So I got this idea for a new fanfic so here I am. This will be set during Harry Potter 4. So I will likely have another chapter up for this either today or tomorrow. I don't think this fic will be very long but I haven't decided yet. I haven't gotten any ideas for my other crossover fic so I'll update when I come up with something.

I no own D. Gray Man or Harry Potter.

Harry exited the train and looked up at the familiar castle of Hogwarts happily. He was glad to be away from the craziness that had occurred at the Quiddich world cup. Luckily he and his friends had got away without being harmed but the appearance of the Death Eaters had shaken up everyone. Students were still talking about it as they approached the castle. Harry stared at the carriages, seeing only a glimpse of white standing near the front of the carriages. Black pits stared out at the-boy-who-lived from slits in a silver mask where the creatures face should be, the entire figure covered in some sort of white fabric that flowed around the thing.

Just as suddenly as he saw the being, it was gone. Harry looked around him to see if anyone else had noticed the strange creature, but no one was looking his way. He must have been the only one.

He decided to forget about the creature, he didn't want any more weird looks than he already got. He would ask Dumbledore about it later.

The only weird thing that happened the rest of the day was Dumbledore's introduction of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Alaster Moody. The man was very wicked looking for an Auror, as Ron apparently recognized him, with his scraggly hair and false eye. Harry wondered if he should ask the new Professor about the creature he had seen, it did seem like some sort of monster. Or maybe Hagrid then? If it was some sort of magical creature. He didn't know what to do.

He knocked on Dumbledore's office door after dinner, hearing soft conversation inside, and opened the door when he was given permission. There was a flash of white by the open window as he entered, and then silence. Harry stared at the Headmaster in confusion. There was no one else in the room so who was he talking to? The portraits of the previous Headmasters looked nervously among themselves, they appeared scared of something, but what?

"Who were you talking to Headmaster?" He asked as politely as he could, it still sounded kind of rude.

"Hmm?" As if he hadn't noticed the boy. He looked up, startled before doing a sweep of the room, nothing was out of place. He sighed, "Oh just myself Harry. I was thinking about having someone watch over the school. Just in case."

"Someone watch the school? Like a guard?"

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes like a guard. They will observe from afar of course. We wouldn't want them to get too involved when they need to watch everyone. I will have them keep an eye on all of the students. I don't want anything to happen."

Harry was confused before he remembered what he had come to the Headmaster for in the first place, "Headmaster I saw a strange creature earlier today, by the carriages."

The Headmaster looked very interested all of a sudden. "A creature? What was it?"

Harry shook his head. "I have no idea. I've never seen anything like it before. It was around the size of a man and completely white except for its black eyes and a silver mask."

Dumbledore just looked amused now. "Ah I see. I don't really know what exactly it was. Why don't you bring it up during Defense Against the Dark Arts later? Or ask Hagrid about it. Either of them might have a better idea than me."

Harry thanked the man and left, still feeling like the Headmaster wasn't telling him something. But then, Dumbledore always seemed like that, keeping secrets unless someone really needed to know. Harry grumbled about the fact until he ran into Hermione.

"Harry what are you doing? We have class now! We don't want to be late on the first day!" She dragged him off to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Ron following his friends a bit behind.

That class was very interesting. No one could say they particularly liked Moody after he so easily used all three Unforgivable curses on an innocent creature but he was interesting none the less. Harry raised his hand towards the end of class.

"Sir, what kind of creature is entirely white? I saw something strange this morning near the carriages but it disappeared before I could get a closer look." The Professor looked at him, startled.

"A white creature? Was it completely white?"

the man had a very serious look on his face so Harry was completely honest, "No, it looked like it was wearing a silver mask." This seemed to upset the man and he started to pace around the front of the room, muttering to himself.

"What is it Professor?" Hermione, the only student brave enough, asked the man loudly to get his attention.

He looked up at her as if surprised that she had even asked. "Open your books to page 514."

The room was silent, the only sound of pages turning. Harry looked down at the assigned page and was shocked. On it was a picture very similar to the figure he had seen earlier. The entire creature covered with some sort of spiked and tattered white cloth, only the black holes for eyes visible within the silts in the silver half mask it was wearing. That mask was an interesting thing and Harry looked closer at it. He hadn't been able to see the detailing of it earlier as the creature had vanished. It seemed to be made out of a single piece of silver, a crown carved into the nose with opposing detailing around each of the eyes. The right eye had lines carved into it, much like the crown, while the left had black swirls moving in towards the eye hole. It seemed very delicate on the creature's head, the face hidden by the white cloth.

"The creature Mr. Potter saw was most likely the White Demon, a rare creature. It is the only one of its kind and only very recently was sighted and put into the textbooks. It is very dangerous. The Ministry has reported that it is almost completely immune to magic. Several Aurors happened upon it and few of their spells worked against it. We do not know what exactly it is or what it wants as it has been spotted all over the magic world. Do not approach it if you see it, those that have gotten close to it have almost all disappeared. It is assumed that the Demon killed them. You do not stand a chance if Aurors cannot risk facing it." Moody's face was completely stiff, so serious it was scary.

A flash of white in his peripheral vision made Harry turn his head, looking out the window of the classroom into the courtyard. He turned slowly at first, waving a hand at his friends to look out the window. He stopped in sudden fright as his eyes focused on the figures standing in front of the school. The first was Dumbledore, looking mildly worried and speaking avidly to his companion. The other person, if you could call the white man shaped mass standing next to the Headmaster that.

Moody shouted out in alarm and began to limp out of the classroom, heading for the door. Harry and his two friends stayed at the window and so were watching when the White Demon seemed to fade to nothing as Moody exited the building. Dumbledore turned to the man, smiling gently, as if he had not just been talking to a creature on the Ministry's list of dangerous creatures. Dumbledore looked confused as the ex-Auror asked him what he had been doing, answering only with "speaking with the new guardian of the school" before walking away, leaving Mad-Eye Moody staring after him in shock.

So hope you liked it. I'll update when I get ideas. I have no more classes today so I'll likely write another chapter before tomorrow.

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