Title: The Boundaries of Love

Author: IceMelody (Yuki)

Summary:Tsuna is a beautiful DOLL found 7 years ago by a group of scientists. He was non-responsive for over a year and therefore, was locked away. Soon after, the laboratory was burned to ashes, leaving only the room in which Tsuna rested. Days later, he's found himself in the presence of the world's most powerful mafia group.

Pairing(s): ALL27 - Ending Pair: Undecided

Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Family, and maybe more.

Rating: M

Disclaimer/Warning: I, in no way or form, own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or any of it's characters and I will not repeat myself because that would be rather annoying…Also, this is a BL story; as in guyxguy~ (my first actually) so please just move along if you don't like it.

Prologue - The 'Lifeless' Doll

A blazing star in the black sky; its light even surpassing the moon's. The single flare soared across the horizon and down to the ground below. The force of its landing shook the very ground, causing the creatures of the night to scatter and others to wake from their deep slumber.

Fate has brought an angel down to earth.

The sound of several pens scribbling frantically on paper resonated throughout the room. Men in white lab coats circled around its floors - a clipboard and a single black pen in hand. Their faces were contorted in obvious disappointment as they stole glances at the individual laying in a glass case set in the middle of the white room.

The figure, a young boy, looked to be about twelve years old though his height was a little below average. His skin looked smooth but was unnaturally pale; as if it hadn't seen the sun in awhile. A heart shaped face was decorated nicely with a small nose, pink lips and long lashes cascading a little above his cheeks. Chocolate colored hair framed his face and were pointed in random-gravity defying directions. His bangs fell slightly over his closed eyes. The boy's body was hidden under a pure white sleeping gown; its sleeves were too long for his arms and the pants fell past his feet. There was a clutter of wires surrounding him that connected his glass case to the different machinery lining the walls. Every few minutes, the wires would flash and the light illuminating the inside of the container would flicker. After a pause, it would then turn red and finally return to it's original state.

Following this, there would be a collective sigh of disappointment from the scientists in the room. This process would be repeated again.

And again.

And again.

And again, until a year had already flown by.

Everyone had lost hope. Perhaps he was never meant to be awaken.

One by one, they left the room. Each glancing at the boy with regret before stepping outside. As the last person left, the lights were turned off. The machinery, were all shut down and the door closed.

A single, delicate finger twitched in alarm as everything was once again, consumed by darkness.

Prologue : END

Well, please tell me if you like it! I know that was short but it's just the prologue. I wanted to see if you guys like the idea first.

I accept constructive criticism so don't be shy, I don't bite! This plot has been bugging me for over a year now so since I had some free time…I decided to start writing it ^_^

~Review please~