
Chapter 17

Toby sat at the coffee shop with the former Goblin King sat across from him, watching his every movement. Too scared to even touch his own coffee lest the man vanish in front of his eyes. How typical that Jareth comes above ground to look for Sarah just as she goes underground looking for him! Now Sarah was in dangers unknown, and the King was a mere mortal. Nothing made sense to Toby anymore, he longed for his apartment and a glass or six of wine somewhere he wouldn't get carded for being underage.

They both edged around their coffees, too nervous to actually speak. David's eyes on the floor as he tapped a random tune on the table from his album, one that Sarah would find most familiar. However, Toby had never heard the songs sung to his big sister during that time. "Perhaps I should go, I am sorry for bothering you." David commented.

"No, please stay." Toby sighed, "I just don't know where to start this without sounding like a crazy person.

David laughed dryly, "Crazy person, you? I am the one dreaming of a girl I never met and monsters that could not possibly exist. Drawing them every single day, until my fingers bleed onto the page. I think perhaps, it is I who is the crazy one."

Toby nodded, "Perhaps this conversation would be easier if we had something stronger than coffee?"

David looked him over, "Dare I ask your age?"

Toby shrugged, "I have wine at home. The good stuff and no one who could ask those questions, as well as some things that might trigger your memory more."

David nodded, so they took a cab back to Toby's place. As soon as they entered, he found himself transfixed by a series of blown up stills for the book tour, showing goblins and creatures from the labyrinth. Toby poured them both a drink letting the older man explore. The drawings were forgotten as soon as he came across a photograph of the siblings together outside the old house. "Sarah." He said firmly, "This is her. The girl I am looking for!"

"She is my older sister."

"Where is she? Can I speak to her? See her?" he demanded desperately, hugging the picture against him as he sipped the wine.

Toby swirled the drink in his own glass, "Not easily. You see you came to look for her, and she went to look for you."

"I don't understand."

"You come from one place, she comes from another. You traded positions. She is now in your world and you are in hers. Still separated." He answered.

"Well, we can go look for her." He insisted.

"It isn't that easy."

"Then we make it that easy! Whatever these creatures are, I will slay every single one of them to reach her!" he vowed firmly.

Toby laughed, "Yeah sure. If I could get you into the Underground maybe, Sarah had the key. I don't and you, aren't exactly yourself right now Mr Bowie."

"Myself or not, I would reorder time, move the stars, do whatever it takes to get to that woman."

A load cracking sound came from the garden. Followed by a bellowing noise, like something was dying." LUDO!" Toby squealed, rushing to open the door. The huge orange beast stumbled into the room, knocking over books and drawings as he did so. "Is Sarah with you?" he asked.

"Sarah gone?" Ludo asked.

Sir Didymus climbed down from his friend's back. "We are on a noble quest to find the lady Sarah and bring her back to the labyrinth. Our King needs his Queen." He noticed David stood there staring at everything, bowing low. "My Lord."

"King here?" Ludo said confused.

"But My Lord, how are you here? Has the lady Sarah mended your broken heart?" the knight asked.

"The fox is talking." David stumbled out, backing away.

"Welcome to your subjects." Toby said quietly.

"But the fox is talking!" David shouted.

"My Lord?"

David fainted, Ludo catching him as he slumped. "Dead?" he asked poking him.

"No Ludo, just in shock. Put him on the sofa." Toby asked. Watching as he was gently laid down.

"Sir Toby, what has happened here? Where is the Lady Sarah?" Didymus asked.

"Sarah went to the labyrinth, but she was kidnapped. Jareth just turned up earlier today. He remembers nothing. I don't understand." Then it dawned on Toby as he snatched up his sister's long forgotten red and gold book. "The peach, would it work on a King?"

The knight looked at the drawing of the forbidden fruit. "Why yes, I believe the magic of the peach would bewitch any creature fool enough to consume it."

Toby sighed, "Can you get us back into the labyrinth?"

"Sir Toby, to sneak so many into the labyrinth would be difficult, but not impossible. A deed worthy of us noble Knights." He promised.

"Now we just have to wake the King and hope he will agree to come with us!" Toby sighed, draining his glass. This wasn't going to be easy.