Hi Guys! So, here's a much needed crossover for the VOCALOID and the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Yes, I've read some of their crossover fictions, and to put this as nicely as possible, most (notice that I didn't say ALL) of 'em are trying too hard. I'm keeping this simple by using as few characters as needed so that, just in case the reader doesn't know Sonic or VOCALOID well, they'll still understand and enjoy the story.

Disclaimer: If I owned Sonic or VOCALOID, I'd end up ruining them both somehow.

Note: I used a what if situation in here, but it's rather cliche, so I apologize in advance. I needed to get Sonic in peril SOMEHOW.

Oh, and it's also short. Because it's a prologue, that's why. Oops?

Prologue - As black and white description of freedom as grey will ever be.



The winds rushing past you at uncomprehendable speeds.

…These things, these verbs, adjectives, nouns, and phrases that for some describe freedom while for others utter terror, these words that can be used with little to no meaning or meaning deeper than oceans, these characters in physics that describe motion, pace, and feeling…

…Who would want it? Who would want the bliss of freedom?

Sonic certainly did.

Feeling, thinking, or even not thinking at all, was what the azure hedgehog always did while sprinting through the various zones of Mobius. Leaping from plane to levitating plane, smashing bots to microscopic pieces in under the smallest of milliseconds, just feeling the air rush in and out of his lungs was all he would ever need. Pounding one foot in front the other with grace that is often overlooked by the everyday crowd of strangers was his million dollar prize, and nothing topped it.


What is freedom, really?

Hatsune Miku didn't have a clue what freedom was. She decided a long time ago not to care and just go with it. Go with the propaganda, go with the wars, go with the lack of freedom of speech she was granted, and just live a life of a shadow. A shadow forgotten in time, never to be uncovered by fresh eyes, and to see the light and be a person. She wouldn't mind, because she didn't know what freedom really was due to never have feeling it before, and always felt imprisoned by the chains of her current master: just perform, as long as you have the vocal data for it, and as long people will view it.

She wanted change. She really did. She just couldn't grasp it. She didn't know how.

Why can't I do it?, she always thought while trapped in the monitor of the Mac or PC she was confined within. Why can't I do it? On and on, during the bright of day and the dark of night, she couldn't help but think of that sentence over and over and over again, repeating in a monotonous manner, and never coming to the different conclusion:

Why not? Why not change the darkness? Why not give radiance to a society obscured in gloom? You can do it, even in the chains of someone else's expectations. This is something Sonic always went by: You are free, use your freedom to help those who are without it.

Why is it that the hedgehog never rescued her, you might ask?

Well, for the same reason he can't save those in our reality: they are not real to each other, and therefore their worlds are not real to each other. Well, they were not real to each other, until something tragic happened. Something that will change both of these two individuals' lives, something that will decide the universe's fate, something that will be explained to you in this story:

The day Sonic the Hedgehog almost died because his freedom was no longer there to support him.

And there's the what if situation: What if Sonic died because of so-and-so, and needed Miku to help him by this-or-that? I feel like the most retarded, insane, and utterly beyond stupid author ever for writing out one of the most overused and lame crossover ideas in the entire history of fan-kind.

Review anyways?