I Do Not Own Danny Phantom nor Rangers Apprentice
And for those of you whom are trying to rush me into finishing up my TMA sto...HOLD YOUR FUCKING HORSES! _ I can only type so fast and it is a really long chapter and I am only half way through with it! Itis alreay past 4 thousand words, almost 5. Bug me again to update it, and I might just stop completely, got it *death glare* go and ask demonbutterfly44 if you don't think I wont. I hold up to my promises to the best of my ability.
Bug me = End of stroy...comprende? Good
Now, onto THIS story ^^
Dan Muse: Bipolar much?
Me: Shut your trap before I shut it for you. -_-
Chapter 4
(P.S. This chapter didn't want to be typed so…yeah…just bare with me.)
Time Tower/ Clockwork's Tower
Danny jumped though clockworks portal and landed ungracefully on the other side, stumbling before he righted himself. He straightened up before looking around the Tower, hearing all of the chimes and ticks of the bells and clocks that floated all over the place around there.
He heard something that sounded like paper being shredded and turned around to see that Clockwork had floated in after him and closed the portal. When the time master noticed Danny watching him, he calmly pointed to the back of the room, showing him where Sam and Tucker were waiting.
Sam waved at him excitedly, a large grin on her face as Danny approached them with his cameo book bag on his back. "Glad to see you could make it Danny." Sam joked.
Danny rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, very funny. I was making sure I had everything that wouldn't count has electronic." he told her, taking off his bag and held it out in front of him for evidence before placing it on the ground by his feet.
Danny looked at Tucker when he heard a sniffle when he had said 'electronics'. Tucker looked completely miserable, noticing the lack of high tech gear the geek normally had with him.
Tucker look at Clockwork, who had floated up behind the group, watching them calmly. "What kind of horrible places are you making us go to that doesn't have electronics?"
Clockwork smiled. "The medieval ages." he told them simply.
They all stared at him with surprise, thinking that he was telling them some joke, but when Clockwork didn't say anything, they realized he was telling them the truth. Tucker gave out a cry of misery while Danny and Sam exchanged smiles, not thinking it would be all that bad.
Clockwork turned to Danny with a serious expression. "Now, before I send you on your way, Daniel, there are a few things I need to discuss with you." When Danny nodded, the Time Master continued. "You will need to be in ghost form for the whole entire time you are there, but your powers will not be accessible to begin with. Meaning as time progresses, you will slowly gain your powers back."
Danny stared at him confused. "But…then I will not be able to go into my ghost form if my powers are disabled…how does that work?"
Clockwork nodded as if his question was reasonable. "I will put a time charm on your body that will keep you in ghost form but will also restrain your powers, but it will get weaker over time, thus allowing your powers to slowly come back."
Danny nodded and quickly morphed, his normal street clothes quickly being replaced with his famous black and white jump suit. Clockwork smiled and waved his time scepter in front of Danny. The boy froze when he saw his body glow a deep blue color before the light seeped into his skin, vanishing.
Clockwork smiled at his handy work. "There. Now try to morph back into your human half." he said.
Danny nodded and reached for his human warmth, only to be meet with some sort of barrier that kept him from reaching it and changing back. Danny's toxic green eyes looked up at Clockwork. "I can't." he told him.
Clockwork nodded. "That is because I made it to where you couldn't. Now, the next step, is getting you all changed. You would most certainly stand out like a sore thumb if you went back in time in those clothes." he explained pointed over to a doorway on the other side of the room. "Go in there and you should find some clothes to your liking."
The team went over to the door and opened it, only to see a bunch of racks filled with clothes from all different time periods. Danny walked in and tried to locate the medieval clothes, but soon gave up and followed Sam who seemed to know where she was going. Sam came to a stop in front of a single rack that held long dresses that definitely looked like they would belong at a renaissance fair. He left Sam to find her own dress, and went to look for his own clothes at the other end of the rack. He starting flipping though the clothes and pulled out a black pair of pants that reached just past his knees that had a few pockets. He took that and then looked for a shirt to wear and found a simple black shirt that seemed to be all in one piece that had short sleeves.
Once he had found those items, he folded them up and looked for a place to change. When he couldn't find anywhere, he decided to change behind a rack and hoped no one came his way. He got out of his jump suit and slid the new outfit. He quickly remembered something as went back over to the rack, looking thought the different belts. He found a tanish white one with a dagger holster onto it and strapped that round his waist before grabbing his book bag and pulled put the dagger that he had put in there earlier and slid it into the holster. It fit almost perfectly.
Once he was all set, he walked out of the room to find that Sam and tucker were already dressed as well. Tucker wore green shorts, much like Danny's and a yellowish shirt with long sleeves.
Sam had on a long black dress with purple sleeves and a purple sash around her waist. The bottom of her dress had three purple slices going up the front of the dress from the hem and she still had on her steel toed combat boots underneath.
Danny smiled at them and walked over to join them before looking at Clockwork. "I think we are ready?"
The group all glanced around at each other, passing nods in confirmation before looking back at Clockwork. "Yeah," Danny replied. "I believe we are good to go."
Clockwork nodded, giving the group a calm smile as he waves his time staff at one of the portals on the wall, causing it to swirl and an image to appear. "I must thank you all for helping me."
Danny grinned. "Well, I do own you one." he said, before turning to look at the portal. He could see a ton of trees and a castle off in the distance, half obscured by the tall tree that covered the land. He walked over to orb and reached out with a hand to touch it. He hand easily passed though the portal, casing the image to ripple like water. He pulled his hand back and looked at his two best friends. "You guys ready to go?"
Sam nodded and walked over to Danny side. "Definitely."
Tucker sighed sadly as he walked over to join his friends. "Yeah, I guess so. This is going to SUCK!" he whined.
Danny rolled his eyes. "You know Tucker…I'm not very well educated on that time period but...if I remember correctly; the medieval ages were very big on meat…" Danny said casually, looking bored.
"I'm GONE!" Tucker said as he ran at the portal and leapt in without hesitation. Both teens rolled their eyes again at their meat eating friend.
Danny looked back at Clockwork. "We will be back as soon as we are finished with this mission for you, okay?"
Clockwork nodded and reached out to ruffle Danny's hair. "And I know you all will do just fine. Good luck."
Danny turned and leapt into the portal with Sam at the same time, feeling to coolness of the ecto-plasm that sustains the portals structure, pass across their bodies before they were dropped off and into the new world.
End of Chapter 4.
Yes, I really hated this chapter. It just didn't seem to come out right. But hopefully it will be easy sailing from here on out.
Hope to see you all next time!