I'm the worst fanfic writer ever! I keep taking too long to update! Waaah, so sorry!

In any case, Jacinda, EgyptsBlackRose, I hope you both enjoy the new chapter! Woohoo, time for the girls to make a comeback!

"This is so wrong...", Maria whimpered, as she hastily put on the sportiest clothes she could find. Considering her large bust, she didn't own many of those, so it was no problem to sort through them. "April will never let us see the light of day again if she finds out."

"I know already, ok?!", Louisa quietly snapped, trying to keep her voice as low as possible. "But hell, Hal is our sister! I don't like her, in fact I can barely stand the bitch, but she's family. And I'll drop dead before anyone touches one of my own and goes unpunished!"

"Figures you'd come along for the punishing", Gina sighed as she tied her shoes and made sure to take her meds. She had taken them with her, along with a glass of water, after she and Louisa had decided to once again ignore April's wishes, so she already had them in her hand once they entered Maria's bedroom. "Anyway, April won't be much of a problem. I slipped some Valeriana [1] in her tea earlier. She should be sleeping like a log about now."

Maria shook her head, and they all exited the bedroom she hoped to share with Halley again soon, only to stop short at the sight that greeted them.

April was sitting cross-legged on the floor right in front of the flat's door, her back leaning on the hard, solid wood, her one arm draped on top of one of her bent knees. The other arm moved up and down, as she used her hand to throw and catch a small bottle of pills repeatedly, like it was a tennis ball. Her mouth was a tight line, and her eyes just stared at them in a way that was hard to decipher.

Oh, they were so screwed...

"You have until dawn. After that, I'm checking your beds. If you're not in them, I'm causing such an uproar, the whole of New York City will learn of the name O'Neil and pray I won't be going out in public when I'm PMSing."

"Fuck me, how are we supposed to find those idiots and get back to bed before dawn?", Louisa kept grumbling as they walked fast in the dark streets of New York.

"Don't worry", Gina grinned. "I've got it covered."

"What, you shoved those chips you used the last time up their ass or something?", Louisa snickered at her own joke.

"Silly Lou, of course not", her sister giggled. "We know they're gonna be at the Purple Dragons' lair. All we have to do is find us some Dragons, and they'll get us there."

Maria - who had kept silent all this time - stopped walking and stared at her. "W-What?", the red-haired scaredy cat stuttered in panic.

"The fuck are you smoking?", Louisa grimaced.

The girl didn't answer, only giggled some more when, at that moment, she spotted a couple of thugs in an alley, sporting the dreaded tattoo on their biceps. She turned abruptly, grabbed Maria, and pushed her in their direction, causing her sister to stumble a little.

Louisa gaped at this, and her jaw nearly touched the pavement when Gina cheered loudly for her terrified sister "Go get 'em , Maria!"


"That was your brilliant idea? Your genius plan?", Louisa's eye twitched as she whispered at the youngest O'Neil sister. "Getting caught by those fuckers?!"

"Shh!", Gina hushed the furious red-head. "They'll take us straight to their lair, you'll see!"

"If they don't kill us first after what you've done to them...", Maria sighed, trembling non-stop.

"They'll live", Louisa waved the matter aside, taking disappointed glances at the bite marks and scratches their current captors were sporting. Well, it wasn't her fault Gina hadn't warned her that she planned to lure them in with Maria's boobs! No matter, at least they were being "escorted" to their desired destination - the only thing she regretted was not hitting them enough.

"We're here", one of the thugs announced, shoving them inside a large warehouse...

"S-So many people...", Maria panicked at what awaited them inside the spacious building. The place was huge, and it was filled with Purple Dragons, who were all cheering at what was happening inside a big cage.

Gina looked around quickly, then leaned closer to her sisters "I'm going to look for Hal. You guys stay here and distract them or something..."

They nodded. It would be easier for her to slip through the crowd undetected due to her small stature, anyway, especially now that their captors seemed intrigued by the events in the caged arena. Besides, speaking of said arena, Leo and Raph were in there, fighting with a ginormous blonde thug, and things weren't looking quite well.

Waiting for the right moment, the petite girl took a step back, blending with the loud people around her, and then vanished out of sight. This gave them the opportunity to focus on the fight, too, which ended with Maria gasping in horror as soon as Raph fell down.

"Ok, that's it", Louisa growled, unable to keep still any longer. She stepped forcefully on one of her captors' feet, and then gave a well-aimed kick at his unmentionables. The thug went down, and, much to the girls' luck, he fell on his pal, sending them both tumbling in a disoriented manner on the floor.

Grabbing the chance, Louisa started running - albeit not as fast as she would have liked thanks to her tied hands - towards the cage "Hey, you fucking buffoon! Let go of my sister's turtle before I make you eat that ponytail of yours, damn it!"

[1] Valeriana is a herb that helps with those that have troubled sleep - particularly by calming them down. Something like sleep pills, only slightly healthier, since it's a herb and all. And yes, it does comes in pills, too.

Oops, looks like Louisa is about to rush head first into the danger - again! But isn't she forgetting something - or, rather, someone? Girl, don't leave Maria, the ultimate damsel in distress, alone back there, sheesh! Hahaha! Next time, see how Gina rescues Halley, and the all-awaited reunion with the turtles!