AN: This is a series of 'hot' ONE SHOTS that's a shout out to the time poor, commitment phobes, those who loath waiting for updates as much as I do and readers who want to get to the 'goods' without wading through those pesky plots, set ups and background information. Some are smutty, some angsty, some angry, some tensiony, some romancey, some emotional - and some will be more than one chapter in which case I'll break them into parts so it will be clear.
Enjoy :)
Set season 12.
They were running down the internal staircase, her heels echoing through the confines with each step. One flight, two flights, three flights and she saw the charcoal door with the EXIT sign illuminated.
He had glanced over his shoulder to ensure she wasn't far behind. His footwear enabled him to be a lot faster than hers. He waited a few beats for her to catch up before he pushed open the emergency exit bar and the cold night air slammed into them like a wall.
She was in a cocktail dress in the dead of winter and her coat was still inside. There had been no time to salvage it. Her purse concealing her weapon had also been abandoned.
She barely made it two steps outside when Elliot stopped abruptly in his tracks and she practically rammed into his back. She heard his breath catch and her stomach dropped at the possibility of what he'd seen. That's when he turned, grabbed her by the upper arms and pushed her up against the harsh brick of the alley wall.
It was rough as hell against the bare skin of her back and the cold only amplified the harsh burn. The back of her head connected with the wall and her mouth opened, moaning her discomfort. His eyes connected with hers for a millisecond and she had seen the panic in those pools of blue. Moments later he was leaning in and his lips crashed onto hers. Her mind spiralled; he'd used her open mouth as an advantage, pulling her bottom lip between his.
She couldn't feel the cold anymore.
He moved in, his body pressing her further against the wall and she felt her skin scrape against the brick but she didn't care. One hand raked through her hair while the other grasped her waist holding her steadily.
He seized her top lip between his and without thinking she opened her mouth to him. Her stomach dropped when he eagerly reciprocated opening his mouth and taking her. Her arms, which hung in limbo, made motions, one snaking around his neck the other framing the side of his face as he deepened the kiss.
She knew what this was, this was a survival tactic, a diversion, someone was there and had seen them, it had to be. But she could care less.
Right now she should be frantically analysing the threat possibility and readying herself for a potential showdown but all she could do was stand there and welcomely let Elliot take her. His lips pulled away from hers and began kissing down her jaw line until he reached the base of her ear. She could breathe again, short, sharp, ragged breaths that clouded in front of her.
"9 o'clock Banebridge, he still there?" He murmured into her neck and his warm breath felt welcomely heated.
She turned her head a little further to get a better view, giving him greater access to her neck. She felt his rough lips trail across the smoothness and she willed her eyes to remain open. She saw Nathan Banebridge talking to his buddies at the end of the alley. They weren't looking in their direction but could have easily spotted them.
"Uh huh," she managed and her barely coherent response seemed pathetic but words were not forthcoming at this point. He pushed his lips into her neck then hitting a sensitive spot and her eyes slipped shut. She wanted to moan.
"If he recognises us," Elliot mumbled between kisses but he didn't need to finish. She knew what Nathan was capable of, their cover had been blown inside the club and he'd take great satisfaction bringing two cops down.
As Elliot's lips continued to work her neck, she grasped his bicep for stability, forcing her eyes open. As they flickered against the street light she saw Nathan turning in their direction and she moved quickly facing Elliot.
"El, he's-" she managed but he'd already captured her lips again, his hand framing her face to block potential recognition.
His lips were rough and he kissed her with a confidence that knocked the wind out of her. His hand at her waist slid down over her hip and grasped her upper thigh. Her eyes opened and she watched him with avid curiosity as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Without warning his leg moved between hers and his upper thigh incidentally pressed between her legs. The moan escaped her lips before she could control it and it was muffled by his mouth.
She could tell he had registered the moan because his lips had turned slightly upward as he continued the kiss. The bastard was smiling. She knew in that moment she was screwed. All of his actions had been for the benefit of their audience but her weak moan had only been for them.
His hand framing her face skimmed down her jaw line and over her collarbone and for a moment she thought he was going to continue the downward path over her breast. Instead he moved it to the side of her torso, his thumb skimming the outside of her breast as it slid down to her waist.
Her nipples were as hard as hell. If the cold night air wasn't bad enough, his near grope would have sealed the deal. His chest was pushing against hers and she knew he'd be able to feel her reaction through the cotton of his shirt.
His kisses were rough and unyielding and her lips were starting to burn but she didn't care. All she could think about was his tongue and what she would give to feel it in her mouth right now, gliding against hers. Fuck. There was no logical reason for that, everything he was doing to her had a visual purpose. His hands, his lips, his body all making hers respond far too well to him.
Her mind was spinning at what was happening right now. Twelve years of glances, platonic touches and a couple of brief embraces, and now here she was; pressed up against a wall while her partner went to town on her.
Her heart was racing at just how far he was taking this, taking her. He'd kept his lower half at a safe distance but his hands didn't need to be on her thigh and his leg certainly didn't need to be wedged between hers. He also didn't really need to be kissing her like that... did he? She was trying to rationalize his actions in her mind but when his teeth clamped down on her bottom lip, her restraint slipped definitively out of her grasp. If he was going to push the envelope, then so would she.
She moved quickly, her arms encircling the back of his head pulling him closer and sliding her tongue into his open mouth. He moaned in surprise, the sensation vibrating against her lips and it hit her hard between the legs.
His lower half crashed into hers and when his erection pushed into her hip, her breath caught in shock. She thought for a moment he'd move away out of embarrassment but he stayed against her, hard and urgent. His tongue slid into her mouth and when it met with hers she practically whimpered rocking her lower half against his.
A low rumble escaped his throat, almost sounding like he was in pain and suddenly his lower half was coming off hers. He grasped her hip suddenly, holding her against the wall so their lower halves no longer touched and he continued to kiss her. She thought for a moment he was going to put on the breaks but his hand was now moving north across the plains of her stomach.
She felt light headed as his hand continued his ascent up her body until it finally closed over her breast. Jesus. He squeezed her gently and she pulled her lips from his to catch her breath, her eyebrows knotting together at the sheer intensity of it all.
She turned her head to the side, her eyes drifting to a close as he thumbed her erect nipple through the silk dress. She groaned and arched her back into his palm. His lips found her neck again and he kissed her hard. Her eyes flittered open and as she took in the sight to her left it hit her like a ton of bricks. The men had vacated the alley and they were officially alone. The disappointment smothered her.
Elliot continued to nip at her neck and she wondered if she just closed her eyes again would it really be so bad? Did he really have to know what she'd just seen? Couldn't she just wait a few minutes until he figured it out for himself? Fuck. Her conscience was taking over now and it was the prospect of impending sleep deprivation and culpability that made her reluctantly give in.
Her mouth opened to say something when she felt his hand skim up her thigh, dragging the hem of dress with it. Her heart began racing at thoughts of what he would do and dear god she wanted to find out. If she just waited one more minute – 30 seconds even – she tried bargaining with herself.
His hand drew higher up the outside of her thigh and paused letting his thumb run over satin of her panties at her hip. His teeth sunk into her neck and she felt his thigh wedge further between her legs, spreading them in the process, causing a rush of pleasure at the contact. When his thumb slid under the material at her hip she bit her lip to stop the moan from escaping.
Fuck. She couldn't do this. She couldn't let this go on. She couldn't deal with the sleepless nights and the repressed anger that would ensue. This would only drive a bigger wedge between them if she didn't end this now. As his thumb swiped beneath the satin at her hip and his fingers closed around the waistband her eyes snapped open.
"Elliot, stop."
The words had come out in a breath and his lips stilled on her neck. He slowly moved up to face her. Her cheeks were flushed and she was desperately trying to control the rise and fall of her chest.
He looked at her anxiously as if he were worried he'd crossed a severe line and she was about to call him on it. His hand released the material quickly and as his mouth made motions to respond, she eased his concerns.
"You can stop," she said explained, her head falling back against the cold bricks. He moved his line of sight to the end of the alley and she saw the harsh reality flash across his eyes. They were alone and quite possibly had been for some time.
He still had her pinned to the wall and he must have only just realised it because his hand left her hip completely. Her dress fell rightfully back down her thigh as he pulled away to give her some breathing space. He just stood there, his breaths unsteady as he watched her with an intense look of concern on his face. She was reading him with her eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking. The sharp pang hit her square in the chest. Regret. She pushed herself off the wall, tearing her eyes away from him uneasily.
"We should get out of here," she told him quickly. Her words had been firm but her voice couldn't help but crack under pressure.
She began walking towards the opening of the alley and after a brief pause she heard him follow her reluctantly. She waited momentarily at the juncture of the street ensuring they were alone before she rounded the corner.
As she made her way towards the car she stopped at the passenger door making a concerted effort not to look in his direction. When he unlocked the vehicle she wasted no time opening the door and sliding in. She pulled her seatbelt across her chest and clicked it into place before he'd even opened his door. She counted the 3 seconds of silence she was granted before his door opened and he was sliding in. A few beats passed before he even reached for his seatbelt.
She was looking straight ahead when he clicked his belt into place and she noticed he'd still made no motions to start the car. The silence was stifling.
She closed her eyes and tried to will her heart rate to settle down but with each passing second the frustration and anger was starting to build at his lack of urgency.
There was still that possibility of danger – what was he waiting for?
"Liv," his voice broke through the silence and it was quiet and unsteady. Her eyes dropped down to his hands and she noticed they were shaking slightly as they rested upon his thighs. She saw it then, the light ricocheting from the street lamp onto the gold band making it twinkle momentarily and for a short sharp moment she thought her heart actually stopped.
She knew he was watching her but she still couldn't for the life of her tear her eyes away from his ring. When his hand twitched under her gaze it must have snapped her back into reality because she was finding her voice.
"Start the car, Elliot," she told him sternly and the silence that existed between them continued to take up all their oxygen. When he still didn't move, she felt distant pin pricks of tears approaching and she willed herself to control it. She was not going to do this here. Not here, not now. She would wait until she was in the privacy of her own home before she let any of the reality sink in.
She felt his eyes on her face now but she wouldn't dare chance a glance at him, instead she rubbed her hands together as if insinuating it was the warmth she craved from the ignition and nothing else. It didn't work. His keys still sat idol in his grasp as he continued to stare at her.
She closed her eyes and counted to 5. One, two, three, four-
"Olivia," his voice was just a whisper and it was something about the use of her full name that made the anger start to churn and her restraint to slip definitively from her grasp.
"Start the god damn car, Elliot," she yelled and the demand had come out louder than she'd anticipated, vibrating against the confines of the vehicle.
She felt the moments exist between them and she could hear his words as clear as day. The apology, the remorse, the injustice of it all and the acceptance that what they had shared tonight was all it could ever be. Her eyes squinted against the pinpricks that had returned and were now more incessant. It wasn't until he moved his eyes off her completely that she managed to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat.
Elliot fingered the keys in his hand and she knew it would be moments, seconds before he'd insert the key into the ignition and they'd go on with their lives. She pulled her lower lip into her mouth and bit into it so intently she almost drew blood.
As the silence lingered it almost felt as if he were waiting for her, holding onto last minute hope and she wondered if there were any words out there that could change them. She contemplated the prospect but it wasn't long until the irrelevance surfaced and it became redundant because words had never been her forte.
A wave of tiredness crashed over her and she felt her aching body sink further into the seat of the Sedan. Her head rolled until she was facing the passenger window and she watched the passerby's moving on with their lives, when all she'd ever felt was stagnant in hers. Her eyes slowly drifted to a slow close, her body began to relax and she finally let out the breath she'd been holding.
And just like that, the engine roared into life.
The End.