Ok! So hey guys! I've kinda stolen Charlotte's account, but anyways it's Nina, and xLosersLikeUsx gave me a prompt because I was in the mood to write.

I was told to do Kurt and Blaine being friends as kids and then becoming teens and realizing they where in love with each other. In this story, stuff like Kurt's mom dying happened when he was four, so don't get pissed at me I know it happened when he was eight. Soooo now please enjoy!

Chapter 1 Prologue

The hallways where cold and dreary, the only sound you could hear was the noise of a middle aged woman's designer heels clicking against the floor tiles of the elementary school hallway. The woman had long wavy hair that resembled the locks of a mermaid and the most breathtaking eyes you could ever imagine. Behind the woman, her young son followed close behind, you could tell the the child was struggling to pull back against the force of his mother who was dragging him with ease by the hand down the hallway. Blaine stopped struggling when he noticed a light wood door up ahead and hid behind his mother like a shield as his mother turned a corner and entered a classroom with the door wide open. Blaine was shocked as he looked around the class. There in the room was the rowdiest kids Blaine had ever seen in his life. Tall boys with dark hair ran around in circles throwing Lego pieces at each other, out of the corner of his eye he spotted three girls sitting around a blonde boy, daring him to kiss them, another girl was crying over a juice box she had spilled all over her pink floral dress. Blaine had never been in such a loud atmosphere in his life, the past three years he had been living in his quiet home in the secluded hills of north Westerville, the youngest kid Blaine had ever seen was his baby sitter, Drew. Drew was a thirteen year old girl who came all the way from across town to babysit him because the Anderson's paid extremely well. Above all of this she was way calmer than any of these kids.

Blaine snuggled closer into his mothers side. He had to spend six hours, five times a week in this dump. Blaine made a mental note to himself to start writing his will on which family members would get his transformer toys when he died the second he got home because let's face it, he wasn't going to last a week in this place. He closed his eyes in a desperate attempt to disappear yet he had no such luck. As an extremely large woman that looked like the bottom half of a snowman Blaine had built last winter approached Blaine and his mother, her curly short red hair bouncing like copper springs.

"Good morning!" The woman exclaimed in a optimistic tone as she extended a hand towards Blaine's mom. "Welcome to my classroom, I'm Julie Reese. I'm this years kindergarten teacher."

Welcome? This class room seemed more unwelcoming than a prison cell.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sierra Anderson, Blaine's mother." Blaine's mom said as she accepted Ms. Reese's hand and gave it a light shake.

The large woman suddenly noticed a pair of glowing hazel eyes peering at her though Sierra's legs.

"So you must be Blaine."

She knelt down beside the boy flashing him a big toothy smile. Blaine hesitated before stepping away from his mom to stand alone in front of Ms. Reese. He kept his head tucked down. Too afraid to look up.

"You're nervous, aren't you?"

Blaine replied with a small nod that Ms. Reese took as a definite yes.

"It's totally normal to be nervous on your first day of school. It's a big deal. You're growing up, you're not a baby anymore. You're a big kid now."

Blaine cracked a small smile. He was a big boy, he liked that. Blaine tilted his head up to look his teacher in the eyes.

"So when you're ready, feel free to go and chat with your new classmates. I'll be right here if you need me."

Ms. Reese patted Blaine on his curly head then stood up and walked away leaving Blaine and his mother alone in the back of the classroom. Sierra watched her son scoping the room and leaned down beside him to kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm so proud of you Blaine. You're really growing up."

Blaine didn't pay attention to a word his mother said as he continued to spy on the rest of the classroom spotting a girl with long black hair trip and fall on her untied shoelace. This place was a zoo. And he was the piece of steak thrown in the lions cage and left there to be devoured.

With a final look at her son Ms. Anderson pressed a final kiss to his head and walked out of the classroom leaving Blaine to fight for himself.

Blaine walked down the side of the wall, trying to draw little attention to himself as he crossed the room. His goal was a little couch and bookshelf by the back wall in the corner. Also known as the only place with no kids.

By some miracle he made it to the couch safe and crossed over to the side of the couch flopping down on the leather seat. Suddenly he heard a coughing noise coming from behind the couch. Being the snoopy four year old that he was, he hopped up on his knees turned and leaned on the back of the couch to sneak a peek at whatever had made that noise. He looked down only to see a boy, no older than Blaine with well tamed hazelnut hair laying against the back of the couch with his knees pulled up to his chest and a book well above Blaine's reading level resting on them.

"If you're trying to get away from those savages, you're still in eyesight. Careful they might use you as a human target."

Blaine's eyes got wide. How did this boy know he was staring at him?

The boy must have sensed Blaine become tense from his response. He let out a sigh as he shoved a piece of crumpled up paper into the spine of his book to keep his place and put the book beside him. He patted the carpeted floor beside him as an invitation to sit. Blaine took his offer and jumped down off the couch and sat beside the strange boy.

"See? You're all safe now, no one can see you and these kids won't come over here because they treat books like they're infectious diseases."

Blaine smirked, he knew kids hated reading. He had listened to Drew complain on several occasions over how irritating book reports are.

"Besides, disease or not I have to hide from them. They always pick on me because they think I'm strange."

"You don't seem strange." Blaine finally spoke up as he looked over to the boy who turned his head to the side to reveal a glowing smile and blue eyes that shined like diamonds. It seemed like that was one of the first times this kid had received a compliment.

"So," the boy started, changing the subject. "Why are you hiding?"

Blaine felt strange telling this stranger why he did or did not like school,but he answered just the same.

"I've lived alone with my Mom, Dad and babysitter my whole life. I've never seen anything so crazy in my life."

The boy smiled at him. "Don't worry, you will get used to it."

Blaine felt the weight lift off his chest when the young boy spoke to him. Blaine looked down, to find a pale hand being offered in front of him.

"My name Is Kurt."

Blaine caught on fast, took the soft hand in his and shook them softly. "I'm Blaine."

And that's when it all changed.

Staying by each other was Kurt and Blaine's only method of survival. For a while there, Kurt and Blaine where afraid to even interact with other children in fear that they would be eaten like candy.

One late day, Kurt was sitting in his usual spot on the big rock under the big maple tree in the playground, reading the newest chapter book when two boys approached him.

"Hey loner." Said a voice from behind him. Kurt turned around and gasped. All he saw was the two boys and two hands coming towards him. Two strong hands slammed against his chest causing Kurt to tumble backwards off the rock and land face first into the ground.

Kurt just lay there. Face buried in the dirt as he listened to the laughter of the boys behind him. Suddenly, a new voice caught his attention.

"Hey, back off you jerks!" Blaine's strong yet soft voice bellowed across the playground as he stormed towards the boys.

Blaine picked up a fistful of sand as he came closer.

"Lay off!" He yelled as he whipped the sand straight at the faces of the bullies.

The rough and unexpected grains hit their faces and entered their eyes as they screamed. They tried rubbing the pain away but all that did was make the little rocks scrape their eyes more. The tallest bully opened his eyes which immediately filled with tears.

"We're telling Ms. Reese!" He finally exclaimed as he grabbed the other boy by the wrist and ran to the front of the playground.

Blaine rolled his eyes. As if the teacher would believe the same boys who told her that they where abducted by aliens over the summer.

Blaine walked over to where Kurt was lying face first in the grass and poked him in the back with his foot.

"Are you alright Kurt?"

Kurt lifted his head "Yeah I'm good."

Blaine offered a hand to his friend which Kurt accepted. Kurt used Blaine's hand to lift himself off the ground and onto his feet. They walked over to the swing set and sat down.

"Thanks for defending me." Kurt said as he slowly started swinging back and forth.

"You're welcome."

Kurt looked over at Blaine who was already swinging considerably higher than he was. Kurt started kicking the ground to push himself higher as Blaine started to speak once again.

"Hey Kurt? Do you want to come over today?" Kurt looked over to Blaine completely shocked by the question. "What? Me? A-are you s-sure?"

Blaine nodded "Of course! Me and my babysitter are going to see a movie tonight and she asked if I wanted you to come."

Kurt was still astonished by this question, no one ever wanted him to come over. "A movie?" He questioned

"Yeah, haven't you been to one?"

Kurt shivered at this question. "Well... I... I have but... The last movie I saw... Was with my mother."

"So? Your mom can come with us!"

"No.. Blaine she can't.. She passed away five months ago."

Blaine slammed his heels into the playground sand to stop swinging. "You don't have a mom?"

A tear fell down Kurt's cheek at Blaine's statement. "No."

Blaine started to notice that Kurt was getting upset and tried to take his mind off of it. "I'm so sorry Kurt! If you want we don't need to go see a movie, we can just stay at my hou-"

"No. No Blaine it's ok." Kurt cut Blaine off immediately. "I cant spend my entire life avoiding movies. I would be happy to go to movie night with you."

And that's how, later that evening you found Drew, Kurt and Blaine squished together in the back of a city bus heading downtown to the local movie theater.

Annnnnddd. There you go my little fairies! Your chapter one is complete! Next chapter will be a flashback of their first movie night. And I'll be well Into the 'Teen Klaine' thing by chapter three. It might take me a while to update because I have three huge projects to finish but I will try to have one chapter up a week! 3 love y'all! You can tweet me NinaBJeffery and comment, cuz it's like the bow tie to my Blaine.