Here you go!


Phase V

Small Steps Forward


Itachi couldn't help but feel that paperwork was the bane every shinobi had to deal with. He could handle the dangerous missions and deadly techniques of an enemy but writing a report after every mission never failed to get old. At least the missions were subject to change when they were being carried out. Events such as weather, friends becoming traitors, learning your client wasn't exactly truthful and many other variables made missions unpredictable and gave you an adrenaline rush where paperwork was something that every shinobi dreaded and not to mention boring to every Hokage who had to read the hundreds that came in every day, even if they were uneventful.

Over the last month and a half the Uchiha had written eighty reports and some of them came from assisting his father on the Police Force.

He sighed, feeling his temples pulse with the oncoming sign of a migraine. For now, a break seemed nowhere in sight. Fortunately his busy schedule was the perfect distraction for the rumor of him and Ayumi being a secret couple. The only way he knew she was back in the village was when Sakura showed up to tell them she was back from a successful mission. With that information Itachi didn't have time to seek her out to speak with her. And honestly, it looked like he wouldn't have any anytime soon.

Unfortunately, that meant Ayumi would have to wait.

"Itachi," when he looked up from his paperwork he saw his father standing in the doorway of their home. The stoic man dressed in the Police Force uniform.

The younger Uchiha stood up and gathered up his things and tucked them under his arms and followed his father out the door.


It was lunch time and Ayumi found herself in her office. Her food was left untouched and she clicked the pen held in her right hand. She'd read over the note several times. A bunch of butterflies fluttered inside her stomach, giving her the feeling she would have to run to the bathroom and empty its contents because of the bout of apprehension. There were times she envied other kunoichi who seemed to have nerves of steel, of which in this career, was a measure to keep your sanity on the missions women have to endure and to see it through to the end. She considered asking a few fellow kunoichi about how they keep their cool in dire situations. But this wasn't a dangerous mission Ayumi was nervous about. No, it was a simple letter to a boy—No not a boy, a man!—but Itachi Uchiha wasn't just any man. He was held in high regard throughout the village and others.

As far as she knew the rumors about them died down and she felt this would be a good time to talk to him. That was, if she could get this note delivered to him. Last she heard was he was back in the village after he left on a mission. They both were busy with their own lives crossing paths with each other was a longshot. She supposed she could just hand it over to Mikoto. Heck if she even saw Sasuke or Sakura she was sure the message would get to him.

There was a knock on her door and she jumped, completely startled out of her deep thoughts. "Come in."

When the door opened she saw the all familiar grinning face of Shisui. "Hey Ayumi," he waved, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go grab some lunch but it looks like I'm too late."

The young woman jumped up when she saw him. "Shisui!" she almost tackled him to the ground but he was able to keep the both of them standing. He stared wide eyed, not quite sure what to think with her sudden behavior. When she released him with a bright smile plastered on her face. She shoved a slip of paper in his hand, "Give this to Itachi for me, will you? Thanks Shisui!" and she bound passed him, leaving him standing in the doorway of her office.

When she rounded one of the corners and disappeared from sight the Uchiha blinked and looked at the neatly folded note in his hand before shrugging and putting it in his pocket.


Mikoto knocked on her husbands' study. "Come in," the stoic voice of the man she married replied. Fugaku sat at his desk sorting through paperwork, speaking with Itachi about some important concerns.

The dark haired woman handed him a scroll and stood by silently. Fugaku unraveled it and read its contents. Stoic features frowned before he stood. "Lady Tsunade issued a summons for the Uchiha to her office." He turned to his son. "Inform and bring the others." Itachi obeyed his fathers' orders and exited the room and out the house. He stopped by a few homes of his kinsmen and told them to meet at the Hokage Tower.

Once the word had spread to all the main families of the Uchiha he found his younger brother and his best friend. "Hey Itachi! What's up!" Naruto shouted. Sasuke clearly looked irritated and punched the blonde over the head. "Owwww…" Itachi couldn't help but smile and chuckle.

"I'm fine, Naruto, but I need to pull Sasuke way from you, something important came up that involves the clan." He noticed his sibling looked relieved for the excuse to get away from him. Both had a few scrapes and bruises and torn clothing, an obvious sign they were training.

"Ok, I'm going to see Hinata! Later teme!"

Sasuke fell instep beside Itachi, "What's it about?"

"I don't know, but it was enough to disturb Father." The younger ninja knew for his father to be bothered it had to be a big issue.

"Hey guys," Shisui waved running over to meet them. "Oh Itachi, before I forget I have something to deliver to you."

"We're needed in the Hokage's office for something important." Itachi told him. "I don't think its good news because it requires father's presence." Shisui didn't even have time to dig into his pocket when he realized they were already outside their destination.

"Seems it was big enough the Hyuuga also received an invitation." Sasuke commented when they saw Hiashi Hyuuga sitting beside his father in front of the empty desk. Neji, Hinata and Hanabi were also present. He couldn't help but grin when he pictured his best friends' reaction when he arrives at his girlfriends' family compound to discover she wasn't home.

The heads of each clan were in a short conversation and other Uchiha and Hyuuga mingled. It was a rare occurrence when both clans came together, often during political occasions and when clans announced a new leader, and when they were both groups were respectful to the other, of course disagreements were common. Friendships between members were mutual. Neji greeted Sasuke and vice versa. "Have you heard what this is about?" he asked stoically.

"No," Sasuke answered.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly," a female voice broke through the chatter of the room. Tsunade walked through the assembled crowd of bodies toward her desk after she greeted Fugaku and Hiashi personally. Everyone gave the Hokage their undivided attention.

Her amber eyes scanned every capable shinobi present, "This is a matter of grave importance. Two days ago the village's best sensor informed me one of her sentries was disturbed by a large group of foreign Chunin and Jounin level ninja before it went offline. I gave her a reconnaissance mission to find out what their business is. Minutes before I summoned you I received a message. The reason for their inconspicuous visit is the assassination plot on several of the Land of Fire's prominent daimyou."

"If they succeed it would cause political tensions and economic crisis. Not to mention cause a panic among the civilians." Hiashi replied, disturbed by the news.

Fugaku nodded beside him in agreement, "It could also be an act of war from one of enemies."

"Apparently," Tsunade added, "they are planning mine as well." She 'tched' at the words. Did they really think of her as incapable of holding her own? She was the Fifth Hokage after all and she wouldn't be killed by some pesky Chunin and Jounin and she wasn't like the daimyou who had no shinobi skills to defend themselves who had hired guards, although she knew her subordinates wouldn't hesitate to protect her even if she could kill the enemy with a flick of her finger.

"Where is Anrui now?" the Hyuuga head inquired about their informant.

"She is still in the field keeping tabs on their movements. In two days' time they will carry out a simultaneous assassination of all their targets." The Hokage looked to the two men sitting in front of her. "Because of your influence in politics and positions, I am assigning members of your clans to this important mission."

"Very well," Fugaku replied stoically. "The Uchiha are in your service."

"The Hyuuga will assist you as well." Hiashi answered, "We can't allow them to succeed."

"Sairi has specific knowledge of each assassin's mission, which will be provided momentarily when I announce groups of two or three with details of your assigned location. This is A-rank, proceed with caution, I don't want any of you to get careless." Tsunade admitted, knowing some of the shinobi very well. "When you hear your name grab your scroll, you will leave as soon as possible."

While she called names Neji turned to Sasuke, a challenge lighting his pale eyes. "Uchiha, let's see who completes their mission first, with minimal damage."

A smirk spread across Sasuke's face, "I accept."

Shisui and Itachi sighed. "What kind of bet is that when there's no prize?" the spiky haired Uchiha asked with a shake of his head.

"It proves whose better," his younger cousin asked. "Isn't that right, Hyuuga?"

Shisui wanted to ask how that made a point but settled for a shake of his head and waited for his name to be called and it came as a relief when the Hokage announced his group and he retrieved his scroll. After a quick word with his two partners about their quickly approaching departure he bid farewell to his cousins. Sasuke was next to leave and then Itachi received his mission details.

The issue at hand was very bothersome. Relaxation would have to wait until he returned, that is, assuming he would be able to have a break. Hopefully during that period he would have a moment to check on a special dark haired blue eyed optometrist.


A few days later the evening came and the eldest Chiko kunoichi stood in a quieter part of town in front of a small tea shop that sold some good dango's. It would be a perfect place to speak to Itachi without the prying eyes and hushed whispers of passerby's and provide them some privacy to talk to each other. It's been a couple years since he introduced her to this particular restaurant, where his favorite food, dango, was served.

During the wait Ayumi recognized a few of tonight's patrons who greeted her by name of which she returned in kind. Minutes ticked by as people continued down the street. The sun was an hour away from setting the village into darkness and today was the second day of August.

She sighed and looked down both sides of the street and her guest was nowhere in sight but she continued to wait several more minutes. The only inclination to the time was the sun setting over the roofs of neighboring buildings and the lights of signs and streetlights flickering on. Customers came and went noticing and ignoring the young woman from earlier. Ayumi paid them no mind her eyes staring at the dirt beneath her feet.

'I guess Itachi isn't coming,' she thought sadly. It was also one of the rare occasions she was dressed in something different from her usual getup. 'I expected something like this to happen.' Ayumi continued racking her brain for excuses. 'Maybe he got busy and couldn't make it, but if that's the case Itachi would have at least sent a reply telling me about it.' He was a gentleman and wouldn't stand her up, would he?

By now the stars twinkled overhead and the streets were basking in artificial light. The young woman sighed, 'I suppose I should head home, fortunately I have tomorrow off.'

She heard footsteps approaching along the deserted road and she recognized the voice that came along with it. "Ayumi?" Her blue eyes flickered up and landed on another Uchiha than she was expecting dressed in his jounin uniform. "What are you doing over here?" Shisui asked. He blinked when he noticed she looked different, her hair was no longer in her usual ponytail but let down for a change but she hadn't abandoned the red headband. Instead of brown she wore a sleeveless white summer dress that stopped just before her knees, blowing gently in the cool breeze that weaved between the buildings and a simple pair of flip flops on her feet. "Wow," he whistled, "you should dress up like this a little more Ayumi."

A small blush dusted her cheeks in embarrassment, his reaction making her feel like she was showing a little more skin than she should. "It looks good," he complimented.

"It's not too much?" she asked and he shook his head.

"Girls should follow your example. Anyway, back to my question, why are you here? Are you waiting for your friend Tomo?"

She tucked her head, "Itachi didn't show," she murmured.

"Itachi?" the Uchiha asked out loud when it dawned on him. "You were waiting here for him?" he asked, not waiting for a reply when he continued. "He didn't stand you up, I'm sorry; I forgot to give him your message, I'm assuming this is what it was about, right? I'm sorry, I was on my way to give it to him but when I arrived home there was an emergency, I can't give you details but it was bad enough to have everyone on high alert, and Itachi was one of them sent out on a mission to take care of the issue and I don't know when he's supposed to return."

Ayumi couldn't help but feel relieved to know Itachi hadn't shown up because he didn't want to, but because he didn't know about it. As disappointed as she was that their talk was postponed she couldn't stay upset. Uchiha was a big name and they were always busy with something and with Itachi and Sasuke being the clan leaders children they had high expectations. She couldn't relate to renowned clan business but she knew they pulled a big part in the villages' economy and represented the nation.

"It's alright, Shisui." She said, recalling several occasions where either one of her friends had to bail out on some of their plans. "I won't hold that against you."

"Since you've been here for a few minutes why don't we go get some sushi? My treat!" her best friend said. She smiled and followed him to one of their favorite hangouts and she didn't have the heart to tell him she'd stood there for a little over an hour.

Several minutes later they were just outside of one of the best sushi bars in Konoha. It was a favorite gathering place for ninja and civilians and even tourists found it a great place to eat. The owners were the third generation family members of refugees from the last war and had become prosperous in the new life they created here.

Once they seated themselves the waitress came over and the Uchiha placed their order, "Some futomaki and temaki with sake for two please," he said charmingly and the woman was off.

Ayumi snapped her head toward him, "Wait, Shisui! I don't drink."

He grinned at her playfully, "You don't need to drink that much, I'll make sure you don't get drunk. This is just to loosen you up some. I swear I won't let anything bad happen to you."

The woman gave him a skeptical look but trusted him enough to know he wouldn't let something dangerous befall her. "Just one drink."

His grin intensified, "Only one," he promised and their beverage was set down right in front of them. After pouring sake in both cups Shisui handed one to Ayumi and with a quick toast he drank it in one gulp. The woman was a little more hesitant and while he was pouring himself another shot she brought the brim to her lips and swallowed. Her friend chuckled when he watched her face twist with her first taste of alcohol. "Don't worry, the second shot is better." He filled her cup again.

"We agreed on one shot," the dark haired kunoichi reminded him.

He smiled, "Just one more," he said, "this way you'll be used to the taste if you ever decide to drink again. Consider this training for some mission you may have to endure one day."

She almost huffed with those words. In truth she abstained from all alcoholic beverages. She recollected her mission with Sakura and Sairi, both had built a tolerance to alcohol. Perhaps she'd have to catch up with one of them and ask how they kept themselves from getting drunk to be prepared in case of such assignments. The liquid stood still in her cup; she closed her eyes and sighed before bottoms up.

To her surprise Shisui was right, it didn't taste as bad as the first time, but it was still bitter in her mouth.

"See. I told you, it gets better after the first shot."

Ayumi believed she should stop now but she figured a few more drinks wouldn't be too bad just as long as she didn't get drunk, what's the worst that could happen. Their order came out two minutes later.

"Looks good," she grasped the chopsticks and enjoyed the treat Shisui provided.


'It feels good to be back home,' Itachi thought, walking down the deserted streets. His group dispersed once they entered the village gates and one of his teammates volunteered to file the report, something he wasn't complaining about. It was one less form of paperwork for him to handle. The grumbling of his stomach announced its hunger and he decided while he was out to pick something up to go. He didn't want to wait to get home and discover if there was a meal or not prepared for him. Although his mother usually made a little extra food in case any of her sons returned from their mission he couldn't be certain, sometimes there was nothing and he'd have to fend for himself so to be sure he figured a quick stop at one of the still open restaurants would a good idea. He also wasn't in the mood to cook and would rather go to sleep.

A familiar sign came into view when his stomach growled again. 'I guess its sushi tonight.' He looked through the window and saw the few customers, recognizing two of them. Judging by their body language it looked like they were having a good time. Ayumi was laughing when he entered the establishment.

Her shoulders were shaking with the intensity of her laughter and Itachi realized he had never seen her so carefree. She was always so guarded and cautious. Seeing her having fun brought a small smile to his lips and he walked over to the counter they were sitting at.

"Hey Ssshisui? What about that time when you had broccoli stuffed up your nose?" she giggled, her cheeks painted slightly red from the alcohol she previously consumed.

The Uchiha paled with a horror-stricken expression before he turned his head away and started grumbling, "Shud up," he mumbled. "D'you know how many fan-girls saw that? And the ones who didn't see it heard 'bout it. My fan-girl population's down one-third. Apparently," he drawled, "ladies don't think its very manly when you are deemed the nickname Broccoli Boogers."

Ayumi was having a hard time breathing she was laughing so hard. It's been so long since she felt so carefree. "It seems like you both are having a good time," the voice made her sober instantly. Her laughter died down and she glanced over her shoulder.

"Hey Itachiii," Shishui grinned, his voice slightly louder than usual and clapped his cousin on the back. "You're back!"

Said Uchiha's expression was laid back but amused. His dark onyx eyes met blue ones, "Hello Ayumi, I hope Shisui's not making you do something you don't want to." He noticed the pink on her face and an empty sake bottle with another one half full. Being this close to her he also realized she was dressed differently, taking in the sight before him. 'She looks good.' Unintentionally, he was making the woman nervous.

"Hi," she replied. Despite the amount of alcohol she consumed she felt herself wanting to clam up when his presence became known. Ayumi stood up, "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom," before she dashed off.

In the safety of the restroom she stopped at the sink, grasping it tightly. 'Oh my gosh!' she stared at her reflection in the mirror. 'What am I going to do? He startled me when he showed up out of nowhere.' For a moment she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling. When her eyes opened her thoughts were less jumbled and her heartbeat was less erratic. 'Perhaps this is the perfect time to ask Itachi to meet up, to clear the air. I'm feeling a little more confident than usual.' She breathed again and steeled her resolve before exiting.

When she rounded the corner she saw Itachi sitting in the stool beside Shisui, who was drunkenly hanging off of him murmuring some incoherent words.

"Itachi?" his name made him shift his attention to the kunoichi.

Fortunately her best friend was paying attention elsewhere though still latched on Itachi's shoulder. It was almost comical to see him stretch his other hand for the sake bottle that was just inches out of reach and his tongue between his lips like a young child in deep concentration.

"Ayumi," Itachi's voice pulled her from her inner musings. She met his gaze and felt a little coy and somewhat ashamed of herself. He was giving her a small encouraging smile and that's what made her press on.

She didn't comprehend how close she was to him or that her proximity almost gave him a start when her face was only mere inches from his. "I…I'm not one to drink alcohol." He could smell it on her breath and it wasn't as strong as it was on his fellow clansman. "I…don't like it…It makes people do…do…" she paused and it was clear that she was struggling to find a word until she found one to settle for, "…stupid things."

"It's fine Ayumi." Itachi interrupted her from continuing. "I'm glad to see you are having fun, but you should abstain from drinking with Shisui in the future." He grinned slightly when she distanced herself from him by sitting on the next stool and watched her face turn brighter.

"Ssssoorry to interrupt you lovebirdsss," Shisui drawled having watched them from the moment he heard his name. "I'm fun!"

"I should go; I have lots to do tomorrow." Ayumi announced. "See you later, Itachi. Take care of Shisui too." He watched her until she exited the door.

"Your togo order, sir," the waitress called and Itachi thanked her and grabbed his drunken cousin and pulling him to his feet. He already paid for his order and pulled out more to cover the tab for Shisui and Ayumi and the moment the two men left the waitress locked the door and the lights flickered off for the night.

"You owe me," he told the stumbling Uchiha who was trying to keep up with his fast pace. A quick shower would feel refreshing and then he'd crash on his bed.

"Oi! I forgot to give you thisss." He stopped for Shisui to reach him slinging his arm back over his shoulder and the plastic bag with his order swinging by his legs. "Thissss!" a piece of folded paper was held between his first and middle finger in front of his face in which childish grin was placed. "Isss 'or you!" Then he wedged it into the jounin breast pocket and patted it, "Itsss expired now, but now you have't."

Itachi was a man with great patience but that grew thin when Shisui chose that moment to pass out. He had the thought to leave him there in the middle of the street but being the kind hearted man he was, he hoisted his unconscious kin over his shoulder and proceeded home. Hearing the snoring he decided he'd toy with his head when he woke up and began brainstorming a good cover story that would make Shisui more embarrassed than his Broccoli Boogers nickname dubbed to him by women in Konoha.


It was noon when he awoke the next day. The house was cool and the sun was at its highest point in the sky. After a quick change of clothes and putting his hair in his usual ponytail he headed downstairs and into the kitchen where he heard two distinct female voices. He smiled when he rounded the corner and found his mother and the woman who he had no doubt would marry his brother.

"You're home!" Mikoto smiled, glad he was home safe. The mother in her always worried about the possibility of either of her sons returning from a mission alive.

"Morning sleepy head," Sakura couldn't help but joke just as happy to see him in good condition. "Do you have any injuries that you need looked over?" she asked with her calculating emerald orbs scanning over his lithe form.

"Good morning ladies, and no, I escaped without a scratch." He answered the medic's inquiry.

She shrugged her shoulders, "If you say so, usually I'd make sure I gave you a checkup, but I'll trust you to know your limits and come to me when you need medical attention."

He smirked feeling rather playful right now that his brother wasn't here to threaten him, "You should be concerned about Sasuke. He's the stubborn one you have to worry about."

"True," she conceded.

Mikoto set down a hot beverage for her eldest son, hot tea, just like he liked in the mornings, or whenever he woke up. The woman sat at the table with two of her favorite people with her own beverage. "Your father wanted me to inform you that the house you requested is being restored. It shouldn't take long for it to be ready for you to move in." Itachi acknowledged his mother's words with a nod of his head. His request for a home of his own had taken far longer than he expected but now it was in the process of being finalized. Every mansion in their grounds were occupied by other clan members and even though his father was the leader of the Uchiha he had to wait for a vacancy and he wasn't the only one on the list. Fugaku was discussing with clansmen and the Hokage and the elders of the village about expanding their territory for more houses for the independent youth. Sasuke also applied for one. With any luck, the approval from the village his younger brother would have one faster that he himself did.

Eventually every young person want their own place to feel the independence of being an adult and the freedom that came along with it but the responsibility to take care of themselves, a residence to call their own and make memories and grow old with their spouses and raise a family.

"Sakura, dear," his mothers' voice broke him from his thoughts when she addressed the girl. "Are you going to the Tanabata festival (1) with Sasuke?"

The pink haired kunoichi turned giddy, "He asked me a few weeks back. I honestly didn't think he would, but I'm glad he did." Her tone took on a woman in love, deep affection sketched on her face when the youngest Uchiha was mentioned.

Both Mikoto's dark eyes and her ever present smile brightened. "I'm glad he's taking you, I remember when Fugaku asked me." She was getting dreamy, recalling memories of the past. "I must admit I always believed Itachi would be the first one to take a girl to the festival though. Even if you're not romantically involved with anyone, it's a great place to spend time alone, although every girl dreams of going to the Tanabata festival with the man they love."

The male zoned out the rest his mother said when he recalled reading the note Ayumi had written to him. Shisui said it was expired and Itachi horrible about not being able to meet her. He decided to see her now while he didn't have anything to do and not let this day be totally unproductive.

Finishing off his tea he stood up. The two women stopped talking. "Where are you going?" the ebony haired woman asked.

"I have and errand to run." He stood beside his mother, leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back later. See you around Sakura."

Unfortunately Itachi had no idea where to start in his search so he settled for a walk around the village would be the best place to begin. If he found any of her friends he'd ask them if they knew where she was, but first he'd check the optometrist office.

"Ayumi has today off," the receptionist replied. At least he knew where she wasn't.

As usual the citizens were lively and the shinobi were patrolling the neighborhood. Children were at play while their mothers' gossiped about the latest news. So far, he encountered many friends and acquaintances but no one to help him in his quest. Dare he say it; it was like Ayumi became elusive overnight.

Time ticked by quicker than he thought with his leisured pace. He was running out of places to check, unless he retraced his steps for a second walk around town.

"Big sis! Big sis come on!"

"C'mon Ayumi! We need to go see Kana!"

"Ok, ok!" the familiar feminine voice laughed. A pair of onyx eyes turned in the direction he hear children call out to the woman he was hunting for. She came into view with four school aged children tugging her along, their steps doubled in comparison to her longer strides. They each had an ice cream in their hands and were devouring the delicious summertime snack as it melted onto their small hands.

Watching the scene before him brought a smile to his lips, there was always something new about her that intrigued him. He followed them to their destination only stopping at the door they entered. After a moments' hesitation he knocked.

An older lady with light pink hair and black eyes answered the door, "Can I help you young man?" She asked, looking him up and down. "You look too young to be a father to one of these children."

"No," he gave her a charming smile and a polite response. "I was looking for a young woman named Ayumi and I saw her come here only a few seconds ago."

"She is here," the older female confirmed, giving him a small amused smirk. "Would you like to come in while I retrieve her?"

"I'll just remain here, thank you," he politely declined.

Her head bobbed before she turned around, "Ayumi! There's a handsome young man here to see you. An Uchiha, I believe. Did you finally bring a boyfriend home?" This woman almost made Itachi shake his head—she reminded him of his mother's crazy antics—but he couldn't stop the low rumbled in his chest.

"You know I don't have a boyfriend, Kana." A voice came out dryly with a sigh.

"Shame, this man's gorgeous."

Down the hall Ayumi blinked, 'Who could it be?' she wondered. Her first thought was Shisui, but he never visited her when she was helping Kana and her husband Hisashi tend to the young children under their guardianship, knowing she was too busy for interruptions. She almost paled, 'Not him?' If it was Itachi then she probably looked like crap. Picking the kids up from school was somewhat exhausting and then treating them to ice cream afterwards with their sticky hands grabbing all over her and sometimes even wiping their dirty faces over her clothing made her feel unpresentable if it was who she thought it was.

Unfortunately she had no time to check on her appearance and would have to face the person expecting her.

Turns out her hunch was right. Kana left the two youngsters alone but the smile set on her lips never fell from her face. At the kunoichi's silence Itachi spoke. "Hey."

That seemed to snap her out of her stupor. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "I…I don't really have a lot of time." She lied, something Itachi was aware of since the older lady whispered to him that she had plenty of free time for a date or two.

"Sorry, I don't mean to keep you long." Dare he say he actually felt nervous? When it came to performing dangerous missions asking a girl out should be easy, right? He took a slow deep breath and met her curious blue orbs. "The festival is in a few days…and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?" There, he said it.

Her brain shut down.

"I thought you were busy. I don't want to keep you from your business." The smile he gave her caused her heart to flutter in her chest, pounding against her ribs.

"Yes, I would…"

The Uchiha was surprised with her answer, it sounded so certain but he couldn't help but be relieved. "I'll meet you at the dango shop at eight on the night of the festival. See you then, Ayumi."

From her position Kana saw the dumbfounded expression and could hear her mumble to herself trying to sink in the events that just happened. "He asked me out?"

"Don't have a boyfriend, huh?"

"Oooh, big sis has a boyfriend…"


1) The Tanabata festival is celebrated either on July 7 or August 7, although its said to be on the seventh day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar, the dates depend on the region in Japan. So in this story it'll be set in August.

Finished, this chapter took a while but now its down. Hope everyone enjoyed, review please.