Disclaimer: I do not own neither Glee nor Life Unexpected.

A/N: So this is a story I've been working on and off for a year. I love both shows and one day I just made the connection in my mind. Hope you like this. This is set in the future for Glee characters and it's a little AU from Life Unexpected. Eventual Faberry. This is one hell of a monster chapter, so please tell me if I should continue with this story and give me time to complete the next monster chapter.

Rachel Berry got it all. She got out of Lima. She got into NYADA and started working at a young age in Broadway. Then everything happened: the movies, the TV shows… She could really say that her dreams had become true.

You see, two weeks ago she was still in New York, performing in a huge theatre in Broadway. Right now, she's sitting in her car in Columbus, waiting for her dad. He is buying her daddy's favorite chocolates – some kind of prickly pear chocolate covered he discovered in their tour around Europe - which are pretty difficult to find in the States, but they know they'll be greatly appreciated after his next chemotherapy session.

"Hey, kiddo." Hiram Berry comes back from the shop and the brunette jumps in her seat startled. "It's chilly out there."

She smiles tiredly. "Dad, I'm thirty two; I'm not a kid anymore."

"You'll always be my kiddo." He puts his hand on her shoulder.

The brunette huffs and shakes her head. "Did you get dad's chocolates?"

"Yeah. I got five boxes."

Her eyes widen for a second, though it shouldn't surprise her. The chocolates are rare and they have to drive two hours to get them. "Store them before Daddy sees them. He'll want to eat them all tonight."

He laughs and Rachel smiles. It's nice to see him laugh, the occasions are becoming rare.

The brunette starts the car again and moves slightly forward, still looking at her dad's smile, though it suddenly freezes and his eyes widen. Rachel looks forward and puts her foot on the brakes.

"Oh my god." She's out of the car in a second and approaching a blonde girl down in the pavement. "Are you ok?" She grabs the girl's arm and helps her back on her feet, while examining her.

"Are you freaking crazy? Were you even watching where you were going? You could have killed me!" The blonde rearranges her wool hat and puts her arm out of the brunette's hand. "Let go of me."

"I'm just making sure you're ok. You feel good? Nothing broken? You may be feeling a little bruised in a while."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm ok." She finally straightens herself and raises her head. She's about Rachel's height.

Rachel is a little shocked. Something in the way her eyebrow arches and the twinkle in her deep brown eyes remind her of something, or better said someone. "Do you want me to drive you to a hospital?"

"I said I'm fine!" She says again, frustrated. "But… actually, could you give me a ride?"

"Yeah, sure. It's the least I can do. Where to?" Rachel says a little more relieved watching the total function of the blonde's body after the crash.

"I'll guide you." She grabs her bag from the floor and goes straight to the back seat of Rachel's car. "Hey." The teenage girl says as she closes the door.

"Hello. Are you ok?" Hiram says looking back.

"I'm fine." She shrugs. Meanwhile, Rachel gets back on the driver seat and starts the car. "Turn right at the next street." The brunette nods and sees the blonde fastening her seatbelt.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Rachel's Dad asks from the front seat, trying to lighten the mood and create small talk.

"I'm Lux."

"Nice to meet you, Lux. I'm sorry we almost got you killed there. I'm Hiram, and this is my daughter, Rachel Berry."

"So it wasn't the shock – turn left – you really are Rachel Berry. Hmm, my… my friend is a huge fan of yours."

"Yeah? That's nice." Rachel smiles looking at her through the rearview mirror, though Lux looks around avoiding her gaze. "Do I keep going straight forward?"


"And where are we going, if I may ask?" Hiram turns around again, pretty curious.

"Social services." He arches an eyebrow, trying to figure out if the girl is in trouble. "I need to get down a few papers. I'm applying for emancipation." She explains nonchalantly.

"Oh, really?" He's even more interested now.

"Yes, sir. I'll be sixteen tomorrow and I'll finally be out of the foster care system. I've got a hearing scheduled and everything." She says proudly and Rachel smiles at her.

"You don't like your foster home, Lux?" He asks.

"My parents gave me in adoption right after I was born and I've been in the system ever since, so I've been in dozens of fosters homes… I figured now that I'm old enough, I can take care of myself. It won't be harder than living in some of those houses." She finishes saying in a somber tone. Hiram doesn't want to press and gives her a sad look that Lux doesn't like receiving. She doesn't want to be pitied. Rachel bites her lip.

She looks around. "Hey, Rachel. You can stop wherever. It's right here."

"Oh, okay."

As the car comes to a stop, the teenage girl gets out. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Berry. Thank you for the ride, Rachel."

Rachel waits a second and exits the vehicle with a CD in her hands. "Hey, wait." She calls.

The blonde turns around and raises her eyebrow. She watches Rachel scribble something and then hands it to her. "For your friend."

"Do you always carry one of your own CDs?"

The brunette chuckles. "Not really. That's my daddy's car, but I figured I can replace the CD. I'm really sorry for almost running over you."

"Thank you." She smiles gently; then turns around and into the building.

"Take care of yourself, Lux."

The blonde turns around again and nods. "I will."

"So, what you are saying is…" The judge says as Rachel slides through the door and into a seat in the back of the room. "You want emancipation, a sixteen year old girl. You don't have a job; you haven't even finished school yet. Where are you going to live, Lux? What are you going to live on?"

"I've saved up some money, judge Harris, you can see it in there. I have almost three thousand dollars in the bank. And as soon as I'm granted emancipation there's a studio not far from my school..."

"I'm sorry, Lux, but it isn't enough. No landlord would rent a studio to a minor without someone to cosign it."

"I thought that was the point of me getting emancipation, that I wouldn't need someone to cosign it."

"I'm afraid that's not how it works."

"I'll cosign her rent, your honor." The brunette at the back of the room surprises even herself shooting up of her seat. Lux and the judge look back. Lux's brown eyes widen and Rachel can swear she reads a 'what the f…' from her mouth before the judge speaks again.

"And who are you, if I may ask? How do you know this girl?" The judge puts her glasses down to look at her.

"Oh, we met the other day. And I'm Rachel Berry, ma'am"

"Rachel Berry. As in the Broadway actress?"

"Yes, your honor."

"And what are you doing in Colombus?"

"Your honor, after some things changed in my personal life, I moved back to my hometown, Lima." She says without giving more details.

"That's a two hours drive, Miss Berry."

"Yes, it is. But Lux mentioned her hearing for emancipation was today and… I was curious." She smiles fondly in Lux's direction.

"So, Miss Berry… would you take care of Lux's situation?"

"Yes, your honor." She answers really fast.

"Ok." She puts her glasses back on, turns to her papers and then speaks to the blonde. "Lux, I'm not granting you emancipation. Not only your living situation wouldn't be possible, but your birth parents didn't sign the release of their parental rights."

"Damn." Lux curses.

"You, instead, will be in the system a little more, but if your social worker thinks is best and Miss Berry here still wants to take care of you, you will be under her temporary custody."

"What?" Lux says. The judge is rearranging her papers and preparing to leave the room and as she looks back she sees Rachel sitting down and looking around, trying to spot the social worker.

As the woman leaves, Lux is on her feet and quickly by her new social worker's side.

"Lauren, what was that all about?"

"I told you, it would be difficult they'll grant you emancipation." The woman just says apologetically.

"And what the hell is with Rachel Berry? I don't know her and neither does she. Does the judge not mind what I think? She lives in Lima! My whole life is here." The blonde is clearly frustrated. "You can't do this to me, Lauren."

"Both my job and the judge's is to do what we think is in your best interest, Lux. You are a minor. Rachel Berry has a very good reputation and she really could take care of you financially."

"But… but I barely know her."

"And you would barely know anyone who would want to adopt you, Lux. You need to give it a shot."

"Whatever." The blonde takes her bag, puts her wool hat on and leaves the room.

"Hello, are you Lux's social worker?" Rachel watches Lux rush out of the court.

"Yes, I'm Lauren Hart." She shakes her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Berry. If you would like to accompany me to my office we can discuss this thing, if you are still interested, that is."

"Of course. But call me Rachel." She's aware that she took the decision to stand up without giving it much thought, but she would really like a chance with the strangely familiar girl. "Lead the way."

Lux gets to the house when it's already dark. She could have taken the bus, but she really needed the walk back home to relieve her frustration. As she opens the door, she finds the room empty. A look to her right and she finds all of her things and a note.

Leave the key in the vase when you leave.

"I guess I should have waited to be emancipated before telling them to suck it." She whispers to herself.

She takes her things as she can and walks down the street, stopping at the phone box and starts calling.

"Come on, Bug. Pick up, pick up, pick up." But the call ends up unanswered. As she hangs the phone up, she discovers the machine has kept her money. She punches the phone and winces a little bit. "Where is my change?"

She opens her bag and starts searching for some more coins. She finds Rachel's CD. She just opens it without thinking: 'To Lux. Good luck with your life. Love, Rachel Berry.' Attached to it, there is a card and 'call me' is scribbled by her mobile number.


She takes a deep breath at the familiar voice and finally answers. "Rachel? It's Lux."

"Where are you?" She sounds scared, she has to give her that.

She gives her short directions and it's not even 10 minutes before the brunette parks right in front of her.

"Hey. Are you ok?" Rachel says as she gets out of the car.

"Never been better." She says as she stands up again and puts her arms around herself again.

"Get in the car. I'll put your things in the trunk." The brunette concludes.

"I'm not disabled." She feigns annoyance.

"No, you're just freezing. Get in the car, the heat is on."

She grumbles something and enters the car, immediately thanking god for the heat. It takes Rachel only a couple of minutes to get Lux's couple of bags in the trunk and then she gets back into the car. The brunette tries to remain silent, waiting for Lux to make the first comment.

"What were you doing still in Colombus?"

"Well, I had lunch with your social worker, Lauren, as we went over the requisites for you to come live with me for a while… if you want to." The blonde is still annoyed, but she can't help feeling good about the consideration of what she may want. "And then went shopping." She takes a look at the girl in the other side of the car who is watching out of the window. "I just was waiting around in case you would contact me."

"The judge put me in your custody, didn't she?" Rachel starts driving out of the city.

"Yes, but well… she can't force you under my custody if you don't want to."

"Guess tonight is either that or sleeping in the street."

"Well, I hope you change your mind and decide to stay longer."

The ride back to Rachel's house is silent, only disturb with the humming of the radio. Lux keeps staring out the window to the blackness and Rachel looks ahead, concentrated on the road. As they enter Lima, the blonde girl looks around wondering where the brunette lives.

"Do you live with your parents?"

"No." She says shortly. She clears her voice and continues her answer. "I moved back here because of my father. He's ill. Cancer. I left my job on Broadway and got one as a teacher in my old high school so I could be near, but I couldn't give up my independence completely, so I bought a house."

She switches on the indicator and finally stops in the driveway of a little house. When the brunette stops the engine, the girl is already out of the car.

"It's little, but I think it'll be enough for the both of us."

Rachel grabs something from her pocket and hands it to the blonde. "Here." She gives her a key. "I think you'll need it."

"I'm not staying for long." Lux says coldly.

"Lauren said it'll be a couple of weeks before the judge accepts having another hearing. And you still haven't your parents' right release. I'm not sure how other foster homes are, but…"

The blonde girl huffs, grabs a couple of bags from the trunk and walks to the door, opening it with her key.

Rachel follows her with the blonde's backpack and finds her in the living room.

"Where am I going to sleep?" Lux asks quietly.

"I'm afraid that tonight you will have to sleep on the couch. It's a pull out." She indicates the couch.

She drops her bags to the floor just where she's standing. "Fantastic."

"You want something to eat? I'm going to order pizza. What do you prefer?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Oh, so that in the car wasn't your stomach?" She likes teasing her a bit but just because she is acting like she doesn't care about anything at all.

"Ok. Whatever…" She ignores her, sitting on the couch tiredly.

"You'll need to be more specific. I'm vegan, so I'll order the vegan pizza. If you don't want it, I suggest you tell me what you want."

"I don't eat meat. So yeah… whatever." She reminds something and grabs her bag. After searching for a while, she comes up with what she was looking for and walks towards the kitchen, where Rachel is finishing on the phone.

"You need something?"

"Yeah. Can I have a glass of water?" The brunette is surprised by her polite tone, but that's just a confirmation that the mean I-don't-give-a-damn face was just a façade.

"Sure." She points to a cabinet and the blonde grabs a glass from it. She fills it up and takes a pill out of a little bottle. "What's that?" Rachel asks.

The blonde stops before putting it in her mouth. "A pill."

"I can see that." Rachel takes a step forward. "What kind of pill?"

"Relax. I don't take drugs. It's a prescription." She finally puts in her mouth and swallows it with water while looking at Rachel. "I had a heart condition." She explains, not sure what is making her tell this to a total stranger. "I was born with a hole in it, things got a little complicated in general, and I spent my first years in a hospital. That's why nobody ever adopted me. People use to like to adopt babies and when I was done in the hospital I was almost six."

Rachel relaxes and drops her eyes to the floor. Suddenly ashamed of herself for coming so quickly to believe she was taking drugs.

"Now I need to take a pill every night for the missing proteins or whatever because I don't take meat very well, but for the rest, I'm fine."

"I'm sorry I doubted you."

"Don't worry. You think foster kid… troubled kid…"

"No, and that's not an excuse. I don't know why I thought that. For all I've seen from you, you are not a troubled kid."

"Oh, I'm way more troubled than you think." She just murmurs.

"I'm going to call my dads, to check on them while the pizza arrives, okay? Oh, I totally forgot, I have two dads. I hope you don't have a problem with that."

"I knew it, it's cool."

"Cool." She grabs the phone and dials. Lux walks back to the living room and entertains herself looking around, though she hears bits of the brunette's conversation.

"Hey. How are you doing?...Yeah?... Do you need me to come over?... Oh, okay."

She sees a picture of Rachel and her two dads smiling to the camera. She moves forward and finds a picture of just Rachel in an elegant dress on the red carpet by a curly haired boy, both grinning stupidly to each other.

"Yeah, yeah… I went back to Columbus, that's another reason why I wanted to talk to you guys… Why would you ask if… Yes, I went to that hearing… No, she's actually here with me… You heard just fine. No, you are not deaf."

Next is a picture of a much younger Rachel. In the picture there are a lot of people, everyone wearing matching dresses and suits. A mohawked boy has a trophy in his arms and everyone else seems to be celebrating. Rachel is actually embracing a blonde girl in a celebratory hug.

"I don't think I'm crazy… No, no daddy, she's not like a fish, if she's hungry she'll tell me or grab something for herself…"

Lux chuckles, but doesn't seem able to stop watching the last picture and only does so when the doorbell rings.

The blonde girl opens the door and sure enough, the pizza is there. The same mohawked boy in the picture is now in front of him, though he's let his hair grow in a more usual hairstyle.

"Hey. Where's Rachel?" He says. His eyes never leaving her.

"She's on the phone." She eyes him warily. "Rachel?" She calls from the door.

"I'm Puck." He extends his hand.

"Lux." She says without touching his hand. Suddenly the brunette is by her side.

"Hey Noah."

"Hey, Rach. I was down by the pizza place and Finn asked me to deliver this to you." He hands her the pizza. "What's a teenager doing in your house?"

"Long story. If you don't mind Noah, I'll tell you all about it another day. Over a beer?" She hands him a bill and shakes her head.

"Sure thing." He smirks. "Enjoy the pizza."

"Have a good night, Noah."

They sit around the couch and turn on the TV while they eat some pizza. Suddenly, something on the TV makes Rachel jump and run for her huge purse. She takes out a little package and hands it to Lux.

"Happy birthday." She says with a smile.

Lux's brown eyes glaze, but she tries to cover it looking down to the package and tearing the paper down.

"I don't know anything about you yet, so it's just a dvd, my favorite movie, which I think every person should own."

"You didn't have to… but thank you." The blonde says, wearing a smile the brunette has never seen before.

"I wanted to. You're welcome." The brunette answers and sits again by the blonde on the couch. "So… what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"I need to go back to Colombus. I suppose I need to talk to Lauren and go to school."

"Ok. I'll drive you in the morning. I have to talk to Lauren too. We figured out today if I'm suited for sustaining a teenager, but now that you're really here I figure I have to sign some papers." She grabs her phone and texts somebody.

"I told you this is temporary." Lux says drinking from her glass of water.

"Yeah, you said that, but for the time being you have a house here, so I want to have everything in order." Her phone beeps. "I already talked to a colleague and he'll cover from me tomorrow." She closes the pizza box and takes it to the kitchen.

At 6 am, the alarm clock in Rachel's bedroom goes off and the music starts pouring from the iPod dock station.

"This is the first day of the future and all I want is you…"

Rachel gets out of bed and goes about her typical routine. She exercises in her room and then showers. She comes out of the bedroom and finds Lux pressing a pillow to her head, trying to block the noise.

At the brunette's chuckle, Lux appears from down the pillow and looks at her annoyed. Rachel has the decency to look back apologetically.

"I'm sorry Lux. That's my morning regime. I'll use headphones tomorrow morning, ok?" Lux groans and buries her head in the couch again. "You sleep well?" She only hears a groan back. Rachel starts the coffee machine and watches it slowly pour. "Want some coffee?"

This time the groan is in a higher pitch, so she thinks the answer is affirmative. The blonde finally rises from the couch and grabs her bag, going for the bathroom.

"So... I'm going to take a shower, is that ok?" The blonde asks.

It surprises Rachel. "Of course. I don't want to live with a smelly teenager. The clean towels are in the closet, top shelf." Lux rolls her eyes and goes in the bathroom.

As the brunette chops some fruit for breakfast, she thinks in all of the things that would change in her life if this was a permanent fixture, if Lux would accept to live with her permanently. Yes, it is probably the thing she should have thought in the first place and although now she's freaking out a little, she knows she's ok with this decision and she'll make it work.

"I can't believe your refusing to acknowledge that Barbra Streisand is the best singer to ever walk this Earth and! She is also a great actress." She can't put her foot down because they're busy on the car pedals, but she slaps the steering wheel for emphasis.

"I just think it's a very categorical statement, you have to give me that. There are many good singers out there and I just don't believe that Barbra is 'the best'." The blonde air-quotes; her legs on the dashboard as they ride back to Columbus. "Just think about Adele, for example. Never mind, I'll find someone like you." She starts singing a little bit.

The brunette actually turns her head for a second and raises an eyebrow at the almost perfect pitch and sweet voice.

"What?" Lux catches her eye and puts her feet down. "I might not be the winner of two Tony awards and a Grammy but I know how to carry a tune."

"You said your friend was the fan, but you seem to know my achievements pretty well." The blonde rolls her eyes and neither confirms it nor denies it, so Rachel leaves it for now and carries on with her discussion. "Besides, have you ever heard a song as difficult as 'Don't rain on my parade' sang so beautifully?"

"As a matter of fact I think you sounded better in that Sectionals performance video that's gone viral from your high school years." She smiles triumphantly.

Rachel turns her head once again to look at her and give her an appointed look.

"Damn!" The smile disappears. "Okay, it's true. My friend is also a fan but she became one when I didn't stop playing your first album." Lux is more saddened by the confession that Rachel had expected.

"Hey, that's ok." She says gently. "I promise I won't let it go to my head." She chuckles to herself.

The blonde shakes her head. "No, it's not ok… I'm living with my idol." The statement in a devastating tone.

"Sounds like a reality show." It still seems kind of funny to her, but Lux is more frustrated by the moment. Rachel looks ahead, to the road. "But I don't think this is it, honestly." Lux finally looks at her. "We are not on TV and I'm not doing this because of the fame."

"You're right." She nods. "And anyway, it's not like this is permanent." She looks back through the window. They're reaching Colombus already.

"Well, I'm doing what I can. So it's up to you." Rachel says and although she feels the brown eyes on her she keeps staring straight ahead.

"Why are you doing this?" The vulnerability in her voice makes Rachel look this time.

"Honestly? You intrigue me. It's as if I already knew you. I just want to protect you and be there for you." Rachel thinks aloud.

"I don't need protection." Lux answers a tiny bit annoyed.

"I know." Rachel states matter of factly.

The blonde looks at her again with sad eyes and finally gives her a tiny smile.

Rachel enters the office with Lux behind her and greats the young social worker. "Good morning, Lauren."

She leaves the documents on her desk aside and greats them. "Good morning, Rachel... and Lux. So, you finally spent the night at Rachel's house?"

"Yes…" She says lowly.

That doesn't sound very bad. In an occasion she has came shouting into her office to get her the hell out of a foster house. "That's good. So you like your new home?"

"No offense, but she lives in Lima. My school, my life is here."

"I was thinking maybe transferring her to McKinley High in Lima? I teach there. And as for your friends… it's not that far and there's always weekends."

The blonde is about to answer, but Lauren intervenes first. "Lux, I think your best option is staying with Rachel for now. You've already been to almost all the foster houses in Colombus. You weren't comfortable in neither of them."

"Why can't I be granted emancipation?" She crosses her arms and pouts for a moment like a little kid, but goes back to her annoyed look after a second.

"You heard what the judge said, Lux. You can't support yourself." The social worker starts listing the reasons.

"But the money I've saved up…" The blonde tries to interrupt.

"And your birth parents didn't sign the release of their rights."

Lux shuts her mouth annoyed.

"You should go to school, Lux. I'll arrange things for Rachel to take care of you for a while and then we can try again to place you in another foster home or apply for emancipation, ok?"

Seeing this was going to be the best answer she would get today, Lux grabs her school bag and exits the office, closing the door as she does. Outside there's none else. It's pretty early still in the morning and Lauren's secretary might have gone to the coffee shop across the street to fix herself some caffeine.

Lux goes behind the secretary's desk and stands in front of the file cabinet. She opens it slowly as to not make too much noise. She inspects the folders and finally catches the one with her name on it.

It is easy. It's one of the first pages from the file. The release of rights, with her birth parents' names on it, unsigned: Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman.

"Noah… Puck… could it be…?"

The door rattles and startles Lux. She grabs the page and tosses the rest of the file back in the cabinet. The woman takes of her coat by the door and doesn't notice Lux sliding from behind her desk.

"Good morning, Mrs. Arlington. I was just going to school."

"Oh, have a nice day sweetheart."

"So, tell me. How were things last night?" She asks now that they're alone.

"I think they went pretty good. She called me and found her with all her things in the street. We went to Lima and I show her the house. We had dinner and talked a little bit before going to bed."

"Sounds good. Do you think this is going to work?"

"I don't think she'll be accepting me anytime soon, but it won't be because I'm not trying."

"She won't be accepting anyone. She wants emancipation, but I just don't think a judge will be granting it to her anytime soon."

"I'll have her as long as she wants to be there."

Lauren smiles. "Your change amazes me. Just last year you were on Broadway, talking about signing a new contract for two more years and now you're back to your hometown, working as a teacher in the local high school and wanting to foster a sixteen year old. I'm sorry, but I have to say… it is pretty weird."

Rachel takes the social worker's expression and feels like she can open herself to her.

"You know? It is. If I'm being honest, all of this freaks me out a little. I don't belong here. Or at least, I've always thought I don't belong here. I came back because of my parents. One of them is dying."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah. He's been fighting cancer for a long time now. I always managed to come back and forth from New York, but I got tired. I want to be here for him. Not only for him, for my Dad too, and for me. Then I looked for a house and I found myself looking for something big enough for two persons, maybe three. You know?"

"Most people given a certain age, start thinking about another goals: marriage, kids, a family."

"Yes, I think that'll be the short way of saying that. And then I met Lux. I don't know what it is about that girl, she's special, she reminds me of someone…" Rachel wonders for a second.

"You're right. She's a pretty special girl."

Rachel and Lauren share a smile.

"So, I'm going to retrieve Lux's file and I'll talk you through the general stuff." The social worker leaves the office and comes back just a minute after.

"I have to do a home inspection, to assure your house is suitable for having a teenage girl living with you." She says as she re enters the office. "How about Monday?"

"Sounds good." She bites her lip distractedly thinking of all the things she has to prepare.

Lauren opens the file and starts reading aloud. "Elizabeth Lux..."

"Wait, Elizabeth?" Rachel stops her.

"Yes. Her name is Elizabeth, but the first thing she told me when I became her social worker was: 'My name is Lux'." She chuckles.

"Beth…" She mumbles to herself. The familiarity the brunette was feeling. Could it be? Rachel gasps. "Does it say there who her birth parents are?"

"Yes, it does… But it's not information we give freely, you must understand." She passes one or two pages. "Huh. It's weird. The right release form is missing." She passes the same pages back.

"I do. Believe me, I do." She has to know. "Is there any chance you could confirm me a few facts, though?"

"I can try…" Lauren says tentatively.

"She was born May 15th 2010, yesterday was her birthday, in Richard M Ross Heart Hospital in Columbus around six in the afternoon."

Lauren's eyes widen as she looks down at the documents. "Yes…"

"Oh, please. Are her parents Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman?" The social worker does not answer, but her eyes speak for her.

Rachel closes her eyes and is taken by hundreds of images of a blonde cheerio. The sway of her hips, her tight ponytail… the tears she spilled when Sylvester and the rest of the school found out about her pregnancy, the broken eyes she wore every day since the one when her father kicked her out…

Then the flashes of the few hours she's been around Lux. Her blonde hair, her beautiful smile, the way she raises her eyebrow to make a point, her brown eyes…

"Do you know them? Is this going to be a problem?" Lauren asks worried. The brunette's eyes are glazed now.

Rachel's mind is spinning a little bit, but it stops so she can shake her head. "No. No, no. Not at all."

To be continued