My take on Body of Proof:

Base story lines are pretty good, but the CSI/detective/police show is a crowded space these days. There isn't much to make this show stand out. The "woman in a man's job" angle was a boost to Mary Tyler Moore, but kind of late to the party now. The sub-plots initially were often kind of flat, and not helped at all by airing out of sequence. I expected to have more of a fight about Kate dating Todd. Instead it falls flat with "We're all adults here." Seriously?

Casablanca, original: "All the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, and she walks in to mine."

Casablanca, BoP style: "We're all adults here, Sam. If Miss Lund wants to date someone new, that's her prerogative."

When you set up for fireworks, light the fuse.

My solution to this is to create a new character whose raison d'etre is to infuriate Dr. Hunt. Nobody in the office really seems capable of standing up to her, so this guy will. A relatively minor character who lives in the sub-plots in order to liven things up. He will generally follow the rules, but try to find areas in which nobody ever thought to make a rule against what he wants to do.

Style is not narrative, just something that could be inserted into a larger script. Mostly composed during the holiday break mid-season 2, so later plot development may invalidate some elements.

Bonus points if anybody can figure out why I picked the name "Barry Gray" for somebody working in a morgue.

Scene: conference room in the ME's office. Kate Murphy, and a new guy, Barry Gray. Barry is an average-looking guy in hist late forties or early fifties, preferably kind of big, something over 6 feet.

Barry: "Thank you for meeting with me, Dr. Murphy, though I wasn't expecting to be sent to the medical examiner's office. I have the unfortunate feeling that human resources may have see the term 'forensics' on my resumé and come to the wrong conclusion. Data forensics is probably not your line of work."

Kate: "It's true that our forensic examiners tend to work more with physical materials than data forensics, but we are seeing more of a need for that. As long as they sent you here, we may as well see if you could be of any help. Never hurts to expand the scope of my empire a little. I am concerned that your resumé is rather thin."

Barry: "I was recruited by a federal agency straight out of college. Unfortunately, I can't talk much about the specifics of what I did. On the other hand, I put in my time and retired fairly young with a good pension, so I am willing to work pretty inexpensively to enhance the resumé in ways that I could talk to other potential clients about. I was hoping that law enforcement agencies might be more understanding about why I can't give the specifics of my background. I can talk about my skills, just not about the job."

Kate: "All right, tell me about your skills and how you could help us."

Barry: "I am good at data recovery, even from computers and devices that someone might have thought had been erased. Analysis of social media, electronic devices, communications intercepts, password cracking, that sort of thing I have done. Also, signal traffic analysis."

Kate: "What is that?"

Barry: "It isn't always necessary to listen in on the message to gain intelligence. I can glean a great deal just from knowing who your social network is, knowing who you call, when, things like that. Give me somebody's cell phone and I can likely tell you a lot about them."

Kate: "All right."

(hands him her cell phone)

Kate: "Show me."

Barry: "Right now?"

Kate: "You're so good, let's see you work."

Barry: "It's not instantaneous, you know."

Kate: "I have a little time. Some places give tests to applicants. This seems like a good test."

Barry: "All right. You'll forgive me for not doing all the things the interview coaches say to do, like maintaining eye contact."

(takes out a notebook)

Barry (looking at phone): "While I work on this, what can you tell me about the department? How big is the staff? What is the work like?"

Kate: "We are a regional forensics center, so we have a larger staff than the typical county office. It is more cost-effective for surrounding counties to send work to us than for each one to maintain a full staff of forensic experts. I am the chief medical examiner, and I have a deputy ME, Dr. Curtis Brumfield. Forensic pathologist, Dr. Ethan Gross, and another medical examiner, Dr. Megan Hunt, a former neurosurgeon. We have a former police officer and medical investigator, Peter Dunlop, and we work closely with the homicide unit of the police department."

Barry: "Curtis, Ethan, Megan and Peter are in your address book because they work for you."

Kate: "Dazzling. You have so far uncovered the department list by the front door."

Barry (annoyed): "I'm just getting started. What accomplishments are you proud of?"

Kate: "We have an outstanding record in disposing of cases. The staff is very talented. And I've managed to get funding for some very state-of-the-art equipment this year."

Barry: "Looked like I saw a pretty pricey mass spec analysis unit as I walked in. County labs don't usually get those kind of toys. That's for university research labs and the like."

Kate: "We got the contract to do work for the state crime unit. Part of the reason I might need more field staff. Curtis and Ethan have more lab work than they used to."

Barry: "Makes sense. How well does our little family get along?"

Kate: "Fairly well, all things considered. Maybe one prickly personality."

Barry: "Megan."

Kate: "Why would you say that?"

Barry: "She's the former neurosurgeon. Probably used to being the star of the show, always being right, and wants everyone to acknowledge her brilliance."

Kate: "I'll let you make your own decisions once you meet people."

Barry: "Come to think of it, why would a neurosurgeon work here?"

Kate: "She was injured in an accident and developed paresthesia in her hands, which makes it difficult for her to operate."

Barry (puzzled look): "Ah. Hmmm... Lacey is a minor, but not your kid. Megan's daughter?"

Kate (slightly startled): "Yes. You can tell that?"

Barry: "I told you that I can tell a lot about a person from their phone."

(he frowns)

Barry: "Something I'd like to check. Would you mind if I interrupt and make a call from my phone?"

Kate: "Knock yourself out."

(he dials his cell, listens)

Barry: "Oh, I'm sorry. I seem to have the wrong number. I was trying to reach the highway department."

Kate: "Care to tell me what that was about?"

Barry (hesitantly): "Not really. When exactly did you guys get the mass spec?"

Kate: "About six months ago. What does that have to do with my cell phone?"

Barry: "Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot."

(he frowns)

Barry: "You know, I think maybe this little test might have been a mistake. It might be better if I shopped my resumé with another department."

(hands her back her cell phone)

Kate: "Couldn't find anything?"

Barry: "More like too much. I can show myself out."

Kate: "Hold it. I asked you for an analysis, I want the analysis."

Barry: "You won't like it."

Kate: "I'm a big girl. I cut open dead bodies. Spill."

Barry: "OK. You asked for it. I'm just a little concerned that the ME's office is the perfect place to cover up a murder."

Kate: "Still waiting."

Barry: "All right."

(gets up, walks over to white board)

Barry: "Cell phone analysis. Subject: Dr. Kate Murphy, Chief Medical Examiner"\

(starts drawing)

Barry: "An interesting timeline of events. First of all, prior to six months or so ago, I see calls to the theater, upscale restaurants, presumably to make reservations, that sort of thing. Suddenly, big drop-off in that, and what little is left is pizza, Chinese take-out, a bowling alley – definitely a step down."

Kate: "What do you make of that?"

Barry: "Drastic change in relationship status. Curious, too, because most of the time, it is the man in a dating relationship who makes the dinner reservations."

Kate: "Maybe the world isn't as sexist as you are."

Barry: "If the world were as nice as all that, you wouldn't have a job. Interestingly, this change matches up with a sudden loss of contact with somebody listed as 'CW'. Another interesting tidbit is that although you have a work and cell number for this CW, the cell calls were always incoming, and almost always after 6pm. You never, ever called CW on his cell."

Kate (starting to look concerned): "So?"

Barry: "Somebody didn't want a significant other finding out you were calling. I called the work number. State senator's office. Married state senator. Whose wife's family money bankrolls his political campaigns."

Kate: "What are you trying to say?"

Barry: "Looks to me as though you enjoyed spending time with this guy. Google search shows he heads up the appropriations committee. I'll bet if I checked, that mass spec was paid for with a state grant. Somewhere around that time, wifey got suspicious. He broke and ran. You decided you needed a diversion, so you took up with the ex-husband of a subordinate."

Kate: "How could you know that?"

Barry: "Almost immediately after you broke up with CW, you start having a lot of contact with somebody named Todd. Contact with Lacey starts shortly afterward. Once, she sent you a text that she couldn't find her mother. Your next phone calls were to Megan, Todd, and a middle school. Lacey is a kid, Megan and Todd are her parents."

Kate (defensively): "Lacey was sick, and trying to get in touch with her mom. As her mother's supervisor, I was the next person she tried."

Barry: "I hope your court testimony is more polished than this, or there are a lot of guilty guys who are gonna walk. You had a relationship with a state senator, and when that blew up, you needed cover. You took up with Megan's ex, knowing that gossip like that would make it around the office at warp 7, and that if any p.i. hired by the wife came snooping around, all he would get would be an earful about what a bad idea it was to date the guy who used to be married to Megan. Todd is not really your cup of tea. You'd rather hang with the upscale and politically influential. Eventually, when the coast was clear, you dumped him."

Kate (angry): "Mr. Gray, this story you've concocted..."

Barry: "Just my interpretation of the data. Could be wrong. But it's obvious that even a rumor of your relationship with the senator would kill any further political ambitions you have. Call me sexist if you want, but politically this is somehow worse for you than it would be for a guy. If the press got wind of it, you're finished. This is all about how you managed to salvage your political future."

(Kate stands up, furious)

Kate (icily): "For your information, Mr. Gray, it is no longer necessary for a talented woman to sleep her way up the political ladder. I believe I've had enough of your gossipy speculation. There are plenty of bright, ambitious women in this state who advance on merit. You are rude, sexist, offensive, and your entire tawdry little story is an affront to me and this office. This interview is over."

Barry (rips pages of his notebook): "Very well. Instead of sending a cute little 'Thanks for the interview' card, I'll just gift you with the notes I was making. Shred them. Don't forget to thoroughly erase the whiteboard, yourself, after I leave. I'd write something innocuous like a meeting schedule over the top of it if I were you. And one more thing."

Kate (still frosty): "Yes?"

Barry: "Nowhere in your tirade did I hear an actual denial. In case you thought I wouldn't pick up on that. Just tell HR I was 'overqualified'. Be happy that I have a lot of experience in keeping official secrets. Yours is safe."

(he starts for the door. Kate looks thoughtful.)

Kate: "Mr. Gray?"

(he stops, turns)

Barry: "Yes, Dr. Murphy?"

Kate (thawing): "Why don't you stop by the department staff meeting Wednesday at nine? I can't add you on staff, but I have some budget for contract employees."

Barry: "Glazed OK?"

Kate: "What?"

Barry: "Don't you know anything about running a meeting? New guy always brings the donuts."

Kate (laughs a little): "Glazed will be fine."

(he leaves. She slumps down into a chair, sighs, looks worried, maybe shakes her head)

(end scene)