Nick started it, really. Or it could have been Aaron. Who brought the weed again? That was definitely Aaron. Yes definitely. And it was good. Zak felt good. He was floating above the bed he was sitting on, joint between his fingers. Nick sat across from him in the desk chair. When he laughed, Zak saw the musical notes come out of his mouth.

Ok, maybe it was Zak that started it.

He wanted to capture those notes. He had never seen musical notes come out of someone's mouth before. "Aaron, bro, are you sure this shit isn't laced with anything?" Zak asked.

Aaron lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. "Dude said that it was clean, but man… its some good shit."

Nick laughed again and Zak stared at him. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" Nick asked, taking the joint from Zak one more time.

"Make music notes like that."

Nick laughed out a puff of smoke. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"When you laugh, music notes come out."

"Bro, I think you're high as a kite," Aaron piped in from the floor.

Zak pulled Nick next to him on the bed, still completely fascinated with this. "Laugh again."

Nick stared at him and giggled. Zak swooped in, pressing his lips against Nick's in a desperate attempt to capture those notes.

Pulling back, Zak looked at him. "Did I get them?"

"What the fuck was that for?"

"Did you just kiss Nick?" Aaron screeched, sitting up to look at the men on the bed.

"I was trying to capture the music."

"Zak, there is no music coming out of me. I swear it," said Nick, handing the joint over to Aaron.

"Whatever, I know what I saw," he grumbled and pouted.

Nick laughed at his childishness. "Through a weed-induce haze you know what you saw."

There they were again. This time Zak attacked with more force, taking Nick's head in his hands, sucking on his lips. Nick's eyes fluttered close as Zak's opened.

Zak gasped as Nick moaned into the kiss.

"Bro…," Aaron started.

"Aaron!" Zak gasped, "Did you see that? Nick changed colors!"

Nick stared hard at Zak trying to comprehend what was going on. He put a hand on Zak's chest, unconsciously rubbing it in circles. "Don't you fucking kiss me again, Bagans."

"Nick! You changed colors! Aaron, kiss him. See if he does it for you." Zak got up off the bed, wandering his way over to the desk to roll another one.

Aaron took up Zak's vacated position, looking hard at Nick and glancing over at Zak. "Bro, I don't think we need any more right now. Let's save it."

"What color did I turn to?" Nick asked, feeling his face, grazing his fingertips over his still wet lips.

Zak looked up at him, "Red. Aaron, kiss him and see what color he turns for you."

Aaron leaned in slowly, still not entirely sure about this, but Nick met him halfway. The kiss was soft, gentle, kind of itchy between the beards, but Nick didn't turn any colors for him.

They broke the kiss and Aaron stood up, taking the newly rolled joint from between Zak's fingertips. "He only changes colors for you, man."

Zak stood up and sauntered over to Nick sitting on the edge of the bed. He took his head in his hands, stroking his cheekbones with his thumbs. "Nick, you are fucking magic."

"It's hot," Nick said simply.

Zak reached down, pulling Nick's shirt up and over his head. "Better?" Nick nodded. Zak pushed his shoulders gently, urging him to lie down. Slowly, Zak climbed up on the bed, over Nick's legs.

"Zak, what are you doing?" he asked.

Aaron sat in the desk chair facing the bed, puffing on the second joint, watching the scene in front of him. His pants were starting to get a little uncomfortable after that kiss with Nick and now this. Part of him wanted to watch it play out, another part wanted to join in, and yet another wished it was him instead of Zak.

Zak's hands traced Nick's stomach, running his thumbs through the line of hair at his navel. When he touched Nick, it was like little explosions on his fingertips. "What the fuck was in that weed, Aaron?"

"I don't know dude. Why?" Aaron asked, his head lolling to his shoulder. The dead weight of it was almost too much to hold up anymore, but he couldn't take his eyes off his fellow investigators on the bed in front of him.

"Because this feeling is amazing. It's like we took friggin' ecstasy." He ran his hands up Nick's chest, resting each of them over a nipple.

Nick giggled again and Zak smiled, bending down to kiss him. "Are you going to kiss me every time I laugh?" Nick asked. Zak smiled against his lips in response.

Pulling back slightly, he whispered, "I can feel your heartbeat," as deep blues searched dark browns. He sat up quickly, cool air covering Nick's chest, making his nipples hard. Zak pulled his own shirt over his head, tossing it to the side of the bed. Laying down on top of Nick again, he pulled his arms above his head, holding them there. Nick was pliant, obeying Zak's movements.

Rolling his hips down against his captive, Zak captured Nick's lips once more, sucking on them slowly. Coming up for air, Nick smiled, "But I didn't laugh."

"But you're hard," Zak answered, rolling his hips again.

Nick groaned, closing his eyes. "So are you."

The sound of Aaron's clothes hitting the floor behind them caused Zak to sit up. Aaron sat in the desk chair, clothed only in his boxers. His head lay back on the chair, the burning joint still in his hand. Zak stood up, leaving Nick on the bed, taking the joint out of his hand.

Feeling his fingers being touched, Aaron raised his head up. "It's fucking hot, bro. Hit the air or something."

Zak put the joint between his lips and went to go check the thermostat. It was on 65 and wouldn't go down any farther. "It won't go colder, dude. It's all the way down."

"Shit," mumbled Aaron.

Zak turned, taking a long puff. Nick was staring up at him from the bed, arms still over his head, just as he left them. Holding his breath, keeping the smoke in his mouth, Zak climbed on the bed, bending down. Nick's lips opened for the smoky kiss, welcoming the soft touch of Zak once again. The smoke billowed out between them, causing both men to chuckle.

"That was fucking awesome," Aaron breathed from the chair.

Nick smiled, taking the joint from Zak's hands and standing up from the bed. He walked over to Aaron, inhaling deeply and handing it back to Zak before he bent down. His lips grazed Aaron's chastely before he opened up, letting the smoke escape between them.

Aaron wrapped his hand around the back of Nick's head, not letting him break the kiss. Nick ran his hands up Aaron's arms and down his chest, lightly tracing his fingertips over the pale skin.

Nick pulled back, breathing deeply. Running a hand along the top of Aaron's bald head, he asked, "You ok?"

Aaron simply nodded. Words were lost right now. This moment was all that existed and he wasn't even sure this was real.

"Come to bed." Nick turned towards the voice. Zak lay on the bed, naked, right hand on his cock, the other on his chest.

"Fuck, Zak. How far is this going?" Nick breathed, stumbling his way over to the bed.

Zak stopped him before he climbed up. "Pants, Nick."

Nick looked back at Aaron who watched him patiently. He sighed, lowering his pants and boxers down to the floor before climbing on the bed. Aaron stood up, fumbling his way over as he tried to remove his boxers in the process. He slid in on Nick's other side.

The three men sat naked in the bed, the joint forgotten on the side table. Nick laughed uncomfortably. "I think this is the first time this has been awkward all night." The other two men laughed slightly, all sensing the dense air of indecision. This was the deciding moment of exactly how far they were going to take this mena je tois.

Zak ran tentative fingers over Nick's hip and down his thigh. "Can I touch it?" he asked.

Nick nodded, watching as Zak's delicate hand snaked over, gently wrapping his fingers around the shaft of his cock. He moaned as Aaron's hand found its way over, cupping and massaging his balls. His own hands fumbled. His mind clouded with the intense pleasure of the moment mixed with the after haze of the weed. Carefully, he took two other men's dicks, one in each hand, and stroked them like he would his own.

Zak moaned beside him. Aaron grunted, closing his eyes to the sensation. Two hands on his cock, lips against his neck and shoulder. Nick wasn't sure what the hell happened in the last two hours, but right now he kinda liked where it ended. The cocks in his hands twitched as he tightened his grip, stroking them both faster, harder. Zak sat up, straddling Nick's leg. Aaron lay on his side. Hands moved furiously; the room smelled like sex, sweat, and sweet smoke.

Zak was the first, letting out a low, deep growl. Streaks of hot, pearlescent cum landed on Nick's stomach, some pooling in his navel. Zak collapsed in a heap next to him, his breathing rapid. Aaron rolled halfway onto Nick, grinding himself against his pale hip. Nick groaned, wrapping his hands around the back of Aaron's shoulders, capturing his lips as he ground himself against Aaron's body. "Oh God," he moaned as the friction between their sweaty bodies heated up.

Aaron came silently, his cum adding to the pool on Nick's stomach. He held still, cradling Nick in his arms as he still worked himself against Aaron's hip. Minutes later, Nick's arm shot out, grabbing blindly for Zak as the other clutched tightly onto Aaron's shoulder blade.

Aaron rolled over on his back after Nick released him. Zak reached over on the nightstand, grabbing some tissues and handing a few to Aaron to wipe himself off. Gingerly, he wiped the cum off Nick's stomach, tossing the dirtied tissues towards the foot of the bed. Zak kissed Nick's shoulder gently, folding into him, wrapping an arm possessively across his chest and throwing a leg over his. "We made a mess out of you."

Nick lay and stared at the ceiling. Aaron was already starting to snore next to him. Zak was doing his best impression of cling wrap and all Nick could do was wrap his arm around his back and rest his head against the top of Zak's. Looking down at his wedding ring, dull in the poor lighting of the motel room, he wondered what they had just started.