A.N. Yup its a shiny new story, How about that :P

This is just some fluff I came up with a while back and suddenly had the urge and inspiration to write it.

This story is supposed to be cute, Not perverted, Get your minds outta the gutter :P

Its rated M for swearing and sexual situations, don't get on my case if your offended

Trunks: 26

Pan: 18



Chapter One - How It Was


"Oh really then would you please explain the point to me Panny". He said in that arrogant relaxed manner that she hated.

"You can't say that girls can't become super saiyans cause you don't have sufficient evidence to back it up".

"Yeah, I do".

"Oh yeah, What?"



"Can you go super?"


"Point proven".

"Thats a bunch of crap, Just cause I can't doesn't mean that no female can".

"Thats true, You might just be incredibly weak".

"What did you just say". She almost snarled at him.

"You heard me Panny, Ya none super saiyan going weakling". He jested, Loving the rise he was getting out of her.

"Oh wow, You have no idea how bad I'm gonna kick your ass". She said as if it was a fact.

"Okay, Okay children I believe your chauvinistic display should stop right there, Especially you Pan, Your a lady try and remember that". Bulla interjected

"Yup she's a delicate little flower, Aren't cha pansy". Trunks continued to goad her.

"Look who's talking, Exactly what shade is your hair, Lavender?" Pan countered.

"What did I just say". Bulla squeaked, Hating being ignored

"Okay, Okay, Cool it little sis, I'm going down to see mom anyways so I'll leave you two to play with your dollies". He snidely remarked before leaving the room.

"You would know all about dollies since you spend most of your time with inflatable ones". She yelled after him.

"And you would know all about plastic sex toys wouldn't ya Panny". He yelled back, Always having to have the last word.

Pan grinned and let a small laugh out threw her nose.

Sure he was a pain in the ass but she knew their arguments were all in good fun and some small part of her enjoyed them.

"Sooo mom whatcha working on?" Trunks chimed entering the lab.

"Your in a good mood". Bulma pointed out as if it was an unusual occurrence.

"Yup, Just won an argument with Pan". He grinned arrogantly

"Trunks why are you so mean to her?" Bulma said with slight disappointment in her voice

"Cause she loves it". He smirked

Bulma stared blankly at him.

"Oh come on, Its just for shenanigans, Besides she gives as good as she gets, Believe me".

"Okay". She said in a tone that told him she didn't really believe him.

"Anyway like I said whatcha working on?"

"Oh well I'm just so fricken sick of your father". She growled.

"Your not gonna try and invent something to kill him are you?, Cause I seriously doubt there is any way to do that".

Bulma chuckled "No, Im sick of his ridiculously handsome face".

"Emm, Okay". Trunks said confused and grossed out at the same time.

"No, I mean he still looks young while Im turning into a wrinkled old hag". She huffed.

"Oh Mom you don't look at day over 60".

"Im 55 Trunks". She said blankly.

"I know, I was just messing with you". He grinned

"Probably not smart, I may just try and invent something to kill you". She smirked.

"Nah you wouldn't, You love me too much, Don't cha". He smiled jokingly while hugging her.

"Yeh yeh, Go on get outta here, Before you get hurt, By the way theres popsicles in the fridge, You, Your sister and Pan can have one each". She in a faux strike parent voice.

"Oh boy". He said in a ridiculously cute condescending manner as he ran off like a child.

Bulma just laughed to herself and continued her work.

Back up stairs, Bulla and Pan were still sitting at the kitchen table talking.

Trunks entered the kitchen and walked over to the fridge.

"Hay skank".

"What?" Both girls replied and immediately regretted their automatic reaction and had to pay for it with the smug look on his face.

"Mom said theres popsicles and we can have one each, But I'm just gonna have you guys, Kay"

"Dude, What the hell, I want a popsicle". Pan said in a tone that was very unbecoming of her age, Trunks smiled at her while putting his own popsicle in his mouth.

Then he held the other two towards the girls in a teasing manner, Pan reached for them, Trunks sharply pulled them away with that cocky grin on his face.

Pan huffed.

"Uh who cares, Its just a popsicle, I'm going upstairs". Bulla sighed not amused by Trunks childish game.

Pan, Who was never good at giving up a fight, Remained in her seat.

"Trunks come on, Its a stupid popsicle, Just gimmie it". She shrugged.

"Well if its so stupid, Then how come you want it so badly". He smirked.

"Oh for Christ sake Trunks just gimmie the damn popsicle". She snapped now standing up and reaching over the table for it.

He pulled it away again, Causing her to move around the table towards him, He was now holding them above his head.

"Oop whatcha gonna do now". He grinned.

As she reached up trying to grab it from him but to no avail, He was significantly taller than her.

She began jumping in a vain attempt to catch him out.

But he just kept pushing his arm higher and mocking her on every try.

"Oop sorry Panny,

Ooh almost,

Ah close but no cigar,

Maybe if you just,

Oh nope never mind"

Pan let out a frustrated growl and dived at him, Wrapping her legs around his waist to give herself more leverage to his elevated arm.

Her force caused him to fall backwards slightly and against the fridge.

"Whoa, Geez Panny, You must want it really bad". He sniggered, Her face now inches from his, looking up at her unreachable goal while his eyes stayed locked on her.

He was quiet for a second, Which caused Pan to stop in her endeavour and look curiously at his face.

He smirked suggestively before moving his face even closer to hers and whispering in a slow seductive manner

"Want me to give to you".

She smiled sensually and said smoothly

" Trunks, All I want from you…".

Her face was getting closer and closer to his, Their lips almost touching.

Suddenly she pushed up sharply and snatched her popsicle out of his hand.

"Is my popsicle". She chided as she jumped down from him and began to stroll out of the room.

"Too bad, Cause I can think of something much better for you to suck on" He smirked playfully.

She let out a throaty disgusted noise.

"Ah, Don't you ever get tired of being a pig?"

"Nope". He grinned while giving her an obnoxious wink.

She rolled her eyes and headed upstairs leaving Trunks grinning to himself in the kitchen.

The day drew to a close and it was soon the wee hours of the morning.

Trunks as usual found himself unable to sleep, Now sitting in the kitchen, Alone.

He decided to head down to his moms lab, If anyone else was going be awake at this hour it would be her.

He entered her lab and saw her head on the desk, Fast asleep.

He grinned to himself, Covering her up with her lab coat that was resting on the back of her chair.

When suddenly he saw the strange looking contraption in her hand.

"She must have fallen asleep working on this, Huh looks kinda dangerous, I better put it over here". He thought to himself while picking up the fierce looking mechanism.

"Ah Son of a Bitch!" He exclaimed as one or the sharp pieces of metal pierced the tip of his finger.

"Stupid piece of crap". He muttered while placing it down away from his mother.

He turned to switch the lights off while exiting the lab.

On his way back upstairs he passed Bullas room and over heard a very agitated sounding Pan.

"Oh yeah, Its not bad enough you won't shut up with your stupid snoring, But now your stealing all the covers, Oh never mind now your pushing me off the Ahh!"

He heard a loud thud followed by Pan yelling.

"Okay thats it Bulla, Wake the hell up".

He laughed to himself and continued towards his room.