Hi! So this is a super-short little one-shot done for little-lion on tumblr - she gave me a prompt to write something TMI, and this is what I came up with. If there's anyone on here who wants to give me a prompt for this or any of the other fandoms I dabble in (HP, Glee, etc) just head on over to my tumblr, links in my profile, and send it to me in an ask message. You don't even have to have an account - anon is enabled.

There is a crappy drawing that I did that goes with the story, that I will upload... at some point soon. Anyway, without further ado, here it is.

Alec sat on the bed, staring at the door leading into the hallway. Had it really been only minutes ago that he'd been walking up to Magnus' apartment, thinking about maybe talking Magnus into taking a bath with him - a long one, with hot water and those purple bubbles… mmm… Maybe getting Magnus to snap up some food, maybe pizza, or mmm, deliciously salty fries from that Italian place… Maybe some bedroom activities, trying out a few new things…

And then… betrayal. He just couldn't believe Magnus would do this. Didn't promises mean anything to people anymore? He just… he just wanted things to go back to the way they were. He wanted to not smell cheap liquor and sickly-sweet perfume coming from the sheets. He wanted to erase the image of a bleach-blonde fairy girl laying completely unclothed and writing on their sheets.

It was something he never, in a million years, thought he would have to deal with. It was one of the ground rules of their relationships, one that Alec thought Magnus was as adamant about as he was. Maybe he was wrong…

Magnus sidled in the door, looking remarkably casual in a grey t-shirt and jeans. His makeup was mostly gone (it was almost never entirely gone, some vestiges of it always clinging to Magnus' flawless golden skin). Contrition was written all over his face, and he looked at Alec in desperation.

"Alec, please, I -"

"No, Magnus. How could you?"

"I'm sorry, it's just that everything was so loud and fast, I just -"

"You just what? You just forgot?"

"I'm sorry, I -"

"Sorry doesn't cut it."

"I know. It's unforgivable."

"What is our number one rule?"

"No doors open during parties."

"No doors open during parties. Magnus. There was a fairy and a werewolf going at it. In our bed. We are going to have to burn the sheets."

"But they're silk from -"

"Burn. Them. Fluids Magnus. There were fluids."

"Where are they now?"

"Over there." Alec pointed to a purple bundle in the corner of the room.

Magnus flicked his wrist and they erupted into blue flames. Then he flicked his wrist again, and the bed was outfitted in silk sheets - this time yellow. Alec sighed. Magnus knew how he felt about the yellow sheets - they'd had a long talk about everything Alec dreamt about doing with Magnus on them. Magnus was trying to get Alec to instantly forgive him by means of seduction. It was working. Very well.

Alec gave Magnus one more stern look…

And pounced.