a bit to much wine" he jokes then glances to his wine. Its not even half empty. "Its really nice to meet you agent Walker" Chuck manages to get out.
"Please call me Sarah" she say giving him a smile that lights up the world.
Chuck grins "Right Sarah. Ha. Oh please both of you sit down."
"So do we call you Charles? Or Chuck?" Sarah asks sitting down.
"Oh, oh you know just whatever you like best, My friends cool me Chuck though."
"Chuck it is then" Sarah smiles shyly "and Morgan right?"
"That's me the one and only Morgan Grimes" He says smoothly. Hoping to sound calm and collected.
Chuck tries to keep his eyes away from Sarah which is very difficult considering she sitting opposite him. He knows he shouldn't be having these thoughts as he has only just met her and he should be acting professional. But come on she is the most beautiful person he has ever seen. Sarah glances at him staring and a light blush tinges her cheeks. Oh gosh Chuck thinks as he adverts his eyes to the table and takes a gulp of his wine.
"Time to order some food I believe" Bryce announces. "This ones starving" he says tilting his head to Sarah.
Sarah laughs "Yeah well unpacking took a long time today so I didn't really find the time to eat."
"Well mine took two minutes" Bryce boasts jokingly "I would have helped if you called."
Morgans face turns to confusion "You guys don't live together?"
Bryce smiles "No no, and before you ask no we aren't together" Chucks eyebrows raise "We are strictly professional, but great friends."
"Oh so you guys aren't like Mr and Mrs Smith?" Morgan jokes.
Bryce and Sarah laugh and shake their head.
Sarah grins "I wouldn't be able to keep up with him, hes partying all night every night!"
Chuck laughs "Sounds a bit like this wild one" he says tilting his head to Morgan.
Morgan nods his head "I admit I am a man who can parrrtaaay. Unlike Chuck here. Hes more a grab the popcorn and settle in for the night kinda guy" Morgan laughs taking a drink of his beer.
Chucks face goes red "Well you know.. I do sometimes go out.."
Sarah finds Chucks embarrassment cute so helps him out "I love nights in too, its cosy and relaxing."
Chuck gives a relieved smile that hes not the only one who enjoys a good quiet night. Bryce agrees "Yep, Sarahs always having movie marathons" Sarah nods in agreement and Chuck cant help but feel completely enchanted by her. movie marathons? He thinks wow shes great.. really great.
"Although we do come across a fair few full on gaming night or star wars marathons" Morgan speaks up.
"Really?" Bryce says "Next time I'm there!"
Both Chuck and Morgan turn to Bryce "Really?" they say in unison.
"Of course! I could stay up for hours playing them" Bryce says eagerly.
"Oh this is gonna be great! Best team ever" Morgan says happily.
Sarah watches the exchange between the guys and shes happy Bryce fits in well. Both Morgan and Chuck seem like genuinely great guys. Morgan seeming to be the slightly more confident one who she finds funny and can see her self getting along with well. Chuck, well he seems to have a more quiet confident approach about him which she finds sweet. She cant seem to bring herself to stop stealing sneaky glances at him. His eyes are such a deep brown and his hairs all curly and oh gosh what is she thinking? Professionalism Sarah. Seriously! She finds it weird shes even thinking about him, shes not usually one to have an instant attraction to someone or to anyone really. Sarah and relationships since shes been a spy.. well lets just say what relationships?
Sarah finds her self looking directly at Chuck she closes her eyes briefly and shakes her head Whats wrong with me?maybe its the wine..yeah its definitely the wine.. she thinks to herself.
"Ah yes the buy more" Bryce says extra loud breaking Sarah from her thoughts.
"Yep I'm a green shirt sales guy while my main man Chucks with the nerd herd" Morgan says
"Oh the nerd herd? I think Ive heard of that you fix electronics-computers and things?" Sarah questions.
"Yeah. Yep that's it. I enjoy electronics and things so you know. Keeps me busy when the spy life is quiet" Chuck answers.
"That's great chuck" Sarah smiles honestly. Chuck feels a bit light headed from her beautiful smile so takes another gulp of his wine.
"Why aren't you in the nerd herd, Morgan if you don't mind me asking. I know you both have a degree in electrical engineering right?" Bryce questions.
"Yes electrical engineering. But you see my theory is.. well doing as little as possible while at the Buy More. Then I use all my energy on the missions. Still get paid the same for doing..well nothing, but selling a microwave or a DVD. It works well" Morgan says proudly.
They all burst into laughter at Morgans wisdom until a young waiter comes up to the table and asks them for their orders. Bryce orders the fish of the day while Morgan orders the seafood special. The waiter then looks at Chuck "ah vegetarian pizza please"
Morgan laughs "Knew it. Chuck doesnt go far from the pizza here. Only dish he gets."
Chuck shrugs "Well the tummy get what the tummy wants and their pizzas are to die for!"
"Are the pizzas that good?" Sarah asks and chuck nods eagerly "OK" she says "I would love a vegetarian pizza too, oh but can I have no olives please?"
The waiter smiles "Sure thing miss, your meals will be with you shortly" and he walks off.
"So not a olive fan I see" Chuck shakes his head in mock disappointment.
"I'm afraid not, It wont affect us working together will it?" she teases.
"Ha, no I just hope no bad guys are ever going to torture you by making you eat olives" he jokes.
Sarah laughs "oh gosh i have never thought of that before."
The four spy's eat their food (Sarah blown away by how good the pizza is) and chat about their briefing with General Beckham the following day. Chuck is having such a great time with his new partners and starts to settle in and feel more comfortable. Not that he wasn't comfortable before but when the most beautiful women he has ever seen is sitting opposite him you cant blame him. Chuck soon learned that Sarah wasn't just stunning on the outside but her personality was just as perfect.
Sarahs cell phone rings and she excuses herself from the table "Sorry guys its just my parents, wandering how im settiling in no doubt" she grins.
Once Sarah is back they all decide to call it a night an meet up the next day at Sarahs apartment for their mission debrief. They all stand up and Bryce says dinners on him and he goes off to pay the bill while Morgan goes to the 'little boys room' as he calls it.
Sarah laughs as she watches Morgan walk off and then turns back round to Chuck. Their eyes hold on each others for a few silent seconds until they both shyly gaze them to the ground.
Chuck feeling a moment of courage speaks up first.
"So ah how you liking Burbank?" He asks not looking her directly in the eyes.
Sarah smiles her glorious smile that he cant get enough of "I'm really enjoying it, I want to have a look round you know? See the beaches and things. Sight see a bit"
"Oh definitely! If your looking for a good trip to the beach! I'm your guy! Chuck quickly says then blushes red when he realizes what he said. I'm your guy? really? he thinks.
Sarah chuckles "I might take you up on that" she says looking into his eyes.
"Really?" Chuck asks shocked "I mean, ah yeah yeah cool, Bryce and Morgan can come too will be great." he babbles.
Sarah nods her head and smiles "Sounds great, Chuck" she says liking the sound of his name coming off her lips.
They smile at each other until Morgan coughs and they both turn around to see him and Bryce waiting with smirks on their faces.
"Oh we all ready?" Chuck asks awkwardly "Lets go!" He continues and quickly takes the lead out the door.
As the four spy's make it out of the restaurant Morgan and Chuck stop by Sarahs Car to wish her and Bryce a good night.
"Woah" Chuck gasps "Is this your car?"
"Yep" Sarah grins "Shes my baby" she beams proudly.
"Wow its really nice, Sarah" he truthfully says.
"Yeah" Morgan agrees "You must be rolling in it!"
Sarah laughs"Thanks, and no not really. But anyway we will see you guys tomorrow, i will text you all my address again in the morning" She says opening her car door.
"Night guys!" Bryce waves.
Morgan salutes them and Chuck tells them it was really great meeting them and hes looking forward to working with them.
"Buddy! Oh my Sarah did you see her?" Morgan says as they walk back to Chucks car.
"I know! I feel so horrible about saying what we expected her to look like, and that she would be some scary emotionless robot. She was the complete opposite!"
"You got that right Chuck. And she totally digs you!" Morgan says
"What? No don't be insane Morgan." Chuck says thinking Morgans lost his mind.
"I saw the way she looked at you, and I heard you talking to her about the beach when I was coming back from the toilets."
"Morgan did you see her? Can you see her liking me? NO. She was just one hundred percent being friendly. Spy's are good actors you know." Chuck says.
"hmm yeah guess your right. Gosh I think I'm in love though." Morgan says with a dreamy face.
Chuck laughs "Bryce seems like a good guy too"
"Oh yeah hes real cool he so gonna come game with us!" Morgan says enthusiastically.
"Of course" Chuck agrees starting his car up.
"But back to Sarah your in love right?, I mean I am. You must be too?" Morgan questions still imagining the goddess.
Chuck just laughs "I guess your going to want to keep with the whole new partner thing then?"
"Are you kidding! I love the general! This is a-mazing."
"Yeah you got that right buddy" Chuck says as he remembers Sarahs smile and hypnotizing eyes. "You definitely got that right."
"Well, well, Sarah Walker aye." Bryce says shaking his head with a smirk on his face.
"Well well Sarah Walker what?" Sarah questions parking the car outside Bryces.
"You like him." Bryce says boldly
Sarahs face goes the slightest tinge red then she quickly calms herself. "Who Chuck? I don't know what your talking about I barely know him" She says defending herself
"And he was completely blown away by you" Bryce laughs unbuckling his seat belt.
Sarahs eyes go wide "What? Bryce your so full of it. Get out of my car" She says shaking her head.
Bryce cracks up "Sarah Ive known you for too long I know you. I'm surprised though Ive never seen you this into someone before" he teases "You've never been in a relationship since you've been a spy. This is good. A good step" He says teasing her some more.
"Bryce, I will come out and whack you if you don't shut up." She threatens clenching her hands around the wheel of the car.
"OK. OK I'm sorry, see you tomorrow!" He says backing off.
Bryce starts to walk away "Oh Sarah, Just think you and Agent Bartowski.. or should I say Mr and Mrs Smith" He says with wink "Anyway ciao". He calls and walks down his driveway.
"Ha- Ha very funny Bryce." Sarah calls "That was a real good one" she says sarcastically.
Sarah feeling a little unsettled by Bryces words puts her foot to the floor and speeds off down the street.
The end!
sooo...? any good? average.. terrible horrendous?
I'm so tired now its so late at night arggh but i had to finish it! Ive already started my second chapter! so hopefully you will want to continue reading!
Thanks and gooood night!:)