Hello everyone who clicked on this… THANKS but before you start I just want to make a few things clear. First of all I do not pretend to be a historian, this story will go through the ages of history, and I beg you to turn a blind eye to any historical inaccuracies, there will inevitably be a few. Secondly, if you have ever read any of my other stories (and if you like The Dark Knight or Dexter then I suggest you check them out), you'll know that I go back and forth through time a lot even within the span of one chapter BUT this story will not intertwine with the actual show's timeline at all (so all you Caroline/Klaus fans can keep on fantasizing about that). If you are not a fan of OC stories I think you should give them a try, they open up a wide world of new possibilities for existing characters, and it's more fun to write about, especially with characters whose past in kind of vague.
So in conclusion, sorry if this isn't accurate to actual events in time, sorry if it clashes with the show, sorry if your confused about what's happening when and sorry that you had to read this. PLEASE REVIEW. Seriously, please.
P.S. Picture King Henry VIII as Jonathon Rhys-Meyers in "The Tutors" not as the fat ugly man he was in reality. ENJOY!
Roxana slept peacefully the night before everything changed. Of course she couldn't know that when she woke up she would begin a long and tempestuous journey that would destroy every single aspect of her life, as she knew it. If she had known it she wouldn't have ever left her room that day. If she even had a small inkling of what the future would hold she would have pretended to be ill and would have happily gone on blissfully unaware of what could have been for the rest of her life. But that's not the way the world works. Our actions have a domino effect. And the sleeping girl knew nothing of the huge chain reaction of events that would occur because of her decision to get out of bed that morning. Roxana was doomed straight from the start.
Life in 1519, in England was not a particularly nice life. She wasn't a noblewoman or royal, though she lived in a village directly outside the palace, in fact she was a simple peasant really, an innkeeper's daughter, to be more specific. She was so close to the society that she wanted to be a part of and yet she was so far. She could sometimes see them when she snuck off to the forest, hunting on their beautiful steeds, laughing and chatting, dressed in their ridiculously fancy clothes. She envied them more than anything but she knew her place.
"Roxana!" He father screamed from downstairs. He was a harsh man, after her mother died in childbirth (and didn't produce him a male heir) he became hard, unloving, sometimes even abusive. She splashed cold water on her face and ran downstairs in her simple dark blue dress. He glanced her over before shooing her off to the market where she should get food for the week. Her father was not a supporter of King Henry VIII. In fact he was a huge supporter of anyone who opposed the man. She didn't know where this hateful mentality of the young king came from but she knew that he would give her a thrashing if she ever defended him or any of the monarchy really. She didn't really have time to gather her hair into a bun so she just left it loose as she ran out into the morning air. The walk to the town was a long one, around an hour on foot.
Once she got all the supplies she needed for the inn she headed back along the dirt road, hurrying so not to anger her father. It didn't take much for him to be set off. Suddenly trumpets sounded. Something was happening, or rather, someone was coming. She heard the galloping of horses, and some pretentious looking men riding a top of them. They were headed down the dirt road towards the castle at a tremendous speed and everyone had to scramble out of the way so not to get trampled. Everything happened so fast that Roxana didn't even know what was going through her mind when it happened. She saw a little girl in the middle of the road, frozen to the spot in fear as she stared up at the horses coming her way. She was going to be stomped to death. Roxana looked around desperately, nobody was doing anything, why was nobody doing anything? The men on the horses didn't even notice the little girl. So she acted on impulse. Time felt like it slowed down. A split second before they were going to hit her, she lunged for the girl, pushing her to the other side of the road and to safety. She felt a sharp pain in her leg and she realized that her eyes were closed tightly. She opened them and returned to reality. The first thing she noticed was the little girl shaking her. She's alive, Roxana didn't think she had been more relieved in her entire life, we both are. The second thing she noticed was the men on horses had come to a screeching stop after passing her. The man in the front was turning back now on his black horse towards her, and she was scared. The third thing she noticed was the pain, a horrific pain ripping through her leg. She looked down and saw the blood. Pouring out of a gash in the back of her right leg as well as the ones on both her knees. She held back tears.
"This little bitch deterred my horses!" The man yelled, pointing a fat finger at her. He was revolting looking, covered in gaudy jewels and a thick beard, not to mention that he was tremendously overweight.
"Y-You were going to hit her." Roxana stuttered as she stared up at the man. The man did not look at all impressed, he actually snarled at her. Someone came up riding beside him. This man was the complete opposite of his companion. He was handsome, fit, and had short brown hair.
"I think this brave one just saved that little girl's life." The other man pointed out and smiled, "There is no reason to be upset about the fact that she deterred our progress, we will be off again soon and the palace is quite close in case you haven't noticed. Bravery should be rewarded not punished." Roxana wanted to smile back at the man but she was still too afraid to do so, "Do you know this girl?" The man asked her. Roxana shook her head no. The little girl was hugging her when suddenly she said a cute thank you and scurried away. She probably lived near by. Roxana was left alone to face the men, still sitting helplessly on the dirty ground. Her father was going to hurt her when he saw that she ruined her dress.
"Charles I think—" The man named Charles cut the fat man off. He looked concerned for the wounded girl.
"Can you stand?" He asked and she struggled to do just that. She tried to stand up but the pain was so intense and her knees were so weak that she was about to fall. Charles' hand shot out and caught hers, keeping her in an awkward upright position. He slowly got off his horse, still somehow holding her up, before helping her slowly fall back on the ground, "So that's a no." He teased. She managed to smile weakly, "Where do you live."
"'Bout an hour that way." She pointed from where she had come from, "If you walk that is. It's an inn on the outskirts of town." She explained and tried once again to stand up. She failed, again and decided that maybe it was best if she stayed on the ground. Charles was silent for a moment.
"I don't have time to take you back." He glanced at the palace and back at her. She nodded and told him that she was sure that she could manage to get home somehow, "No, no, that won't do at all. You're a hero after all we can't make you walk home in this condition." He winked at her and offered her his hand, "Come to the palace with me, we'll get you cleaned up and bandaged, and when you're well enough we'll send you back home again." The fat man took this opportunity to put in his opinion again.
"I don't think that's such a good idea, the King—"
"I will explain the situation to the King. I'm sure he'll allow it. He has never been one to turn away a pretty girl before." And so it was settled, much to Roxana's dismay that she was going to spend her day in the company of royalty. She soon found out Charles was the Duke of Suffolk and she was much more intimidated by him because of it. He was kind to her though. Very kind and she thanked him profusely during the journey to the castle. She also found out that the Duke of Suffolk was humble, the last thing she thought a man of his stature could be. She realized that she was entering a whole new world.
5 days later
Roxana decided that she never wanted to go home. Everything was so beautiful here and though she was healed and could walk again, the king himself had insisted that she stay for at least a week. Sir Charles had told her that he had sent a letter to her father to inform her of what had happened. She was glad that she wasn't there to see how he reacted. Everything was elegant in her room, though it wasn't as extravagant as the other rooms in the castle it was like a dream come true to her. She smiled when she woke up each morning. Of course, she was the new gossip of the castle and the bud of every joke. The "pretty peasant" as they called her who had somehow managed to get the attention of two powerful men, seemingly without sleeping with them, which was unheard of. Roxana was grateful that they didn't call her a whore, but she supposed it was quite obvious that she was still completely innocent.
King Henry was quite the man. He was charming, though a womanizer, passionate and impulsive. She had never met anyone like him before. He was exciting. Sir Charles was sweet and tender to her, she had heard rumours about him but couldn't bring herself to believe them, he always seemed so courteous and gentlemanly. But this story wasn't about them. They just happened to be there at the time. No, this story was about him. If Roxana hadn't left her house that morning and saved that girl she wouldn't have been at the palace when he arrived. She would have never met him and there wouldn't be a story.
Roxana was invited to go to some banquet being held at the palace that night to honour some guest who was coming to stay with them. She didn't really want to go, she felt embarrassed because she had nothing to wear. Charles had been generous enough to provide dresses for her during her stay but they were still plain, nothing special. They were nicer than her dresses, however, so she had never even thought about complaining, until now. When she was in the company of the King she saw what the other women were wearing and once again she was reminded how out of place she was. She didn't talk like they did, her words weren't fancy and she wasn't well educated. She didn't have the same air of superiority either or confidence. I don't belong here, she thought as she inspected herself in the mirror. Her eyes were big and round, it made her look innocent and naïve, her hair was long and golden brown, lovely pink lips and yet she never thought of herself as pretty. She supposed it had been driven into her that she wasn't by her father. Someone knocked on her door. She turned quickly away from the mirror.
"Come in." She called. The door opened to reveal none other than King Henry himself. She was stunned silent for a moment before remembering herself and she curtsied, "Your majesty, I was not expecting your visit." She tucked a loose end of hair behind her ear nervously. He flashed a gleaming smile at her and his eyes moved over her body.
"Undress." He ordered suddenly, closing the door behind him. Her eyes went wide in shock and she was at a loss for words, "It's not a request Roxana." He had never bothered addressing her formally, because she really didn't have any title worth mentioning. Roxana dropped her eyes down to her feet and blushed. She bit her lip nervously as she reached behind her to loosen the corset of her dress. Henry got impatient and strode over to her, turning her around so he could do it himself. He pulled the dress down to reveal her undergarments and then reached around her. Roxana was too frightened to move or say anything. He pressed his lips to her neck and sighed deeply, "How I wish I could take you for myself." He pulled away. She was confused now but didn't dare question him. He began to pull down the tops of her slip and she flinched away from his touch. He took no notice and continued until her upper body was completely exposed to him, then he turned her around and inspected her, "Why is your back so beaten?" There was silence, Roxana's cheeks became even more red if that was possible.
"My father…" She paused, tears were gathering in her eyes, "He gets angry a lot. I know my back is… gruesome, I thought the wounds would heal over time but they scarred..." The King contemplated her for a moment and then nodded his head.
"Well, who knows, maybe he'll like it." Henry said and moved towards her running his hands down her side. She shivered.
"Who?" She squeaked. He didn't answer, he pressed his lips to hers and closed his eyes. She had never really been kissed before. She was still young, only 16, and her father used to shoo off any boy who came to the inn to see her. She had kissed a stable boy once, but it was really only a peck. He pulled away and placed his hands on his hips.
"Roxana, you've never been intimate with a man before have you?" He asked and she shook her head, "No, I could see that in your eyes." He smiled and noticed her nervous expression, "It's not a bad thing, in fact it's the opposite. Today I'm going to teach you something, so that you'll be prepared."
"Prepared for what, your majesty?"
"All in good time…" He answered vaguely, "Now I want you to pleasure me." She back away, she didn't want this, no she didn't want this at all, "Don't worry, I'm not going to touch you. You'll still be a maiden when I'm done with you. I want you to get on your knees my dear." She finally understood what he was asking of her and she couldn't say that she wasn't terrified. She had heard girls gossiping about doing these acts but she never thought she would be in this position, with the King of all people. He undid his pants, "Now, don't be frightened, I'll guide you through it. This is just practice okay?" She nodded demurely and tried to ignore the sickening knots forming in her stomach.
Once it was finally over King Henry made her stand up and kiss him, she felt absolutely disgusted with herself and she still didn't understand what the point of all this was. They lay on the bed together and Henry stroked her hair gently and finally began to explain.
"You must be wondering why I had you stay for so long after you recovered from your fall." He started and she wondered, "It's because the moment I saw you I knew that I had a special purpose for you." Roxana didn't like where this conversation was going, "You see Roxana, I did you a favour by letting you stay here, despite your stature, and now you must return that favour. But don't think of it as a dept my dear, think of it as your duty." He touched her nose with his fingertip as he said this, "I have a very special guest coming, his name is Lord Niklaus, Duke of York, and he owns a great deal of land all over the continent, he is very important when it comes to making connections with the right people in different countries. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"
"Yes." She answered, "But how can I help?"
"I want you to pleasure him like you just did me. But not just like that, in other ways, in any way he wants in fact." The King said bluntly, "You shall do whatever he wishes, keep him entertained and satisfied and I might even let you stay at this palace a little longer. If you please him, that is."
"What if he's not even interested in me." She asked.
"He will be." Henry traced a hand down to her chest, "Trust me my darling you are a hard woman to resist. I do so want to take you right here and now but that would ruin all my plans. Niklaus and I have some important business to discuss, something important to me, and if he does not approve then it all falls through and I will not let that happen." He sat up and kissed me lightly on the lips again, "Keep him happy and I will keep you happy for he rest of your poor little life." He opened the door and took something that he had left outside of it, "I brought this for you." It was a gorgeous blood red velvet dress, "Make sure you wear it." After the King left the room Roxana just stood there, completely shell shocked. She loved the castle and the luxury that she had never experienced before, but she suddenly had the urge to run as far away from this place as possible. But no, she couldn't, he was the King of England and she was powerless. She was afraid of what this Lord Niklaus was going to be like but she was sure that if she went through with it she would live a much happier life. Perhaps a little suffering was sometimes required. Perhaps she just needed to look at the bigger picture. How could this Lord possibly be any worst than her father. Oh how she rejoiced at the idea of not having to return home. Yes, she decided, I shall do what his Majesty asks of me.
It was an extravagant banquet, filled with new visitors to the castle. It seemed that everyone turned to look at Roxana when she entered the large hall. Shocked whispers spread through the room. She took a deep breath and pretended not to notice, opting instead to look up at the king who smiled and winked at her. The room was a swirl of colors and people were drinking and dancing merrily with each other. The Duke of Suffolk immediately approached her and she smiled at him warmly. She knew now that he was really her only friend in this castle.
"Roxana, you look lovely this evening." He remarked and beamed at her, "How lucky I was that it was such a beautiful woman who I stumbled upon."
"Yes, lucky for you and the king both." She commented while frowning. She couldn't hide her anxiety, she was fiddling with her hands nervously not sure where she should put them. Charles examined her worried facial expression and sighed.
"The King has informed me of his plans for you." He placed a hand on her shoulder, "I wouldn't worry so much, I hear that Lord Niklaus is quite the charmer. I'm sure he'll take to you immediately." Roxana didn't take comfort in his words, she was still glancing nervously around the room, "He has not arrived yet Roxana, you will know when he does, trust me." Charles winked at her and invited her to dance with him. She accepted gracefully, though she wasn't exactly the greatest dancer she was glad that she managed to sway and twirl without stepping on any of his toes. She was quite unpracticed after all.
"May I cut in?" The deep and commanding voice of King Henry boomed. Roxana didn't look up at him still ashamed of what she had done with him earlier. He cupped her cheek and forced her to look up at him. He was grinning manipulatively and they began to dance, "Do not look so anxious my dear. Who knows you might even enjoy yourself." She didn't respond. He looked her over once and licked his lips, "You look absolutely delicious tonight. After Lord Niklaus has left and you are no longer an innocent, I shall make you my mistress. I hope his visit is quick, I don't think I can resist you much longer." His lips were so close to her ear and his words sent shivers down her spine.
"Do you promise your majesty that I won't have to return home after all this? I don't think I can go back to my father, not now, he'll be so angry with me." She whispered the last part, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. He looked her over and contemplated her question for a moment.
"Yes, I believe I can provide for you, I always like to cause a scandal now and again. If everything goes smoothly my darling then you shall be welcome in my company for as long as you wish to stay. However, if things do not go as planned and Niklaus leaves dissatisfied with his visit." He paused and stared down at her menacingly. His piercing blue eyes as sharp as daggers, "Then I shall personally give you a punishment that you shall never forget. And your father's thrashings will be child's play in comparison, I give you my word." Henry went back to his usual charming self after that, and dance with her as if he hadn't said anything at all. Roxana, however, was utterly horrified about the night ahead. She was shaking now she was so afraid that she would do something wrong. Suddenly the doors opened with force and everyone turned to look at who had just entered. Roxana swallowed, fearing her fate. This is it, she thought frantically, the rest of you life starts now.
He was taller, that was the first thing she notices, and he had some sort of resemblance to a Greek god with the short blonde hair. However, nothing else about him was god like. In fact Roxana would say that the rest of his looks had descended straight from Lucifer himself. The man was grinning, inspecting the room. The King put a firm hand on the small of her back and leaned down to whisper in her ear.
"It's time." His words made her swallow uneasily. Her stomach was doing somersaults. The man was fatally attractive. He looked almost dangerous, like he would rip a man's throat out without even flinching. Kin Henry pushed her forewords toward the man, "Ah Lord Niklaus, so happy that you could join us." Henry beamed, he snaked his arm around Roxana's waist when he got close to Niklaus. He was not alone; there was an abundance of women accompanying him and Roxana wondered what their purpose was. Behind him was another man, dark hair, his eyes roamed around the room, calculative. Lord Niklaus bowed to the King before he spoke. His voice was so rich and held a crisp British accent, unlike Roxana's, which was less refined, lower class.
"I am happy to be here your Majesty. May I introduce my brother, Elijah?" He stepped aside to present the other man. Roxana was slightly shocked that they were brothers when they looked nothing alike. The other man bowed but didn't say anything, "And who is this beautiful young lady beside you, please don't say your queen, I would be ever so disappointed." Niklaus gave her a charming smile and she blushed, her eyes falling to the floor.
"This is Roxana." The King pushed her foreword again, this time more forcefully, "No my Queen is not feeling well tonight and shall not be attending."
"I hate to make you part with such a lovely creature, but I would like to ask Roxana to dance." Niklaus answered. Henry's grip on Roxana tightened for a moment and he seemed hesitant. She didn't understand, this was his idea after all, why did it take him so long to answer? The King turned to Roxana.
"Go then, before I change my mind." He laughed and she nodded once before looping her arm around Lord Niklaus', which he had extended to her. She was lead away by this strong man to the center of the room. Everyone was staring again, and this time it was worst then before. She was having a hard time soothing the uneasy feeling that were just waiting to burst from within.
"The King seemed quite taken with you." Niklaus noticed, raising an eyebrow, "I wonder if you have bewitched him, perhaps I should be prudent around you."
"The King is taken with all young women who are new to the castle. He's like a child looking for his next shiny new toy, the novelty wears off quickly." She gasped and put her hand to her lips. She couldn't believe she had just said that to this man she knew nothing about. She had the habit of speaking out of term without even noticing when she was nervous. Much to her relief, Niklaus laughed.
"You speak very freely." He observed.
"Not intentionally." She mumbled, biting her lip. There was a silence as they danced at a rather close proximity, closer than was required.
"Tell me then, my dear, who are you?" He asked. She gave him a confused look, not quite knowing what he meant, "You are not of noble blood, I can tell that much and everyone in this room seems scandalized by the fact that I'm dancing with you. The King has also been watching this entire time, he seems to be keeping a close eye on you." He smiled smugly, "So then tell me, Roxana, who are you?" Roxana blushed and looked downwards. She was embarrassed.
"Just a peasant my lord." She admitted quietly, "An inn keeper's daughter." He laughed heartily and her cheeks went even redder.
"And how did an inn keeper's daughter end up in the palace?" He asked.
"I don't know… one of the Duke's almost ran me over with a horse. Injured me quite badly, they offered me a room here until I recovered." She told him, leaving out the part about the little girl. She didn't want to be going in to two many details with this man.
"Well you seem to have recovered now." His eyes moved over her body, a smirk taking over his features, "Why did they decide to keep you?" Roxana knew that she couldn't tell the trust. She glanced at King Henry whose eyes bored into hers as they met, before she quickly turned back to the Lord Niklaus.
"I suppose some powerful individuals took an interest in me." She shrugged. Her stomach was churning and she felt like she was going to be sick. Henry's threats were rushing through her mind.
"Well then, I suppose I'll have to make good use of you while you're here." Niklaus laughed again. Roxana stared up at him uncertainly, not quite knowing what that meant but fearing it just the same. A shiver ran up her spine. She focused her eyes on his neck, which was eye level for her unless she got on her tippy toes; he was quite a bit taller than her. Dinner was announced and they pulled apart. Sadly she wasn't just able to run away at this point. He took her hand firmly and interlocked their fingers as he led her to the head of the table, and sat her down at one of the empty seats. She found herself sitting between him and the King and she wished that she could just disappear into thin air.
Niklaus was getting rather too friendly at the dinner table for her taste. She jumped slightly when she felt his hand on her thing. Rubbing it gently under the table. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and tried to focus on the conversation the Lord and King were having but everything they were saying just went over her head. She was baffled by how calm and natural he looked beside her while his hand was roaming her legs and hitching up the hem of her dress so provocatively. She didn't do anything to stop him and nobody at the table seemed to notice that anything was out of place. The women who had once been staring and whispering about her were now engrossed in their own dinner conversations, sending flirty glances to men who were not their husbands. She didn't understand it. Everyone's obsession with sex and passion, why couldn't people just remain faithful to each other or be satisfied with the comfortable life they had? If she were married to such respectable gentlemen she wouldn't do anything that could possibly mess that up. But then again what did she know able matters of the heart or lust? She hadn't had much experience with either. The banquet went by faster than she expected it to. Few words passed between her and Niklaus, he was far too involved with what the King was saying. His brother Elijah was sending her suspicious looks the entire time but she managed to ignore him. He was a slightly off-putting man, too serious, completely the opposite of his brother. As the party split up and people started to retire to their bedrooms, Roxana quickly became aware of the fact that the moment of truth was fast approaching.
"Roxana, why don't you go to bed?" The King suggested, "Lord Niklaus and I have some important matters to discuss." She nodded and stood up, saying her farewells to everyone and made her way to her bedroom. Perhaps she had done enough? Perhaps that was all the King needed from her? Her relief was too premature however, as she realized upon hearing an expected knock on her door about an hour later. Roxana shot up in bed. She had been soundly asleep.
"Who is it?" She called hesitantly. Without answer the door opened to reveal none other than Lord Niklaus. She swallowed nervously, "My Lord, what are you doing here?" She asked rather rudely, "It's very late and I was asleep." Niklaus laughed and walked over to the bed.
"You are a curious woman Roxana." He reached his hand out and touched her cheek, "I thought I had you figured out and yet I am unsure of myself. You innocence is it all an act? I was sure that the King had brought you here to make me happy so that I would agreed to his plans of an alliance, and yet you seem so innocent so naïve. I wonder if perhaps I was wrong, or perhaps you are just not aware of the King's naughty intentions." She watched him, stunned, not quite knowing what to say as he crawled over her on the bed. He pinned her wrists above her head and stared down at her hungrily, "So tell me Roxana, what are your intentions?" She was panicking now. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss grew deep and vigorous. Emotions flew through Roxana that she had never felt before.
"Please sir, I've never done this before…" She managed to get those words in before he engulfed her mouth with his again. Klaus pulled away suddenly and loosed at her, there was something different about the way he examined her, a little spark in his eyes that wasn't there before.
"I promise to be gentle darling." He smiled. And he kept that promise. He was gentle. More gentle then he had been with anyone before in his life. He surprised himself and took pleasure in her moans, in her response to him. He cared about how she responded for some unknown reason. All night long, with each trust, each silenced scream of pleasure, he was thinking to himself that this was the girl. This was the girl that he was going to spend eternity with. She wouldn't be a vampire; no he wouldn't allow that, he would find a way to keep her human, and immortal, like him. When she finally collapsed from exhaustion, he wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair and whispered in her ear.
"You are mine Roxana. Always and forever, you belong to me now."
Tell me what you think! Comments, suggestions and what you think should happen next. It really makes a difference and influences my writing. Thanks for reading!