Things were not going to go well. The girls looked over at me scared, damn, what am I going to do? I wondered. I could go Spidey on him… couldn't I? But then Liz and MJ would know... but aren't their lives more important than my secret? I groaned. Rhino laughed probably thinking I was uncomfortable. I gritted my teeth as he bounced me then threw me over his shoulder the girls under his other arm.

"Heh heh… I got Parker." Rhino said for the eighth time obviously pleased. I the girls were watching me eyes wide. I looked up and around. There were multiple pipes running down the hall, and I could see them so well even in the dark. I remember my spider vision, ha ha spider vision, instead of super vision, get it… never mind, being good but not that good. Now… if I only knew which… there!

"Rhino I think I hear Spider-Man ahead." I said less than convincingly. He looked forward causing the girls to look as well. I held out my hands webbing two large pipes and pulling down abruptly causing a loud thunk as they pulled free of their brackets and the ceiling.

"What-" Rhino turned dropping the girl and me as he put his hands up to shield himself from the super-heated air. I helped the girls up then crept down the hallway while Rhino was distracted.

"Peter, we're going to bump into something." MJ whispered. Rhino started yelling angrily he must have noticed we'd gotten away. My spider sense went off and I ducked as a section of wall went flying overhead pulling the girls down with me. I looked at the girls who were squinting to see my face.

"Petey, it's getting to dark, I can hardly see you." Liz said feeling my face. I looked down the hallway.

"That's ok." I said, I can see just fine. I thought, thank the Spider gods for Spider powers. The sounds of Rhino's rage were getting further away. I stopped and checked the girls.

"You girls ok?" I asked leading them into a short hallway that went off the larger branch of hall.

"I'm fine." MJ said, "How are you holding up Tiger?" MJ asked a sexy smile on her lips, Which would be so much sexier if she was looking at me.

"I'm good." I said, "Liz." Liz nodded, and then seemed to realize no one could see her well that no one she knew could see her.

"I'm fine Petey." Liz said. I nodded.

"Good. You guys stay here, I'm going to go call Spider-Man." I said. Liz grabbed my arm.

"No… please don't go, don't leave us." Liz said. I hesitated.

"Pete, it's not like you can get signal anyway." MJ joined in, "Just stay here, what if Rhino comes back? Its better if we aren't separated." MJ said reasonably. Liz was holding onto me as if I was the last life raft on the Titanic, and I couldn't possibly say no. I sighed then settled down beside the girls Liz curling up to me MJ resting her head on my shoulder.

I have to admit, this isn't bad. This place is probably crawling with bad guys and I should probably be fighting them… but is it so wrong to want to stay here. I wondered. I sighed closing my eyes. I felt a tickle on my leg, I went to scratch it and it ran up my pants till it was sitting directly on my knee staring at me with malicious looking eyes. It was pretty big considering, there were eight eyes and eight legs, its thick body pulsing while it locked eyes with me. It had long spindly legs and deadly looking bite. But the worse part I think was when it reached up to me pawing at the air and I saw the deadly red hourglass on the underside of the abdomen.

"Oh great." I breathed. The girls started at the sound of my voice. Liz gripped my shirt probably feeling my heart beat speed up. My arm around her tightened and MJ grabbed my hand.

"What is it?" MJ asked daring to speak first. The black widow gripped my pants and I extracted my hand from MJ's. I then took my arm out from around Liz and I focused on relocating the spider. I paused as I stared up at me. What if it got angry and bit one of the girls instead. I stared at the deadly arachnid on my pant leg then frowned.

"Please move… don't bite me." I said feeling foolish, the black widow just continued to look up at me.

"What is it?" Liz and MJ asked at the same time.

"A… spider… a black widow." I confided. Liz shrieked, the spider did not like this. It scurried up my pant leg and I took a breath. As it raced down to my crotch up the zipper over my t-shirt till it was sitting on my chest upon the bits of my shredded T-shirt.

"Petey." Liz made a move to grab onto me again her hands fumbling for me. I pushed her away.

"Don't touch me… it's on my chest." I warned Liz scooted a way MJ as well. I stared at the spider.

"Come on now… please calm down… it'll be fine." I said feeling even more ridiculous. The spider didn't move but continued to stare at me. I watched it eyes wide as it watched me it was a gaze I didn't dare break. Well if I die from a black widow bite… I must say, that would be ironic. I thought as I stared at the spider on my chest nearly going cross eyed.

"PETEY!" Liz yelled. I jumped Liz had been grabbed by Tinkerer who was looking around and wearing his white lab coat as usual. The lights came on abruptly and I stood up pulling MJ behind me.

"Let. Liz. Go." I said each word angrily. Tinkerer raised an eyebrow.

"Or what?" he asked gripping Liz's arm tighter, "You'll take a picture of me?"

"Tempting." I said, "But no." I grabbed the black widow from my chest probably scaring the poor thing, I winced hoping it wouldn't bite me I felt it's grippe legs clinging to the inside of my palms. I drew my arm back and threw the spider. I saw a thin strand of webbing as the spider tried to hold onto my hand. A black dot appeared on Tinkerer's coat, on the arm that was holding Liz. The spider started to move down Tinkerer's arm and toward Liz.

"No the other one!" I said frustrated. Like a spider could understand me insert sarcasm here. The spider though stopped, Tinkerer released Liz making a moved to squash the spider. The spider escaped by spinning a thread and while swinging from Tinkerer's sleeve attached to his pants. While Tinkerer was distracted by the charming black widow I grabbed Liz and MJ pushing them down the hall before I took Tinkerer out by swiping his legs out from underneath him. The black widow sat on Tinkerer's chest just had it had on mine a few seconds ago.

"Thanks I owe you one." Waved to the black widow pointlessly. I herded the girls down the hall now that the lights were on they seemed more eager to continue moving. I had to find a way out of this death trap then I had to figure out what they were planning. It wasn't like I could fight them either. I'd have to scrape by with luck until I had no choice but to reveal my spider powers. Vulture was walking down the hall confused and seemingly dazed he fell flat in front of us.

"Petey what did you do?" Liz asked confused.

"Nothing I didn't…"

"I did." I was interrupted. Black Cat slunk out of the shadows lazily and smiled a sexy smiled. I seemed to be getting a lot of those. She cartwheeled over to me and the girl stiffened.

"Parker is it?" she asked. I nodded.

"Peter Parker actually." MJ said beside me, "There is May Parker and Ben Parker…"

"Ben Parker… hmmm, it is a small world. Then again this is one island." Cat stretched lazily and front flipped kicking as if doing a cardio work out. I gritted my teeth.

"Look, we need to get out of here so…" I tried. Cat was suddenly in my face her hands all over my chest.

"Hmmm… not bad Parker… I'll get you out of here." Cat teased coming close, "But first you have to do something for me." Suddenly Cat was pushed away Liz standing angrily in front of me along with MJ.

"Look Kitty Kat, either you're going to help us or not." MJ said. Liz tightened her fists.

"If not, at least leave Pete alone, he already has a girl." Liz said. I blinked. Thanks Liz. I thought.

"Hmmm." Cat flipped cocked her head sticking her hip out and leaning against a wall, "Which is neither of you. How can I let something so…" she flipped over the girl's barricade and landed behind me, "scrumptious go." She went to grab me, on instinct I turned around and blocked her hands, she smiled.

"Nice moves Photographer." Cat said then she sighed, "I'll help you. But in exchange, tell the Spider that I still haven't forgiven him, and I'm going to be looking out for him." Cat said. I nodded.

"Consider your message received." I said. Cat smiled then put her hands on my shoulders and slunk up to me. She went for a kiss and I blocked her mouth with a hand, though admittedly I kinda did want to kiss her, after all I knew she was a good kisser.

"You're no fun." Cat pouted then released me and stretched once more slinking down the hall way and opening a door.

"For bad guys this place isn't too well protected. Probably has something to do with their ringleader being in jail thanks to Spidey, but go through here, there is a vent that will lead you out of the building. It comes out into the sewer so mind yourself. Go to the right and keep walking and there is a turn off that leads to a subway tunnel around a hundred yards. It will be on the left, I have a line there that you can use to get across or you can just wade through sewage. From there it's just a hundred or so feet to the left and you come out near Lexington. I think you'll be good from there." Cat smiled then she turned; "Now if you'll excuse me I have a prototype to steal."

"Thanks Cat we owe you one." I smiled. Then ushered the girls into the room.

"What did you say?" Cat asked turning. I froze… then turned.

"I owe you one." I said. Cat's eyes narrowed but with a groan from Vulture we both separated. I jumped into the vent then crawled back a ways checking around before popping back out and helping the girls up. The vent was a long endless one and I could smell the sewer not far off, not a pleasant smell let me tell you. I could hear sounds of a fight at one moment and I continually worried that the vents were going to break, sure they held Cat but in all honesty now there were three of us and I wasn't the heaviest guy ever but that also didn't make me as light and lithe as Cat. I frowned as the stench of the hit me full in the face as we came around a bend I suppressed a gag.

"I think I can smell the sewer." Liz said in a disgusted tone.

"Well at least it means we're almost there." MJ replied I could hear a bit of annoyance in her voice. I felt a damp humid breeze that smelled rank.

"Well if nothing else we're almost out." I said trying to come off as sarcastic but just sounding sick. I could see a little bit but no true light. Climbed out of the vent sliding down the wall using a bit of my spider powers to slow the decent. Liz poked her head out right after she heard me land.

"Is there a ledge?" She asked I stomped on the ledge going around the current of poo water.

"Yup. Come on down I'll help you." I said sticking one hand and a foot to the wall and helping her crawl out. She touched the wet walls trying to slow her fall. Then she grimaced.

"Gross." She frowned. I looked up for MJ as Liz touched the wall trying to keep away from the sewer water that was still making me gag. MJ had gloves on and even though she did she made a face as she slipped down the wall. I let go landing stealthily my sneakers barely making a noise as I landed. Then again that might have had something to do with the layer of grime covering the concrete. I turned to the right and then turned back to the girls.

"You should both but a hand on my shoulders. MJ put your right hand on my right shoulder, Liz your left on my left. Then you two hold each other's shoulders so that we don't get separated." I said. I felt them reach out and I pretended to grope my way along the wall. Sure I had super spider night vision, but they didn't need to know that. Note to self: find a spidey power that involves turning off the super spider smell. I thought trying not to gag, fortunately or unfortunately, the girls were having a similar problem. I just really hoped the rumors about alligators and crocodiles were just that; rumors. I was relatively sure that there wouldn't be, but at the same time I was worried about it since this was the area around the baddies hide out. I continued walking down the passageway waiting for something unexpected to happen counting on Murphy's Law to make something happen where we would be unable to continue our journey. Because of this the walk seemed ten times longer, eventually my eyes picked out Cat's zip line, a small orange glow barley blinking that looked like a cat eye. I reached up steading the line and testing it with my weight.

"Ok it looks like it will hold." I said holding it and offering it to Liz. Liz hesitantly took it. "You're going to have to hold onto it tightly when you go across. Build up a bit of momentum and point your toes in the direction you're going. When you hit the wall, if you hit the wall bend your knees so you don't jam or break any thing and try and slow down. Once you get over there you'll need to toss it back, throw it as hard as you can and I'll catch it."

"Petey can't you go first and catch me." Liz said. I paused then looked at MJ then back to Liz, the faint glow of orange casting a glow over everyone's features. I sighed.

"Can you hold onto me?" I said. "I'll swing you over then come back for MJ." I said. Even for how hardcore MJ was most of the time I could tell she was a little bit shaken up. Liz was pretty tough too they had proved that, but I was starting to think they were more worried about me than anything else. Liz nodded and I grabbed onto the zip line with one hand wrapping the other around Liz as we swung across. Spidey powers certainly came in handy during things like this. I dropped Liz off, and then swung back to MJ who grabbed onto me silently. So far so good, I didn't know how long my luck would last and I really wanted to get out of there.

A huge bang alerted me to the fact that my luck and just run out.

"Hey cutie." White hair flashed by, "You might want to start running."

Thank you for reading this chapter of AM. And thanks for all your support.

I guess I'll answer reviews now I got nothing better to do.

Jordililly777: Wow a bit of ALL CAPS RAGE going on. The update took a while but I hope you enjoy.

Blue-Rose: Here you go. I noticed you was being lazy.

SupernalGodzilla: I will, at least until summer comes and I am without a school provided lap top. The desktop only has a trial version of word. XP

KimiUzumaki: Naruto fan? Anway I'm glad you like the story, it took a while be not incredibly long wait since you just reviews a week or so ago… maybe a bit longer.

Con-San Out!