Title: Mindless Messages (3/?)

Pairing: Kurt/Blaine

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Will have fluff moments in the future, right now it's mostly filled with sassy remarks.

Summary: Set in an AU where Kurt and Blaine have never met before. They're both apart of a gay support forum. The site has a 'chat now' button. The fanfic starts when they conveniently get each other in the chat. Written from Blaine's point of view when it's not IMing. porcelainbabyface is Kurt. youngburtreynolds is Blaine.

(Date - 1.22.11, Sunday)

You have invited porcelainbabyface to a session!

porcelainbabyface accepted your invitation.

{porcelainbabyface 11:34am} Good morning. Or rather, good afternoon.

{youngburtreynolds 11:35am} Good afternoon, Kurt.

{porcelainbabyface 11:37am} …

{youngburtreynolds 11:38am} :)

{porcelainbabyface 11:39am} I'm going to get your name.

{youngburtreynolds 11:39am} Wow. Being sure of yourself really is your thing.

{porcelainbabyface 11:42am} I warned you.

{youngburtreynolds 11:43am} That you did.

{porcelainbabyface 11:44am} This would be a lot easier if you just told me your name right now.

{youngburtreynolds 11:46am} Yes, but, Kurt. Nothing is ever that easy. :) I'll need some convincing as to why you should have the right to know my name.

{porcelainbabyface 11:49am} It's a privilege to know your name? Whatever. Well first of all, you know mine. And that's a little, if not a lot, creepy.

{youngburtreynolds 11:52am} Hmm… Still not convinced.

{porcelainbabyface 11:55am} If you don't tell me your name, I'll assume you're actually a 40 year old pedophile that is on this website purely to find young, delicate, gay boys to play with.

{youngburtreynolds 11:56am} That's disgusting.

{porcelainbabyface 11:67am} And I'm sure you don't want me posting that all over this forum. :)

{youngburtreynolds 11:59am} You're a terrible person.

{porcelainbabyface 12:00pm} I never said I wasn't.

{youngburtreynolds 12:02pm} That's true.

{porcelainbabyface 12:04pm} I'm typing the post as we speak.

{youngburtreynolds 12:04pm} Fine, fine, fine. My name is Blaine.

{porcelainbabyface 12:06pm} Hmmm…

{youngburtreynolds 12:07pm} Happy?

{porcelainbabyface 12:09pm} Very.

{youngburtreynolds 12:11pm} Good.

{porcelainbabyface 12:15pm} I really must be going, Blaine.

{youngburtreynolds 12:16pm} Alright. At least this time you're actually leaving instead of bailing out on me because you don't want to tell me something.

{porcelainbabyface 12:16pm} What a development.

{youngburtreynolds 12:18pm} Goodbye, Kurt.

{porcelainbabyface 12:18pm} Talk to you later.

porcelainbabyface has left the conversation!

(Date - 1.27.11, Friday)

porcelainbabyface has invited you to a session. Do you accept?

{youngburtreynolds 3:34pm} It's been a while, Kurt.

{porcelainbabyface 3:34pm} Fuck life. Fuck, fuckity, fuck fuck.

{youngburtreynolds 3:36pm} Quite a vocabulary you've got there.

{porcelainbabyface 3:37pm} Blaine… I've had the worst week ever.

{youngburtreynolds 3:38pm} Would you like to complain?

{porcelainbabyface 3:39pm} Would love to, thanks. Please wait.

{youngburtreynolds 3:39pm} Waiting.

{porcelainbabyface 3:43pm} A boy I work with found out I was gay a few weeks ago. When he found out, he started to flirt with me constantly. It was so overwhelming that I started to fall for him. Slowly. But surely. And when I finally worked up the courage to ask him out, he rejected me, loudly, in front of our entire workplace, stating that he was extremely straight. I was so embarrassed… I don't think I can ever go back. He's horrible, and now everyone knows, not that it wasn't completely obvious already, but… I just… I feel like dying.

{youngburtreynolds 3:45pm} That is absolutely terrible. I'm so ridiculously sorry, Kurt. But you should never say that. The dying part, that is. Plenty of people love you, I'm sure. And I've grown quite fond of you myself.

{porcelainbabyface 3:47pm} That's sweet, Blaine. But I don't think a few words are going to cut it. I'm not going to hurt myself, or anything of that kind. But I just don't feel like being happy right now.

{youngburtreynolds 3:48pm} It's okay to cry sometimes, you know.

{porcelainbabyface 3:49pm} I'm aware.

{youngburtreynolds 3:51pm} How long has it been?

{porcelainbabyface 3:53pm} What?

{youngburtreynolds 3:53pm} Since you've cried?

{porcelainbabyface 3:55pm} Oh… I don't know. Few months, maybe.

{youngburtreynolds 3:58pm} You probably have a lot of pent up emotions that are dying to explode. So cry. Let it out. Scream into a pillow. Print out a picture of that boy and throw darts at his face. The usual.

{porcelainbabyface 3:59pm} … Thanks.

{youngburtreynolds 4:01pm} For what?

{porcelainbabyface 4:02pm} For making me smile.

{youngburtreynolds 4:04pm} Anytime. :)

{porcelainbabyface 4:07pm} I've got to go. Thank you again for letting me let loose.

{youngburtreynolds 4:08pm} Of course. Talk to you soon, Kurt.

{porcelainbabyface 4:09pm} Yes. Soon.

porcelainbabyface has left the conversation!