I've been itching to fill the fanfic100 prompt over on livejournal for awhile now but I've never had a pairing that I was interested in writing 100 prompts for. Now that I've fallen head over heels for Daryl/Andrea, I finally decided it was time to take the plunge. I'm so excited to explore all the potential aspects and sides to their characters and their relationships and I hope you'll stick with me as I go along.

Chapter lengths will mostly likely vary, as I'm not sure if I want to write more drabbles, ficlets, or actual full one-shots. In case you're curious about the prompt listing, you can just google fanfic100 challenge, though I will be going in chronological order rather than prompt order. It's best to start at the beginning, right? (No pun intended)


The first time, Andrea isn't drunk, not yet but almost, and Daryl tastes of whiskey.

The first time, Andrea has drying tear tracks on her face and Daryl has dirt under his nails.

The first time happens after Daryl and Rick spend the day digging a grave; the day they laid Sophia to rest.

The first time is about release.

The first time, they end up in his tent, clawing and grappling at each other like drowning men with a life preserver.

The first time is harsh, raw, and primal; all clashing teeth, rough hands, and animal instincts.

The first time is rushed and a bit uncomfortable; the zipper of a sleeping bag pressing into her back, his fingers gripping tight enough to bruise.

The first time, the rest of the world fades away when they come together.

The first time, it's easy to forget the things they've seen and the things they've done; the mistakes that they've made and the opportunities they've missed.

The first time, Andrea cries—for Sophia, for Carol, for Amy, for Carl, for the Greenes, for Otis, for Rick and Lori and for their unborn child, for her parents, for her friends, for herself, for Merle and for Daryl.

The first time, Daryl falls asleep holding her, face pressed into her hair.

The first time, they wake together the next morning with heavy eyes and weary, wary smiles.

The first time could have been the only time—

—it was a fresh start instead.