Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Hermione Granger remembers.

She remembers that one time in their third year she and Harry had to face dementors. He had kept encouraging her desperately and she couldn't do anything. She remembers because the feeling is just so similar.

Only it's worse.

She wants to go back in time and relive that memory because the pain and the cold were much more bearable then. She wishes for the time to be revised because then, she had Harry by her side.


The name tears her heart in two; leaving nothing but the blood flowing slowly on her insides filling her with boiling anger, pain. Grief. It can't be him. It can't be him lying down there at Voldemort's feet. Harry always survives.

(Not this time.)

She feels Ron's arms surrounding her, protecting her, trying to shield her from the pain. She knows he's broken too. She knows they'll never be the same.


Is that the boy whom she had met in a compartment on a warm afternoon? Is that the boy who'd waited by her side all that she was petrified in her second year? Is that the boy whom she had crossed across the whole country with and for? That one, lying there, dead?

She has just realized she is sobbing. Screaming. The voices aren't coming from her mouth; they are coming from her chest. She wants it to be ripped off in two. She wants it to show her pain.


She hears his sobs too, soon after hers and she feels their arms tighten around each other. People are murmuring behind her. She doesn't bother to listen. She cries. She cries for Harry, the boy with the lightning shaped scar and the round glasses who would forever stay a child in her memory. She cries for Ron, who has just lost a second brother. But mostly she cries for herself, knowing she is never going to see him again. She is never going to hug him, reprimand him, argue with him, laugh with him, force him into doing his homework again. It's all over.

She hears Ron's shaky voice just beside her ear. It's a whisper that comes.

"It's not over." He is saying as if he can hear her thoughts, "We'll keep fighting for Harry."

"He's dead!" Voldemort yells and her world comes crashing down because hearing it just confirms it even more.

(You knew, you already knew.)

He is mad with joy underestimating Harry, saying how he was just a boy.

"He beat you!" Ron yells. Hermione squeezes his hand. He gives her the strength she's lost.

Everything is happening so fast and she watches with awe because it's Neville standing up to Voldemort and suddenly his head is burning and the fight begins again. She sees with the corner of her eye as Neville pulls something out of the hat and she hurries as she takes out her wand starts sending hexes to any Death Eater nearby because she will avenge Harry. They are now back to back, her and Ron because they have to and it's just the two of them left. And her tears are mixed with blood flowing down her head, and the mixture symbolizes war itself as she takes down Death Eaters one by one.

And suddenly they both hear something that makes them stop fighting for just one second because Hagrid's words are hope. Those words bring light to their darkened hearts as they remember all the memories and laugh because they know there'll be more.

"HARRY!" Hagrid's yelling. "HARRY—WHERE'S HARRY?"

And they smile because Harry always survives.


Thanks to anyone who read, it would make me very happy if you reviewed.

Lots of love;
