The Warners woke up late in the afternoon the next day. Being up all night at a meeting didn't work well with their schedule. Wakko was the first of the group to wake up, the only thing that could get him out of bed was the rumbling of his stomach and even then he wondered if it was worth it to go to the kitchen and get something when he could just eat his covers as a snack. He decided against this on the terms of what happened last time he tried that. Yakko was fine with it, but Dot couldn't get over how he ate the 'one of a kind, designer covers' that she picked out herself. Wakko dragged his legs on the floor as he walked through the tower. Right now the trip to the kitchen might as well have been a hike up Mt. Everest.

"So hungry, so weak, don't know if…I'll…make…it."

"Wakko the fridge is two feet away." Yakko was standing over his brother, tired smile on his lips. He opened the fridge for Wakko and got out the milk for some cereal. Wakko shrugged, heading over to the table when Dot came it.

"Stupid Plotz, stupid meeting, making me miss my cutie sleep." She said moodily. A tired Dot was not a Dot to be messed with. She sat down in her normal seat by Wakko.

"Good morning to you too sis." Yakko said as he handed her a bowl of cereal; Yakko, being the model father figure that he was, added extra sugar to the already sugary, artificial meal to give it a little extra boost. He gave Wakko his cereal and black coffee, Wakko was the only one out of the three who drank coffee although he really didn't need it. Yakko always told him that it would stunt his growth but Wakko always said that they were Toons thus they could not grow.

"Thanks, Yakko."

"You know Wakko, now that were getting re-drawn you might want to cut back on the caffeine. I hear that for the first few days, your body needs to adjust to the changes."

"Don't worry. I'll be Faboo."

"Whatever you say Wakko." Yakko grinned at his brother's early morning stubbornness. People really were different when they were tired. Dot, who was feeling left out of the conversation, started asking her brother questions.

"Hey, Yakko, no one ever explained to me about how this whole being drawn older thing's gonna work."

"Well my dear sister, Plotz sent me some papers saying exactly how they're gonna do it. First they put you back on a sheet of paper, and then erase your entire body leaving only your head. They re-draw the body to look older and act like a normal teenage body. After that the make some slight changes to your face to match it-a new colored nose here, longer whiskers there-they never erase your entire head though because that's where your thoughts are. They erase your head-"Yakko made a quick 'gggeeeittt' sound while running his finger across his throat-"You're out of here. But don't worry. Plotz hired a good man. He won't let that happen."

Dot nodded at her brother. She wasn't really scared about what Yakko said because he also said that that wasn't going to happen, Dot trusted Yakko. Wakko was taking a sip of his coffee when the doorbell rang.

"I'LL GET IT!" Yakko and Dot said in unison. They zipped past Wakko causing him to spill his coffee on his sweater. He scowled slightly. Yakko and Dot both put up a good fight to get to the door but in the end, Dot won.

"Ehem. Wakko? I do believe you have a line."

"Yeah, yeah. I never got to get it. Blah blah blah. Now excuse me, I've got to go clean up my shirt!"

"Wow. Talk about your morning moodiness." Dot said as she opened the door. She was about to do her whole 'hhhheeeellllloooo nurse' skit when she saw Skippy at the door. He looked a little baffled when she answered the door and struggled to regain his composure.

"Oh, hi Dot."

"Hi, Skippy! What are you doing here?"

"Well, um, I thought since, you know, we're going to be redrawn together and what not, that it might be a good idea to erm…hang out." Skippy let out a nervous laugh. Dot didn't notice but Yakko sure did. One look at Skippy and Yakko knew exactly what was going on. He tried to suppress a laugh as his sister went to get her good flower clip.

"Never knew you had a thing for my sis, Skipps old buddy, old pal. You know as her older brother I'm obligated to beat you to a pulp correct?" Yakko teased the younger squirrel. He meant no harm by it; Skippy didn't know that of course.

"Y-you wouldn't really do that to-to me, would you?" Skippy said. The kid looked like he was about to jump from the tower so Yakko took a bit of pity on him.

"Nah. Wakko's the one who does all the violent protectiveness. I'm more about…headology. If, my dear friend Skippy, you want to win her heart let me give you some little tips. She likes flowers-preferably daises, no matter what she wears tell her it's cute, never bring up Seth MacFarlane, and don't get in the middle of her screaming at anyone if you want to stay alive. Got it?" Skippy shook his head.

"Thanks Yakko. I mean, it's pointless since I am most defiantly not, 100% totally, absolutely not ever going to need that since I really don't have a crush on her. But if I did have a crush on her and really wanted to impress her before she gets re-drawn and has other guys swooning over her, leaving me with no chance, then that information would come in really handy...which it's not."

"Rrrriiiggghhht." Yakko rolled his eyes as Dot came up behind him.

"I'm ready. You coming Yakko?" Dot asked.

"No. Me and Wakko have plans, a little one on one guy time. Some bro stuff to do."

"Like what?"

"Like trying to come up with a reasonable alibi as to why we're not coming with you." Yakko passed a wink to Skippy. Dot just rolled her eyes.

"Fine. More shopping for us right Skippy?"

"Shopping? I didn't say we were going-"Yakko shot the squirrel a look when he was mid-sentence-"Oh right. Shopping. Yeah." The two were off down the ladder in a minuet.

"Better go find Wakko. Hope he's in a better mood. I don't want to have to stalk these two with a crabby brother all day." And with that Yakko Warner was off to fetch his brother.

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