AN: This is my first ever fan fic and I am hoping that you all like it. I am not afraid to listen to ideas. As of right now I do not know any of the pairings. All I know is that Naruto will never be with anyone that is more than five years older than him or Sakura, Ino, Temari, or Tenten. I would be fine with anyone else or even a harem. Just review my story and I will think about any suggestions you may have.
I was planning on bringing in a couple of the other jinchuuriki during the chunin exam arc. Let me know if you want any other well known characters to come in for the exams.
"Normal Talking"
'Normal Thinking'
"Upper Being/Biju Talking"
"Jutsu(English Translation)"unless I don't know the Japanese name.
'Upper Being/Biju Thinking'
Disclaimer: I don't own any part, character or jutsu from 'Naruto'.
Chapter 1: A New Challenge
It was a late night and around the village the villagers seemed at peace, as if nothing around could bother them. That is, all of them but one, and this one seemed the most out of place in the seemingly peaceful place. This one person is none other than Naruto Uzumaki. This young, blond boy was found running for his life towards the forest. As he passed you could hear the voices of villagers scream at him lines like "Get back here demon!""We are going to finish the Yondaime's job!"
Naruto Uzumaki is a young, spiky-haired blond 12 year-old boy with three vertical birthmarks in the shape of whiskers on each cheek. The young boy wore a bright orange and blue jumpsuit that's color could only be described as 'kill me orange'. He walked around in black ninja sandals with what looked to be a pair of small blue goggles on his forehead.
Naruto was running for his life for what seemed like the hundredth time. He always wondered why everyone hated him. He never did anything to them that couldn't be washed away or be replaced. So why did they hate him? He was so into his thoughts he never noticed his surroundings changing into the deep recesses of the very forest he was running to for cover.
Settling out of his haze Naruto noticed the change in environment and began to settle down. He escaped another beat for the hundredth time in his life. Seeing how it was still somewhat early in the evening he decided to go around the forest to his favorite spot for comfort, the hokage monuments.
Arriving on scene Naruto came to find himself on his favorite spot in the entire village. As he was looking over the edge of his hero's face he contemplated why it was the villagers hated him. It was another year he would get attacked on the day of his birthday, October 10th, the day of the Kyuubi attack all those 12 years ago. Little did he know that just out of site there was a pair of green, slitted eyes in the shadow watching him with rapt attention while hiding in the very woods he just escaped from.
As Naruto was thinking when he suddenly felt like he should turn around only to see himself face to face with a little orange and red fox with green, slitted eyes staring at him with open attention. Just as he had time to notice, he looked over the fox to see that the little kit looked to be only a few weeks old with white tipped ears and a white tipped tail.
The little kit just started at Naruto for what seemed like hours, as was only minutes, before it went up to him and nestled itself into Naruto's lap, perfectly content with just laying there. That was, until the heard the scream of a man yelling, "Look, the demon found its own kind. Let's take care of the little demon and its pet right here and now!"
Just as he heard this scream, Naruto turned himself to the clearing to see that the mob he had been running from looking at him with clear disdain and hatred in their eyes. As soon as he saw this, the little orange kit jumped out of his lap and ran for the forest. Not knowing what else to do, Naruto took off after the little kit searching for any way out of this. As he kept running he noticed the kit was leading him into and old abandoned house out of the sight of the village. Just as he was about to grab the fox and run away, Naruto noticed the little kit running through what looked to be a small doggy door. Wondering why this house had a doggy door, Naruto crawled through it himself and came out on the other side to find the kit looking at him with its head cocked to the side waiting for him to finally get the rest of the way into the house.
Now getting a good look at the house Naruto noticed something strangely familiar about this house. As he looked around he found it to be a quiet, humble home with ten bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen that was all well placed in a three story country home with a basement that left Naruto to curiously wonder what was down there as it was seemingly locked tight. In the first eight bedrooms all Naruto found was what were normal, comfortable looking, queen sized beds with bedside tables with lamps on them, dressers on the other side of the room along with what look to be decent sized walk in closets. Then coming upon the ninth room, Naruto had a feeling of nostalgia as he walked into what must have been the master bedroom. The bed was a long, white, cotton king-sized bed. On both sides of the bed were more bed side tables. On one there was a picture of what appeared to be a young, pregnant, red haired woman holding her stomach. Standing next to her was what appeared to be a tall, young, blond haired man with strong blue eyes that seemed like they were staring into your very soul.
While Naruto was staring at the picture in a haze, he was barely able to make out the sounds of a young voice speaking to him.
"Huh? Hello? Who's there? I didn't know anyone lived here, I am sorry for intruding." While saying this Naruto was wondering who he was talking to and how he didn't sense them when he entered the house.
While he was musing to himself he didn't think to look down to see a young grey-blue colored wolf pup staring up at him with curious eyes. Just as Naruto was about to speak again he heard the young voice only this time a little louder. "Hello? I'm down here."
Startled Naruto look down only to see the wolf pup. He was starting to question his sanity until he heard to young voice again. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"
This time staring at the pup Naruto openly expressed his thought, "Ok, now I know I'm going crazy. I swear to kami that this little wolf pup was talking to me."
"But I was talking to you." Startled by the revelation Naruto looked down on the pup again started to wonder how he was talking to it until another question came to his mind, "What are you doing here little guy, shouldn't you be with your pack?" Knowing enough about canine families thanks to his classmate Kiba, Naruto knew that without a pack a young wolf pup wouldn't last very long by itself unless it was able to somehow find its own way of getting food and water.
After hearing his question the little pup looked down at the floor and returned to say, "I wish I was but not too long after I was born my pack was forced to leave me because of some hunters coming to collect our furs."
After hearing this Naruto's heart strings were pulled for the little pup as he too lost his parents when he was young. Another questing then came to Naruto's mind as he stared at the now solemn pup, "Why are you here and how did you find me?"
Listening to Naruto the young pup decide to give him an answer, "I was waiting for my friend here and I thought I smelt her when I was coming up here and when I saw you I became curious because you still smell like her."
"What do you mean I smell her? And who are you talking about?" Naruto decided to ask.
"He was talking about me." Looking around to find another young voice, albeit much softer, to find that it was coming from the doorway. Naruto was astonished to find the little orange fox kit that he was following earlier walking into the room. Just as it g had gotten halfway to him the kit decided to sit down on its haunches and stared up at Naruto before it started to talk again. "And what he meant when he said that you smelled like me is that he means that you smell like a fox."
Getting confused at the statement Naruto stared at the kit for a moment before finally expressing his thoughts, "What do you mean I smell like a fox, until today I have never been around a fox? And why are you two here and why am I able to talk to you?"
By now the pup and the kit were also curious as to why his scent was that of a fox until they caught the second question as the kit decided to answer for them, "We don't know why you smell like a fox or how you can talk to us, but we do know that we are here because we were both abandoned and have nowhere else to go." It finished with a bit of a downbeat town.
'So they're like me. They are lonely and don't have any other family,' Naruto thought sadly. As he kept thinking he remembered something he heard while walking down the street one day a few weeks ago about the Inuzuka and their ninkin dogs. How he heard them he didn't even know even though he has always had a sense of smell and hearing on par with if not better than most of the Inuzuka clan members. Remembering that if ninja had animals they could possibly be trained into ninkin, he made his decision, "If you two want you could always come and stay with me in the village."
As if answering their prayer to get away from the loneliness, the pup and the kit decided o agree as to now they would finally have somebody.
Thinking about it Naruto didn't have any idea how to train ninkin. Knowing that old man hokage probably had a book on it or something he decided to go see the old man. Yet, looking outside Naruto noticed how long he had been at the house talking to the young kit and pup. Looking outside he found the sky to have become pitch black. Knowing that it was too late to try to walk home now, especially since he didn't know if the villagers were still hunting him down, Naruto decided that he could talk to the hokage tomorrow and set off to one of the other rooms to go to sleep for the night seeing no other option.
Settling in one of the other beds in the house Naruto got under the sheets as the kit and pup spread out on the bed before quickly going to swift unconsciousness.
Right after falling into unconsciousness Naruto seemed to find himself in what looked to be an old sewer with large blue pipes running up and down the walls. In between those pipes were significantly larger red pipes that all look to be coming from one direction. Deciding to follow the pipes to where they came to join, Naruto found himself standing in front what looked to be a giant gate with no foreseeable top or end as he was standing in what was about 4" of water.
Looking around, Naruto noticed that the gate had some sort of tag on the entrance where a lock should be. Looking closely he found to tag to have a kanji symbol for "seal" on it.
"So my container finally decides to pay me a visit."
Startled, Naruto looks into the bars to see two large, red, slitted eyes looking back at him. Deciding he want to know what was going on Naruto decided to find out, "Who are you and where am i?"
"Oh my simple-minded container, we are in your mind. To answer your other question I am the all great and almighty Kyuubi no Kitsune!" Roared the mighty fox as looked down at the shell shocked Naruto.
"How can you be the Kyuubi! The Yondaime killed the Kyuubi!" Naruto yelled. Not wanting to accept that the Kyuubi was alive.
"Poor fool, you can't come to believe that the truth was kept from you to help you, can you? The Yondaime just sealed me in a child. That child just so happens to be you, kit." The Kyuubi watching in amusement as the words flickered through Naruto's head while he tried to process what the great fox just told him.
To Naruto this explained so much. 'The glares, the beatings, the rejection… They all make sense now… But I know I am not the fox, how can they not see that…'
As these thoughts were going through his head the Kyuubi watched trying to gauge his reaction to see how he would react to the news. He was just about to speak when he heard Naruto's voice…
"They're stupid…"
"What was that kit?" The Kyuubi asked, still trying to figure out the blond kid's reaction as his hair was keeping his eyes hidden in the dark.
"I said they're stupid!" Naruto yelled, finally lifting up his head showing the fire and determination in his eyes," They treated me like a demon because of what's in me, but they don't even try to get to know me thinking that I was just you! If they weren't so stupid they would realize that I am no more an almighty demon as you are a petite little house cat!"
Surprised by his reaction, the Kyuubi asked the first thing that came to his mind, "So what are you going to do about it. Are you just going to sit around and take it or are you going to show them how wrong they are and show the world that you are no longer its puppet."
Thinking on what to say Naruto stood tall and looked straight into the great demon's eyes, "I'm going to show them just who they're messing with and show them how different I am from you using my own power! I am going to show them how much of a dead last I am and show them that I will protect this village with all my might! I am going to get stronger than anyone before me ever was and become the greatest hokage ever! Believe it!"
As Naruto finished his rant he never noticed the Kyuubi's smirk as it said, "Good, don't let go of your dreams and show them the true power of the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki." Saying this, the Kyuubi noticed that in the outside world the sun had started to rise in the east signifying that a new day would soon be upon them.
"Now go kit, a new day is coming and it is time to show your true potential." Just after he said this, the physical form of Naruto shimmered back into his own reality. As he saw this, the Kyuubi had one last thought before finally going back to rest, 'Go show them your potential kit, show the world what it means to mess with the great Kyuubi no Kitsune!'
Waking up Naruto noticed the sleeping kit's and pup's forms before looking outside and seeing the rising son. Remembering that he needed to go see the hokage this morning he got up to pick up the kit and pup then head back to his apartment to take a shower.
While he was heading home he was happy to see that not many people were up yet so he was not receiving many glares. Finally getting home to his apartment he made sure that everything was the same as he left it. He was happy to realize that everything was ok.
He didn't live in the nicest of places, sure, but it was still his and he was proud of it. As he looked around he remembered all of the things left that he still had to fix. The paint on the walls were chipped and pealing, some of the floor boards were loose with rusty nails, instant ramen cups all on the floors with clothes and his lumpy old mattress still need to either be fixed, replaced, or cleaned up.
Sighing as he looked through his clothes he noticed the kit start to wake up and decided to ask her something that he forgot to ask during their encounter the day before. "I almost forgot to ask, what are yours and the pup's names?" He asked curiously remembering that he never brought that up with them yesterday.
Looking back he noticed the small kit's head hang down just before she answered him. "We never learned our names before our previous families abandoned us."
Looking at them with furrowed brows and a sad look in his eyes, Naruto tried to figure out how he could fix this simple problem. As he kept thinking he finally formed a small smile and he asked his question, "How about I name you two then?" He said as he noticed the small look of joy and hope in the young kit's eyes as the young pup was finally starting to stir. "Then how about this, I will name you," he said pointing to the little orange kit, "Akajima (Red Streak) and you," as he pointed to the small blue-grey wolf pup, "Gurēfōsu (Grey Force)."
As he said this the small kit and pup look at him for a second before finally acting and jumping on him, filled with joy finally being named after so long in their point of view. They stayed like this until Naruto got up, picking up Akajima and Gurēfōsu before putting them in his jacket to prepare to walk to the hokage's office.
As he got the rest of his supplies seeing as he had to go to the academy after his meeting he finally set off for his first stop of the day.
Looking out the window at the peaceful day, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime hokage, was thinking about his favorite blond knucklehead while he waited for the bane of his and every other kage's existence, paperwork. Wondering what the boy was doing didn't last long as he look up when he heard his door being thrown open. On the other side was none other than his favorite blonde, orange wearing knucklehead.
Hiruzen was an old man with short white hair. He was proud old man who was wearing a long red robe that reached past his feet while wearing a red and white hat with the kanji for fire in the middle of it. The proud man, when in his prime, was once known as the ever famous 'God of Shinobi', or also known as the 'Professor'. He was known and respected across all of the elemental nations as a strong and brilliant man is well known for promoting the 'Will of Fire' to the new and upcoming genin of each year.
"Hello Naruto, what can I help you with today? You do remember that you have to go to the academy today, don't you?" Hiruzen asked in a kindly voice while his attention was focused on the only other person in the room.
Naruto stared at the old hokage for a minute before he opened up his jacket and a small furry orange ball and a small furry grey ball rolled onto the desk right in front of Sarutobi.
Wondering what was going on Hiruzen was about to ask Naruto when he saw the orange ball sprawl out and blink at him with small slitted green eyes. He saw as the orange ball was actually a little fox and look over to see that the grey ball unfurled to show that it was actually, in fact, a small grey wolf pup with small brown eyes. As he watched as the kit and pup get up and took a glance at Naruto before asking, "So, Naruto, I see you have some little pets. Now will you please tell me why they are here and what you want?"
Naruto look at Hiruzen for a second before responding, "I found these two in a house on the hokage monuments last night while I was… exploring the forest. I found out that I could somehow talk to them and asked them if they wanted to come with me and named them Akajima and Gurēfōsu. I wanted to know if you had any books or anything on how to train normal animal into ninkin and if you knew how I was able to talk to them."
Sarutobi sighed; he knew that at least some of this explanation was going to be pointless as he didn't know too much besides the fact that it wasn't a kekkai genkai from either of his parent. So it probably had something to do with his 'tenant'. Getting ready to answer him he heard one sentence he was not ready to hear yet from the boy, "I know about the fox."
Sarutobi was shocked, the boy knew about the fox? Since when has he known and how does he think of the whole thing? But first he had to get one question out of the way, "Who told you and how long have you known?"
Sighing, Naruto had to get this over with quick. "I found out last night. After I talked to Akajima and Gurēfōsu, I fell asleep and found myself in my mind talking to the fox about my seal and what I am going to do with my new knowledge."
Now Hiruzen was curious. Not only had the boy talked to the fox, he also didn't let his emotions out like he thought Naruto would. He was getting more and more curious as the boy talked about his conversation with Kyuubi until they got to the point of Naruto's reply. He was proud to know that the boy didn't think of himself as the demon and only as the container. So growing curious he finally asked the boy what his response to the Kyuubi was.
"I told him that I would just have to prove the villagers wrong and show them how great I am and protect them with all of my power to let them know that I am not the demon, but I am me, Naruto Uzumaki. I am the one and only jinchuuriki to the nine-tailed demon fox, the Kyuubi no Kitsune. I am going to prove my will to protect and be the strongest ninja and greatest hokage ever! Believe it!" He said it with so much fire and determination in his voice that Hiruzen could do nothing but believe in this boy. He knew he was going far and that nothing could stop him.
Thinking about what Naruto just said made Hiruzen say the first thing that came to his mind, "Naruto, I only want you to know that I am proud of your decision and support you all of the way." Thinking about what Naruto asked him about the talking to the fox and wolf and the request for a scroll on how to train ninkin, the old man got up from his desk and walked over to one of the shelves and pulled down a scroll before handing it to Naruto, "Naruto, this is a scroll on how to train ninkin from normal animals. As for the talking to the animals, I can't think of a single kekkai genkai that allows that. The closest one I can think of is the Inuzuka's more focused hearing and enhanced sense of smell, but they still can't talk to their partners. So I would consider talking to the Kyuubi about the possibility of it giving you a kekkai genkai when it was sealed into you to see if he was the cause. Other than that I have nothing other to offer you than to say good luck and I know you can do it." The hokage finished with a proud smile and his hand on the boys shoulder before walking back to his desk. He turned around at his desk before seeing that Naruto was still there looking at him with a sheepish grin and a hand scratching the back of his head.
"Did you need something else Naruto?" Sarutobi asked wondering what else to boy wanted.
"Heh he… I was just wondering if you could go with me real quick to get some new clothes before going back to the academy. I really don't feel like being over charged. I love my jumpsuit and all but I figured if I was going to start being more serious that I would need something that wasn't such a sign saying 'Hey! Come kill me! I'm and idiot' when I go on missions do I?" Hiruzen was happily surprised to see that Naruto was actually going to be taking this serious from now on. Deciding that the boy had a good point, he followed him to the clothing shop to get some new clothes before dismissing him back to the academy to go through the day.
Back at the academy, the students were just getting back from their lunch break to begin their next set of lessons. As they were about to start the lesson, the class sensei, Iruka Umino, was starting to worry about a certain blonde knucklehead knowing exactly what yesterday was.
Iruka Umino is a 22 year-old chunin of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He is shown to be a medium sized brown haired man that was drawn back in his pony tail. He has dark eyes and a scar across his nose showing what can happen on the battlefield in the shinobi world. He is one of the few people of the Leaf village that don't look at Naruto with hate and scorn. He knows and believes that Naruto is not the fox and should be treated like a normal human.
With growing concern he was about to begin the lesson when he heard the all too familiar sound of the door opening. He was about to turn around and greet the new arrival when he caught the sight of the golden blonde hair. He was about to yell at the blonde when he looked at him again and stopped in his tracks.
Hinata Hyuuga was another person worrying about our favorite blond wondering where he was. Hinata is a short, dark blackish blue haired shy, gentle girl with two short bangs shaping her face. She has lavender colored pupil less eyes that show her of being one of her clan. She is known as the Hyuuga clan heiress, and in the eyes of her clan, a true weakling and failure that shows too much kindness. She wears a light beige jacket that she wore to not reveal her early developed body.
Before she could worry on more though she heard the door open and began to look towards it. As she did she drew a huge blush on her face that was forever known around her classmates as 'Hinata red'. But the reason why she was blushing wasn't because someone was at the door, no, it was because who was at the door. At the door was none other than Naruto Uzumaki, and surprisingly he wasn't wearing his 'kill me orange' jumpsuit.
No, Naruto was now wearing a new outfit that no one had ever seen him in. He still had his spiky blond hair but what was new was that he wasn't wearing his goggles anymore and his hair hung to just above his eyes. Along with the loss of his goggles he changed his pants; he now wore dark blue colored ninja slacks that ended right before his ankles. On his top half he dropped his orange and blue jacket and was only wearing his black muscle shirt with a burnt orange swirl on the front. All in all he looked much better and the students were shocked to know that the dead last actually had some muscle under his stupid orange jumpsuit.
As Naruto walked into the class, you could see Iruka's teacher's assistant, Mizuki, staring at Naruto with clear disdain and hatred which he hurried to cover up.
Mizuki was a white haired chunin around the same age as Iruka wearing, like Iruka, the standard issue chunin flak jacket and long-sleeved blue shirt. He wore the normal dark blue ninja pants that are worn by most Leaf village shinobi.
Naruto was stopped by Iruka before he could take his normal seat over by Sasuke. When he looked at Iruka he noticed he was about to ask a question and just waited so he could answer it and go sit down.
"Hey Naruto, where have you been all day! You missed the first half of the lessons today! You better have a good reason for being over three hours late!" Yelled Iruka as he expected Naruto to complain, whine, get angry and say that he just didn't feel like coming in today. But what he didn't expect was that when Naruto answered, not only did he not complain, whine, or get angry, but he looked straight into Iruka's eyes and answered him in a calm voice.
"I was talking to old man hokage about a few things and then he went with me so I could get some new clothes. I didn't feel like walking around anymore with a jumpsuit that screamed 'Hey! Kill me! I am an idiot!' So he agreed to go with me to get some new clothes… at a fair price." At the end he finished it with a quieter voice so only Iruka could hear him.
Not only did this shock Iruka that Naruto decided to change his clothes, but it also shocked him to know that not only did Naruto think far enough ahead to have the hokage go with him to get new clothes but he also was at the hokage's office without the need of getting caught during a prank. That got him wondering what he needed to talk to him about. Just as he was thinking this a little orange head popped out of the top of Naruto's shirt and made a huge yawn. Wondering what it was until it jumped out of his shirt and onto Naruto's head did Iruka realize what it was. That was when he noticed it was a little orange fox kit. This got him wondering what it was doing with Naruto.
"Naruto, why do you have a little fox with you?" Hearing this everybody in the class returned their attention to the blonde to notice the little kit on his head. It took all of the girls' willpower not to scream out cute and glomp the poor little fox.
"Oh, her? She is just one of the three things that I needed to talk to the old man about." Answered Naruto; knowing that there was still a lot about his talk with the hokage that he couldn't mention around the normal village population. Putting that aside for now he reached into his pocket and pulled out the stirring Gurēfōsu to show to Iruka. "And this little guy was number two."
The next thing they knew Gurēfōsu was gone and in the corner were screeching Ino and Sakura fighting over the poor pup.
Sakura Haruno is a young long, pink haired girl that has a long Chinese styled red dress that has a small slit on the sides to still allow mobility shall she need to run. She was a big fore headed girl that used to always talk with her former best friend, Ino Yamanaka, until they discovered that they both were going after the same boy for their affections, Sasuke Uchiha.
Ino Yamanaka is a small platinum blond haired girl in the style of a pony tail with a single large bang shaping the left side of her face. She is from the famous clan of mind walkers that was famous for their interactions in the Leaf's I&T Department. She wore a purple, short sleeved baggy shirt with a purple skirt. She had bandages on her stomach and thighs along with long white arm warmers that led from her wrists to just above her elbows.
"He's mine Ino-pig!"
"No he's mine Forehead Girl!"
"Eh… girls I don't think he is either of yours" Said Iruka, trying to play peacekeeper while at the same time trying not to go deaf from the constant screeching.
"Why not Iruka-sensei," Huffed Sakura as she had a death grip on the poor pup who was trying to stay conscious.
"Because he's mine Sakura." Naruto said as he went to pull the pup from out of Sakura's arms only for her to turn around and huff.
"Why would he want a loser like you to be his owner instead of me? At least I would be able to feed him every day since at least I have parents." She screeched. Just after she finished her statement everyone in the room felt the temperature drop. They realized that the reasoning was Naruto as everyone look at him as he had his hair over his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.
"That was a low blow Sakura…" Everyone in class felt a shiver at the low, cold tone in Naruto's voice when he spoke, "and the reason why I said that he is mine instead of yours is because I am the one who found him and if you put him down you would see that he would rather be with me than a screeching bitch like you!" He finished with a harsh tone of voice that was unheard of from the usual jolly, blonde knucklehead.
Everybody in the class was gaping at him as if he grew a second head, as they have never heard him bad mouth Sakura this way, or at all, before. Wasn't this the same boy who had a crush on the pink haired banshee?
While this was going on, Iruka wasn't sure what to think right now. He was wondering if he should be proud of Naruto for finally sticking up for himself, or mad at him for stopping a lesson and using such vile language in front of the class. In the end, he decided not to do anything as he watch Sakura drop the pup as Naruto picked him up and went up to his normal seat right next to Sasuke, who was watching in slight interest for the entire scene.
Now, Sasuke Uchiha is a young 12 year-old like the rest of his class. He comes from the once prominent Uchiha clan that was four years earlier massacred by his older brother, the prodigy of the Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha. He wore a dark blue shirt with a red and white fan shape on his back, the Uchiha clan crest, that went along with his, as Naruto would say, 'duck butt' shaped brunette hair. He wore white shorts and had an arrogant attitude about himself along with a pair of white, blue trimmed arm warmers that went just past his elbows.
Sighing, Iruka decided to just leave it be and continue with the lesson.
For the rest of the day nobody spoke and the classes went smoothly. Naruto wasn't nearly as loud and he seemed to be trying harder as for his target practice he got 6 out of 10 for both kunai and shuriken. As they continued, Iruka wasn't sure what to think of the way that Naruto was acting during the lessons. Instead of sleeping and not paying attention like what was considered normal, he was calm and attentive and basically dragged in every word that was said to him throughout the day. Although as soon as the lesson ended he was back to his normal knuckle-headed self, yelling and telling jokes and saying that he would be the greatest hokage ever.
This new Naruto was an enigma to Iruka. It was a new Naruto but at the same time he didn't change at all. What changed in the little blonde knucklehead? He couldn't figure him out, but whatever sprung on inside of Naruto's mind apparently kicked him into high gear.
Now that he thought about it, he was proud. The known idiot knucklehead was now testing his potential. Iruka could honestly say that he couldn't wait to find out what his true potential is. Yet, at the moment there was only one thing on the mind of everyone's favorite ninja academy sensei.
"Whatever you did Naruto, I hope you are happy because you made us proud to know that you have finally decided to act. Please, show this naive village their faults and show them what you are really like. Show them your potential and show them what this village means to you, because I can honestly say Naruto… I am proud of you and I believe that you can do anything you can put your mind to."
AN: I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of The Feral King. Please keep reading and let me know what you think. I will try to update once a week.