Author's Note: Hey guys. I'm really sorry to tell you this, but "The Half Blood Prince's Secret" will be postponed until further notice. As of currently I am working on another Harry Potter story and hope to have it up by next week. I am continuing "CL: Fight or Flight" and I hope to have the next chapter up by next week as well. I'm really sorry to all of my HP Lily and Sev fans. I will be continuing the story , but it won't be for a while.

love, WC6

P.S. Check out my profile guys. I'm putting up new daily information about my new story I'll have up by the end of this week. If you liked my The Half Blood Prince's Secret, then I'm absolutely sure you guys will love this one.


Okay so I haven't had a lot of time to write up chapter one, but I'm type/writing/editing it as we speak. I'm doing my best to get it up. I'm starting to think that this story sounds better in my head, and that may be because I have all of the later chapters planned and they're all worked out, but I'm really struggling with the beginning. I was looking at my story stats for the Half Blood Prince's Secret and I was BLOWN AWAY by the response I got to putting up the second chapter. (Btw I'm really sorry about postponing it but I really wanted to work on this story) So do you think you guys can help me? With all you guys out there who read the HBPS, maybe you could give me suggestions. I'm very greatful for all you who follow me and have added me as you favorite author/ favorite story list! Thanks so much! Anyway Lyd's on the Quidditch team and I wanted to open a Quidditch sceen. Any ideas? I'm depending on you my wonderful readers. Please and thank you.
