This fanfic is based the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic which is owed by Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

In the deep underground caves of Ponyville, the Diamond Dogs were hard at work trying to search for what they loved best; gems.

The huge gray dog in the blue vest, who went by the name of Fido, was digging at the ground only to let out a groan of frustration when he discovered nothing but dirt. He then saw a big tunnel next to him, one that he never been through before and hoped there would be gems there so he entered.

The small brown dog in the black vest, who was named Spot, was still digging at the ground until he saw just what he was looking for; a small red ruby. He picked it up and handed it to his leader, a gray dog in a red vest who went by the name of Rover, but he could tell by Rover's face that he was not too happy with it.

"This is all you could find?" Rover asked in an infuriated tone, "One messily ruby?"

"Sorry Rover," Spot said, a bit nervous, "It's just that gems are not so easy to find as it use to be. If only we still had that gem finding pony, Rarity, then we would find lots and lots of gems."

As soon as Spot said that name, Rover grabbed him by his dog collar and pulled him close.

"Don't you dare mention her again," he shouted, "that pony was nothing but a spoiled little mule! I'm still trying to get the sound of her constant whining out of my head!"

"Yes sir," Spot nervously said as Rover let him go.

At that very moment, Fido came running towards the two screaming. He didn't see them as he was looking behind his shoulder as if something was chasing him and crashed right into them. Rover and Spot fell flat on the ground and Fido landed right on top of them.

"Get off me, you big ox," shouted Rover.

Fido quickly got to his feet and helped his two comrades up.

"What's the big idea trying to flatten us like that?" asked Spot.

Fido tried to say something, but all he could do was stammer.

"Well, spit it out already," said Rover impatiently

"There's a monster in that tunnel," Fido finally said as he pointed to the tunnel he was just in.

Rover and Spot were silent for a few seconds. And then, the two of them burst out laughing.

"I'm serious," said Fido, "I went into that tunnel, hoping I could find some gems, when I saw this big monster staring back at me. It had this big head with horns on top and a snake like body."

"Okay Fido," Rover said in a fake sympathetic tone, "we'll come with you and make that big bad monster go away."

The three Diamond Dogs walked into the tunnel with Rover and Spot in front while Fido was behind them, quivering in fear. They walked until Fido pointed to a corner at the far left of the cave.

"It's right there," he said, still shaking.

Rover and Spot walked towards the corner, while trying hard not to giggle. They knew Fido was a bit of a scardey dog, but they still went with this whole thing just to prove to him that there were no monsters in their cave. They came to the corner and started looking around.

"I don't see anything Fido," said Spot.

"Yeah, you were probably just seeing things," said Rover, "The darkness of these tunnels can play tricks on your eyes sometimes."

But then Rover turned around and saw a pair of eyes staring right back at him. They were the eyes of a big headed, snake like creature with horns on it's head, just like Fido said. Rover screamed, as did Spot and Fido when they saw the creature and Spot jumped right into Fido's arms.

Rover covered his head, fearing that the monster would try to bite it off, but then he noticed that the monster was not moving at all. It was just stood there with a still expression on it's face, looking like it was screaming with fright. Rover slowly tapped the monster on it's forehead, but it didn't move. Rover then saw that it's body was completely gray. Rover then let out a small sigh of relief and went to Fido, who was still holding onto a terrified Spot.

"Relax you two," he said, "It's not real. It's just a statue."

Fido had a confused look on his face as he dropped Spot onto the ground, who slowly got up and grumbled in anger for being dropped. Fido took a good look at the statue and let out a bit of an embarrassed chuckle. He also blushed a bit as Spot and Rover looked at him with faces that said that they were not too happy that he got them all worked up over nothing.

"Where did this thing come from?" asked Fido.

"I don't know," said Spot, "But it sure is weird looking."

The other two had to agree. The statue did look weird. Besides the big head, snake like body and horns, the statue had different shaped arms and legs. It's right arm looked like a lion's paw, while it's left arm looked like an eagle's talon. It's right leg looked like the leg that belonged to a lizard and it's left leg looked like the back leg of a deer. The statue also had two wings on it's back, one that looked like the wing of a giant bird and another that looked liked the wing of a bat. It also had a long tail with what looked like a puff ball at the end of it.

"Thanks for the scare, Ugly," Rover said as he patted the statue on the chest. But as he did this, Rover felt a small thumping coming from inside the statue. He told Fido and Spot to touch the statue, and they both said that they felt the thumping as well.

"It's almost like a heartbeat," said Fido.

"That's impossible," said Rover, "Statues can't have heartbeats. Can they?"

Spot tapped the statue where the thumping was, but he tapped too hard and his claw made a crack in the statue. The crack soon got bigger and bigger until it covered the whole statue which then began to shake. The dogs slowly backed away as the statue exploded into a cloud of dust in front of them. As the dust cleared, the dogs looked in shock at what was in the statue's place. It was the creature that the statue was made shaped as, only now it was moving.

"I'm free," said the creature, "Boy, does it feel good to be out of there. I can finally stretch my legs and wings and finally spread a little chaos."

The creature let out a huge triumphed laugh and then looked at the three Diamond Dogs, who stared at him in shock.

"Wait, you're not the royal guards," it said as he looked around the cave, "and this is definitely not the Canterlot garden. Guess Celestia didn't want to take any chances this time. Where exactly am I?"

"You're in the underground caves of Equestria," said Rover, a bit nervously, "it's where we look for gems."

"Gems huh?" the creature asked, "and who might you be, my little furry friend?"

"I'm Rover," said the scared yet confused dog as he then introduced his comrades, "This is Spot and Fido. We're Diamond Dogs. And may I ask, who or what are you?"

"Who am I" the creature said who sounded a bit insulted, "Who am I? You've never heard of me? Well, I guess being underground, you don't know much about what is going on up top. I am Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony."

"How did you get to be a statue?" asked Fido.

"That is quite simple." said Discord, "I was just minding my own business, spreading chaos all throughout Equestria, when these little ponies used their little Elements of Harmony to turn me into stone."

Discord paused for a few moments before asking, "Is there a way out of here? This place is far too dreary for me."

"Uh, this way," said Rover who lead Discord to a tunnel that brought them all the way to the surface.

Discord breathed in some fresh air and said, "What a beautiful day to spread some mayhem."

"So what type of powers do you have?" asked Spot who was a bit curious.

"Oh, just the usual stuff, you know," said Discord, "cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate milk, dancing buffalo, soapy streets, that sort of thing. But there will be time for that later. Right now, the only thing I'm interested in is revenge."

"Revenge?" the dogs all said in unison.

"Revenge," Discord repeated, "Revenge on those six little ponies who trapped me in stone and ruined all my fun. I still remember them all. Twilight Sparkle and her little magic of friendship," Discord shuttered as he said that, "Pinkie Pie and her little giggle fits. Quiet little Fluttershy. That so called tough pony, Rainbow Dash, that little bucking pony, Applejack, and of course, little Miss. Drama Queen, Rarity."

The dogs' ears perked up as they heard Discord say that last name.

"Did you say Rarity?" asked Rover.

"You've heard of her?" asked Discord.

"Yes, we've heard of her," said Fido, "We once captured her and forced her to use her unicorn powers to find gems for us."

"But she wouldn't stop whining or complaining," said Spot.

"And she cried over the littlest things," said Rover, "I called her a mule and she thought it meant I thought she was ugly."

"Well, looks like we all have a grudge against those ponies," said Discord, "which is why you'll be perfect to help me."

"Huh?" the dogs said together.

"You see, I have the perfect plan to get revenge on those ponies and take over Equestria at the same time," said Discord, "but I'm going to need some help, and you three are just what I need."

The Diamond Dogs were silent for a moment until Rover said, "What's in it for us?"

"Yeah," said Fido, " What do we get in return?"

"Well, I guess you'll want some kind of reward for your services," said Discord, "Let me think."

Discord thought about what kind of reward the dogs would really like when he saw a bunch of small pebbles on the ground and came up with an idea. H waved his hand across the pebbles and in their place were a bunch of gems.

The dogs eyed all of the different coloured gems and ran towards them. They picked them all up and big smiles were on their faces as they eyed them all.

"And there's plenty more where those came from," Discord said, "But only after you help me with my plan. So what do you say?

Rover looked up at Discord and went down on one knee and Spot and Fido did the same as he said, "What do you want us to do, Master Discord?"