Waiting in the lobby for the shuttle to the airport, Aaron felt a tenseness in the air. He looked around at the three men he had investigated with the previous night. Zak and Nick were two of his best friends and he knew something was wrong. Zak had waved off the angry mark on the base of his neck when Aaron had pointed it out to him. If it hadn't of been paranormal, then what the hell was it? Looking for a Starbucks sign, Aaron decided that there was no way he was going to ask. There was a list of things that Zak and Nick did that Aaron knew he didn't want any part of and he wrote this under that list. "Hey, Starbucks. I'm going to go get some coffee. Do you all want anything?"

"Yeah, I'll go with you," Nick said, sending a glance towards Tango and leaving his bag with Zak.

As they watched them walk away, Tango leaned towards Zak. "Does he normally bite you?" he asked.

Zak smirked, still watching Nick's back as he walked away. "Only when he's jealous."


Zak nodded and glanced sideways at Tango. "He could smell you on me last night." Tango's eyes went wide. Zak smirked at him.

"He could smell me... so he did THAT to you?" he asked, looking closer at the angry bite mark.

Zak blushed slightly. "I've done worse to him before he's gone home to his wife."

Tango turned ghastly pale. "He's married?"

Rolling his eyes, Zak sat on the bench behind them, pulling their luggage next to him. "You didn't notice the ring on his finger?"

Tango sat next to him cautiously, glancing nervously at the door to the Starbucks, their bodies inches apart. "Yeah... but I thought it was like Jay's wedding ring..."

Zak shook his head, resting his hand nonchalantly on Tango's thigh. "He couldn't resist me." He got slight satisfaction out of the nervous bob of Tango's Adam's apple as his eyes flicked back and forth between Zak's deep blues and the Starbucks door of impending doom.

"So you guys aren't like... together?" he managed.

Zak stretched back, removing his hand from Tango's thigh and flexing his arms over his head. Resting them on the back of the bench, biceps bulging, he looked pointedly at Tango. "We're together whenever we can be."

Tango paused. "That's not what I-" The door to the Starbucks opened as Nick and Aaron walked out. Startled, Tango slid over on the bench so as not to appear too close to Zak. Even though he and Nick were about the same size, he had no doubt that Nick could kick his ass.

Zak smiled as Nick handed him his coffee and sat down next to him on the bench, casually placing an arm around Zak on the backrest. A slight pang of jealousy ran through Tango, but he knew now that he was the one that had been taken for a ride. Zak had used him and that stung.


Tango marveled at their relationship. Walking back through the doors of the hotel five hours later, luggage in tow, he watched as Zak flopped down into a chair in the lobby and Nick and Aaron walked to the front desk. He followed Nick and Aaron, glancing every so often to Zak who had pulled out his cell phone and was furiously typing. In front of him, he heard Nick's phone vibrate in his pocket. A sly smirk spread across Nick's face as he read the text message and typed back, slipping it back into his pocket. Tango looked back at Zak as he read a message on his phone. "You're texting each other?" he realized out loud.

Nick turned around and gave him a hard glare. "Excuse me?"

Tango's entire body blushed deep. "I...uh...nothing..."

Aaron raised an eyebrow at them, shook his head, and continued to ignore whatever was going on behind him. Clearly this Dave Tango had been pulled into the Zak/Nick vortex and he didn't want anything to do with it. Now that their flight had been canceled, as well as all subsequent flights anywhere even close to the Las Vegas area, he was stuck with them for one more night. Aaron got his room and shuffled back over to Zak to wait for the rest, ready to have a drink at the bar and go to bed.

Tango heard Nick get a room with a king bed. The flare of jealousy rose in his chest again but quickly he pushed it back down as he reserved his own room, realizing only afterwards that it was the room right next door.

Walking to the elevator, Tango considered all he had found out about this little paranormal group. Aaron was the happy guy who was always the butt of the jokes, but seemed to have a good time regardless. He was a pretty easy guy to figure out. It was Zak and Nick who had him confused. Nick seemed to enjoy their interlude after IHOP. Maybe it was only supposed to be that one time. Or maybe it was supposed to be a threesome only. Maybe it wasn't supposed to happen at all...

"Beers in half an hour?" Aaron asked before leaving them for his floor, just below theirs.

"Sounds good," Nick answered. With that, Tango was left alone with them. He tried to meld into the wall of the elevator, avoiding Nick's gaze. He remembered what had happened when he made an inadvertant pass at Grant while Jay was around. For some reason, this seemed significantly more dangerous.

Nick's hand snaked around Zak's waist from behind as he leaned back into him. Tango heard Nick whisper, "We have half an hour," as he kissed the back of his ear, one eye trained on Tango. Zak smirked and lewdly ground his hips back against Nick's.

Breath hitched in his throat and Tango felt like a voyeur watching the couple in the opposite corner of the elevator. He closed his eyes tightly, willing the doors to the elevator to open, willing their privacy to be breeched so they would separate.

"Joining us for beers tonight, Tango?" Nick asked, his voice an octave deeper.

Tango opened one eye, glancing sideways at them. Zak's head laid back on Nick's shoulder, eyes closed and lips open. His chest was heaving with Nick's arm wrapped around him, palm over his heart. A small, almost inaudible moan fell from Zak's lips as Tango watch Nick's thumb graze over the fly of his pants. Biting his lower lip, Tango decided this was the elevator to hell.

"Well?" Nick asked, a smirk on his face as Zak's face rolled into his neck, nose nuzzling into his skin.

"Sure," he squeaked out. God, his voice hadn't cracked like that since puberty.

The elevator doors chose that moment to open and Tango bolted out, leaving the two men behind. He made it to his room in record time, slamming the hotel room door behind him. Leaning back against the cool door, he could hear them in the hallway. Someone got slammed against the door next to his. He could feel his own door bounce in response. An "Uh, Zak," creeped under the door. The door opened and the noises were gone.

Sighing, Tango threw his suitcase on the bed, and undressed. He walked naked to the shower and contemplated whether going to the bar with these guys would be a good idea.

Half hour later, Tango was dressed and seriously contemplating not going to the bar. Laying on the bed, he flipped on the tv. Hand in the air, midmotion of pressing the down channel button, a knock sounded at the door. Tango's heart thudded in his chest.

"Hey, Tango! Open up!"

His hand dropped back down to the comforter. It was Zak. Of course it was Zak. Slowly, he crawled out of bed and walked barefoot over to the door. Hand on the handle, Tango took a deep breath and opened it.

Zak stood there, shirtless, leaning against the door jab with his hands in his pants pockets. "Nick sent me to get you."

Tango's heart stopped.

The door opened and closed next to them and a tshirt was flung at Zak's head. "Here, I like this one." Nick stood next to him and watched as Zak wrestled the thin cotton over his head, smoothing it down over this abs.

Tango's throat went dry. Yes, that was definitely a good shirt for Zak to wear. You could see everything. Every ripple of muscle, every inhale of breath... If Zak breathed out too hard, Tango was sure the shirt would rip. "That's a nice shirt," he whispered.

Zak puffed his chest out. "Its kind of tight." Nick grinned and Tango blushed.

"Let me just... get my shoes...," Tango managed to get out. He knew he probably wasn't going to get another chance with Zak, or even Nick for that matter, but by God he could look at Zak in that shirt all night.

The entire elevator ride down, as Zak watched the numbers descend, both Nick and Tango were watching Zak. Feeling self-conscious Zak looked from Nick to Tango. "What?"

"You look hot, Zak," Nick said. Tango simply nodded his agreement.

Zak grinned to himself.

Aaron was waiting for them at the bar, a beer already in his hand. The trio ordered their drinks and they all walked over to a corner booth. Nick slid in first, and Tango did not miss Zak's nonchalant grope of his ass as he bent over to get in. Zak followed and Tango would not miss an opportunity to sit next to him, leaving Aaron on the outside.

Aaron raised his glass in a toast to the lockdown and new friends and the group joined. There were no awkward silences as Tango was sure there was going to be. They told stories and laughed and bullshited their way through the night. With each round, Zak and Nick got closer. Nick's hand started out on Zak's thigh, slowly making its way up. Zak's arm found its way around Nick's shoulders, stretching his shirt even more across his chest. Tango watched them as they progressively melded into each other and took a glance at Aaron. He seemed completely oblivious to the sexuality of his costars. Turning his attention back to Zak and Nick, he was amazed their relationship wasn't all over the news. Their heads were together and they were whispering, nose alongside nose, lips inches apart. Turning back to Aaron, he whispered, "Do they do this a lot?"

Aaron shrugged, downing his beer. "Only when they drink." The football game ended on the TV in front of them and Aaron took that moment to excuse himself. "I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning." Tango was the only one to say good bye.

Turning back to Nick and Zak, he caught them both staring at him. A heavy hand fell on his thigh, fingers grazing the inner muscle. "You having fun, Tango?"

"Of course," he answered, quickly finishing his beer and waving at the waitress for another round. The hand on his thigh squeezed, a little hard and he winced, looking down and flexing his leg. Movement caught his eye and he looked over to Zak's legs spread wide and Nick's hand massaging the crotch of his pants. A hard rub of Nick's hand resulted in a hard squeeze on Tango's thigh.

Nick whispered something in Zak's ear, both their eyes locked on Tango. Nodding, Zak's hand pawed at his thigh, trying to pull him closer. Relenting, Tango slid over, his leg and side resting against Zak's. An arm was flung heavily over his shoulders and he could smell the beer on them. Surely they weren't this drunk. They had the same number of rounds he did. Then he noticed the shot glasses in the beer. "Fuck," he whispered to himself.

"Yes, please," Zak answered and laughed to himself at his little joke. The waitress brought over three more drinks, Tango's the only one lacking the added shot of whiskey. He downed his beer as quickly as he could, not wanting to be sober for what he knew was going to come. He knew his limit. Two more and it would be smooth sailing. Zak pushed his beer over to Tango. "Seems like you need another."

Tango looked at him and considered. Zak's face was flush with desire, his shirt tight across his chest as his arm wound its way back across Nick's shoulders. His heartbeat was visible through the shirt, his breathing deep. Zak's legs were still spread wide, but Nick's hand had disappeared inside his pants now, through the open zipper. Tango decided that yes he did need another and that shot of whiskey might do him in.

His morals waged a war inside his brain as he downed that beer. He should just leave the bar and go pass out in his hotel room, leaving Zak and Nick alone, the way they've obviously done this a million times before. But as soon as that glass hit the table and Zak's hand took his and moved it down to his lap, the voice of reason in his head quieted. He could feel Nick's hand stroking him through the jean. "Take it out," Tango whispered and surprised himself.

Zak moaned as Nick unbuttoned his jeans and freed his cock into the stale air of the bar behind their table. Tango looked around and thanked God for the poor lighting of hotel bars. He was sure it would be obvious what they were doing to anyone who looked at them for longer than two seconds. But when Nick took his hand and wrapped it around Zak's shaft, guiding him to stroke, the last beer kicked in. Zak's head rolled back against the wall, quietly moaning. Nick guided his hand, showing him all the little tricks that Zak obviously liked. He wondered how many times they had replayed this scene, in the back of vans, hotel rooms, invesigations...

Nick's hand left his, letting him take control. Tango gave Zak a little squeeze to let him know that this was his show now. Zak's hips bucked up in response, spreading his legs impossibly wider. Nick laughed quietly and Tango heard him whisper, "Such a bottom."

"Am I that obvious?" Zak laughed back breathily.

Nick's head bent down, biting his nipple through his shirt, eliciting a small whine. "Oh yeah, you're obvious."

Tango looked around again, nervously, his hand never leaving Zak's cock. No one was paying them any attention and he thanked God. Tango looked at Nick and started to tell him that they should go back upstairs, but his hand was covered in Nick's and Zak's body tensed beside him. "Kiss him," Nick commanded.

Tango's brain was clouded. "What?"

"Kiss him or he'll give us away," he hissed. Zak's lips attacked his instead, tongue ravaging his mouth, one hand on the back of his head. Tango gasped as he felt Nick shift and his hand stroked up Zak's cock into soft lips. Zak's hand tightened on the back of his head as he moaned into the kiss. He felt the rumble in Zak's chest before the scream hit his vocals. Quickly, Tango sealed his lips onto Zak's, swallowing what he took to be an "oh fuck." Lips went pliant against his as the large body beside him sagged. Nick sat up, grabbing his beer and glancing around the bar.

Slightly dumbfounded, Tango felt Zak's cock go limp in his hand. Nick knocked his hand away and tucked away Zak, fixing his pants. Giving Zak a sip of his beer, he looked at Tango. "I think we should close our tab."

Tango simply nodded. He couldn't agree more. His own cock was throbbing against the zipper of his pants and it wanted nothing more than to be let out to play.

The waitress came with their check and Nick paid for all of them. Sliding out of the booth, he pulled Zak with him. It took a moment for him to get his legs under him. "Fuck, Nick," Zak grumbled as he tried to stand up straight.

Nick snorted and Tango looked at him confused. Leaning close, Nick whispered to him, "He's used to shooting into a napkin. I surprised him."

Tango stopped as those words sunk into his head. He watched them walk out of the bar, Zak's arm sneaking around Nick's shoulders. Quickly, he followed them.

This time in the elevator it was Nick's turn to be cradled. Nick's back was resting against his chest and Zak's arms were wrapped around his chest as if he were hanging on for his life. The doors closed and Tango felt their eyes on him across the tiny space. "I want to see you fuck Tango," Zak loudly whispered.

Tango swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. Regardless of what just happened at the bar, he still didn't like the idea of being at Nick's mercy. The elevator climbed higher as Nick eyes bored into him and Tango considered his options. Nick's hands came up to rest on Zak's arms. The dim light of the elevator caught the wedding ring on Nick's left hand, causing it to shine just enough to catch his attention.

The doors opened and Tango walked out. Zak's arm came around his shoulders as he guided him and Nick down to their rooms. "I...I really think I should just go to bed," Tango stammered.

"Just stay for a little bit," Zak whispered, kissing him softly.

"No...," he looked back down at Nick's wedding ring. "I shouldn't." He stopped at his door as Zak and Nick went to theirs.

Nick swiped his card through the reader, letting Zak in. Tango breathed deeply, resting his head against his door and pulling his key out of his pocket. "Tango," Nick said, almost sternly.

Looking up he saw Nick standing there right beside him. His hand fisted in Tango's shirt, and he pulled him into their hotel room. Zak stood, holding the door open. He was thrown down onto the bed, Nick looming over him. Zak came in behind them, unceremoniously stripping off his clothes as he went, sitting heavily in the chair opposite the bed in only his boxers.

Slight fear struck Tango. Nick pulled his shirt over his head and flung it back. Climbing over Tango, he leaned down and whispered, "You fucked Zak."

Tango shook his head 'no' furiously. "Dry humped! And kissed! That's it! I swear!" His heart was thudding in his chest. His body tensed with the fear of the thought that this man was going to destroy him.

Hips rolled down against his hard and Tango's brain ceased operation as his eyes practically rolled into the back of his head. "Like that?"

Tango nodded slowly. Nick pulled him up by the back of the neck, kissing him savagely. Tango moaned into the kiss. He could almost feel his lips bruise at the force and silently realized why Zak's lips were so plump sometimes. Reaching down, Tango lifted off his shirt and started unbuckling Nick's pants. Nick broke the kiss and chuckled, his hand holding him up by the back of his neck still. "Do you want me to fuck you, Dave Tango?"

Looking up, Tango looked into Nick's brown eyes. Expecting to see anger, resentment and revenge, he only found desire and lust. "Yes. Fuck me," he whispered.

Nick let go of him, scooting back off the bed. Taking the cue, Tango ripped off his clothes as he heard Nick's pants hit the floor. "Turn over," Nick commanded as he walked over to their suitcases.

Rolling over onto his stomach, he got up on his knees and grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed. Nick came back and smacked his ass hard. "Bend over."

The bed dipped down as Nick climbed behind him on his knees. Tango groaned at the feel of the cool gel at his entrance. His hands clutched onto the pillow as he heard Nick toss the lube at his suitcase and felt him rise on his knees behind him. "Don't tense," Nick warned as he positioned the head of his cock at his entrance. As he pushed in slowly, Tango did just that. "Fuck, Tango, I said don't tense," Nick groaned as the muscle clenched down around him.

Hands ran up his back, forcing Tango down farther into the mattress. One hand took hold of his shoulder for leverage. With a loud grunt, Nick drove it home, burying his cock in Tango's ass. "Oh, fuck, Nick," he groaned.

Nick chuckled softly. "You sounded just like Zak." Slowly, he started to move. Tango moved his hand underneath him, stroking himself in time with Nick's rhythm.

"I'm sorry," Tango whispered and he could have smacked himself.

Nick's rhythm faltered. "For what?" he groaned.


Nick stopped altogether. Tango buried his head in the pillow in front of him, smelling Zak's hair gel and cologne. This was so not the time to apologize for that. What the hell was he thinking? Where did that come from? Dave Tango, you idiot.

Nick shifted on the bed, repositioning himself. Tango sighed as he felt Nick slowly pull out. "Its fine," Nick grunted as he drove back in, his fingers in a bruising clutch on his shoulder and hip. Tango let out a strangled scream at Nick's new ferocity. His hands clutched at the sheets, desperate for something to hold onto that was solid and stable. The bed rocked against the wall hard as the mattress slid against the boxspring.

"Holy fuck!" Tango screamed. He felt Nick's balls smack against his body as his hips rocked against his. Nick reached the hand from his hip around and grabbed Tango's bobbing cock, stroking it the same ferocity as the cock pounding his ass.

Tango let out a string of incoherent babble as he felt his orgasm rushing towards him. He shoved Zak's pillow underneath him at the last second, rocking against the cotton. Cumming hard against the pillow with a small whimper, his body went limp. Two more hard slams and Nick's body stilled above him.

Tango laid face first in the bed, his hips still in the air, Nick still deep inside him and listened to them breathe. Pulling the pillow out from under him, he tossed it to the side. Nick grunted as he pulled out and wobbled his way to the bathroom. Tango rolled over onto his back, taking in deep gulps of air. Looking up at Zak in the chair, he was amazed. He had fallen asleep. Or probably passed out. Coming out of the bathroom, Nick thumped Zak's forehead as he walked by towards his suitcase. Zak didn't even flinch. "He passed out right when he sat down. He's the one hit wonder when he's drunk, then its lights out."

Tango snorted and stood up and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. Walking back out, he discovered Nick had put on boxers and laid Tango's clothes on the bed for him. "You're welcome to say here with us tonight if you want," Nick told him.

Tango shrugged and pulled his clothes on. "I have a bed all to myself over there. Not very often I get that anymore."

Nick nodded and turned towards Zak. "Will you help me with him then before you go? He weighs more than a house when he's drunk."

Each taking an arm, they lifted Zak and managed to get him over to the bed. "Nick," he whined in his sleep.

"I'm going to bed," he answered. Zak grunted and rolled over.

Nick shook his head and went to see Tango out. "You know, I really am-"

"We love each other but we're not exclusive, Tango," Nick interrupted, holding up his left hand. "I don't even have the right to call him mine."

Tango nodded and they said their goodnights. Stepping into his room next door, he thought to himself about what a miserable existance that must be.