Naruto: Heir of Arceus
Chapter 8: Return to Konoha
OK I know ive been gone for a while but people please understand I have real life matters to attend that are super important. I been getting quite the hate PMs as of late saying to stop doing whatever im doing and continue my stories. I seriously want to keep writing as I enjoy doing this but managing a restaurant is no easy feat. I have to be there really early to start preparing food, clean up the area, set up the tables and I stay late to clean up I barely have time for my personal life anymore. Hell I was even dumped cause I was so busy that my girl got fed up with me not spending time with her so please I only ask that you be patient the first year is always the toughest for a new business.
I don't have much else to say just that please be patient…and NO this story or any of my stories WILL EVER BE UP FOR ADOPTION.
It had been a week since the mission to Wave and a long week since the capture of his son Naruto, and it had been the longest week of his life. Sitting at his desk with his hand holding his head was Minato, reading over the latest demands of the council. Sighing he crumpled the paper into a ball and threw into the trash bin.
The hokage stood up from his seat and turned to the window that allowed him to look at the entire village. Though his eyes instantly landed on a single tower that stood away from the busy market place. The ANBU headquarters and the place that his son was currently held in after being brought to the village. Once he had arrived to the village the council had been waiting for him, and had instantly demanded that Naruto be sent to the holding cells in the ANBU tower until the trial was ready. Seeing how it had been the shinobi side who had demanded it he had no choice but to send him. After seeing the young girl Haku, and hearing about her kekkei genkai, the civilian council tried to demand that she be branded with a prisoner seal and be handed to the uchiha to help him with the repopulation of his clan. He wasn't happy with the demand that he told them to fuck off and that she wouldn't be force to be a slave as that's not what the village stands for.
After that he took the girl to his home where she had been staying for the last week. He could tell that there was a lot of tension with the girl and his daughter, even Kushina had something against the girl. Letting out a heavy sigh he returned to his seat to continue his work.
Naomi sat quietly eating her bowl of ramen at the favorite restaurant, though for the last week she hadn't been able to truly enjoy her favorite food. Ever since they had returned to the village from that mission her mind has been on her brother who was being treated like a criminal. Sure he had been in league with a missing ninja and had probably killed many shinobi, but he had never once been a shinobi so why treat him like one. Then on top of things her father had decided to bring that bitch Haku to their home to keep an eye on her or so he said.
What pissed her off the most was that Haku was staying in her dear Onii-sama's room and she rarely left the room even to eat. He mother had been the one to take her food to the room and many time she had tried to make a conversation with the girl to find out more about Naruto, but she hardly spoke at all. Letting out a frustrated growl Naomi stood up and placed some money on the counter for her food and headed out. Behind the counter a pretty brunette watched sadly as one of her dear friends seemed to be troubled, ever since the capture of her brother she had been sulking. She didn't eat her ramen with gusto anymore.
"Otou-san, do you think she will be ok?" the brunette asked.
"I hope so dear, I hope so," responded her father as he stood next to her with a hand on her shoulder, "I've known Minato for a long time now and im sure he will do everything in his power to help his son, then we will have the old Naomi back."
As the young redhead walked through the streets of the village she could see the hypocrites waving at her or bowing. Sometimes she hated them for all the pain they caused her brother when it was disclosed that he was born without the ability to use chakra.
Her mind traveled to Haku, the girl who knew Naruto the best aside from Zabuza, that girl pissed her off. She remembers her ignore her mother when she had asked her to tell her about Naruto, she had also been ignored by the ice girl.
"Naomi-chan," the blond girl heard her name called out.
Stopping the blonde turned around to see one of her closest friend since she was a child, the heir of the Hyuga clan, Hinata. The young hyuga has waist length indigo color hair, white eyes, and wore a pair of short shorts, a midriff mesh shirt or sports bra, and a purple jacket. The girl wore a seductive looking smile on her face.
"Hinata," Naomi greeted her with a small smile and a twitch in her eye, "when did you get back from your mission?"
"we just got back about an hour ago," she said before a frown appeared on her face, "what's this I hear about that bastard Naruto being captured? He should have been killed on sight after all he did abandon the village and from what I heard he has killed multiple of our shinobi."
Naomi frowned at the way her friend talked about her beloved brother, "Hinata please don't talk that way about Nii-sama."
'Nii-sama? She refers to that asshole as nii-sama!?' thought Hinata as she gritted her teeth at the way Naomi referred to Naruto.
"You really shouldn't refer to a criminal as such Nao-chan," said Hinata getting close to the blonde and cupping her chin, "why don't you and I go somewhere more private?"
"Hinata please how many times do I have to tell you to not say such shameless things," said Naomi with a deadpanned expression, "anyways ill talk to you later Hinata, I have too many things on my mind that I need to think about."
Hinata watched with a frown as her best friend and love interest walked away with her hand rubbing the back of her head.
"Naruto... I swear I won't let you have her," swore Hinata.
Haku stood next to the window looking out to the backyard of the Namikaze compound. For the last week it had been hell for her, she had never felt so alone. It was only a week ago that she was with her family, but that family had lost a member in Zabuza, then they had been captured by the Hokage. While Naruto was sent to prison, she had been brought to the Hokage's house to be kept an eye on. Glancing back at the room she could see some clothes that had been given to her by Kushina.
Kushina, that was another problem in the household, every time she was in the same room as her the redhead would ask her to tell her about Naruto. Of course she just kept quiet, it wasn't her place to tell her anything. That's why she tried to stay in the room as much as she could only, going out to use the bathroom and sometimes get something to eat.
Haku could smell whatever Kushina was cooking at the moment, knowing her she was probably making ramen again. That was one thing she truly disliked, ramen, it's not that she hated the dish, far from it, but they ate it almost constantly. Kushina was making it to take some to Naruto, but Haku knew that Naruto had a certain hate for that food. She could remember the amount of times he ate ramen since Zabuza found him and the dates he ate it.
Meanwhile downstairs Kushina was humming as she stirred the ramen she was making, she knew that the trial for her son was coming. And that had her terrified as to what the council would decide to do with him, she knew Minato would do his best to protect him all she had to do was believe in him.
Tasting the broth, she smiled as it was now perfect. Grabbing a bowl, she poured some of the ramen and covered it before placing it in a basket. Removing her apron and hanging it up she picked her basket and headed to the front door stopping for a moment and looking upstairs to the bedroom where Haku was. With a tired sigh she walked out the door.
Deep within the ANBU headquarters sitting inside a cell that was guarded by two of the Hokage elite ANBU was Naruto. The blond sat in a corner wearing a set of white robes, his knees to his chest as he looked at the ceiling. He had lost track of how long he had been in here for a bit until he heard the guards talk about some trial that was happening the next day. From there he also learnt that he had been inside the cell for a week. A long week since he had last seen Haku-chan, just thinking about her he wondered where she was being held and in what shape she was in.
Knowing the council, he knew that they would try something against her for the sake of getting her kekkei genkai. Naruto's hand reached up to his neck where that dammed collar was preventing him from leaving the cell. From what he had discovered about the collar was that it if he went got a certain distance it would immobilize him.
Closing his eyes, he tried to get some more sleep when he heard the door to his creak open, opening a single eye he watched as the ANBU let someone in. his eyes fully opened a scowl on his face, Naruto watched as Kushina stepped into the cell with a basket in her hands.
"Naruto-chan," she greeted him with a smile.
"What the fuck do u want this time?" Naruto growled.
For as long as he had been here, Kushina had taken it upon herself to visit him, often times bringing him food. And to tell the truth he was fed up with her trying to get him to forgive her.
"I came to talk and bring you something to eat," Kushina said biting her lower lip.
"Well I'm interested in talking with you or hungry so why…" Naruto said before his stomach let out a loud growl.
Kushina brought her hand to her mouth and let out a small giggle at how Naruto's stomach seemed to disagree with him. Walking further into the cell she sat on the bed and placed the basket on the floor. Opening the basket, she pulled out the large bowl of ramen she had prepared earlier and held it out to him with a smile.
"I don't want it," Naruto said turning away.
"Please eat Naruto-chan, I know that you don't get much food here, and I worked hard on it," Kushina said with a sad smile as she looked at the shape her baby was in.
With a glare Naruto looked at her, "I don't want it and leave I don't want to see your face."
"Naruto…" the red head looked down, however one thing she noticed was he hadn't out right insulted her yet like how he did when they first met on the road to Nami.
Naruto just glared at his so called mother and turned his attention to the wall, ever since he started to use aura, he had felt calmer and his mind clearer. But no matter what he still held hate for the village and his parents for what they did to him when he was younger.
"sochi, please eat, and I will tell you about Haku-chan," Kushina said hoping that using the girl's name would get some reaction.
Naruto snapped his head back and gazed at her, he had wanted to know how Haku was doing and if eating that garbage was the only way to know, he would eat it. Without saying a word, he took the bowl from her hands. Kushina had tears in her eyes as she saw her son finally accept her food even if she had to coerce him.
"For the last week Haku has been staying with us at the compound," Kushina said, "she hardly comes out of the room that we gave her, though when she does she goes to the roof and gazes at the stars for hours."
The blond listened to her talk as he ate the ramen she brought him, even if he didn't like it, he would eat it.
"Though she hasn't had it any easier than you, even if she's not inside a cell like yours she is still treated poorly by the village," the red head continues as she pulled out a thermos and pout some tea, "when the council found out that she has a kekkei genkai, they started making demands for her to be used to breed more hyoton users…."
Kushina jumped to her feet as she heard something break, before she could do anything else she was lifted off her feet by her throat and slammed into the wall. Her eyes landed on Naruto's and winced when she saw them glowing blue with a furious look on his face.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!?" he roared, "if they so much as touch one hair on her head I will raze this village to the ground."
"Minato…stopped…them…" Kushina manage to whisper.
With a growl the blond released her and moved back, as Kushina hit the floor coughing and trying to catch her breath. Naruto was incensed at the thought of the village using Haku as a breeding tool, but at least that bastard did something right.
The cell door busted open and three ANBU rushed in with their weapons in hand and immediately surrounded Naruto when they saw Kushina on the floor with her hand on her throat.
"Stop," Kushina called out, "go back to your post."
"But Kushina-sama," the one with lond purple hair said.
"it's ok nothing happened," she said standing up. The female ANBU narrowed her eyes behind her mask as she glanced at her neck. The black ops sigh and had her team fall back. "Sochi…"
"Leave, I want to be alone," Naruto said pressing his forehead to the wall.
The redhead picked her basket up and giving Naruto a worried glance she walked out of the cell, but not before hearing Naruto whisper something.
The next day
Haku woke up startled from the knocking on the bedroom door. Standing up she straighten out her kimono she walked to the door and opened it to reveal Minato standing there.
"Haku please get dress, the trial will start soon," he said.
The brunette nodded and closed the door to get ready.
Minato stood in his full Hokage robes as he waited for Haku to come down, his wife and daughter had already left earlier. When he heard footsteps he saw the girl walking down the stair wearing a pink kimono with a white sash.
"Im ready Hokage-sama," she said.
Minato approached the girl and placed a chakra suppression seal on her. Then he grabbed her shoulder and using his hirashin teleported to the council room.
When they appeared Haku noticed that the room was full, on one side sat the Civilians all dressed in their most expensive clothes. On the other side sat the shinobi council also dressed in expensive clothes, but on this side she noticed that the genins that they had fought sat behind along with more what seemed to be the heirs. In the center sat the three elders and standing next to an empty chair was an elder man with a pipe in his mouth. The hokage pointed to two empty chairs in the middle, no words where needed as she went straight for the chair to sit down.
While sitting there she could feel the eyes of the people in the room on her. Her eyes scanned the room without moving her head, seeing the civilians giving her a look of hunger and lust? Though she was more perturbed with the looks the Uchiha brat was giving her.
The doors to the room opened with a squad of black ops walking in with a hand cuffed Naruto in the middle wearing white robes. he didn't say anything as he walked to the empty chair, before he could sit Haku stood up and wrapped her arms around him giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
"Naruto-kun," she said.
"Im glad you're ok, Haku-chan," responded the blond softly.
Naomi watched from her spot behind her mother as the two hugged each other with a huge frown as she should be the one holding her onii-sama like that. From a few seat away Hinata's eyes were focused on the blond filled with anger towards him.
"Take a seat," Minato said with authority from his seat.
Naruto turned his head and glared at the man but sat down nonetheless.
"We have gathered today to decide the fate of these two shinobi," the Hokage said, "first Yuki Haku, you are accused of being in league with a rouge shinobi from Kirigakure no sato, Momochi Zabuza, after a thorough investigation we have found no records of you as a member of Kiri's forces."
"Hokage-sama," spoke up an old man who had half of his face covered, "if I may say, the girl has an extremely rare kekkei genkai, so it would be best to have her create the Yuki clan here."
Haku felt an extreme fear as she heard the man say that she should be a breeding factory. She saw Naruto tense up releasing a growl and looked as if he was about to jump from his seat to tear the man up.
"Danzo, we will not resort to using her as such so keep such comments to yourself," Minato said, "Now Namikaze…."
"Aruseus," Naruto interrupted, "my name is Aruseus Naruto, you blond bastard."
People gasped in shock at the way Naruto spoke to the Hokage, others narrowed their eyes at what he had called himself. Kushina eyes watered a bit hearing him deny his family name, while Naomi giggled slightly at her brother's comment.
With narrowed eyes Minato continued, "Aruseus Naruto, you're charged with having affiliation with a high ranking missing nin, and for the murders of 58 leaf shinobis, 9 main and 5 branch Hyugas, 5 Yamanaka, 2 Nara, and 3 Akamichi."
Naruto could feel the killing intent being sent his way by the many head of clans who heard of their member's death. Though he just shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
"In this case you would be executed where you sit for treason…"
"please, as if, you know the laws of this place, only shinobi under the Hokage's command can be charged with treason," Naruto said, "I was a civilian and there is no law stating that a civilian must remain in the village for his whole life, never did I become a shinobi."
"Be as it is, you are still a member of my clan and I never authorize you to be allowed to leave my clan or village," said Minato, "as such you will still receive punishment for the murders of the shinobi."
"tsk… what a bunch of hypocrites you are, if they didn't want to die then they should've stayed as civilians, once you put that headband on it means that your life will always be on danger, you never know if you will make it back to your house, so charging me such petty charges well you can shove them up your ass," Naruto said standing up.
All around the shinobi were in deep thought, the brat had been right about the dangers of being a shinobi, yet they were angry that it was a person from their own village that had killed them. More so in the point that the person who had killed them was the failure of the Namikaze family.
"Hokage-sama," Danzo spoke up once again drawing attention, "it seems to me that the boy feels no regret for what he did, therefore I believe death would be the best punishment, but he won't feel any regret, so I propose that he be sent to Hozuki Castle for the rest of his life."
People all around were speechless, the blood prison was the place where the most dangerous of criminals were sent. The people all around the room started to talk among themselves regarding the punishment.
"I believe that would be a fitting punishment," Minato said after thinking it over.
"MINATO," shouted kushina who jumped to her feet with an angry look on her face and tears falling freely from her eyes, "you can't be serious?"
"Otou-sama…" whispered Naomi.
"However we need not be hasty," Minato spoke again, "from what the reports, and the things I saw I believe that his chakraless skills would be going to waste, so I think that we should give him a choice, either join the Konoha ranks or be sent to Hozuki Castle."
"Hokage-sama, don't be ridiculous, this boy needs not be given the oppurtunity to become stronger, send him to Hozuki castle, and then as Danzo-sama stated we give the girl to Uchiha Sasuke to be used to repopulate the Uchiha clan…" spoke a civilian.
Before anyone could tell the man to shut up and loud snap echoed through the room and a chair was sent crashing into the ANBU that was standing close to Naruto. Before anyone could make a move Naruto appeared in front of the civilian who had spoken his arm pulled back, hand curled into a fist, and his fist glowing white. The man couldn't move or respond in time as Naruto smashed his fist into his face sending flying back crashing deep into the wall. The shock lasted only for a few seconds before the ANBU jumped to restrain Naruto, Minato made a single handsign. The necklace on Naruto glowed before he fell to the ground gritting his teeth in pain as he struggled to look at the bastard.
The masked shinobi pulled him back to the center of the room dropping him onto the ground with their swords ready in case he attacked. The shinobi were stunned they at first hadnt believe that the boy could use some sort of ninjutsu with no chakra now seeing it themselves many began to make plans.
Danzo was making as many plans as he could to try and get the boy under his command, with him he could take over the village faster. He had had his sharingan locked on the boy and saw when he moved and attacked, he didn't see a single ounce of chakra.
Naruto glared at the man as he tried to stand up, but his body felt as if he had been hit with a super thunderbolt.
"Naruto-kun are you alright?" asked a worried Haku kneeling next to him.
'This bastard,' Naruto thought looking from Minato to Danzo, 'if I choose the prison I will be away from Haku and I won't be able to protect her at all so that one eye mummy will try something against her, though if I become on the bastard's lap dogs, I'll be close to Haku to protect her, either way I lose in the end.'
"Fine you bastard, if that's your fucking game, I'll become one of your lap dogs," Naruto said.
'Naruto-kun..' thought Haku.
'Thank goodness,' kushina said with a smile.
'Now we'll be together onii-sama,' naomi thought.
The clan heads were not too happy with what the brat was offered but they would try to get his DNA into their clans one way or another. Hyuga Hiashi, stared at the boy with his byakugan blazing, and wondered what it was that powered the boy. He had seen something inside of him send a burst of power to his fist. His eye glanced to his eldest daughter who was heatedly glaring daggers at him, knowing her infatuation with Minato's daughter she might be able to get close to the boy if not he still had his youngest Hanabi.
"with Naruto's agreement to join Konoha's forces I take it if offered you will accept also Haku-san?"
"Hai, Hokage-sama," Haku said without looking at the man.
"well then this trial is over ANBU escort them to my office," Minato said using his hirashin to return to his office.
Ok I rushed this chapter caused I only had this one day to write and I need to get something out to show people that I still live. Its not up to par since im so tire lately with the restaurant, im hoping things calm down a bit for me when I start hiring more help. Just be patient with me its all I ask I will try to get more out faster. No FLAMES please.