Wally walked into the kitchen; he had spent so much time with the children he had forgotten to refuel. It was now 4:00 which meant it was his "free time!" Of course he was excited; he was going to be able to just sit-back, relax, and do absolutely nothing!

He started to take out all the ingredients necessary to make an awesome sandwich! These ingredients consisted of, 2feet long parmesan bread cut in half. In the first half was some leftover steak, and in the other half was left over meatballs. Afterwards he melted some garlic spread/butter, cheddar, swiss, parmesan, mozzarella, provolone, and gouda cheese in both halves of the sandwich. Then he added some meatball marinara sause, on the meatballs, and chilli aswell. And on the steak, some ketchup.

"Well hello there beautiful; don't you make subway sandwiches look pitiful." He cooed at his beautiful creation. Just as he was about to take a bite, his phone rang.

"Great." He said sarcastically. "Who could this be?" The number was definitely one he did not recognize. "Hello?"

"Dad, it's Angie, I'm outside and I forgot my house keys. Could you open the door?"

"Since when do you have a phone," Wally asked. "and how do you know my number?"

"That's not important Dad, and I got the phone on my last birthday. Keep up!" She laughed. "It was a gift from uncle Barry, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Now I remember,"


"Yeah Sugar?"

"The door."

"Oh yes, sorry I forgot." He hung up the phone and rushed to door. When he opened the door he saw a very flustered Angie.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." He said surprised to see his daughter looking so furious. Must be the hormones.

"Not you dad, the whole mission was a FAIL!"

"Mmmhmm," Wally replied unsurprised, walking into the kitchen knowing this was going to happen. Angie continued rattling about how terrible the mission was until she suddenly stopped, and stared at Wally about to eat his sandwich.

"What?" Wally asked.

"Nice sandwich you got there. It's pretty big, Care to share?"

"Um, how about no." Wally teased. "Make your own sandwich."

"Come on dad, please?" She whined. "Knowing you, you probably used all the good ingredients."

"No I didn't, there's plenty good stuff in there."

"Like what? Lettuce and tomato." Angie replied.

"Good point." Wally answered in defeat. " What side do you want? Steak or Meatballs?"

"Both." She smiled. "Sharing is caring Dad."

"Yeah I know. Just letting you know, next time I'll be sharing and caring with me, myself and I." He teased. Wally then took a knife and made a vertical line through the 2 foot long sandwich, making it able for both him and Angie to get steak and meatball.

"So you were saying?" He said while chewing.

"Oh yeah, so everything's going from bad to worse, but everyone's still alive though." She answered also chewing at the same time.

'Aw,' Wally thought. 'We do have some things in common.'

"We're all heading back to the bio ship, until suddenly the alien ship, I swore we destroyed shoots at me, and next thing I know boom! I'm dead! And you know whose fault it is?"

"I'm going to take a random guess and say Melanie's because with her mind powers she made everyone believe it was real?" He said quite fakely, but convincing enough for his daughter to think he was intrigued.

"Exactly!" She replied.

"Gasp, what a twist! I honestly didn't see that coming." Wally continued going along with his daughter frantic session. But on the inside he was really laughing.

"The rest is a blur, but I heard everyone died." She replied more calm. "I'm surprised that Chris didn't mention anything about me dying first though."

"Oh that's because he's probably going to be the love of your life and be the father of your 3 or 4 children." He replied rather quickly.

"What was that?" Angie asked.

"Oh, nothing serious," He chuckled. "You still hungry?" He asked.

"Actually no," She said pouring some juice into two cups for her and her father. "I'm really tired, and I just want to take a nap before we go by Uncle Barry." She said giving him the cups.

"Amen to that." Wally replied. "Cheers." He replied, and then they clank glasses. After they finished drinking, Angie took the glasses, and put them in the dish washer.

"Well, is time you head up upstairs, and take a nap." He said.

"Yeah I guess." As she was going up the stairs, she stopped and zipped back to her dad and gave him a hug. "Thanks for spending the day with us dad. I think I'll tell mom about my powers today at the dinner." Wally hugged his daughter back and squeezed her.

"You should tell her tomorrow." He chuckled. "I think she has something to tell us too."

"Is mom pregnant again?" She asked suspiciously.

"Why did you ask?" He asked shocked. Angie watched her dad with a straight face.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to sleep by Young Justice tonight." She said and then she walked away. Wally grinned, 'definitely Artemis' daughter' he thought. He then went to watch some television and talk to Dick on the phone about how he found no Lingerie.

"Maybe I could be wrong." Dick replied on the phone. He was setting up his laptop, and preparing to hack into the system tonight.

"Or…. Maybe she was wearing them already!" Wally said.

"I highly doubt that." Dick said with a hint of dryness in his voice. "They would be filled with perspiration by the time you actually got to see them."

"Hmmm, I see you're point. Then what could it be?"

"It could be that I was wrong…. Like I said 10 seconds ago." Wally sank in the chair; he was so disappointed.

"Man, that really sucks, do you know how it is to get laid with three kids around?"

"Yes, because me and Zatanna barely get past foreplay…. If we even reach that far. And 2, obviously it's not that hard for you, because she's pregnant again." The two men laughed.

"Today was great Dick, I had so much fun with the kids, and I miss spending time with them. I haven't done it in such a long time. I'm going to try as much as possible to try find one day in the week, to spend time with them."

"That's great, especially with a 4th one coming." Dick laughed.

"Har har," Wally faked laughed, "Atleast I get past foreplay." He teased. "Anyways, I'm going to take a run; call me if you get any progress on the baby's gender."

"Will do. Oh and Wally?"


"It's a girl." Wally was so shocked, yet happy. He was going to have another little girl. And maybe she would look like him.