Disclaimer: Do not own One Piece. I do not make money off of this. Rena is mine though.

Chapter one

Why Shanks came to Fuusha Village

"PIRATES! THEY'RE COMING TO OUR VILLAGE!" a villager screamed as he ran into Party's Bar. A girl with dark green hair to the point it almost looked black sighed. It has been only one year since Gol. D Rogers died. The man who sailed the ocean, he beat the grand line and gained the title pirate king. The last words of his "My fortune is yours for the taking... but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in One Piece!" She thought about this as she finishes cleaning out one of the last dirty glasses. 'Since that day pirates have been showing up every were.'

As she looks up, she sees a group of men walking into the bar. A quick glance she notices that they do not look to be too hostile. She started to blush as she looked at him. A tall man walked into the bar, he wore an old straw hat, with his red hair, and his smile so carefree. She watched as he walked over to sit at the bar.

She smiled as she walked in front of him. "So what will it be?"

"A round of drinks for my men, and a pint of your finest whiskey for me, and I would like to know your name." He said smiling at her.

Makino blushed "It's Makino and yours?"

"Caption Shanks, but call me Shanks" he said smiling.

When looking around Makino noticed that he only had eight people with him.

"So is the rest of your crew out and about?" She said getting his drink for him, and the men.

"No this is my crew. But it will grow, just started out last year on my own."

"Really so you decide to be a pirate after Gold Rogers passed on. Are you going after One Piece?"

"I was a pirate before Roger passed on. But the words Roger said gave me more passion to keep following my path. But for One Piece yeah I would like to find it, but first things first. I want to become one of the best pirates without having to find the one piece." He said smiling.

She smiled looking at him "that is a big dream you have." She walked off to give his men his drinks. While she was handing them their drinks she was getting orders of food for them.

"Shanks are you hungry?"

"What do you have?"

She walked over handing him his menu. Watching him look it over quickly, "I will like to have the meat and the potatoes."

She nodded and walked to the back and started to cook their food. She stayed in the back wondering about these pirates. She felt her face go warm when she thought of Shanks.

Makino smiled and finished cooking and brought out food for the men. "Here you go men." She said laying the food down on the table for the men. Then got them their refills, she smiled as they thanked her. She walked back to the bar smiling, "Here you go Shanks." She smiled sitting down across from him. He started to tell her stories of his adventures.

"You know you're a great cook. Why don't you join us? You could have a lot of fun." Shanks said smiling and taking a drink.

"No, I love my bar it's been my dream since I was kid."

Some of the crew members walked up "Hey Shanks we're going to do some shopping and scope out the town."

"Alright have fun." He said smiling then went back to talking to Makino "So what is life like on this island."

"Well it is not too bad. We don't get many pirates here so it is peaceful." She did not notice the time until it was closing time. Shanks stayed with her and made sure everything was paid for.

"Well see you tomorrow Makino." He said and waved as he left.

As she was counting her money she realized that unlike all the other pirates that come and go they did not just pay all their bill they also gave her a proper tip. She smiled watching him walk away. 'He really is a good guy. Cute too.'

Morning came and Makino watched Shanks walk in with his men. He was smiling and ordered food and drinks for his men. He smiled while eating "Makino you should join us. You're such a great cook. And you will love the sea. You will be able to do whatever it is you want." He said smiling at her.

Makino laughed while smiling, "Shanks me a pirate one I don't know how to fight. And you shouldn't tease a girl."

"Not teasing and hey I can teach you to fight."

Makino smiled at him, "Sorry Shanks I love it here. I love my bar it took a while to get it started. I couldn't leave that behind. I told you this yesterday."

Shakes sighed "alright sad would love to have a cute girl like you on my ship."

Makino blushed and shook her head. Some of the men walked up and dropped off their money and went ahead and left. She started to clean up while smiling.

Shanks sat there smiling, "So where is your family. I would think a cute lady like you would have a father chasing men away."

Makino sighed, "My parents died four years ago. They had come down with a sickness and passed on." She said with a sad tone in her voice.

Shanks rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry."

Shanks spent as much time as he could with Makino; most of the time was him flirting with her. A week went by Shanks and his crew left for the sea. Only to come back a week later with some more treasure. When he came back to the village he told his crew to treat the village with kindness. The village soon grew to like the red haired captain.

Shanks smiled at Makino he had finished his meal, "so, out of no were this huge sea king showed up. So with the work of my crew we killed it and had meat for the week."

"You guys are lucky to be alive." Makino said looking at Shanks.

"It's nothing, so have any fun while we were gone." He asked and heard a clap of thunder. And could hear the rain coming down.

Makino smiled "quiet around here, nothing too big happened."

Shanks smiled and looked outside to see the storm becoming really nasty. "Wow its bad outside."

Makino sighed "yeah it will be fun heading home."

"Wait you don't live here you live somewhere else."

"Yeah I live on the edge of town. I still haven't been able to make upstairs a living area. Though I am not sure I want to. This way I can get away from here when I want."

Shanks smiled "well let me have the honor. Of walking you home. That way I know you got there safe."

"Shanks I will be alright."

"Why don't you humor me?"

"Alright Shanks you can walk me home." She said smiling. She went ahead and was starting to close the place up locking everything up. She went ahead and grabbed the money she made and went to the back.

Makino came out ten minutes later she had an umbrella. "Ready Shanks."

Shanks was smiling at her, "been waiting for you Makino."

Makino smiled and started to walk with him. Shanks was telling her about some of the crew members who were on the last pirate ship he was on. He left out who his captain and first mate were. "Yeah so he went ahead and fell overboard. I did not know he could not swim anymore. Till someone said something." He smiled "So I dove into the water and saved him. Funny thing he blamed me for it."

Makino laughed, "Seems you have lived a very exciting life." She said smiling.

"Why don't you come and join us. Just one trip if you don't like it I will bring you back." He said smiling at her.

She shook her head, "Shanks I can't. Why do you want me to go anyway?"

"Because I like you."

Makino started to blush and slipped on the wet pavement and started to fall. Shanks was quick and caught her. He was looking down into her eyes as her face was blushing. She could see a smirk on his face as he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. The rain was coming down so much no one could see Makino making out with the Captain Shanks in the middle of the street.

Some of Shanks crew noticed that Shanks had not returned to the ship that night. The next morning they saw the stupid grin on his face and the grin did not leave his face for the remainder of the next trip. Before he left her that morning he had promised to come back one last time so he could see her again.

This trip had lasted a lot longer than the ones before. They came back almost two months later. Makino smiled seeing him come in. She looked at the crew who was asking her for drinks and her best food. She went ahead and got their drinks and food. Shanks was at the counter and he watched her smiling when she walked back behind the counter. "Something is different it's like your glowing. I don't know what it is but you look gorgeous not that you haven't always you just look so radiant."

Makino smiled "Shanks come with me." She led him into the back. "Do you remember the night of the storm?"

Shanks started to smile, "Yeah I remember, how could I forget it. Why do you ask?"

She put her hands on her stomach, "Shanks, I don't know how to tell you this….. But you are going to be a dad."

Shanks stared at her in shock.

She knew it would be hard for him since how he is with his friends and the fact he likes to keep them close. "Look you don't have to worry about anything I will raise the child. And you can go achieve your dreams. You told me last time you would not be coming back and you did to see me one more time." She was upset a little and her eyes were watering. She was upset her unborn child would never see what a great man his or her father was.

Shanks wrapped his arms around her, "I will get a bigger crew I promise this and then I will come back. I promise you that I will come back to see you and our child. I am so sorry; that I will not be able to help you raise the child." He would love to use the place as a base till the child is born but knew. If he does he will just be attracting attention, to his un-born child. Shanks started to smile "Wow I am going to be a dad. Never thought this would happen."

Makino smiled and looked up at Shanks face "So if it is a boy what do you want to name him?"

Shanks smiled while thinking "name him after me."

"And if it is a girl."

Shanks stood there thinking. "Name her after water since I am always out at sea." Shanks said smiling.

"Alright if our child is a girl her name will be Rena."

Shanks spent as much time with Makino as he could for the next two days. Only his first mate knew that he was going to be a dad. Shanks knew what happened Gold Roger died; they were on the search for any blood relation to him. Shanks did not want that to happen to Makino or his child.

Nine years passed since she last saw Shanks. She smiled while she watched her daughter finish her food. The little girl reminded her of her father, with her red hair and brown eyes. She had the soft angles to her face much like her but on closer look it was the jaw line her dad had. She shook her head at how fast she was trying to finish her food, just so she could play with Luffy. The kid was very sweet and came to visit her all the time. She had seen some pirates since Shanks left. At the moment she laughed since her daughter wanted to be a marine, she said she wanted to be a hero. She had heard her daughter mention she wanted to be a pirate once. Rena smiled and when Luffy walked in she jumped down and ran over "Hey Luffy." She said smiling.

"Hey Rena did you hear there are pirates coming. Some old guy said it was a crew that been here before. I think they're well liked." Luffy said smiling.

Rena smiled and looked at her mom "Mom can I go see."

Makino smiled "sure I'll take both of you there." She said and did so smiling. She looked to see the ship and it was Shanks flag. She gasped and looked to her daughter. "Sweetheart, that's your dad's ship." She whispered.

Shanks smiled seeing the island wondering if he had a boy or a girl. All of the original eight knew about him having a child with Makino. He saw Makino standing at the dock with a boy next to her with black hair. 'So I had a son.' He thought smiling to himself, though he doesn't look much like me. That's when he saw the girl with red hair next to the boy and talking to him and soon both glaring at each other. 'Maybe twins…' he had a bigger grin. He was happy to get off the ship and walk over.

"Hey Makino, who's the little ones?" he said smiling.

"Well this is Rena, Rena this is Shanks your dad. And this is Luffy he is Rena's friend."

"Wait Rena's dad is a pirate and she wants to be a marine…" Luffy said.

Rena glared at Luffy, "so what if I want to be a Marine."

"So you want to capture me do you?" He said smiling and walked with her and Makino to the bar.

Rena had grabbed a hold of Shanks smiling, "maybe, but depends how things go I like Luffy's grandpa he is cool and teaches us to fight and is strong. Garp is funny."

Shanks looked at her it was not what he thought when he dreamed of his family. Shanks sighed and lifted up Rena and carried her. The girl smiled when looking at them you could see that she looked just like her dad.

Makino was walking with Shanks, "so how did you get the scars on your eye."

"Meet a guy couple years back but its ok. So Luffy what do you wanna do?"

"My gramps wants me to be a marine…" he didn't sound like he wanted to.

When they got to the bar the rest of the crew was soon coming in and drinking. Shanks was talking about what life was like as a pirate and about his adventures. Luffy had stars in his eyes. And he smiled as his daughter also had her own stars in her eyes. She looked at him "Dad I might be a pirate it sounds like fun. Can I join your crew?"

Shanks laughed "sorry your too young sweet heart." He ruffled her hair and smiled. "I want to see you live your life without regrets, find someone you love and have a good life. And if you want to be a marine, be a marine. If you want to be a pirate like your old man, Rena I will be proud at whatever you do with your life." He said and messed up her hair. She wrapped her arms around him and started to give him a hug.

Over the years Shanks had fun spending time with Rena and Makino. He also became fond of the young boy Luffy. Over the time he taught Rena some fighting moves and also during the time after Luffy had eaten the devil fruit he saw Luffy fall into the sea. He had run to the edge ready to jump in, only to see his daughter who been closer run towards the edge and place her hand on the edge of the ship and jump over landing in the water. Running to the edge of the ship he started to freak out. About to jump in he saw his daughter pop up with Luffy holding onto her.

"Stop moving Luffy you're making it hard to hold onto you."

"Yes Rena." Luffy said as Rena swam Luffy to the beach.

Benn smiled while looking at Shanks "your daughter is already a strong swimmer and picked up on the sword training you been giving her. Seems she will be a very strong woman when she gets older."

"Yeah I just want her to stay safe. Happy to see she has such a good friend. Though I see Luffy getting her into a lot of trouble as she gets older."

Benn smiled "still find it funny she wants to be a marine. Do you know where that came from?"

"Makino told me Luffy's grandfather was in town when a bunch of bandits were giving the bar a hard time. And Rena was trying to stand up. They were going to hurt Makino and tear down her bar. But Luffy's grandfather is Garp."

"Wait THE Garp. The Marine Hero."

"Yeah one in the same. He showed up with Luffy and saved the bar and beat the bandits up. Seems he was visiting Luffy. Rena saw him as a hero and how he was given so much respect. She wants to be like him. Where people look up to you."

Benn smiled, "she's got a good heart. She will be good at what ever she does."

Shanks spent the next year using the Fuusha Village as a base. He had fun spending some time with his daughter Rena. He had grown found of Luffy and knew the kid will be big some day. Luffy was no longer saying he wanted to go with him but wanted to be the best pirate and would be the pirate king. Shanks took off his hat looking at it. He smiled and put it on Luffy head "Take care of this hat for me. And some day when you the greatest pirate give it back to me. He looked over and saw Rena standing with her mom. She looked upset as he walked over to her. "Hey sweet heart, I have to be going."

"Dad you will come back right?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry I don't think I will come back to this island. If I do it won't be for a very, very long time."

The crew saw the little redhead wrapping her arms around her dad's legs. "DADDY please don't go. Please daddy I don't want you to leave. I love you and will miss you." She looked up at him.

Shanks picked her up with his one arm. "I'm sorry Rena but I have to go. So you know I will always be thinking of you. You are my little angel." He kissed her on the forehead. "And hey when your older you can always set sail and come and find me."

Shanks smiled as she stopped crying, "Rena don't break to many hearts. And be safe sweet heart. I want you to be happy and safe. Do me a favor keep Luffy out of trouble will you? Your friend sure attracts trouble a lot. Shanks put her down and gave her a one arm hug. "Hey I left you a gift back at your room." He held her for a bit "I'll be on the grand line waiting for you to come and find me."

Shanks stood up and walked over to Makino "you sure you don't want to cook for us."

"Sorry I have a daughter to raise."

Shanks leaned in close to Makino and whispered to her. "Keep Rena safe, I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen." He looked to her who nodded and he smiled as he walked past the two crying children who were trying to hid their tears. As he got one the ship and started to sail away he waved good bye with his one arm.

A/N: I hope that you like this so far... Please leave reviews and tell me what you think. I really like reviews.

Also a big thanks to TheBlackSeaReaper for beta reading my story.