Okay, so this is like the last story in this series of one-shots, I think. Based on a very strange day at school...
Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom.
We played heads-up, seven-up in Health after we learned that 1. The guy who played the fiddler in 'Fiddler on the Roof' was Topol, 2. The show 'The Simpsons' originated in 1989 and 3. The capital of Uganda is Kampala. I was at the front so when the time came, I chose this one guy Peter. Someone chose Tucker and someone else chose Danny. Peter was the first to guess who chose him. He didn't choose me so I started smirking. Then came Danny's turn to guess.
"Sam," he asked? I shook my head. Then it was the next person's turn.
"Sam," they asked? I once again shook my head still smirking.
"Everyone, choose Sam, she'd bound to have one of you," one of the other people that was with me said. After a few more people guessing me and me shaking my head each time, it was Tucker's turn.
"Sam," he guessed, he looked into my eyes and sat down. The last person went and guessed me and once again, I shook my head.
"I chose Peter," I admitted at the end. I'm pretty sure everyone in the room including our teacher facepalmed at me.
Later today me, Tucker, Danny, and Alex were at Lunch.
I took a sip of my soda then spoke, "Who wants to come talk to my social worker with me?"
The three stared at me.
"Yesterday I was sent to talk to her and I told her about this shirt and she wanted to see it," I explained pointing to the 'LMFAO Everyday I'm shufflin'' shirt I was wearing.
"Ohh..." The three guys said in unison.
"I can't come, I have to practice for debate," Tucker said.
"I'll come with you Sam," Alex said.
"Want to come with us Danny," I asked giving him a longing stare?
"Sure," he said. Alex and I picked up our backpacks and we walked to the Social Worker area.
"Why do you have your backpacks," Danny asked?
"I always have my backpack," I said.
"I'm goin to the library after this," Alex said.
Unfortunately, my Social Worker wasn't there today so the three of us just started walking around the school. We found a map of where different teachers went to college. We looked at that for about 10 minutes; then we turned the corner and looked at a map of colleges. Danny dragged me and Alex away from the map. Then we saw a case full of candy canes.
"Oh! Candy canes," Danny exclaimed!
"You look at the candy canes, we'll be looking at colleges," I said and Alex and I went back to the map.
"We look like such nerds," he said I smiled and nodded in agreement.
"C'mon guys," Danny said. We started walking towards the library. Alex stopped at a window on the foyer of the school.
"This is where I came during final's last week," he said sitting on the window sill, staring out at the white specs fluttering down from the sky.
"Cool Story Bro," I said. A teacher walked past us.
"Either go back to lunch or into the library," she said to a group of guys near us.
"C'mon guys, let's go to the library," I said thinking quickly. Danny and Alex understood what I meant and we walked towards the library. The teacher turned the corner and we started looking around the 'Casper High, Wall of Fame.' Apparently Vince Vaughn went to our High School.
Hope you liked it, and yes Vince Vaughn really did go to my High School and is an Alumni.
Peace, Love, Phantom,
:D :P